Download - Unit 18 mark and feedback sheet richards

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Unit 18: Advertising Production

Candidate Name:Anthony RichardsTask 1: Research - DistinctionUnit 1: P2, M2, D2 & P4, M4, D4

Unit 18: P1, M1, D1

Evidence GradeUnusual advert analysis Yes DAdvertising techniques worksheet Yes DTeam name (advertising company), slogan and logo

Yes D

4 advert analysis table Yes DIndividual advert analysis Yes D

Task 2: Developing your product - DistinctionUnit 1: P3, M3, D3

Unit 18: P2, M2, D2

Mind map of initial group ideas Yes DBlog post of individual ideas and research into a rival product

Yes D

Blog post with team review of ideas and final group decision

Yes D

Task 3: The design process - DistinctionUnit 18: P3, M3, D3

Evidence GradeA poster for an appropriate magazine Yes DAn advert for a bus or train Yes DAn online advert for a website (banner) Yes DA group TV advert Yes D

Task 4 and 5: The Pitch and Evaluation - DistinctionUnit 1: P4, M4, D4

Unit 4: P2, M2, D2

Evidence GradeProof of pitch (prezi/power-point, script and photo)

Yes N/A Pitch graded on Unit 2 sheetPitch (unit 2) feedback sheet Yes

Unit 18: P4, M4, D4Unit 4: P3, M3, D3

Evaluation including peer and teacher feedback

Yes D

Action Plan (to improve grade):A great piece of work with good detail on adverts, audience and products (Mentos). You have really thought about how to attract audience to your product. You need to add links to your TV advert and load your Prezi presentation. Plus add your evaluation.All work now added to blog.

Student Action Plan:I understand the contents of this action plan and realise that it is up to me to act on the advice given. I will….Student Signature:

Date:Assessor name:


Assessor signature: Distinction