Download - Unit 1, Lesson 1.3 - Science and Technology

Page 1: Unit 1, Lesson 1.3 - Science and Technology


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LESSON OUTLINEReview: Pure and Applied ScienceApplied Science or TechnologySome Products of TechnologyFeature: Filipino Scientist of the Week!

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REVIEW: Pure vs. Applied Science

Pure science addresses basic questions.Supports applied science.Restricted to abstract or theoretical concepts.For knowledge and research purposes.

Applied science solves specific problems.Suggests questions for pure science.Used in actual practice or to solve practical problems.For problem solving purposes.Often referred to as “technology”.

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REVIEW: Examples of Pure Science

1. Scientists study human vision to learn how the eye works.

2. Students look through a microscope to see what’s inside a cell.

3. A biologist is experimenting on a plant’s reaction to lack of sunlight.

4. Anatomy, Cell Biology, Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences are all pure sciences.

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REVIEW: Examples of Applied Science

1. Scientists invent motion pictures, eye glasses, and contact lenses.

2. Pharmacologists make and manufacture drugs and medicines.

3. Engineers create bridges and tall buildings.

4. Medicine, Computer Science, Engineering, Robotics and Technology are all applied sciences.

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TECHNOLOGYCommon term for applied science.The application of scientific knowledge (pure science) for practical purposesUses concepts and ideas (pure science) to develop products that assist people in their daily lives

Aims to make living efficient and easier

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Your book is a product of


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Without technology, you

would have to write all these things by

hand. That’s why books

back then were expensive because

it takes a lot of effort to finish


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You owe your thanks

to technology!

It aims to make your life easier.

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SOME PRODUCTS OF TECHNOLOGYLASERCT and MRI ScannersInformation and Communication Technology (ICT)Selective BreedingFood Preservation

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LASER Acronym; Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

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LASER (Uses)Medical scalpelEntertainmentComputers and music (CDs and DVDs)Cutting metal

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CT, MRI, PET Scanners CT or CAT- Computerized Axial TomographyMRI- Magnetic Resonance ImagingPET- Positron Emission Tomography

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CT, MRI, PET Scanners (Uses) Produces images inside the bodyDetects disorders of tissuesImages are processed by computers

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CT, MRI, PET Scanners (Imaging Methods) CT or CAT uses a type of X-ray device MRI and PET uses the magnetic properties of substances in the body

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Information and Communication Technology [ICT] (Uses)Sending messagesInternetSatellite communicationTV’s and radios

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Selective Breeding (Uses)Applies genetic principles (pure science) to:1. Increase yields of crops2. Develop crops resistant to diseases3. Enhance the nutritional value of food4. Improve traits and characteristics of an


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Selective Breeding (Product)GMO or Genetically Modified Organism.

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Food Preservation (Uses)Promotes lesser loss of food from spoilageIncreases shelf life of food

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Filipino Scientist of the Week!

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Lourdes C. Cruz (1944 - )

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Lourdes C. Cruz (1944 - ) DegreesB.S. Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman, 1962M.S. Biochemistry, University of Iowa, 1966Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of Iowa, 1968

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Lourdes C. Cruz (1944 - ) AwardsNAST Outstanding Young Scientist Award 1981NRCP Achievement Award in Chemistry 1982 Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service Award (Biochemistry) 1986National Scientist 2008

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Lourdes C. Cruz (1944 - )PublicationsOver 120 papers in Biochemistry and Chemistry

Notable AccomplishmentsNational Scientist (highest honor in Science in the Philippines)Established the Rural Livelihood Incubator in 2001

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Lourdes C. Cruz (1944 - )Notable Scientific AccomplishmentKnown for extracting toxins from deadly cone snails (Conus geographus) to make useful substances

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Activity Time!

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Divide the class into two groups. The class will have a debate tomorrow whether the effects of science and technology on society are of more good or bad.Use strong arguments to support your claim. Make a research on your topic.

Group Task