Download - Unit 1 Coming to America created by Mrs. Williams

  • 1. Created by Ronna Williams

2. American History Pre-history 1620 3. Geologists believe the first humans came to America when the Earths water froze into glaciers. As the water froze, the floor of the ocean was revealed. This provided a land bridge for the people to walk across into America. 4. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Journey From Asia They reached the Americas thousands of years ago. This migration took centuries, and people spread out across the Americas as far east as the Atlantic Ocean and as far south as the tip of South America. The first people migrated from Asia to North, Central, and South America during the last Ice Age. 5. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Journey From Asia (cont.) These early people crossed a land bridge from Siberia in northeastern Asia to present-day Alaska. This land bridge, Beringia, now lies under the waters of the Bering Strait. These early Americans were nomads, moving from place to place in search of food. They were skilledhunters. They used every part of the animalfor food, clothing, weapons, and tools. 6. The earliest arrivals to America were nomads. This means they moved around from place to place looking for food. 7. As time passed, the hunter-gathers learned how to plant & raise crops. Once they could grow food, they developed farms. Someone had to tend to the crops as they grew and be there for the harvest. This caused villages to develop around the farms. Some of the first crops the nomads learned to grow were squash, beans and pumpkins, but their most important crop was____ 8. As the families formed a village, not everyone had to tend to the crops. People began to become skilled in other areas. Some fashioned arrows. Other became experienced basket weavers. Several men became expert hunters or fishermen. 9. As the villages grew and filled with many families, there was a new need for order. You can imagine how arguments or situations would develop in their new way of living. Government began to develop to settle these disputes. In North America, this marked the actual beginning of civilization. 10. Civilization: A highly organized society that has increasing knowledge of trade, government, arts (crafts), science, and most of the time a written language. One of the most interesting civilizations to develop were the Aztecs. 11. AZTECS Had a Grand City Called TENOCHTITLAN Located in Present- day Mexico City! We are Going to do a deeper study of the Aztecs later in this Module. Lets add to the list of civilizations that developed in North America. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000. Click the box to hear how to pronounce TENOCHTITLAN! 12. Anasazi This civilization developed where Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico now meet. The area where these 4 states meet is called the Four Corners Region. They farmed in some harsh desert conditions building basins & ditches to collect rainwater. They lived in large multi-story buildings made from adobe and stone. These homes are called Pueblos. 13. Anasazi Images Pictures: copyright to Ray Rasmussen webpage: Anasazi structures discovered by a cowboy in the 1800s. 14. Drawings of the Anasazi Pictures: copyright to Ray Rasmussen webpage: 15. Stonework of the Anasazi Pictures: copyright to Ray Rasmussen webpage: 16. Pictures: copyright to Ray Rasmussen webpage: 17. Inuit & Aleut Civilizations These civilizations developed around Alaska. Both groups hunted whales, seals and polar bears. Engineered the creation of the first harpoon, kayak and dogsled. They are the only Native Americans who developed lamps using whale blubber for fuel. 18. Civilizations along the Pacific Many groups of fishing peoples lived along the Pacific Coast from what is now Alaska to Washington State. Even though they were not farmers, they did establish permanent settlements along the coast because of the abundance of fish. 19. Civilizations along the Pacific Further inland Between the Cascade Range & the Rocky Mountains the Nez Perce gathered roots and berries & Hunted. 20. Civilizations along the Pacific The Shoshone Lived Between the Sierra Nevada & the Rocky Mountains. 21. Shoshone Photos taken in the 1800s 22. Civilizations along the Pacific In central California, the Pomo enjoyed abundant wild life and a mild climate. 23. Hohokam This Civilization developed in Arizona. Developed Irrigation canals which brought water from hundreds of miles away to their crops By the 1500s this culture had vanished. 24. A new Culture Developed between 200 and 100 B.C. Known as the Hopewell civilization Hopewell Built huge geometric earthworks These earthworks were used as burial places and ceremonial centers. Before the Hopewell Before the Hopewell culture developed, the people in Americas eastern woodlands buried their dead under huge dome-shaped mounds made from dirt. 25. A new Culture Between 700 and 900 A.D. Near the Mississippi River Valley Cohokia One of the largest cities ever in early America Located in Present-day St. Louis collapse Cohokia was home to 16,000 people The city disappeared around 1300 A.D. 26. Zuni & Hopi Civilizations These people were descendants of the Anasazi & Hohokam (Lived in the same southwestern area of America) They continued the farming traditions. Believed in a spirit world When the boys turned six, they joined a kachina cult, wore masks & danced to summon the kachinas. Kachina means good spirit. 27. Hopi Kachinas 28. The Great Plains Civilization ~They were farmers, but suddenly abandoned the area. ~They became nomadic hunters. ~Followed the herds of buffalo on foot ~Once horses were brought to America by Spain, the wild descendants of those horses were tamed by the people of the Great Plains. ~They became expert riders, hunters & warriors. Historically, most civilizations began as nomads then became farmers. The Great Plains Civilization had developed farming, but then became nomadic again! 29. Horses were first brought to America by Spain. Some of these horses got away during war or were left behind when the Spanish set sail. They populated the great plains area untouched by humans. The Great Plains people tamed these wild horses. photo used with permission given to 30. First the Great Plains People Farmed, but stopped for an unknown reason. They began to follow the herds of buffalo on foot. They only killed what was needed to survive & respected the buffalo. Their lives were completely dependant on the survival of the buffalo. http://Used with permission of site with a link back! 31. Iroquois Civilization Lived in present-day New York Practiced Slash & Burn Agriculture Lived in Long Houses Each group formed a clan Iroquois, in Buffalo, New York, 1914. 32. The Iroquois were actually six different tribes joined together. They created an agreement called the great binding law. This created a confederacy that guaranteed the protection of the other tribes in the Iroquois league. Iroquois Six Nations map c.1720. This map was created by C.C.Nonenmacher from an old hand-drawn map. There are a number of geographic inaccuracies. This image is in the public domain because its copyright has expired in the United States and those countries with a copyright term of life of the author plus 100 years or less. 33. War would break out between all the different clans of Iroquois. ~The Iroquois League was an alliance to maintain peace. ~The agreement the six groups entered into was called THE GREAT BINDING LAW. 34. Iroquois used slash & burn agriculture. They cut down the forests, burned & cleared the land. This made the soil rich in nitrogen from the ashes. They lived in longhouses. Longhouses housed 10 families. Each of these 10 families formed a clan. The clan was headed by the strongest woman of the clan. She was the Matriarch. 35. Pictures of a Longhouses 36. Bed Inside Longhouse 37. Award-winning 1995 Public Service Announcement about the 1987 Congressional ruling acknowledging the contribution of the Iroquois Confederacy of Nations to the development of the US Constitution. Directed and Produced by Baba Cooper, edited by Robert Meyer Burnett with original music by Robbie Robertson 38. ~History Resources Just 4 U Free Dictionary / National Archives of Great Britain History Journals History Departments Around the World Journal of American History Repositories of Primary Resources Around the World Art Resources Around the World/ history television 39. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Reviewing Themes Geography and History How did an Ice Age make it possible for Asian hunters to migrate to the Americas? Water froze, sea levels dropped, and large areas of land such as Beringia were exposed, allowing migration. 40. Do You Know These Terms? __ 1. a period of extremely cold temperatures when part of the planets surface was covered with massive ice sheets __ 2. a way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs __ 3. the study of ancient peoples __ 4. a movement of a large number of people into a new homeland __ 5. an item left behind by early people that represents their culture A. archaeology B. artifact C. Ice Age D. migration E. culture Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. C E A D B