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Page 2: Unit 04 : Introducing Companies and Products

What brand and What kind of product?(แบรนด์ และ สินค้าประเภทอะไรดี)

A Your boss has asked you to buy the items in the box below for an upcoming business trip. With your partner,

decide which brand you should buy and where you should buy it.

Examples: A: What kind of perfume should we buy? B: I think the boss likes Chanel.

A: Where can we buy some? B: Let’s go to Macy Department Store!

Item Brand Where to buy it

perfume .

running shoes

digital camera

smart phone




Chanel department store

Nike sports shop

Canon camera shop

iPhone Apple store

Asus online

Galaxy convenience storeRexona Watsons

Page 3: Unit 04 : Introducing Companies and Products

Word Families มาเพิ่มเติมค าศพัท์กนั

With your partner, try to complete the word family table below.

If you’re not sure, ask another group or the teacher.

Verb Noun Adjective

produce product produced

user used









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Company Information (บทสนทนาเก่ียวกบัขอ้มูลบริษทั)

Man 1: Hey John, how are you?

Man 2: Hey Mike, pretty good. Thanks for meeting me.

Man 1: That’s OK. You said you needed some information from me.

Man 2: That’s right. I’m writing an article about Mag Manufacturing.

I need some background information.

Can you tell me anything about them?

Listen to the dialogue, practice the dialogue, and replace the word in red

Man 1: Hmmm, let me think. Mag Manufacturing is one of the

largest makers of metal parts in Asia. They were founded

about 20 years ago I think.

Man 2: Yes. I know that. Do you know much more about them?

Man 1: Well, they will be releasing a new product soon. For more

information, you could try their website.

Man 2: That’s a good idea. Do you think they would talk to me

in person?

Man 1: You should look at their website. I’m sure they have

contact information for the press there.

Man 2: Thanks, Mike.

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Company Website (เวบ็ไซด์บริษัท)Study the website and answer the following questions.

1. What does “extensive” mean?

a. a little b. a lot c. not cheap

2. What does Mag Manufacturing make?

a. tooling b. products c. both of the above

3. When did they announce their new products?

a. October, 20-- b. November, 20-- c. Not mentioned

4. What is different about their new products?

a. They are for computers.

b. They are made from plastic.

c. They are made from metal.

5. Where can you use their new products?

a. at home b. in the office c. in your car

6. Where does Mag Manufacturing come from?

a. Hong Kong b. Korea c. London

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Articles, Count and Non-count Nouns

Are these sentences correct? Write OK if you think the

sentence is correct, or NOT OK if it is incorrect.

1. This is name of the company. ___Not OK_______

2. New companies usually need money. ____OK_________

3. Did you bring umbrella today? ________________

4. Our new product has new design. ________________

5. Did you see new store I told you about? ___________

6. The presentation starts in hour. ________________

7. This is newest model we have. ________________

8. She has meeting tomorrow at 9 a.m. ________________

9. It is biggest computer company in Japan _____________

10. She’s going out after lunch. ________________

11. How long have you been with company? __________

12. They make incredible products! ________________


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Writing an E-mail (การเขียนอีเมล์)

John has spoken to his friend Dave, and has looked at the website for Mag Manufacturing. Help

him send an e-mail to them asking for more information. Use the information in the box below.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My (4) _____ is John (5) _______. I am a (6) _______ writing for (7) ________ Today.

I am writing an article for our magazine about your company and your new

(8) ________ of products. To help me write (9) ______ article, I have looked at your

website. I hope you can give me some more information.

I would like (10) __________ information about your company, and more detailed

information about your new products.

Best regards,


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Business Report (การรายงานข่าวทางธุรกิจ)Every day on the news, you

can learn more about

different companies.

Listen to the radio recording,

and then answer the

questions below.

1. What is the name of

the radio show?

2. When did Mag

Manufacturing open?

3. Which stock exchange is

Mag Manufacturing

listed on?

4. Why did their share price


5. What are the new parts

made from?

6. When will we hear from

John Reynolds?

Business tooling quickly listed founders advertisements

Good afternoon, and welcome to (1) ___________Today. Today we are looking at

Mag Manufacturing. Mag Manufacturing was founded in 1991 in Hong Kong.

The (2) ______ wanted to specialize in the production of metal parts.

The company grew (3) ________. It soon started to produce more than just parts.

They make (4) ______ for other companies, too. Tooling is the equipment needed to

make parts.

As well as making parts for themselves, they also make parts for other companies. In

fact, nearly 40% of the metal parts made in Asia are made thanks to the work of Mag


The company is now (5) _______ on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Their shares

have gone up a lot recently. This is due to the launch of their new plastic parts. These

parts will be used in cars all over the world.

Recently I spoke to John Reynolds of “Plastics Today” to ask him about the future of

this exciting company. After the (6) _______, we will hear what he said about them.

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Giving Company Information (การให้ข้อมลูบริษัท)

1. Can you tell me when your company

was founded?


2. What is the name of your company?


3. What is your core product?


4. What are you famous for?


5. Do you have any new products?


6. Where is your company based?


Practice asking for company information,

and giving it out. (ฝึกการถามและให้ข้อมูลบริษัท)

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4th Assignment

* Imagine you are a business owner. Design a websitefor your own company.