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Unifying Our Voice Behind Homeopathy Holistic, Safe,

Effective, Affordable,

ResearchedImage from Dr. Da Silva


Describe the historical background of homeopathy in America and globally

Name 3 concepts of homeopathy Describe how homeopathic remedies are

manufactured and the regulatory process in U.S.

Name 3 tools used to determine a remedy Name 5 remedies used in pain


Bruce Lipton; March 4, 2019

“Scientists are professional seekers, forging the path up the ‘mountain of knowledge.’ Their search takes them into the uncharted unknowns of the universe. With each scientific discovery, humanity gains a better foothold in scaling the mountain. Ascension is paved one scientific discovery at a time. Along its path, science occasionally encounters a fork in the road. (cont.)

Lipton, 3.4.2019

Bruce Lipton (cont.)

Do they take the left turn or the right? When confronted with this dilemma, the direction chosen by science is determined by the consensus of scientists interpreting the acquired facts, as they are understood at the time.Occasionally, scientists embark in a direction that ultimately leads to an apparent dead end.

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When that happens, we are faced with two choices: Continue to plod forward with the hope that science will eventually discover a way around the impediment, or return to the fork and reconsider the alternate path. Unfortunately, the more science invests in a particular path, the more difficult it is for science to let go of beliefs that keep it on that path.

Bruce Lipton (cont.)As historian Arnold Toynbee suggested, the cultural-which includes the scientific-mainstream inevitably clings to fixed ideas and rigid patterns in the face of imposing challenges. And yet from among their ranks arise creative minorities that resolve the threatening challenges with more viable responses. Creative minorities are active agents that transform old, outdated philosophical ‘truths’ into new, life-sustaining cultural beliefs.”

Bruce Lipton (cont.)

How a Conventional Nurse Became a Homeopath

My BackgroundPharmacy & HomeopathyHaHa MomentMy Mother’s Doctor

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AHNA Mission

AHNA’s mission is to illuminate holism in nursing practice, community, advocacy, research, and education. Our vision is that Every Nurse Is a Holistic Nurse.

The goal of this presentation is to help Unify Our Voices Behind Homeopathy as a safe, effective and researched alternative

Unifying Our Voice Behind Homeopathy

The heart of Homeopathy encompasses, body, mind, spirit, environment, is well researched, effective, and affordable.

Missing from the AHNA Pain toolkit Missing from the 6th edition of

“Complementary & Alternative Therapies in Nursing!”

Homeopathy Globally

Worldwide 200 million people use regularly.

Included in National Healthcare in Brazil, Chile, India, Mexico, Pakistan, Switzerland

100 million solely use homeopathy in India with 200,000 doctors with 12,000 added annually

100 million EU citizens, 29% use Homeopathy Around the World (2019)

What is Homeopathy?

In Greek, the word homoios means "similar," and "pathos" means "disease" or "suffering" = homeopathy.

The basic principle of homeopathy is called the "law of similars" = Similia Similibus

The Homœopathic Pharmacopœia of the United States

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Homeopathy is its ownComplete system of Theory and practice ofmedicine.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. (1755 - 1843 )

(Cook, 1981)

Hahnemann Wasn’t the First A German physician, George Stahl, also

stumbled across and used homeopathic principles about a century before Hahnemann's birth.

Hahnemann was the first one that followed scientific principles and testing. (He started practicing homeopathy in 1792)

He then published his work (1796) so more physicians could learn the principles of healing he discovered.

In 1810, he wrote the “Organon of the Medical Art”, the first complete work on the subject.

(Cook, 1981)

Hahnemann almost Quit Samuel Hahnemann was a German Physician

that gave up the practice of medicine. (1789) He didn’t like the then current medical practices

of bloodletting and using mercury as he saw them as being “unknown”.

He was a linguist so found a position translating medical texts.

He still had a goal to discover “if God had not indeed given some law, whereby the diseases of mankind could not be cured.”

(Cook, 1981)

More of the Story

In 1796 Dr. Edward Jenner injected the first person with cowpox. Hahnemann had considered but rejected this idea because he didn’t feel it was safe to inject actual matter from a disease.

This was the first ‘vaccine’

(Cook, 1981)

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In 1640, Spanish colonists in the Incan Empire noticed Peruvian Indians using the bark of the cinchona tree to treat malaria. This was an important discovery because Europeans entering these new areas brought new diseases like malaria back home.

It was not until 1820 that quinine was isolated and used for treatment.

Doctors Used Cinchona (Quinine) Bark as Medicine

(Cook, 1981)

October 18, 2018Roberto Cortijo

Developing a Drug Picture In the course of translating one particular text

from English to German, he described why a particular bark worked in the treatment of malaria. Hahnemann thought this treatment was preposterous, and couldn't possibly be true.

He decided to take some of the bark himself. Shortly afterwards, he came down with the symptoms of malaria. This was later called “proving” a remedy. It began a series of events that made him look at something more holistic.

(Cook, 1981)

The Law of Similars

When a healthy Hahnemann came down with the symptoms of Malaria by taking the bark that the Peruvian Indians used to treat the condition he came up with a new theory

Things that cause symptoms in someone that is healthy will cure those same symptoms in an ill person that is exhibiting those same symptoms.


From his own observations, Hahnemann deduced that infinitesimal doses of medicinal substances were capable of curing symptoms similar to those which they could produce. He named his discovery "The Principle of Similars."


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“Proving” a Remedy

He began to test other drugs, simply by taking them or asking one of his healthy students to take one and then recording, in considerable detail, the mental and physical symptoms that occurred over the next week or two.

This is called “proving” a remedy

(Cook, 1981)

The Law of Similars has been around since 400 BC when Hippocrates was alive.

Like Cures Like

(What is Homeopathy, 2017)

Dr. Doris Rapp MD

Used minute doses of chemicals/foods to reduce reactions. Not homeopathic but certainly similar.

Phil Donahue YouTube Dr. Rapp, “I did the research, I thought it

would change things.”

Posted interview December 15, 2007

Interview Oct 12, 1989


Mercury was used as a treatment for syphilis.

Hahnemann realized that mercury caused a fever that was in many ways similar to the symptoms of early syphilis.

Syphilis was cured with the homeopathic remedy Mercury.

(Cook, 1981)

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The Healing Art of HomepathicMedicine

“Homeopathy is an art, science, and philosophy that analyzes disturbances in the human experience from a vitalistic, integrative, and individualistic viewpoint”

(Murphy, 2000, pg.6)

Three Key Concepts

The first concept is that homeopathy stimulates the body's defense mechanisms and processes to prevent or treat illness.

In other words, your body is stimulated to heal itself

Second Concept

The second is that treatment involves giving very small doses of substances called remedies that, according to homeopathy, would produce the same or similar symptoms of illness in healthy people if they were given in larger doses.

The Law of Similars

Third Concept The third is that treatment in homeopathy

is individualized (tailored to each person).

Holistic at its core Look at the entire person:

Physical Symptoms (a bodies attempt to restore health)

Lifestyle Mental/Emotional Spiritual

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2 Schools of Homeopathic Thought

Low potency using multiple doses School of Hahnemann

High potency, single dose School of Kent

(Murphy, 2000, p. 6)

Cholera 1832

During the Asiatic cholera epidemic in France, Hahnemann recommended homeopathic camphor, copper sulfate and Veratrum album (White Hellebore) successfully.Orthodox physicians called him a charlatan and a quack, as many physicians still do to this day, but many physicians adopted these remedies establishing homeopathy in Europe. (History of Homeopathy, 2019)


American physicians also had great success with cholera in the 1830’s.

Yellow fever, and flu were also treated with great success in the 1800’s and early 1900’s. During the 1912 flu epidemic no people died that were treated with homeopathy.

Then the American Medical Association gained leaders with political savvy

(The Founder of Homeopathy, 2019)

American Medical Association

Created in 1847 Founded 1849 Created board to “analyze quackery” Laws were created giving the AMA the

control of what medical schools taught Before this doctors used nutrition and

often made their own medicines from herbs.

Founding of the AMA, 2019,) ( History of Homeopathy, 2019

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Homeopathy in America At the turn of the century there were 22

homeopathic medical schools and 100 hospitals. By 1910 only 15 schools existed and by the late

1940’s there were no more homeopathic schools The American Foundation for Homeopathy

began to teach homeopathy as a post-graduate course for doctors in 1922, and the courses, now run by the National Center for Homeopathy, have continued to this day. The present day resurgence of homeopathy, fueled in part by graduates of the NCH course, is slowly bringing homeopathy back to its place in the medical care system in our country. (History of Homeopathy 2019)

The Medicine of Royalty

The medicine of Britain’s royal family They cannot publicly hold opinions but

Prince Charles has been a strong supporter of homeopathy.

Do you remember when Princess Kate saw the Queen’s physician for hyperemesis?

Dr. Trevor Cook, Homeopathy Seminar

Former physician to the Queen


If your child accidentally ingests certain poisons, you used to be advised to administer Syrup of Ipecac to induce vomiting. Ipecac is derived from the root of a South American plant called Ipecacuanha. The name, in the native language, means "the plant by the road which makes you throw up." Eating the plant causes vomiting.

When a group of healthy volunteers took this substance to determine the effects of this drug, they found that the drug induced other symptoms as well. The mouth retained much saliva. The tongue was very clean. There was a cough so severe that it led to gagging and vomiting. There was incessant nausea. While it is expected that vomiting would usually relieve the nausea, this was not the case.

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Suffering from a gagging cough after a cold, or experiencing morning sickness with incessant nausea that is not relieved by vomiting?

Ipecacuanha, administered in a homeopathic dose, especially prepared by a homeopathic pharmacy in accordance with FDA approved guidelines, will most likely stop the "similar" suffering.

Belladonna: Deadly nightshade

Herbal Belladonna acts on every part of the nervous system , including the brain, producing active congestion, furious excitement, perverted special senses, twitching, convulsions, and pain. (proving) Dryness of mouth and throat with aversion to water.

Used for “Hot and red” conditions, throbbing, burning, convulsions and hallucinations and more. (Murphy, 2000)

Belladonna Research

Japanese viral encephalitis was killing thousands of children. Started using Belladonna and cases immediately dropped considerably.

Belladonna for prevention and treatment of Japanese Viral Encephalitis

Bandyopadhyay, 2010

Regulation of Homeopathy

The manufacture and sale of homeopathic medicines is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United Stateswas written into federal law in 1938 under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, making the manufacture and sale of homeopathic medicines legal in this country. Most are available without a prescription.

(History of Homeopathy, 2019)

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Where do Remedies Come From?

Plants Rocks Soil Healthy Tissues (sarcodes) Unhealthy tissues (nosodes) Energy such as sun and x-rays Self (iso-homeopathy)

Photos Sadler 2019, 2012

What should you expect when you start your remedy?

You would expect to have 1 of 3 kinds of responses when taking a remedy for an acute condition. 1) Your symptoms may immediately go

away. 2) Your symptoms may aggravate or get

worse for a short time and then go away.

3) Your symptoms may slowly disappear over time.

No Response

No Response to Remedy

Wrong remedy Stored incorrectly EMF interference Strong flavor in mouth when taken orally

Second Concept

The second is that treatment involves giving very small doses of substances called remedies that, according to homeopathy, would produce the same or similar symptoms of illness in healthy people if they were given in larger doses.

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Third Concept The third is that treatment in homeopathy

is individualized (tailored to each person).

Look at the entire person: Physical Symptoms (a bodies attempt to

restore health) Lifestyle Emotional Mental states Spiritual distress

Symptomatic Prescribing

“Symptoms are a bodies attempt to restore health,” is how a homeopath thinks.

They look at the immediate presenting symptoms. The correct remedy is usually effective in controlling acute and minor illness such as an acute viral infection.

Ideally, both constitutional and symptomatic remedies should be given together to obtain the best therapeutic results.

Constitutional Prescribing Constitutional remedies are designed to

rebalance the individual's health. If someone suffers from recurrent attacks

of indigestion, a remedy based on their general demeanor and personality can be given, with the idea of controlling both the symptoms and the cause of the pathology in a long-term manner.

It is important to note that the mental symptoms are often considered to be more important then the physical.

The Homeopathic Materia Medica and


Many Repertories available: Boericke: small and easy to

travel with, less expensive Kent: Not as complete Murphy’s: More complete


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Repertory and Remedy Guide

Lists mental and physical symptoms and lists remedies. In Boericke: Mouth, Ptyalism (Saliva increased), acrid, hot

–Ars; Arum; (2) Bor.; (1) Daphne; (1) Kali chlor.; (2) Kreos; (1) Merc (3).; Nit. Ac.; (2) Taxus (1)

Repertorizing a remedy Bold is given a number 3, italic a 2, and plain

text is a 1 Classical homeopathy

Repertory Guide Mind









Stools Urine










Modalities; worse, better


Complementary, Antidotes, Incompatible

( Boericke, 1987)


mind; aversions, dislikes; thinking

mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; absent-minded

mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; difficulty


mind; intellectual faculties; impaired thinking; difficulty

concentrating; in children

mind; memory; forgetful

mind; memory; weakness of memory; for what has been said

Sample of “rubrics” you may use to determinea remedy for ADD child




Psoriasis since 3 years. History of Taking Allopathicmedicines. But for 2 years no improvement in lesion.

Psoriasis: A Case Study

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Complaining nature Domineering Indigestion Hot patient Psoriatic lesion is

on upper limbs and lower limbs

Old age

Black discoloration of lesions

Un refreshing sleep,

Flatulence aggravated in the evening


Software Repertory

Kshirsagar, 2019

Sweat, Halitosis, Flatulence & Cheesy Feet

(Chemistry of Body Odors, 2014)

Sulfur Phase 2 Detoxification

Healthy Metabolism of Toxins, 2011

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Fifth Visit

Determine a remedy

Acute conditions (fast onset) Physical complaints

Arnica (Leopard’s bane) for trauma and swelling

Calendula (Marigold) for bruisingLedum (Marsh-Tea) for puncture wounds,

insect bitesNat Sulf = Natrum Sulphuricim (Sulfate of

Sodium) head wounds and injuriesApis (bee venom) for insect bites

Determine a remedy Chronic remedy

Chief complaint: i.e. Headache Cause or etiology

Physical or emotional state at onsetChange of jobs, suffer a loss, trauma? “What was going on at the time it started?”

Looking at mental & emotional states are often more important then physical, especially in a chronic conditionNux vomica for raging menStaphysagria for irritable women (cont.)

Foods/thirstExcessive thirst; Bryonia “Wild Hops”

(founder in horses, stomach remedy, nose bleeds)

Likes salt; Nat mur; natrum muriaticum; Sodium ChlorideDepressed, consolation aggravates,

grief, guilt, Drowsy after meals. Gets passionate over trifles. Wants to be alone to cry. Tears with laughter.

Most common constitution

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Strange/Rare/Peculiar symptomsPain in left ankle = Coccus Cacti (which may also be used for these

symptoms; whooping cough, spasms of kidney, inability to urinate)

ModalitiesWhat makes the symptoms better or worse

Eczema, worse at menstrual period; menopause, Mang. Acet. = ManganumAceticum (Manganese Acetate)

Taking a case

Mrs. C. F., 35 years, had the following symptoms:

Mind - Thinks of nothing but death. Homesick and worries about home whenever away. Cross and irritable. Memory very poor. Forgetful, which is very troublesome. Company makes her nervous; does not want to stay and visit with friends when they come to call or spend the evening. Imagines there are persons in the room. Difficult to concentrate her thoughts on any one thing long enough to complete it.

Taking a Case Head - Headache most of the time, severe pressure

at base of skull. Pain in right side of head extending down to neck. Aggravation from warmth of bed; from mental exertion. Amelioration from lying. Itching of scalp with much dandruff, with falling of hair. Vertigo in hot room and when rising from seat.

Stomach - Hungry all the time, but a little satisfies. Much belching of tasteless gas. Desires sweets which disagree.

Abdomen - Sensitive to pressure of clothing. Much rumbling of flatus with pressure both up and down.

Urination - Profuse, pale and alkaline. Sometimes burning in bladder after urination.

Taking a case Menses - Profuse. Irregular. Dark, with dark

clots. Very much depressed and inclined to be tearful before menses. Leucorrhoea profuse for a few days after menses - excoriates.

Sleep - Good but unrefreshing. Wakens tired and exhausted. Very sleepy after dinner (at night). Dreams frightful, usually of drowning.

General Aggravation and Amelioration -Better in open air. Worse from pressure of clothes about abdomen and throat. Very sensitive to noise.

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Analysis = Lycopodium Mentals. - Imagines Phantoms, etc. - Ambr., Apis, Arg.

m., Ars., BELL., Carbo v., Caust., Crot. h., Hep., Hyos., LACH., Lyc., Merc., Nat. m., Op., Phos., Samb., Stram., Thuj., Sulph., Zinc.

Sensitive to Noise - Apis, Ars., BELL., Carbo v., Caust., LACH., Lyc., Merc., Nat. m., Op., Phos., Zinc.

Aversion to Company - Bell., Lach., Lyc., Nat. m. Physical Generals - Amelioration from Open Air (page

1307) - Lach., Lyc., Nat. m. Menses Dark - Lach., Lyc. Menses Irregular - Lach., Lyc. Menses Dark Clotted - Lyc.


Therefore, if the analysis has been correct, Lycopodium should cover this case in its entirety, and consulting the Materia Medica we find not only the general symptoms of the case that we have used in our analysis but all the others which are recorded in the record of the case. Therefore, we know that this remedy is the “similimum” to the case, and if administered carefully will cure.


Dilution X potency; 1:10 (decimal) C potency; 1:100 (centesimal) M potency; 1m=1000c

Succussion LM Potency; Make by throwing out original

tincture and putting new dilution in. (k Potency also) Gently stir with plastic spoon.

Avogrado’s Number

Italian Physicist 24x 12c No discernible substance at these or

higher potencies

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Dosing schedule

Acute conditions: Use an X potency and take every 15 to 30 min. for several doses

Chronic conditions: Usually a C or M remedy and take from 3-4 times per day, daily or weekly

Elia, V., Ausanio, G., Gentile, F., Germano, R., Napoli, E., Niccoli, M. (2014). Experimental evidence of stable water nanostructures in extremely dilute solutions, at standard pressure and temperature. Homeopathy, 103(1), 44-50.



Adler UC, Paiva NM, Cesar AT, Adler MS, Molina A, Padula AE, Calil HM. Homeopathic Individualized Q-Potencies versus Fluoxetine for Moderate to Severe Depression: Double-Blind, Randomized Non-Inferiority Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011; 2011:520182. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nep114. Epub 2011 Jun 8.

Safe and Effective for DepressionAggravations

An Aggravations is when a symptom gets worse

They are usually mild and of short duration Occasionally they are severe Cayenne or red pepper often stop them Mint, coffee or other strong flavor will often

stop aggravations but may also “antidote” remedy

Repertory lists remedies that will antidote each other

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What does “Antidote” mean?: a remedy to counteract the effects of poison Stops aggravations (exacerbation of

symptoms=disease process moves faster) Can stop “cure”

Ignatia, Gelsenium antidote easily Nux Vomica and others do not

Some remedies will antidote others Strong flavors such as coffee or mint

(Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2019

Complex Remedy Examples Anxiety Lung Support Appetite & Weight Control Menopause Arthritis Mood Asthma Poison Ivy ADD Sinus Back pain Skin irritations Cold & Cough Stop Smoking Cold Sores

Complex RemediesOften has name of condition it is meant to treat

Sore Throat Colic Stress Diarrhea Teething Earache Tremors Fever Urinary Tract Infections Gout Warts Headache Weight Jet lag Yeast Heartburn

Flower Remedies

Flowers (flower essences) Used for more emotional conditions but

will also affect physicals Bach

Rescue Bush Pacific Australian FES

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Homeopathy for PTSD

Flower Remedies are powerful mental remedies Agrimony for anger and suicidal

thoughts, often hides anger with cheer Fringed Violet for past trauma Rescue Remedy for stress, grief,


Rescue Remedy

Combination Flower Remedy used for stress and shock

Take internally or put a drop on left wrist Can rub on back of neck

Rescue Remedy Most Rescue contains:

Cherry Plum 30c; irrational thoughts “I can’t take anymore”

Clematis 30c; inattentive, brings “back to earth”

Impatiens 30c; “no patience,” think and act quickly

Rock Rose 30c; for “terror and panic” Star of Bethlehem 30c; “Shock” &

“Grieving remedy”

Natrum Muriaticum: (common salt)

Most common constitutional remedy Profoundly affects nutrition Crave salt and may even have a salty

taste in mouth Tend to be thin, thirsty, and have digestive

disturbances Grief, especially in disappointed love Depressed and introverted

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Natrum Muriaticum Young girls tend to fall in love with married men Fear of being rejected or hurt emotionally Depressed and introverted Dry mucus membranes Coldness Crack in the middle of lower lip One of the remedies for dealing with feelings of

guilt and grief from sexual abuse or other trauma Better open air, cannot cry in front of others,

worse full moon, consolation, exertion of eyes, mental, talking, reading, writing


Nat Mur clinical applications

Addison’s disease Anemia Grief, depression Herpes Infertility Sunstroke Varicose veins

(Murphy, 2000)

Ignatia: (Antidotes easily)

Ailments from Grief, fright (sighing and sobbing)

Internal conflicts with self Over sensitive, nervous and apprehensive Cannot bear tobacco smell Sensation of lump Worse after loosing a person or object,

worse from coffee

Phosphoric Acid

Homesick: “I lost…” Depression, grief Self abuse Chronic fatigue Diarrhea Frequent urination Blue Rings under eyes Better from warmth, sleep

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Nux Vomica (poison nut) Cannot stand noises, odors, or light Angry and impatient (Rages) Workaholics Ambitious and competitive Fastidious Sharp pains Women have irregular menses Loves fats Craves alcohol but is worse from it (ADDICTION)Modality: Worse from coffee, tobacco, early

morning. Better from nap, hot drinks, moist air, lying on sides

Nux Vomica Colic in nursing infants from stimulating food

taken by mother Hangovers Drug abuse Insomnia Liver Disorders Stomach Disorders Fiery Temper Alcoholics (prevents DT’s with B vitamins and


Staphysagria Humiliation, deep guilt and shame Sadness without cause Very sensitive to what others say about

her Anger is suppressed Sexual excess Very emotional sensitive where the least

word hurts her very much Better after breakfast, warmth, from rest at

night. Worse from sexual excess, touch, cold


Rape or sexual abuse Self abuse (could even be obesity) Anger Colic Colitis Honeymoon cystitis Severe pain after abdominal operations

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Research Andretto, A. P,. Fuzinatto, M. M., Bonafe, E. G., Braccini, G. L., Mori,

R. H., Pereira, R. R…Vargas, L. (2014). Effect of a homeopathic complex on fatty acids in muscle performance of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis nioloticus). Homeopathy, 103(3), 178-85.

Bell, I. R., Sarter, B., Koithan, M., Banerji, P., Banerji, P., Jain, S., & Ives, J.. (2014). Integrative nanomedicine: Treating cancer with nanoscale natural products. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 3(1), 36-53.

Bigagli, E., Luceri, C., Bernardini, S., Dei, A., Filippini, A., Dolara, P.. (2014). Exploring the effects of homeopathic Apis mellificapreparations on human gene expression profiles. Homeopathy, 103(2), 127-132.


Bonacchi, A., Fazzi, L., Toccafondi, A., Cantore, M., Mambrini, A., Muraca, M. G., Banchelli, G., Banella, M., Panella, M., Focardi, F., Calosi, R., DiCostanzo, F., Rosselli, M., Michhinesi, G. (2014). Use and perceived benefits of complementary therapies by cancer patients receiving conventional treatment in Italy. Journal of Pain Symptom Management, 47(1), 26-24.

Research Chand, K. D., Manchanda, R. K., Mittal, R., Batra, S., Banavaliker, J.

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Research Frass, M., Zagorchev, P., Yurukova, V., Wulkersdorfer, B., Thieves,

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Research Gaertner, K., Mullner, M., Friehs, H., Schuster, E., Marosi, C., Muchitsch, I.,

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Journal of Psychosocial Nursing, 42(7), 30-40. Macías-Cortés, E. D. C., Llanes-González, L., Aguilar-Faisal, L., &

Asbun-Bojalil, J. (2018). Response to Individualized Homeopathic Treatment for Depression in Climacteric Women with History of Domestic Violence, Marital Dissatisfaction or Sexual Abuse: Results from the HOMDEP-MENOP Study. Homeopathy, 107(3), 202-208.

Magar, S., Nayak, D., Mahajan, U. B., Patil, K. R., Shinde, S. D., Goyal, S. N….Kundu, C. N. (2018). Ultra-diluted Toxicodendronpubescens attenuates pro-inflammatory cytokines and ROS-mediated neuropathic pain in rats. Science Reports, 10:8(1), 13562.

Merlini, L. S., Vargas, L., Piau, R., Riberio, R. P., Merlini, N. B. (2014). Effects of a homeopathic complex on the performance and cortisol levels in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Homeopathy, 103(2), 139-142.

Research Pilkington, K., Kirkwood, G., Rampes, H., Fisher, P., & Richardson, J.

(2005). Homeopathy for depression: A systematic review of the research evidence. Homeopathy, 94(3), 153-163. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2005.04.003

Olioso, D., Marzotto, M., Moratti, E., Brizzi, M., Bellavite, P. (2014). Effects of Gelsemium sempervirens L. on pathway-focused gene expression profiling in neuronal cells. Journal of Ethnopharm, 153(2), 535-539.

Peckham, E. J., Relton, C., Raw, J., Walters, C., Thomas, K., Smith, C….Said, E. (2014). Interim results of a randomized controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Homeopathy, 103(3), 172-77.

Saha, S., Bhattacharjee, P., Mukherjee, S., Mazumdar, M., Chakraborty, S., Khurana, A…Sa, G. (2014). Contribution of the ROS-p53 feedback loop in thuja-induced apoptosis of mammary epithelial carcinoma cells. Oncology Report, 31(4),1589-1598.

Sherr, J., Quirk, T., & Tournier, A. L. (2014). Do homeopathic pathogenetic trials generate recognizable and reproducible symptom pictures?: Results from a pilot pathogenetic trial of Ozone 30c. Homeopathy, 103(2),108-112.

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Research Uchiyama-Tanaka, Y. (2018). Case Study of Homeopathic Bowel

Nosode Remedies for Dysbiotic Japanese Patients, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 24(2), 187-192.

Viksveen, P., Relton, C. (2014). Depression treated by homeopaths: a study protocol for a pragmatic cohort multiple randomized controlled trial. Homeopathy, 103(2), 147-512.

Zanasia, A., Massolinia, M., Tursib, F., Morselli-Labtec, A. M., Paccapeloc, A., & Lecchid, M. (2014). Homeopathic medicine for acute cough in upper respiratory tract infections and acute bronchitis: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapy, 27(1), 102-108.


Food and Drug Association CPG Sec. 400.400 Conditions Under Which

Homeopathic Drugs May be Marketed


National Center for Complimentary and Integrative

HealthQuote: What do we know about the effectiveness

of homeopathy?“There’s little evidence to support homeopathy as an effective treatment for any specific health condition.”

Homeopathy, 2018

Homeopathic drugs generally must meet the standards for strength, quality, and purity set forth in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia. Section 501(b) of the Act (21 U.S.C. 351) provides in relevant part:

Whenever a drug is recognized in both the United States Pharmacopeia and the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States it shall be subject to the requirements of the United States Pharmacopeia unless it is labeled and offered for sale as a homeopathic drug, in which case it shall be subject to the provisions of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States and not to those of the United States Pharmacopeia.

A product's compliance with requirements of the HPUS, USP, or NF does not establish that it has been shown by appropriate means to be safe, effective, and not misbranded for its intended use.

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FDA is attacking homeopathy

FDA Warns Homeopathic Product Producers – The FDA warned four producers of homeopathic products about “significant violations of current good manufacturing practice regulations,” including lack of “quality oversight while manufacturing homeopathic drug products containing ingredients with potentially toxic effects for consumers, including snake venom.”

FDA and Pharmacy Weekly Digest 9/9/2019

Evidence of false reporting

Kathy please look at this. Should I use this information somehow as proof of false information out there?

What current info do I need on where we are now?

Learn more aboutHomeopathy inBite Sized Pieces by Reading “Homeopathy Today”



Homeopathic Self –Care

By Robert & Judyth Ullman

The Flower Remedy

Book By Jeffrey


Lists all flower

remedies including

Bach, FES, Busch,


A Veterinary

Materia Medica

And Clinical

Repertory by

George McLeod

Page 27: Unifying Our Objectives Voice Behind Homeopathy



Link leads to credible web sites

Educational and Association Resources

Homeopathic Nurses Association

Homeopathy for Pain Relief

The Taubman Library U of M

HISTORY: The homeopathy collection at the University of Michigan originated in the holdings of the Homeopathic Medical College, first established as part of the University in Ann Arbor in 1875 and conducted concurrently with the allopathic Medical School until 1922. There was also a Homeopathic Hospital in existence locally from 1879 until 1891.

Recovery from Surgery

Arnica montana This remedy relieves pain, bruising and swelling

associated with trauma, surgery or overexertion. Bellis perennis

This remedy is useful when bruising and trauma occur to deep internal tissues after surgery involving the abdomen, breasts, or trunk—especially if a feeling of stiffness or coldness has developed in the area.

Hypericum perforatum This remedy relieves pain that seems to follow the

nerve's path. Ledum palustre

Ledum palustre relieves bruising around wounds from pointed objects.

Surgery and Recovery Support (Homeopathy) 2012

Juurlink (2015)

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Arnica montanaThis remedy relieves pain, bruising and swelling associated with trauma, surgery or overexertion.

Bellis perennisThis remedy is useful when bruising and trauma occur to deep internal tissues after surgery involving the abdomen, breasts, or trunk—especially if a feeling of stiffness or coldness has developed in the area.

Hypericum perforatumThis remedy relieves pain that seems to follow the nerve's path.

Ledum palustreLedum palustre relieves bruising around wounds from pointed objects.

Recovery From Surgery Recovery from surgery (cont.)


• This remedy may be helpful if a person has trouble recovering from the effects of anesthesia. Symptoms can include disorientation, stupor, weakness, nausea and vomiting. The person may be thirsty but often vomits after drinking.


• This remedy relieves itching or pain in surgical or clean cut wounds, and warts.

Other remedies for surgery

Aconitum apellusThis remedy is indicated when people anticipating surgery are extremely agitated or panicked, especially if they fear that they will die. Easy startling, a sensitivity to light and noise, dry mouth, and thirst are other indications for Aconitum.

CausticumThis remedy relieves painful scars from burns, with thin and fragile skin, especially in elderly patients.

Cinchona officinalis This homeopathic remedy relieves weakness due to loss of fluids (diarrhea, bleeding and sweating), with gas in the abdomen.

Other Remedies for Surgery

Coffea cruda

This relieves sleeplessness with worries, overactive thoughts, and

hypersensitivity to pain.

Ferrum phosphoricum

This remedy is helpful for early stages of any inflammation and

may reduce the chance of soreness and infection after



This remedy can be helpful to a person who feels nervous fear

before an operation, with trembling, lethargy, and often

diarrhea or headache.

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Other Remedies for Surgery


This remedy reduces thick scars.


This remedy can help with passive bleeding if a person's veins are weak, and may also relieve discomfort after surgery on varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Rhus toxicodendron

This remedy is helpful for relief of stiffness, soreness, and restlessness after any surgery. It is often recommended after operations on tonsils and adenoids, appendectomy, and dental surgery.

Other Remedies for Surgery

Ruta graveolensThis remedy is often useful after surgeries involving tendons, connective tissue, cartilage, joints, and coverings of the bones. It can ease discomfort and promote recovery after surgery on knees, wrists, shoulders, elbows, ankles, hips, etc. It may also be soothing if deep stiffness is felt in joints and muscles after surgery.

Thuja occidentalis This remedy relieves skin lesions that tend to protrude (warts or thick scars).

Silicea This relieves symptoms of general fatigue with chilliness, lack of energy and irritability.

Homeopathy for Arthritis

Aconitum napellus

• This remedy may be helpful for pain and inflammation that comes on suddenly after exposure to cold wind and weather. The person is likely to feel fearful, panicked, or agitated.


• Chronic arthritis with a feeling of bruised soreness can indicate a need for this remedy. Pain is worse from touch, and may occur in joints that were injured in the past.


• Sudden flare-ups of arthritis with a sensation of heat and throbbing pain indicate a need for this remedy. The joints look red and inflamed, and the surface may feel hot to the touch.

Arthritis Pain,



Bryonia This remedy relieves joint pain

improved by staying immobile and applying pressure.

Calcarea phosphorica Stiffness and soreness of the joints,

worse from drafts and cold, may be relieved by this remedy. Aching in the bones and tiredness are common, and the person feels worse from exertion. Calcium deposits or bone-spurs may develop, especially in the neck. A feeling of dissatisfaction and a strong desire for travel or a change of circumstances are often seen in individuals who need this remedy.

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Arthritis Ledum palustre

Arthritis that starts in lower joints and extends to higher ones suggests a need for this remedy. Pain and inflammation often begin in the toes and spread up through the ankles and knees. The joints may make cracking sounds and may be very swollen. Cold applications bring relief to both the pain and swelling.

Pulsatilla Pain that moves unpredictably from one joint to another suggests a

need for this remedy. The hips and knees are often affected, and pain may be felt in the heels. Symptoms are worse from warmth, and better from cold applications and open air. A person who needs this remedy often is moody and changeable, and usually wants a lot of attention and comforting.

Arthritis Rhus toxicodendron

This relieves muscular and articular pains at the beginning of motion, and then improved by slow motion.

Apis mellifica This remedy relieves swollen joints with itching and stinging

pain, relieved by cold compresses. Calcarea carbonica

This remedy is often useful for arthritis in a person who is chilly, flabby or overweight, and easily tired by exertion. Inflammation and soreness are worse from cold and dampness, and weakness or cramping in the extremities are often seen. Problems often focus on the knees when Calcarea is needed.

Arthritis Caulophyllum thalictroides

This remedy relieves arthritis and rheumatic pain localized in the fingers' phalanges.

Causticum This relieves joint pain and arthritis pain with

stiffness and feeling that tendons are too short. Cimicifuga racemosa

This remedy relieves neck pain and cramps caused by bad posture and aggravated by cold and humidity.


Dulcamara This remedy relieves joint pain and stiffness

triggered by dampness and cold. Ruta graveolens

Arthritis with a feeling of great stiffness and lameness, worse from cold and damp, and worse from exertion often is relieved by this remedy. Tendons and the capsules of the joints may be affected. Arthritis may have developed after overuse, from repeated wear and tear.

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Lower Back Pain Aesculus

Pain in the very low back (the sacral or sacroiliac areas) that feels worse when standing up from a sitting position, and worse from stooping, may be eased with this remedy. Aesculusis especially indicated for people with low back pain who also have a tendency toward venous congestion and hemorrhoids.

Arnica montana This remedy relieves lower back aches and stiffness from

overexertion or minor trauma. Bryonia

This remedy is indicated when back pain is worse from even the slightest motion. Changing position, coughing, turning, or walking may bring on sharp, excruciating pain. This remedy can be helpful for back pain after injury and backaches during illness.

Low Back Pain Calcarea carbonica

This is often useful for low back pain and muscle weakness, especially in a person who is chilly, flabby or overweight, and easily tired by exertion. Chronic low back pain and muscle weakness may lead to inflammation and soreness that are aggravated by dampness and cold.

Calcarea phosphorica Stiffness and soreness of the spinal muscles and joints,

especially in the neck and upper back, may be relieved by this remedy. The person feels worse from drafts and cold, as well as from exertion. Aching in the bones and feelings of weariness and dissatisfaction are often seen in people who need this remedy.

Lower Back Pain Natrum muriaticum

Back pain that improves from lying on something hard or pressing a hard object (such as a block or book) against the painful area suggests a need for this remedy. The person often seems reserved or formal, but has strong emotions that are kept from others. Back pain from suppressed emotions, especially hurt or anger, may respond to Natrummuriaticum.

Nux vomica This remedy is indicated for muscle cramps or constricting

pains in the back. Discomfort is made worse by cold and relieved by warmth. Pain usually is worse night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. Backache is also worse during constipation, and the pain is aggravated when the person feels the urge to move the bowels.

Low Back Pain

Rhus toxicodendronThis remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. Even though in pain, the person finds it hard to lie down or stay still for very long, and often restlessly paces about. Aching and stiffness are aggravated in cold damp weather and relieved by warm applications, baths or showers, and massage.

SulphurThis remedy is often indicated when a person with back pain has a slouching posture. The back is weak and the person feels much worse from standing up for any length of time. Pain is also worse from stooping. Warmth may aggravate the pain and inflammation.

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A Remedy for Most Painful Conditions

BursitisCarpal Tunnel

ColicDental Pain


Sunburn pain

Stabbing pain

Throbbing pain




Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Acute pain: Can take every 5 to 15 minutes

Chronic Pain: Take a dose when it starts to worsen again

Samples of Pain products