Download - Unicellular Eukaryotes - Protists (Euglena, Amoeba and Paramecium)


Unicellular Eukaryotes - Protists (Euglena, Amoeba and Paramecium)

I Have In-Depth Notes With Pictures (Including Reproduction) on My Website Under “Class Notes”

Very Corny Protist Song


Unicellular (Single-Celled) Autotrophic Photosynthesis

(he’s green with chloroplasts)

Can also feed (heterotrophic) Contractile vacuole Pumps

out excess water (osmoregulation) Help maintain homeostasis

Light detection, phototaxis, Flagella for movement Has nucleus Asexual via binary fission

Euglena in Motion

Euglena at 1000x

Amoeba Pseudopods (“false foot”) for

movement and feeding via endocytosis

Waste removal via exocytosis Senses prey by chemical

agents given off (chemotaxis) Has a nucleus Contractile vacuole for

osmoregulation homeostasis

Asexual Exact copy of itself (no genetic diversity)

Sexual Exchange of genetic material between two amoeba (genetic diversity)

Amoeba Feeding

Paramecium Cilia for

movement Heterotrophic Oral Groove for

feeding Contractile

vacuole removes excess water

Has nucleus Asexual or sexual


Copy and Paste URL“Amoeba Video "phagocytose 1”

Paramecium Video “Paramecium Magnified 400X! High Definition!”

Euglena Video “Amazing Microscopic HD Video! Euglena viridis. Structural Detail @ 1000x. 108p”