Download - UNECA ClimDev-Africa Report on ClimDev-Africa Programme ClimDev-Africa Secretariat Climate Change Meets Policy.


UNECA ClimDev-Africa

Report on ClimDev-Africa Programme

ClimDev-Africa Secretariat

Climate Change

Meets Policy



This presentation covers:

• Background about the programme

• Progress and on-going work in 2012

• Challenges & lessons


The Approach of the Programme

The Programme brings together:

• the political leadership and convening power of the AUC

• the knowledge generation and capacity building strengths of the UNECA

• the financial expertise of the AfDB


What the Programme aims to achieve

• ClimDev-Africa will construct a solid foundation in Africa for the response to climate change based on:– building solid science and observational

infrastructure;– enabling strong working partnerships between

government institutions, private sector, civil society and vulnerable communities; and,

– creating and strengthening of knowledge frameworks to support and integrate the actions required.


The Results Areas of the Programme

• The four Results Areas of the Programme are:– widely available climate information, packaging and

dissemination;– quality analysis for decision support and

management practice;– informed decision-making, awareness and

advocacy;– programme functioning

• Engagement at national, sub-regional, regional, international levels


ClimDev-Africa Programme Structure

Meetings of the Chief Executives of the AUC, UNECA and AfDB

ClimDev Programme Steering Committee (CDSC)

(AUC, UNECA, AfDB and others)

African Climate Policy Centre


ClimDev-Africa Special Fund(AfDB - CDSF)

Regional / sub-regional levelRECs/SROs, Regional/Sub-Regional Climate

Institutions, RBOs, Research Institutions

Technical Advisory Panel

National levelNMHSs, Sectoral Actors (public sector,

private sector, civil society)

Climate Change and Desertification Unit

(AUC - CCDU)Stakeholder forums

e.g. Climate Change and Dev. Conf. & other forums/platforms


Work Plan and activities

ClimDev-AfricaWork Plan/Results Areas

Climate information

Decision support and management practice

Informed decision-making, awareness and


Programme functioning

The Work Plan for the ClimDev-Africa Programme is delivered through: Programmatic activities, undertaken by:

The ACPC* (which is a centre of the UNECA) The CCDU (which is to be a unit of the AUC)

Investment activities, managed by: The CDSF (which is to be a fund and unit of the


Governance and oversight of the Programme and its activities is provided by:


The Secretariat to the Programme, the CDSC and JSWG is:


* Note: The ACPC has both Secretariat and Programmatic functions and all its activities are wholly within the ClimDev-Africa Programme


2011 Highlights

• Setting out work programme• Expert consultations• Introducing ACPC – visibility• Establish fellowship programme • 20+ Framing papers• Contact & trust building with AGN• CCDA-I (climate resilience & LCD)• Africa Pavilion


Work Plan and activities

ClimDev-AfricaWork Plan/Results Areas

Climate information

Decision support and management practice

Informed decision-making, awareness and


Programme functioning

General activities in Results Area 1 consist of support for: the rescue of historical meteorological and hydrological

data data management of climate and hydrological data the upgrade of telecom, observation and data collection

systems for upper air and surface networks quality monitoring of greenhouse gases, air quality,

inland lakes, African oceans, coastal environments and glaciers

hydrological observations and data management the detection and attribution of carbon sources and

sinks early warning and seasonal forecasting long term climate projections and scenariosclimate information packaging for all climate sensitive sectors and end users


Progress in Result Area 1

• Climate Change and Development pilot countries support programme (data rescuing, new data network, capacity building for climate monitoring and early warning activities for climate change adaptation)– Needs assessment undertaken in Rwanda, The Gambia,

Zambia, Ethiopia (MoUs under preparation)– Needs assessment in preparation – Mozambique, Mali, Kenya,

Malawi– Pilot kick-off workshop – Ethiopia

• Mapping of climate data and information for African NMHSs – Countries: Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso, Mauritania,

Senegal, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Benin, Nigeria, Togo

– Status: Near completion


Progress in Result Area 1

• Assessing Impacts (Loss and Damage) of Climate change in selected African Countries – Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kenya– Status: Field data collection is complete in Kenya and The

Gambia, and data cleaning is in progress – Data collection is scheduled to begin in mid-September and be

completed in October (Mozambique, Ethiopia, B. Faso)– A write-shop is planned for Bonn Germany at the end of 2012,

and final reports are expected to be produced by end of mid-November.

• Database of African greenhouse emissions sources and sinks – Status: Framework completed– Activity data and other related data, including scenarios, captured

in the database.


Progress in Result Area 1

• Preparations for setting up long-term climate projections and scenarios – Status: A concept note was developed and some Operating

Systems for downscaling and long term projections were identified and acquired

– Review of appropriate software for climate models for Africa identified (i.e. WRF, PRECIS and REgCM) – identified specifications for super computing options

– Proposal on the use of long-term projections for impact study on the water resources of Nile, Congo and Zambezi basins prepared

– Institutions in Africa and outside of Africa for long term climate projections are already identified

– Capacity development needs on long term projections for Africa are identified in working paper 4

– Initiated - precipitation downscaling for Madagascar has been initiated

– Finalized - Reference evapotranspiration paper for Burkina Faso


Work Plan and activities

ClimDev-AfricaWork Plan/Results Areas

Climate information

Decision support and management practice

Informed decision-making, awareness and


Programme functioning

General activities in Results Area 2 consist of support for:institutional capacity mapping followed by capacity buildingknowledge management system for shared information, knowledge, experience and best practicerisk, vulnerability, impact and cost/benefit analyses and assessmentsdevelopment of decision support tools for policy making and adaptive managementpolicy reviews identifying policy areas for improvementsidentification, analysis and recommendations of policy optionsbest practices for climate change preparedness on all levels (for application down to community and individual use)policies for national implementation of international conventionsscientific and best practice outreach to all levels (for application down to community and individual use)knowledge support to African negotiators.


Progress in Result Area 2

• Designed African Climate Science Research Frontiers– Mapping of African and Non African Institutions related to

climate science research with WRCP and CLIVAR started– African climate research frontiers steering committee

established• First workshop/meeting conducted September 13-14, 2012

– African research frontiers thematic areas identified – Africa wide 1st climate science conference is

conceptualized under preparation


Progress in Result Area 2

• Policy reviews on climate resilience in the agricultural sector (in Mali, Malawi and Kenya)– Prepared concept note and project agreements signed.– Developed study methodology and stakeholders mapped.– Developed data collection protocol. Data collection to begin shortly.

• Launched joint project on infrastructure and CC with WB (in 7 RBs)– Prepared background paper and developed a concept note – Inception workshop was held, and project implementation plan was

developed. • Costs and benefits of climate change adaptation in 5 river basins

– Compiled literature survey on the cost of adaptation for Africa (and beyond) and currently being reviewed by various economists for comments

– Completed ToR for consultants, and consultants being hired. Inception workshop to follow, with work beginning immediately after.

• Produced a report on the green economy in Africa and defined key questions for follow up work

– Prepared a concept note for a follow up workshop on green economy experience in countries currently implementing green economy and green growth strategies.


Progress in Result Area 2

• Launched sustainable Energy for All (SEFA) in Africa– Prepared concept note – Organized high-level experts meeting to elicit the key questions on

energy in Africa, and develop a guide to carry out 12 country cases on the issue.

– Prepared a framing paper on SEFA, detailed guides for developing the cases.

– Hired and hiring consultants to carry out 12 country case studies.– Case studies currently under preparation.

• Launched the project on the state of off-grid electrification in Africa.– Prepared concept note developed data collection protocol for 14 country

studies.– Hired and hiring local consultants.– Country studies currently underway.

• Published a special issue in Energy Policy (with TERI and UNDP) on the issue of Universal energy access: Getting the framework right.

• Published (with SEI, TERI, PBL) a major report, Energy for a Shared Development Agenda, launched at Rio+20.


Progress in Result Area 2

• Completed project on assessment of clean development mechanism (CDM) potential and capacity requirements for Ethiopia. – Training and awareness building of stakeholders;

– Report produced with the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Swedish Energy Agency;

– A follow-up study is planned for Ethiopia; and requests have been made for similar studies in Zambia and Mozambique.

• Organised a 2-day training workshop on standardised baselines for Designated National Authorities at the African Carbon Forum.

• Currently preparing the CDM standardization strategy report


Progress in Result Area 2

• Completed report on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action and implications for Africa.

– Paper submitted to the African Union Commission for its report to the CAHOSCC at the AU Summit in July 2012.

• Completed a review of the recent context and content of the climate agreements as related to Africa.

– Paper submitted to the African Union Commission for its report to the CAHOSCC at the AU Summit in July 2012. Also presented at the African Ministers of Economy and Finance meeting.

• Provided technical support to the African Ministers Council on Water (AMCOW) the 4th Water Week.

– Provided a concept note and organised Theme 2, including the delivery of technical presentations.

• Provided expert input to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as Working Group III Co-Chair and as convening author on the Energy Systems chapter.

– The first draft of the IPCC 5th Assessment Report has now gone through the expert review stage.


Progress in Result Area 2

• Work with the African Group of Negotiators (AGN)

– Provided research & ‘in-situ’ technical support at the inter-sessional in Bonn and Bangkok

– Supported the AGN with three papers in Bonn to strengthen their negotiations hand on: i) finance; ii) cost of climate adaptation, iii) Durban platform.

– Organised a working meeting of the lead coordinators to support them in their preparations in Bangkok and assess their needs in order to target effectively ACPC support

– Provided backstopping support to the AGN at the AMCEN meeting in consolidating the African Common Position for Doha

– ACPC – a possible technical centre of the AGN, which manages and coordinates technical support for group

– We have come a long way!!! Others crowding out space


ClimDev-AfricaWork Plan/Results Areas

Climate information

Decision support and management practice

Informed decision-making, awareness

and advocacy

Programme functioning

Work Plan and activities

General activities for Results Area 3 consist of: capacity building and knowledge support to policy

makers capacity building and knowledge support to negotiators capacity building of, and support from, RECs and SROs support for inclusive and informed policy-making training and awareness-raising effective communication outreach to all levels


Progress in Result Area 3

• Held Climate change and development in Africa (CCDA) – conference on 19 and 20 October– High level, roundtables, parallel

sessions– Now established as the climate

change event in Africa for bringing stakeholders together

– Themes:– Climate services– Sustainable energy for all in

Africa– Outstanding issues in climate

negotiations (implications for Africa)

• Co-organised the African Carbon Forum (ACF) with UNFCCC and other UN bodies (April)

• Workshop launching IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX); (March)

• Working meeting with UNFCCC on Loss and Damage (June)


Progress in Result Area 3

• Contributed in key global partnerships – Working under Global Climate Change Alliance–Intra

Africa – Caribbean –Pacific (GCCA-IACP) framework under European Union

– Working with EUMETSAT and WMO towards Global Framework Climate Service, pertinent to Africa.

• First workshop organized for October 1 to 5, 2012

– Working with World Bank on Climate Initiative for Water Resources of Africa (CIWA) programme.

• First stakeholder workshop conducted in May 2012 at UNECA

– World Water Week (Stockholm, Sept 2012)– Climate Outlook Forums


Work Plan and activities

ClimDev-AfricaWork Plan/Results Areas

Climate information

Decision support and management practice

Informed decision-making, awareness and


Programme functioning

Key activities for 2012 included:Completing the operationalisation of the Programme:

The Climate Change and Desertification Unit established by the AUC in 2012

The ClimDev Special Fund established by the AfDB

Continuation and strengthening of ACPC functioning Completing the recruitment of professional staff Building of partnerships with African and other

world leading climate change and development institutions


Progress in Result Area 4

• Held discussions with African stakeholders at the Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) Global Partnership Action Workshop

• African Climate and Development Society – Prepared a concept note and workplan– A list of interested people, and potential members, was

established by the ACPC - over 200 hundred people joined the list– Prepared the ACD-Soc TOR as well as a Plan for the

Establishment and Launch of the ACD-Soc– The ACD-Soc TOR and Plan were disseminated to stakeholders– Launch to take place at CCDA-II

• Prepared ClimDev Africa Programme Steering Committee meetings.


Other progress

• Recruitment progress– Coordinator – Dr Fatima Denton– Climate risk; climate science; climate policy– SRO posts

• So far: – Water, agriculture, energy, economics, statistics, geo-

information, communications, information management– 9 Fellows


Challenges and lessons

• Managing demand – Huge expectations…the need to be selective in what

to engage

• Work partnerships – build credible ones• Relevance to Member States and RECs

– Exemplify with cases, knowledge products and policy relevance

• Development partners want quick results• Regional (continental) level climate-focused

institutions are almost non-existent


Challenges and lessons

• Operationalizing ClimDev– CDSF– CCDU established

• Clarity in reporting mechanism– Internal, steering committee (ClimDev),


• Understanding the bureaucracy– Need for personal engagement

• Working within & across divisions & SROs


Looking forward to 2013

• Revise workplan

• Pilot studies – draw lessons for scaling up

• Time-bound deliveries (short to long-term)

• Flagship work (nexus work)

• Specific policy advice to MSs, RECs

• Revitalize ClimDev partnership


• Archer fish

UNECAPotential for Change

• Pessimism of the intelligence, optimism of the will – the one the spur to action, the other the resilience to

believe that such action will result in meaningful change even in the face of adversity.

– Lots of obstacles to change, and to understand these obstacles is to experience ‘pessimism of the intelligence’. Hence, understanding the obstacles to change is important.

– But our understanding of how difficult change can be should not discourage us from acting to bring about change.  We must continue to act to bring about the changes that are necessary


Thank youThe ACPC

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Climate Change

Meets Policy
