Download - Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Page 1: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Understanding The Paris Attacks

How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Page 3: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

French graphic designer Jean Jullien created the image, "Peace for Paris", and posted it on Twitter and Instagram at midnight after the attacks.

The "peace sign", as it is known today, was designed as the logo for the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

and adopted by anti-war activists in the United States and elsewhere in the 1950’s.

La Tour Eiffel is a global cultural icon of with 6.98 million visitors in 2011. France the tallest structure in Paris. It is also the most-visited paid monument in the world

Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 4: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

• It was the most deadly strike of violence in France since World War Two

At least 130 died in attacks, 200 more were injured, 99 critically

Those who were targeted had done nothing wrong and were going about their normal lives

The attacks took place in restaurants, bars and a music venue

Understanding The Paris Attacks

What happened in Paris?

Page 5: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Islamic State has released a statement claiming responsibility for these attacks and has threatened further attacks against France

ISIS claims that the attacks in Paris were a revenge for bombings on ISIS bases in Syria lead by French army

Why would ISIS attack Paris? (2 min)

Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 6: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Islamic State is an extremist group of people who claim to be Muslims. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world; membership of ISIS is

estimated at 100, 000. The percentage of Muslims who are members of ISIS is estimated at

around 0.0000637%. A Muslim security guard name Zouheir stopped a suicide bomber from entering Stade de France after discovering his explosive vest. Zouheir narrowly escaped death after the bomber detonated the device.

Does this story surprise you?

Explain...Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 7: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

#NotInMyNamePeople from all over the world joined this campaign to fight against the wrong perception against Islam, letting everyone know that ISIS doesn’t equal to their loving religion

What is the value of



Understanding The Paris Attacks

ISIS Do Not Represent British Muslims (80 seconds)

Page 8: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

French President Mr François Hollande described the attacks as an “act of war … prepared and planned elsewhere, with outside involvement…”. He added that France will be “ruthless in its response” and declared three days of national mourning.

What do you think and feel about the reaction from the French president?

Only 2 days after events in Paris, 20 bombs were dropped at the ISIS camp in Raqqa, Syria

This is France’s most aggressive attack on ISIS

Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 9: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event? is fighting whom in Syria (90 seconds)

How can we reach a peaceful

solution to this complicated situation?

Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 10: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Reflecting on what you’ve just seen and heard, how do you think it would feel to be

a pilot bombing Syria?

Page 11: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

I pretended to be dead for over an hour, lying among people who could see their loved ones motionless.. Holding my breath, trying to not move, not cry - not giving those men the fear they longed to see. I was incredibly lucky to survive. But so many didn't. The people who had been there for the exact same reasons as I - to have a fun Friday night were innocent.It didn't feel real. I expected any moment for someone to say it was just a nightmare. But being a survivor of this horror lets me able to shed light on the heroes. To the man who reassured me to the couple whose last words of love kept me believing the good in the world, to the police who succeeded in rescuing hundreds of people, to the complete strangers who picked me up from the road and consoled me during the 45 minutes I truly believed the boy I loved was dead, to the injured man who I had mistaken for him and then on my recognition that he was not Amaury, held me and told me everything was going to be fine despite being all alone and scared himself, to the woman who opened her doors to the survivors, to the friend who offered me shelter and went out to buy new clothes so i wouldn't have to wear this blood stained top, to all of you who have sent caring messages of support - you make me believe this world has the potential to be better, to never let this happen again.

A victim’s comments

Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 12: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Understanding The Paris Attacks

A victim’s comments

Page 13: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Understanding The Paris Attacks

The Paris Attacks: Social Medial Response (3min)

What role can the social media play during tragic

events around the world?

Paris Attacks in Social Media

Page 14: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Is changing your Facebook profile picture an effective

way to show support to the victims? Explain why.

Understanding The Paris Attacks

Page 15: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

Understanding The Paris Attacks

What are your thoughts when considering the fact that The

Paris Attacks were only one of the many tragic events on

13th November 2015?

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Understanding The Paris Attacks

‘Parisians are lining up for hours to give blood, piling flowers and notes and spilling tears outside a music hall where scores of people were killed by rampaging suicide bombers who shattered the peace of the French capital.’ What can we do to

prevent violence in the world?

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Think about what you’ve seen and heard today……..

What can you take away with you?

Understanding The Paris Attacks

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Understanding The Paris Attacks - Videos

Why would ISIS attack Paris? (2 min)

The Paris attack: How the world is responding (3min)

Who is fighting whom in Syria (story in 90 seconds)

Syria’s war: who is fighting wand why (5min)

Iraq War, Syria War and ISIS explained

Where does ISIS get its money?

Paris Attacks: Social Medial Response (3min) ISIS Do Not Represent British Muslims (80 seconds)

Teaching Notes:

Page 20: Understanding The Paris Attacks How to deal with emotions after such an horrific event?

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