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Understanding Planetary Effects in Vedic Astrology

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Vedic Astrology If you want to look into your life and the major events

taking place in it, Vedic Astrology Experts can help you in a great way. The planetary strength at the time of birth of an individual helps in identification of the strong and weak areas of life. Let us consider some planets and the effects that occur if the attributes given to a native by their strength in one’s horoscope.

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Sun: The Sun bestows a person with good organizational power and inherent qualities of intellect. This helps a person in excelling in professional ventures. When the sun is weak, the father of the native faces a lot of struggles. The native also encounters problems in finding opportunities to acquire right organizational skills.

A good social interaction of the person is limited and there is perpetual feeling of inferiority in the person.

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Moon: If the moon of a person is strong at the time of birth, the native’s mother provides him or her strong emotional support. The mother is considered as the first teacher of a child.

A strong foundation of learning is provided by a strong moon to a person. A native with a strong moon is very strong on mental level, timey learning and a good schooling.

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Mercury: This planet bestows analytical skills to a person. Such people have great prowess in scientific and mathematical works. Natives with strong Mercury develop great confidence in life that is required in all aspects of lie.

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Mars: This planet gives a person a lot of courage, grit and determination. The planet is associated with feelings of aggressiveness. People with a dosha in Mercury end up in being unable to control their emotions and loses temper. Such natives may face a lot of problems in marriage.

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Jupiter: A strong Jupiter provides a native with strong health and stamina. The physical and mental growth of a person is governed by a strong Jupiter. A good functioning liver also bestowed by a strong Jupiter.

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Venus: A strong Venus also blesses a person with luxuries in life, happy relationships, team work and a successful love life. A good business and joyous life is ensured by a strong Venus.

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Saturn: A strong Saturn equips a person with innate strength to tackle the difficulties of life and lead life in an honest manner.

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The planets that are weak at the time of birth or are under malefic planetary influences lead a person to face lot of problems at various stages of life. The weak planets can be strengthened by various techniques that include use of gems and other remedies prescribed by Astrology.

Vedic Astrology experts help us to potentially understand the personality of an individual, also chart out the important events like education, career, finances, and relationships in the life of an individual. Astrology also gives remedies to many of malefic alignment of planets.

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The Indian name of Astrology given by Vedas is Jyotish Vidya. ‘Jyoti’ means light while ‘ish’ refers to god. ‘Jyotish vidya’ thus refers to a knowledge that views the life of a person in divine light.

Vedic Astrology is thus a great way in which individuals can plan out their lives in a relevant manner that serves a good purpose.

Astrologer Ravi Shankar ji gives you apt Vedic astrology predictions in UK and helps you to counter difficulties of life by suggesting suitable astrological remedies. Contact him and get prompt relief from the pulling situations of your life!

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