Download - Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


    C o n f i d e n t i a l


    Program : MBASemester : II

    Subject Code : MB0052

    Subject Name : Strategic Management

    and Business Policy

    Unit Number : 1

    Unit Title : Understanding Corporate Strategy

    Lecture Number : 1

    Lecture Title : Understanding Corporate Strategy


  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


    C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Understanding Corporate Strategy

    Objectives :

    Explain strategy, its nature and levels of strategy.

    Discuss the concept of strategic window.

    Describe corporate strategy in different types of organizations.

    Explain why some organizations do not undertake strategic


    List ten principles of strategy.

    In this unit, we will discuss corporate strategy, its

    definition and nature, as well as its levels in an organization.



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


    C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Lecture Outline


    What is Strategy?

    Strategic Window

    Corporate Strategy in Different Types of Organizations

    Lack of Strategic Management in Some Companies

    Ten Principles of Strategy


    Check Your Learning




    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


    C o n f i d e n t i a l


    Any discussion on business and management today is incomplete

    without discussing two major forces: one is competition , and

    the other is strategy .

    Strategy is a concept that is used universally but understood

    differently, and, therefore, defined differently. In fact, strategy as

    a concept is better described and more easily put into practice

    than defined.

    Most companies recognize that strategy is central to business and

    management. It is also recognized that it is strategy that makesthe difference between success and failure of many companies

    and businesses.



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


    C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Strategic Window

    A strategic window focuses attention on the fact that there are only limited

    periods during which the Fit between the key requirements of a market

    and the particular competencies of a firm competing in the market is at an

    optimum Disinvestment should be contemplated also .

    Here, we are referring to strategic windows, the concept which was

    introduced by Abell (1978).

    There are only limited periods during which the fit or the match between

    the key requirements of a market and the particular competencies of the

    firm are at the optimum.



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy

    7/12C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Corporate Strategy in DifferentTypes of Organizations

    Different types of organizations will be different, primarily because of the

    nature of their operations and organizational objectives and priorities.

    In large businesses or companies whether in the private sector, public

    sector or multinationals the situation is entirely different. Both the internal

    and the external environment and the organizational objectives and

    priorities are different.

    Multinationals have a greater focus on growth and development, and also

    diversification in terms of both products and markets. This is necessary to

    remain internationally competitive and sustain their global presence.

    In public sector companies, objectives and priorities can be quite differentfrom those in the private sector. Generation of employment and maximizing

    output may be more important objectives than maximizing profit.



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy

    8/12C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Lack of Strategic Management in

    Some Companies

    David (2003) has mentioned various reasons for poor or no strategic

    planning and management by companies. These are :

    Poor reward structure Evasive

    Content with success



    Waste of time

    Too expensive

    Previous bad experience

    Honest difference of opinion


    Fear of the unknown

    Fear of failure



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy

    9/12C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Ten Principles of Strategy

    Duro and Standstrom3 have mentioned about 10 principles of

    strategy. These are given in the following:

    Set a goal and stick to it

    Maintain good morale (good leadership is aprecondition for this).

    Accumulate forces

    Act aggressively.

    Aim for surprise.

    Make sure your own forces are secure.

    Use your forces economically. Coordination (either through chain of command or through cooperation).

    Try to be adaptable.

    Simplicity (clear and simple plans and concise orders/instructions)9


    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy


  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy

    11/12C o n f i d e n t i a l

    Check Your Learning

    1. What is strategy? Mention the different definitions of strategy.

    Ans: A plan, method, or series of manoeuvres or stratagems for

    obtaining a specific goal or result.

    The determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of anenterprise and the adoption of the courses of action and the allocation of

    resources necessary for carrying out these goals - Chandler (1962) The common thread among the organizations activities and product -

    markets ... that defines the essential nature of business that theorganization was or planned to be in future - Ansoff (1965)

    2. What is Strategic window?

    Ans: Short time period between specific events during

    which there is an opportunity to capitalize on a market



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy

  • 8/11/2019 Understanding Corporate Strategy

    12/12C o n f i d e n t i a l


    Modi Xeroxs innovative thinking has given birth to the companys

    new micro marketing plan. Explain.



    Unit-1 Understanding Corporate Strategy