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Page 1: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

Understanding Australian Bush Poetrywritten by: Phillip A Ellis 

Bush poetry has been part of the Australian writing culture for a long time. Poets of the late nineteenth century were especially keen on writing what is popularly known as bush ballads. However, many of the very first poets of bush poetry are unknown as it first spread orally. But some of their songs like 'Nine Miles from Gundagai' are still popular today.

Phillip A. Ellis

Page 2: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

But what is Australian bush poetry? Simply put, it is the type of poetry that initially spoke of the rural life and Australian bush during the colonial era. The initial poets had no formal schooling and therefore the poems were memorized. To make this easier they introduced verse and rhyme in the poems.

Phillip A. Ellis

Page 3: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

What is Australian bush poetry as it is known today traces its origins from the arrival of the British in 1788. Initially, what was known as the Colony of New South Wales was inhabited by convicts. Free settlers arrived from 1793 and added a new cultural diversity. But since there was no much formal education, people engaged in storytelling and jokes.

Phillip A. Ellis

Page 4: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

The stories evolved with introduction of rhyme, rhythm and metre. These aspects made the stories easier to recall. With these friendly changes, the stories quickly developed in bush poetry as it is known today. Even though these initial poets were illiterate, they contributed greatly into the birth and popularity of Australian bush poetry.

Phillip A. Ellis

Page 5: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

Australian bush poetry has a unique place in the country's history. It was the first, original home grown culture which eventually became popular with many people. Bush poets explored any subject that was of interest to their audiences. Any interesting topic could generate bush poetry.

Bush poets explored any subject that was of interest to their audiences. Any interesting topic could generate bush poetry.

Phillip A. Ellis

Page 6: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

While the initial bush poetry was largely oral, the emergence of affordable formal education to the children in the colonies in the 1830s helped the evolution of written bush poetry. By 1875 it was compulsory for children between 7 and 13 years to go to school. At this time, recordings of bush poetry had started.

A significant aspect of Australian bush poetry is its beautiful, colloquial language. It reflects some distinct features of the traditional native culture of Australians. The underlying themes reflect the concern for developing a distinctive Australian identity especially by earlier bush poets. This is evident from poems by famous poets like Banjo Peterson (1864-1914) in 'Waltzing Matilda' and Henry Lawson (1867-1922) in 'The City Bushman.' Phillip A. Ellis

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Today, Australian bush poetry has gained a lot of popularity. An association known as The Australian Bush Poet's Association, formed in 1994 seeks to promote this poetry. It has attracted people interested in writing and performing modern and traditional Australian bush poetry.

There many festivals and competitions held every year to promote bush poetry. School children also compete for the famous Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Award which is the longest lasting competition in poetry. It is named after a famous bush poet Dorothea Mackellar (1885-1968). One famous poem by this poet is 'My Country'.

Phillip A. Ellis

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Currently, bush poetry is experiencing a huge revival thanks to many bush poetry clubs that continue to be established. These clubs are found both in towns and in the rural areas. There are also many such online clubs. Besides, it has become the norm for bush poetry to be part of the entertainment schedules of many functions such as fundraisers, bush camps and other festivals.  

Phillip A. Ellis

Page 9: Understanding Australian Bush Poetry

How to Write Speculative Poetrywritten by: Phillip A Ellis 

Poems with speculative themes are written in such a way that readers get into an unknown zone, full of chill and thrill. One of the most striking features of these poems is the beautiful language that is used by the poets.

Phillip A. Ellis

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Poems like "Spirits of the Dead" written by Edgar Allan Poe is the best example in this regard. A good speculative poem needs to have two major characteristics. First and foremost, it should be musical. Secondly, it should be haunting.

By combining beautiful language with imagery, you can come up with a speculative poem that is going to create a positive impression on the mind of your readers.

When it comes to writing a speculative poem, first thing that you need to do is to develop a rhyme scheme. You also have an option of not using any rhyme at all.

Phillip A. Ellis

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Next, you need to decide on the lines that are going to be there in every stanza. Mark it down. Make sure that the lines finishing in the identical letters rhyme with one another.By developing a rhyme scheme initially, you will be able to establish your form in a much better manner. Point to be noted here is that the poem you have written does not have to rhyme but if you opt for unrhymed writing, restrict the usage of rhymes.

Giving rhymes on some events and not using it on other occasions can easily have a negative impact on your poem musical flow.

To write a good speculative poem, you need to choose subject very wisely. It should fit the theme. In addition, you also need to put focus on the setting.

Phillip A. Ellis

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Using ghosts as a starting point is not a bad option but there are other things as well that fits perfectly into speculative theme.

One of the most famous overriding themes in speculative poems is death. Returning from the dead is quite a vital part of these poems.

With regard to settings, it includes cemeteries, castles and Gothic environments. It has been noticed that unexpected settings can quite a number of times be more effective, as it comes with a surprise element.When it comes to selection of words in these poems, you need to opt for those that evoke creepy pictures or the way they sound, help develop a mood.

Phillip A. Ellis

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Some of the best examples in this regard are mentioned below.

The DarknessSound of something breathing inYou need to use words that create a sense of wait and curiosity among readers. To write a good speculative poetry, it is of utmost importance that you try to build suspense all the way.In the beginning of the poetry, you need to be descriptive in your approach. As you move on, you need to create more tension. But that does not mean you ignore the importance of your starting stanza. Use it as a background material.You can treat stanzas in your poem as a book chapter. You start reading book with the start, not with middle and end portion.

Phillip A. Ellis

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