Download - Understand the purpose & impact of social

Page 2: Understand the purpose & impact of social

Understand the purpose & impact of social action and community media production work

Josh McLean

Page 3: Understand the purpose & impact of social

Research Camp Mohawk

Camp Mohawk is a day centre for children with special needs, not only for children’s to come to with there family but work with other charity's and disabled children’s organisations to go to offering a range of activities for the children to engage in. The camp have connections with lots of different boroughs offering activity days for the children, doing activitys such as archery, bushcraft, nature walks, cookery, swimming, crafts & camp fire circle. Not only offering the activitys they have facilities that can be used such as sensory rooms, play areas for the children & a swimming pool which can be used in the summer.

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The club is to help children in the Berkshire area there facilities are only available to people from the borough.

The ways in which they raise money for themselves is through the Wargrave Rocks festival which this year is being held at Camp Mohawk. All the money which is raised is going towards the up keeping of the camp. Offering bands, face painting, food & use of all the activities which are available to use at the camp. CATS & HAWKS are youth projects which they have at the camp, CATS (Children on the AuTistic Spectrum) an after school and holiday club for autistic between the age of 8-13, getting helped with there life social skills. How to act in a public place which somewhat they find difficult. HAWKS is the same sort of project but for young adults, aged between 13-25. Both these groups are based at the camp but the activities that they do are all over Maidenhead, Reading & wokingham.

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The Saturday ClubThe Saturday club is a fortnightly run morning club for disabled children and there families, ran by the RBWM (royal borough of Windsor and maidenhead). Ran at Dedworth school near Windsor. This offers a chance for the family’s to relax and have a chat with other parents in there situation and relax whilst the clubs workers do different activity's with them. Cooking different food sometimes going out of the club to do different activity's. The club is not only for the children, it is for the familys and siblings to get a break from what may be a hectic home life due to the disabled child taking up a lot of the parents time.

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Page 7: Understand the purpose & impact of social

The Brower youth awards is a ceremony to praise the young people in North America who lead campaigns trying to raise awareness for the environmental problems taking place in the world today. The projects may effect worldwide but they will mainly be in America. The awards ceremony is to praise those who have had the initiative to do something about it and inspire others to do the same. The idea of the group is to change the people views on environmental issues. The people who are involved who win the awards will be getting to know each other on the trips the winners get to go on.

Brower Youth Awards

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Page 9: Understand the purpose & impact of social

• Helen & Douglas House is a care home for children who are disabled, either learning difficulties or physically, they cater for the needs which there families may not be able to help with. Not only do they support the child they have family rooms so the children don’t feel alone & have there family's there to support them.

• The service is free so families who have a lower income still have somewhere were there children can be supoported and looked after by professionals, the charity I not government funded so the money which they put into paying for the services is from external sources. It costs 4.5 Million pounds per year on keeping the charity going.

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Page 11: Understand the purpose & impact of social

• The video was trying to show the viewer what the place has to offer and how the children can progress, the instrument being something difficult to learn.

• This advert is partly to raise awareness for the campaign but mainly to make people aware that it is there and how helpful there resources and staff are to the children who are in need.

• The video will not strengthen a community but the way tht they put the video across, it strengthens the confidence of the children who are living at the helen douglas house.

• It is a campaign yes but not as such which is out there promoting asking for loads of help it is just trying to do well by its cause with help along the way, it provides information about hwat they can offer from 3 different opinions. but also uses a story to go along with the video of a single child who does attend.

• A boy who attends is interviewed and 2 workers from the place aswell, the child who is interviewed to give a first hand experience to the viewers wanting to know what they have to offer. The other two are to back up and follow up on what the child has said also explaining what he has achieved this gives the viewers wider view across the campaign briefly from different standpoints.