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Compensation system for private and public Compensation system for private and public assets in Italyassets in ItalyN. BERNI, S.COSTANTINI, A.SILVESTRI, S. LOLLINI, M.ROSSETTI

Umbria Region (ITA) – Civil Protection Dept

Workshop, Oxford (UK), 5th april 2016

In Civil Protection, 3 types of events are defined:

a) natural or anthropic events that can be managed by local administrations/institutions (municipalities) in a ordinary way;

Italian law 225/92 art.2, type of disasters and coordination level


b) events that, by their nature and extent, require a coordinated action of several bodies or authorities (provinces, regions);

c) “national” catastrophes requiring extraordinary powers and means

…have to be tackled, with immediateintervention, with extraordinary powers andmeans only for limited and pre-definedperiods of time "


Italian Emergency State and Decree power(art.5 L. 225/92)

If a «C type» event occurs, national cabinet deliberate theemergency state, determining specific duration and territorialextension.

Emergency stateEmergency stateL.100/2012

…duration can not, as a rule, exceed 180 days and can beextended to a maximum of other 180 days , with a further decision

“ …also immediately before an event

in case of declaration of the state of emergency, for a properemergency measures implementation a Decree/Ordinance shallbe enacted, notwithstanding other laws

DecreeDecree//OrdinanceOrdinance powerpower

extended to a maximum of other 180 days , with a further decisionof the Council of Ministers

"... shall be issued by the Head of the Civil Protection Department ...“ (also cultural heritage issues considered)


Italian Law n. 100/2012

L. 225/92 art.5 modificationThe Decrees/Ordinances are typically issued and implemented by theHead of the National Department of Civil Protection in agreement withthe Regions involved. Ordinances regard :

- emergency management services and population assist ance during the event;

Decrees issued within 30 days the declaration of a state of emergencydoes not require consultation with the Ministry of Economy and Financeand are effective immediately. Once enacted, are sent to that Ministry.

during the event;- securing dangerous public and private buildings and cultural

heritage heavily damaged by the event;- infrastructure and essential networks rehabilitatio n;- interventions to prevent danger or major damage to people or



Regional President formulates the request of the State of Emergencyby a Technical and Economic Report on the events occurredtogether with a summary of the interventions on the basis of Law225 requirements

Servizio Protezione CivileRegione Umbria

2) Restore the functionality of public services and infrastructure of strategic networks -

1) Organization and carrying out of theemergency services and assistance to thepopulation

Declaration of a state of emergency formal request

Emergency management and urgent restorationart.5, comma 2, lett a), b), c) L. 225/1992

4) Needs for recoveryart.5, comma 2, lettera d) Legge 225/1992

3) Implementation of measures, including structural ones, to reduce the residual risk with priority for the public and private safety, including emergency measures, restoration of infrastructures functionality

and infrastructure of strategic networks -including interventions of the early stages of the emergency

a) Damaged public structures and infrastructures;b) Damaged private “ ;c) Damage suffered by economic and productive

activities;d) Damage to cultural heritage;e) Damage to housing in general. 5

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

Emergency management and urgent restorationart.5, comma 2, lett a), b), c) L. 225/1992


Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

Needs for recoveryart.5, comma 2, lettera d) Legge 225/1992


30 30 junejune 2014 2014 Resolution of the Council of Ministers Resolution of the Council of Ministers for the state of emergency (180 days) as a result of exceptional floods and landslides occurred in the period November 2013-February 2014.Article 1 paragraph 4: For the implementation of the first operations, pending the survey for detailed assessment of needs, € 3.5 million (for Umbria R.) are considered from the National Fund for emergencies according to 225/92 law.

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

considered from the National Fund for emergencies according to 225/92 law.Ordinance of the head of the National Ordinance of the head of the National DeptDept of Civil Protection 11/07/2014, of Civil Protection 11/07/2014, n. 180.n. 180.Article 1: Appointment of Deputy Commissioner;- Order the preparation of a plan for emergency response;- Defines the procedure for establishing a plan of survey of the needs related

to the restoration of public property, private and economic and productive activities;

Deputy Commissioner Decree n.17 of 29 September 201 4.Deputy Commissioner Decree n.17 of 29 September 201 4.- Approval of the Plan of interventions.


Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

Type of interventions

(survey with local authorities by

Deputy Commissioner)


Regione Umbria

Ordinance 180 defines also the procedure for establishing a plan of survey ofthe further requirements (referred to in subparagraph d) paragraph 2 of art. 5of Law no. 225/1992), regarding the restoration of public and private property,economic and productive activities

1)1) InterventionsInterventions forfor PublicPublic HeritageHeritage

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

1)1) InterventionsInterventions forfor PublicPublic HeritageHeritage

a) requirements needed for the completion of repair of damaged publicbuildings, strategic and essential services, including those in the healthsector, schools, cultural heritage;

b) amount needed for the restoration of damaged networks and equipment forelectricity, gas, water and waste water, telecommunications, transport androads;

c) amount needed for the interventions on floods and landslides protectionstructural works.


Regione Umbria

Ordinance 180 defines also the procedure for establishing a plan of survey ofthe further requirements (referred to in subparagraph d) paragraph 2 of art. 5of Law no. 225/1992), regarding the restoration of public and private property,economic and productive activities

22)) InterventionsInterventions forfor PrivatePrivate housinghousing

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

22)) InterventionsInterventions forfor PrivatePrivate housinghousing

Municipalities issue a Public Notice:a) The survey includes requirements for structural restoration of private

buildings, classified according to different uses, damaged or declared unfitfor habitation after the event;

b) Quantification of financial needs through damage self-certification andpossible insurance coverage, showing the extent of the compensationawarded by the insurance, and the premiums payed for previous five years;


Regione Umbria

Ordinance 180 defines also the procedure for establishing a plan of survey ofthe further requirements (referred to in subparagraph d) paragraph 2 of art. 5of Law no. 225/1992), regarding the restoration of public and private property,economic and productive activities

33)) EconomicEconomic andand ProductiveProductive ActivitiesActivities

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

33)) EconomicEconomic andand ProductiveProductive ActivitiesActivities

Municipalities issue a Public Notice:a) the requirements necessary for the restoration of damaged structures,

plants, machinery and equipment, for which there is a causal link betweenthe damage and the event;

b) the purchase price of stocks of raw materials, semi-finished and finishedproducts, damaged or destroyed because of exceptional events and nolonger usable.


Regione Umbria

Sheet A – Needs recognition for public property restoration;

Sheet B – “ private housing stock;

Sheet C - Recognition of the damage suffered by economic and productive activities;

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

productive activities;

Table A - Needs recognition for the restoration of public property (summary);

Table B - Needs recognition for damage restoration of private housing stock and economic/productive activities (synthesis);


Regione Umbria

Sheet A – Needs recognition for public property restoration;

Sheet B – “ private housing stock;

Sheet C - Recognition of the damage suffered by economic and productive activities;

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

productive activities;

Table A - Needs recognition for the restoration of public property (summary);

Table B - Needs recognition for damage restoration of private housing stock and economic/productive activities (synthesis);


Regione Umbria

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014


Regione Umbria

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014



Regione Umbria

Emergency management and urgent restoration � 16 M€art.5, comma 2, lett a), b), c) L. 225/1992

4) Needs for recovery � 100 M€

Case studyCase study : persistent rainfall emergency in central Italy, November 2013 - February 2014

3.5 M€ OK, still waiting for the allocation of funds by the national government

4) Needs for recovery � 100 M€art.5, comma 2, lettera d) Legge 225/1992


ThankThank youyou for for attentionattention !!

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