Download - UKG Graduation Day · Sarojini Naidu, Indira Gandhi, Kalpana Every year across the globe March 8th is observed as International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day stands for


During ancient period women were given equal opportunity to education and they even had a right to choose their life partners. Gargi, Maitreya and Leelavati were great scholars of ancient India. After the foreign invasion women of our country started facing confinement and restrictions. Child marriage, female infanticide and dowry deaths became rampant. The condition of women worsened. Many other parts of the world also women had to face similar oppressions. They were considered inferior to men and were not given voting rights. Some women even in these circumstances, chased their dreams with determination, dedication and hard work, and achieved success in various fields like sports, politics, art, literature, business etc which were considered as male domains.India is fortunate to have had many great women - Auvaiyar, Annie Besant, Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Mother Teresa, Sarojini Naidu, Indira Gandhi, Kalpana

Every year across the globe March 8th is observed as International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day stands for more than equality for women; it is a day to celebrate the achievements of women in various spheres of life. A famous Sanskrit quote says:“Yathra Nariyastu pujyanteTathra Devatha Ramante”This quote means God dwells in a place where women are respected and worshipped. Also, only in India Woman is worshipped as Sakthi [Strength], Saraswathy [Knowledge] and Lakshmi [Prosperity].

Chawla, Indra Nooyi, Pratibha Patil and many more in the Indian Corporate sector who have proved to be more than a match. Their contribution to the society in whole and to Women in particular is invaluable. This year’s theme for women’s day is ‘Make it Happen’. Women have the potential to make anything happen with their hard work, dedication and determination. I would like to conclude with this quote of Vera Nezarian: “A woman is a human. She is not better, wiser, stronger, more intelligent, more creative or more responsible than a man. Likewise, she is never less than a man”.

Ms. Prexy Rajan - Kinderfun Department.

Ms Anitha Madhu – Faculty Member

UKG Graduation Day was held on 28th February 2015. It was indeed an emotional moment for all of us at KINDERFUN, as our little ones from UKG were stepping into a new milestone. It was a pleasure to see our little ones dressed in gowns and caps which added an extra magical touch to the event. Chief Guest for the day was Ms Vinita Sood, a Consultant at Xseed Academic, escorted the children along with our school co-ordinator Ms. Vrinda Coutinho, our Principal and Vice-Principal. The welcome speech was delivered by Joel of Std I followed by the felicitation of Chief Guest. Gems Magazine was released by the dignitaries followed by the Administration of Oath by KINDERFUN in-charge Ms. Shaila Sathish.Our little angels from LKG tapped their tiny feet for the song “Get on the floor”. We had some heart touching farewell speeches from our budding stars titled “Down the Memory Lane” by UKG ‘A’ Nayonika Rachel, UKG ‘B’ Mythili P,

UKG ‘C’ Sourav S. The mementos were distributed to all the graduates by the guest of honor Ms Vinita Sood, our school co-ordinator Ms. Vrinda Coutinho along with our Principal.Ultimately, as all good things come to an end, the show ended with an excellent speech by our Chief Guest Ms Vinita Sood which highlighted the vital role played by our teachers in moulding the lives of our children. She also hoisted a thoughtful question to parents stating “We think what our children

will become tomorrow, but we forget what they are Today”. Our school co-ordinator Ms. Vrinda Coutinho addressed the gathering on behalf of His Excellency Dr. Joseph V.G, Chairman of Garden City Group of Institutions, Bengaluru, followed by our school Principal who thanked the parents for spending their precious time with us. The vote of thanks was given by Aditi Menon of UKG ‘C’ and with due respect to the Nation we sang the National Anthem to conclude the ceremony.


Vol: V | Issue: 10 | March 2015 | Horamavu, Banaswadi, Bengaluru-560 043. Ph: 080-65478137; 080- 080-65478141; 080-25458180.

UKG Graduation Day

International Women’s Day

Guru. Rekha Ganesh Bharadwaj - Faculty Member


We all have been watching magicians at work either on TV or in real life around street corners or at a special show in a big hall. The effect is always the same. WOW!!! How did he do it? It is magic, we always think. We also want to learn to be able to do tricks like that. Wow! How nice it would be to perform magic like them. Should we become magicians to be able to do this or…..The great magician of all times Houdini, who had a very successful career as a magician was asked to narrate his success and his feats to a select audience. Now Houdini was a very honest and a sincere man. He could have amassed huge fortunes by tricking people or cheating them. He did neither. He would always say “Whatever I am doing is just nothing, but pure skill. There is no magic in this”. But people who have seen him perform would always swear that it was pure magic and nothing else. His power was so great that it was almost impossible not to believe that it was not magic. There was no situation where he would fail. He was put into great tasks to escape from prisons, underwater with his hands tied, through fire with his hands tied and eyes blindfolded. He would always come out unscathed in less than a minute. Chains were removed, locks were opened- something would always happen. No chains or locks could contain him for more than a few seconds. Asked whether it was magic or science, he always stood by what he had once said “Whatever I have done is just skill. There is no magic”. But it happened in Italy. The only time in his life, he was locked in the central prison

his God gifted talents, works hard to develop them into skills and uses these skills to accomplish his/ her goals. Skilful employees are an asset to the company and are a backbone to the smooth functioning of the firm. We all are skilled and talented in one or more ways. We need to keep abreast of the changing technological environment around us to be as effective as we once were. Else we will be left behind and become outdated. There is a quote that I have read – Wisdom is knowing what to do, skill is knowing how to do it and virtue is doing it. Nelson Mandela went to jail believing in violence, and years later he and his colleagues had slowly and carefully honed the incredible skills, that they needed to turn one of the most vicious governments the world has known into a democracy. And they did it in a total devotion to non- violence _ Scilla Elworthy.If rightly recognized early and honed the proper way, and when it comes to developing character strength, inner security and unique personal and interpersonal talents and skills of a child, no institution can or ever will compare with or effectively substitute for, the home’s potential for positive influence. So let us start early at home and move towards a skilled and an updated society and a country in general. Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity and these in turn rely on the education of our people.

of Rome and thousands of people had gathered to witness his escape, to see him come out. Minutes passed and there was no sign of him. This had never happened. Everyone was tight lipped, waiting anxiously. Half an hour passed. Now the people started becoming restless. “What has happened to him ? Did the magician fail in his act?” were the questions in their mind.After almost an hour, Houdini came out sweating and laughing. Seeing him everyone started asking him questions. “The prison authorities tricked me. The door was not locked. My skill is to open the lock, the doors were not locked. I was trying to find where the lock was. And there was no lock. That’s why I am out, not because of my skill”.Skill is an art that we all excel at and specialize in. Excellence at work lies in the skillfulness of the art. Skills of a person are the yardstick to judge his/her capabilities. The word Skill means: the ability to do something well with expertise. It is said that a smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.We’re losing social skills, the human interaction skills, how to read a person’s mood, to read their body language, how to be patient until the moment is right to make or press a point. Too much exclusive use of electronic information dehumanizes which is a very important part of community life and living together. Skilful people are indispensable and eventful to the growth and development of any society and country. A winner is someone who recognizes

VISION with You

Dr. Joseph V. G.Chairman

Deva Matha Central School & Garden City Group of Institutions


As the holiday season moves into full swing and parents plan a vacation for their children, it’s imperative to understand that children want to explore everything. The only thing students look forward to during vacation is to have loads of fun.

A family vacation is an important bonding and rejuvenating experience -a time to interact in a relaxed environment, away from the busy everyday schedules of work, school and extracurricular activities. At the beginning of the summer vacation, sit down with your kids and make a list of nice things you can do for your loved ones. Make a list of family, friends and neighbors for whom you would like to do something special and then do the kindness act.

Opportunities to explore nature during the summer are endless. You can visit a botanical garden in your neighborhood or plant a garden as a family. Gardening is a wonderful activity that can last all summer long. Even if you are short on space, you have options. Just make sure you will have the time to devote to planting, tending and harvesting the fruits and vegetables from your garden.

Summer’s the perfect time to host a reunion. Have a family reunion or a reunion of friends you haven’t seen in a while. Spending time with friends should be just as valued as learning in a classroom. Life lessons and natural experience is learned through sharing. Parents can use this time to instill moral values among their children by speaking positively about their immediate family members, relatives, friends, teachers, school and all those aspects that influence the child’s environment. Summer allows the growth of emotional skills and problem solving abilities. Summer vacation is a period that lets children just live life without any of the stress that comes along with constant homework assignments or projects. Summer break gives a perfect amount of time for students to get enough rest to start school back in June with a refreshed and open mind.

Dear Parents, every working person dreams of finding that ultimate work life balance. The stresses and pressure of a full time career, coupled with the demands of raising a family and running a household can take its toll on any working parent. It’s time you gift your family and yourself some memorable family time.

Happy holidays!


On 21st February 2015, the teacher’s in charge of the literature club conducted an adventurous quest for the students of the club, ‘THE TREASURE HUNT’. The students had great fun that day finding a surprise gift. The students were divided into two groups, Std 7 and Std 8 were team A while Std 5 and Std 6 were team B. The clues to the treasure were hidden in the unnoticed corners of the school. The clues and the gift were hidden according to scripts written by Deepit Petkar and Rohit P Kurup of Std 8. The teachers were given codes to help the children. It started from a fire extinguisher and ended at our Principal Sir’s cabin. Children enjoyed this day and cherished this amazing adventure. Kudos to the teachers in charge of the literary club for coming up with a wonderful idea.

Every human being is a born creator. We usually relate ‘creativity’ with talents like dancing, painting, singing, poetry etc. But in reality creativity, has got nothing to do with any activity in particular. Anything can be creative, provided you bring quality to that activity. Activity itself is neither creative nor uncreative. You can paint in an uncreative way. You can dance in an uncreative way. You can clean the floor in a creative way. You can cook in a creative way. Thus, creativity is a quality that can be brought into any task or activity we perform. It is an attitude, an inner approach- how you look at things. So, let us not confine creativity to anything in particular.Whatever activity we perform, let us do it joyfully, lovingly and with complete involvement. If your act of doing is not purely economical, then it is creative. If you have a positive feeling of growing in you and it is spiritual, it is creative. It is divine. In your act of doing if there is no expectation of name or fame, then


Rohit P Kurup - VIII Std.

Scoring 7 points out of 9 rounds, Kalki Eshwar D of Std V secured the 10th Place in the OPEN Category at Karnataka State Under 11 Open Chess Championship, organized by the Chess Shoots, Bangalore on the 13th - 15th of February 2015.

Sports ActivitiesChess Competition – Kalki V A

Ms Hemalatha R S – Physical Education Director

Creativity – Love what you do !

School Activities &

Events Corner

Ms Bansri Mithun – Faculty Member

you are being creative. Let us not be over ambitious. When there is too much of ‘ambition factor’ in us, then creativity disappears. Being over ambitious only blocks our energy of joy and love towards the activity. When an ambitious artist is painting, he is looking ahead. He is thinking, ‘will my painting be recognized by the world?’ A novelist while writing his latest book would think, ‘I want my book to be the best seller of the year!’ Thus, such people would only think about the future. But a truly creative person will always be in the present, and most important, he/she will thoroughly enjoy the present moment.Every individual is born with creativity. But sometimes it so happens that we are unable to use it at the right time. Let us perceive all circumstances we come across positively, and transform every situation into an opportunity. Let’s drop negativity. Let’s consciously sprinkle creativity in all that we do. With this attitude, each moment of our lives would be meaningful, beautiful and creative.


OLYMPIAD Ms Sreevidya Pradeep - Faculty Member

School Activities &

Events Corner

Silverzone foundation is a registered non - profit organization commuted to motivate formed to inspire students to strive for in-depth understanding of the subject as well as enhance their factual, conceptual, reasoning logical, analytical and problem solving skills.

Silverzone International Olympiad organized an examination for students in subjects as Science, Mathematics, Computers, English, Hindi, General Knowledge, Talent Hunt and French. Our children of DMCS passed with flying colours. Though the results of most of the subjects are anticipated, only a few were announced. In Science they secured 13 – Gold, 12 – Silver, 11 - Bronze, Mathematics they secured

8 – Gold, 8 – Silver, 4 – Bronze. Computer 10 – Gold, 7 – Silver, 4 – Bronze and in English they secured 9 – Gold, 12 – Silver, 8 - Bronze, Ananya Acholu of Std II secured the 4th Rank in English at the National level and

was awarded with a wrist watch.Children were felicitated with medals and certificates at the school assembly. Our children enjoyed appearing for the exam and learned a lot from it.

A Trip to Planetarium Ms Priya Nair

– Faculty Member

Our school arranged for a visit to the planetarium for classes I to IV on 4th March, 2015. The children were excited and happy. We left the school at 9.00 am in school buses and reached the planetarium at 10.00 am. Though the travel was short they enjoyed it with their friends. Once they reached the planetarium, they

were taken to the hall for a show, which started at 10.30 am. The show was about the Universe and the Solar System which our children enjoyed thoroughly. The whole idea of this visit was to make the children have a visual knowledge of how the Universe appears.

Post the show, children were taken to Garden City College where they had a sumptuous lunch and deserts. They went exploring the GCC campus while some of them engaged themselves in games. Children were taken to the auditorium where they watched the movie ‘Gravity’, something relevant to what they had witnessed earlier at the planetarium. Then, we started our trip back to the school, which was pleasant as the children sang songs and had fun in their own little way. We reached the school at 3.00 pm and the children had a memorable trip.

School Activities &

Events Corner

Deva Matha Central School Banaswadi Editorial Board

Smrithi 1st Std.

Kshama Kengar 2nd Std.

Saania Sama 3rd Std.

Cheryl Glen Netto 3rd Std.

Ashvin 4th Std.

Kushi Nagaraj 5th Std.

Shruthi Ashok 6th Std.

Sravani G 7th Std.

Rohit P Kurup 8th Std.

Kundana R 9th Std.

EditorMs Shilpa Netto

Teachers Incharge Ms Sreejisha, Ms Prasanna, Ms Sherin Varghese,

Ms Prexy Rajan, Ms Anitha Madhu, Ms Bansri Mithun, Ms Geetha Ranjan,

Ms Sreevidya Pradeep, Ms Priya Nair, Ms Josephine.

Prabhakara G. S.Principal, Banaswadi

Principal’s DeskPrincipal’s DeskFrom theFrom the

After days of doggedly studies, from waking up early to sleeping late and emotional pressure of exams, one really needs an honest break. Well, you definitely need a good vacation. Months into this monotonous routine you crave to do something new, don’t you? After all, vacations should be fun filled and adventurous where you can try something different.

Once school is closed for summer, you just want to sit back and enjoy your free time. But, the time once passed will not return. Hence, utilize your vacation in an appropriate way. This could be a good time to de-stress yourself both physically as well as mentally, especially if the next year is going to be an academically challenging year. Besides the leisure activities

you cultivate, taking care of your health is also necessary. Good nutrition is significant to healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical activity, your diet can help you promote your overall health.

As the climate changes, so does our planet’s supply and flow of fresh water. The summer is as good a time to stay hydrated. While water is always the best way to stay hydrated, fruits and vegetables can be a great way to supplement your intake. Water is at the core of sustainable development. Water is a very unique source in the universe. Earth is called ‘Water Planet’ as it is the only planet that contains water. 97% of water is salt, 2% has been frozen while only 1 % is fit for drinking.

From food and energy security to human and environmental health, water contributes to improvement in social well-being and inclusive growth, affecting the livelihoods of billions. Unsurprisingly, Nature provides the ability for adaptive and positive behavior that enables individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. The good news is that acquiring essential life skills will not only contribute to your personal growth and development, but also will make you a more interesting and dynamic individual.

When you conserve water, you conserve life!


Why must we brush our teeth every day?

Unity is StrengthOn a tree lived a group of doves. These doves, together, went is search of food and water. Such was their unity. As they were crossing a paddy field, they saw paddy spilled all over the place. They swept to have a feast. But, Alas! misfortune awaited them.They got caught in the trap of a hunter. They could do nothing by themselves. As time passed they grew tired. In a distance they saw the hunter coming cheerfully.

Saania had a beautiful farm house surrounded by a lovely garden with different species of flowers. Myriads of butterflies fluttered about, enjoying the nectar from the flowers and lots of birds, including sparrows and larks sang all day. On one side of the garden there was a lovely fishpond with variety of rare species of fishes from across the country. But Saania was bored. Whether it was beautiful or not, it made no difference to her, living in the same house every day,

Literary Delight

seeing the same plants in the garden, the same fish in the pond. She yawned for a change. So, she called a real estate agent and told him: “I want to move. I am fed up of staying here. Find me another home, and sell this one”. The agent told her that he would help her. A few days later, an attractive advertisement appeared in the newspaper regarding a property for sale. Saania was thrilled and so called the agent and said, “I am interested in

purchasing the property. All my life I have wanted to live in a house like this”. The real estate agent immediately recognized Saania’s voice and said, ‘Ma’am, it is the same house you live in now, which you wanted to dispose off!

- Saania Sama - III Std.


When we eat, small particles of food get stuck between the teeth, giving rise to bacteria. They reproduce and create dental problems like caries. At first, these are only decay in the enamel of the teeth, but as they become deeper they can be very

painful. Chewing becomes difficult with bad teeth and the jaw looks deformed if some teeth are missing. If the bacteria is not removed, they can enter your body through the mouth.

- Smriti – I Std.


Amazing Zoological Facts • Doyouknowthesharkistheonly

fishthatcanblinkwithbotheyes?• A goldfish is the only animal that

can see the infra-red and ultra-violetlight.

• Tigersareexcellentswimmersandcanswimupto6.5Kmatastretch.

• Cats can make 100 differentsounds while the dogs can onlymake about 10 different types ofsounds.

In a final attempt, all the doves started flapping their wings uniformly. The doves flew away carrying the net with them. The hunter went disappointed.Soon the doves landed in a nearby woods. They called their rat friends who came out and gnawed away the net. The doves were free from the trap and together they flew away happily.

-Kshama Kengar – II Std.

• Fliesdonotgrowtheyarebornfullsize.• ABluewhale’stongueweighsmore

thananelephant.• HoneyBeesneversleep.• AnewbornPandaweighsasmuch

asateacup.• Sea otters hold hands when they

sleepso that theywon’tfloatawayfromeachother.

• Starfishdonothavebrain.- Ashvin - IV Std.

A Fisherman’s PunishmentOnce upon a time, there lived a fisherman named Ramu. Ramu and his family lived with satisfaction, although they had very little, with two meals per day. He used to go fishing every morning and return in the evening.

One day the fisherman fell sick. But he had to go fishing as there was nothing left at home. So, somehow he stood on his feet and prepared to go. After he reached, his ill luck struck him. The previous day, there were no fishes, this made Ramu more sick and he fainted. When he regained his consciousness, he saw that his basket was full of fishes. He was so happy and said “The Lord saved my life.” He went to the market, sold the fish and came home with lots of money.

Then, the next day he was perfectly fine. He went to the same place for fishing, but was too lazy to fish. He then thought of a plan, “I will act as if I fainted and then someone will come and help me.” But, when he woke up the basket was still empty and it was already evening. Thus his family had to go hungry that day. He had thought that the Lord would help him the next day but soon realized that God helps people only when they are in need and not when they are lazy.

Moral: God helps those who help themselves.

- Kushi Nagaraj – V Std


The 2015 Cricket World Cup is the 11th Cricket World Cup, jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand from 14th February to 29th March 2015. 14 teams played 49 matches in 14 venues, with Australia staging 26 games at grounds in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney while New Zealand hosted 23 games in Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton, Napier, Nelson and Wellington. The final match of the tournament took place at the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

The hosting rights of ICC world cup were awarded to Australia and New Zealand and that of 2019 were awarded to England. Sachin Tendulkar was named as the 2015 Cricket World Cup Ambassador by the ICC for the second time, after 2011 Cricket World Cup where he was the ambassador.

India are the defending champions, having won the tournament in 2011 when it was held in the Indian subcontinent, defeating Sri Lanka in the finals by 6

wickets. Tickets for the match between India and Pakistan, played on 15th February 2015, reportedly sold out within 12 minutes of going on sale.The International Cricket Council has declared a total prize money pool of $10 million for the tournament. The prize money distributed according to the performance of the team is as follows:Winner $ 3,975,000Runner-up $ 1,750,000Losing semi-finalists $ 600,000 Losing quarter-finalists $ 300,000Winner of each group match $ 45,000Teams eliminated in group stage $ 35,000Australia won their fifth World Cup, beating fellow co-hosts New Zealand by seven wickets in the ICC World Cup final in Melbourne on 29th March 2015.

- Kundana R – IX Std.

Literary Delight

ICC World cup 2015



PAPER PLATE ROSES What you need:• 1paperplate• Paints,crayons,pencilsorcoloured

marker pens• Scissors• StaplerActivity:Paint or colour your paper plate first. When it’s dry, trim the edge of the plate with the scissors, so that you are only working with the flat part in the centre.Cut a rough spiral into the remaining circle. It doesn’t have to be even – wobbly is a bit better anyway.


Who doesn’t love a delicious and juicy orange as a snack? They are popular with athletes because they can be easily eaten for a burst of energy. I too enjoy eating one or two oranges a day most of the year for that same energy-boosting effect.Oranges are rich in citrus lemonades, proven to help fight a number of varieties of cancer including that of the skin, lung, breast, stomach and colon. According to doctors, eating mandarin oranges reduces liver cancer. Prevents Kidney Diseases - Drinking orange juice regularly prevents kidney diseases and reduces the risk of kidney stones. Drink juice in moderate amounts. The high sugar content of fruit juices can cause tooth decay and the high acid content can wear away enamel if

consumed in excess.Lowers Cholesterol and Boosts Heart Health - Since oranges are full of soluble fiber, oranges are helpful in lowering cholesterol. They are full of potassium; an electrolyte mineral, responsible for helping the heart to function well. The magnesium in oranges also help to regulate high blood pressure.Studies show that the abundance of polyphenols in oranges protects against viral infections. They are full of dietary fiber which stimulates digestive juices and relieves constipation. They are full of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant protecting the cells from being damaged, which protects the skin from free radicals and prevents the signs of aging.

- Shruthi Ashok - VI Std.

Tornado is a powerful, twisting wind storm. The winds of a tornado are the most violent winds that occur on the Earth. They whirl around the centre of the storm at more than 320 kilometers per hour. Most tornadoes measure several hundred meters in diameter, and many have caused widespread death and destruction.A tornado is a rotating funnel cloud that extends downwards from a mass of dark clouds. Some funnels do not reach the earth. Others may strike the surface of the earth, withdraw into the dark clouds above, and then dip down and strike the earth again.Protection against tornadoes:Weather stations obtain information from local observers, radar stations, and the pilots in aircraft, when weather conditions appear favorable for Tornadoes. The station issues a warning to the people in the area of the tornado.

Literary Delight

Some communities send observers to hill tops and other vantage points to watch for funnel clouds. One type of radar, the Doppler radar, can indicate the location of tornadoes and can also determine the speed of the wind. A tornado is a serious occurrence, and many lives have been saved by adequate tornado warnings.The more we learn about tornadoes; on the other hand, new research may not result in a quick understanding, but may raise new and even more confusing issues that scientists will have to deal with. Storms that can create them, the more they seem to become even more of a mystery. It is possible that some insight, we are yet to find, will help in our understanding of tornado better. Until many questions about tornadoes are answered, Tornadoes will remain one of Mother Nature’s biggest destructors.

- Sravani G – VII Std.

Finish the spiral at the centre with a small circle (about 1.5cm diameter).Now go to the pointy bit, where you started cutting, and curl the spiral around your finger.Keep curling until you get to the small circle at the end. Now pull the pointy bit through the centre of the rose and staple it to the small circle at the end of the spiral.These pretty paper plate roses are simple enough and they look almost as good as real roses.

-Cheryl Glen Netto - III Std.

Method1. Take 1 cup maida, 1 tablespoon oil and

salt in a large bowl and mix it well with warm water in small amount to get smooth dough. Apply oil on the surface and leave for 25mins.

2. Divide dough into 4 equal chunks and give each chunk a shape of ball and coat it with dry wheat flour on each chunk and spread oil eventually on the surface with a brush and sprinkle little flour over it.

3. Hold approx 1/3 inch wide strip with your first two fingers and thumb from the top edge of rolled raw paratha, lift and fold backwards such that top edge remains on top.

4. Now hold each ends of long stacked-plited strip with your first two fingers and

thumb. Lift the strip slowly away from rolling board and give a few mild gentle swings. This will stretch the strip a bit.

5. Roll it like a Swiss roll. Press and stick outer-end against roll’s immediate surface. Take each roll and place it horizontally on rolling board. Coat it with dry wheat flour and roll it out gently.

6. Heat tawa over medium flame and place raw Lachha paratha on it. When you see tiny bubbles rise on the surface, flip it upside down and spread 1 tsp oil over it. Cook it until it becomes golden brown.

7. Transfer to plate. Soft and crispy paratha are ready to serve them with palak paneer or malai.

• Maida [ 1 cup(for dough) + ½ cup (fordusting) ]

• Warmwater(forkneading)• Oil/Ghee• Salt



Sherin Mary Varghese –Faculty MemberLachha Paratha


Geetha K - Faculty MemberCHICKEN FRY

MethodMarinate chicken with above ingredients for 1 hour.The longer you keep, much tastier it would get. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the marinated chicken.Garnish with sliced onions.Serve with roti or rice.Note: Adjust the spice level according to your taste.

Ms Mary Josephine - Faculty MemberINSTANT OATS IDLY

IngredientsOats, ground to powder - 2 cupsSooji/ Semolina - 1 cupBaking soda - a pinchCurd or Buttermilk - 1 cupBeans, finely chopped - ¼ cupCarrot, grated - 1 no.Green Chillies, finely chopped - 3-4 no’sGreen peas - ¼ cupGinger, finely chopped - 1 piece Salt - to tasteLittle oil for greasing the Idli tray.

Method1. Blend the oats until it becomes a fine powder.2. Put the oats powder in a bowl and add semolina. Mix well.3. Add in a pinch of baking soda and salt to taste.4. Add cup of curd or buttermilk and mix well. If required add just enough water to make a thick Idli batter. Keep this mixture aside for 10 minutes.5. Add all vegetables like beans, carrot, green chillies, green peas and finely chopped ginger and mix well.6. Grease the Idli tray and pour a ladle full of Idli batter in each greased Idli plate and steam cook for 10 minutes.7. Remove and serve hot with any chutney of your choice.

Ingredients• Chicken-10mediumsizedpieces• Greenchilli-4nos(grindedtopaste)• Gingerandgarlicpaste-2tbsp• Chillipowder-2tsp• Turmeric-1/2tsp• Pepperpowder-apinch• Yogurt• Salt

DMCS, Vidyaranyapura

Event @ GCC


On 24.2.2015, Day 2 of the National Science Week celebrations at GCC included screening of clippings from popular science fiction movies. The National Science Week is an ongoing event organized by Nuova Vita, the Life Sciences club at GCC under the aegis of the Department of Life Sciences, in association with the Department of Computer Sciences. Undergraduate and postgraduate students participated in the movie review event in large numbers. Clips from classic sci-fi movies like Lucy, Jurassic Park and X-Men were shown. Debates on issues such as the feasibility of technology demonstrated in the movie and its ethical implications were held. Students from each class presented their views and debated with the opposing team. Topics for discussion covered legality of mind-altering substances, genetic engineering, cloning and human mutations. Rytham Manhas, II Semester, B. Sc. (Biotechnology) appreciated the depth of ideas presented in the discussions and hoped that the club would organize more such events that involve participation of all students. As part of the ongoing National Science Week celebrations, Nuova Vita, the Life Sciences club at GCC under the aegis of the Department of Life Sciences, organized three parallel workshops on various topics on 25.2.2015, Wednesday. The workshops included wine-making, organic farming and dermatoglyphics.In the workshop on wine-making, students were educated about the various aspects of wine, its nature and preparatory stages. Two different types of wines were prepared, red and white,

from grapes. The workshop covered subjects like selection of fruit, yeast and preservatives. The sterilization techniques of wine vats and proper sealing were demonstrated. Finer aspects of viticulture such as aging, bottling and pasteurization were discussed.Organic farming and vermicomposting workshop was primarily aimed at reducing the use of chemical fertilizers in an easy, cost-effective manner. Students participated in preparing composting bed with soil and biodegradable wastes like paper and vegetable waste. Information regarding various species of earthworms for vermicomposting and scaling up techniques for a mid to large scale industry was provided.Dermatoglyphics, the science of analyzing palm prints for genetic signatures, was the subject of the third parallel workshop. Dermatoglyphics involves study of palm prints of subjects to identify patterns that indicate genetic predisposition to disorders like myopia (short-sightedness), diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The workshop dealt with identifying major signs on a palm print such as ridge counts, creases and patterns. Students produced palm prints and analyzed them for signs of various genetic disorders. The workshop aimed at raising awareness about genetic diagnostic techniques and options for genetic counseling.Sudipto Chakraborty, II Semester, M. Sc. (Biotechnology) said, “The three workshops were a great source of information about the various techniques in life sciences that can be applied in everyday life. The theme of

National Science Week the Science Week, Science Unplugged is really successful.”On 26th February, Thursday, an event was organized named, “ Science and Story on Stage: Constellations”. Here a play was enacted on-stage on the topic of “ Bipolar Disorder”, which was followed by a video that described the science behind bipolar disorder followed by an open discussion. The play was performed by the 2nd Semester MSc. Biotechnology students. This event was headed by Prof. Preethi Rajesh and Prof. Kirana Shekar.On 27th February, Friday, Computer Science quiz was organized by the Department of Computer Science. The quiz dealt with the basics of computers. The questions were of MCQ type and identification of logos. This event was organized by the 4th Semester UG students of Computer Science Department. This event was headed by Prof. Mamatha and Ms. Madhavi. The first prize was won by Mr. Rohit Ojha (VI Sem B.Sc Biotechnology) and Mr.Venkatash (IV Sem B.Sc Biotechnology).Finally, on the last day of the Science Week, 28th February, Saturday, the students of 2nd Semester and 4th Semester UG Life Sciences and 2nd Semester of UG Computer Science went to Gopalan Signature Mall to celebrate the National Science day. Awareness about basic sciences, computer sciences and the environment was created by displaying banners and distributing pamphlets.The students were accompanied by Dr. Shefali Raizada, Ms. Proma Chakraborty, Prof. Florence Shobha, Ms. Urmimala Ray and Ms. Madhavi.

Esha Ghosal - IV Sem. BSc. Biotech. andSuraj Prasad - IV Sem. BSc. Biotech.

We the students of class VIII had a special assembly to mark the International Women’s Day. International women’s day is celebrated as a mark of respect, appreciation and

International Women’s Day “Make it Happen”

were briefed about the importance of women’s day. One of the students dressed up as Malala Yousafzai delivered an inspiring speech on “Empowering and educating women”. On this occasion our Principal Smt. R.Balasundari was presented a bouquet on behalf of all women staff members as a token of love and respect. To mark the day the girl students wore the badges carrying the logo of International women’s day which symbolizes justice and dignity, the two values strongly associated with Women’s equality. The colours purple, green and white were used in the badges to show solidarity. We feel extremely proud to share that we are a women managed Institution.It was a memorable experience.

- Students of Class VIII

love towards women. It is a global day to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women from the past, present and future.In the morning assembly students

My Creative Space

Srishti, Pre-Nursery

Mayank R, Pre-Nursery

Keerthana K – LKG

Nikitha K – LKG Sanjay Rohan – UKG

Aradhana Ajith – LKG Adya Pai – UKG

Roshan R – LKG Stuti – LKG Umar – LKG

Yuvraj Sharma, Pre-Nursery Varuni P J, Pre-Nursery Seawoo Jang, Pre-Nursery