Download - Uganda Project


UGANDA 2015!


• Uganda is known as the Pearl of Africa • It prides itself on being a welcoming and

friendly country.• It is located in the East of Africa • It has a population of approximately 39 million


Project Background

• In Uganda, water and sanitation related diseases are the top killer with a lack of clean water causing nearly 50% of the diseases

• 11.5% of Ugandan children dying before the age of 5 because of diarrhea related diseases

• Only 65% of Ugandans have access to clean, safe drinking water.

• 92% of Uganda’s energy consumption is derived from trees such as firewood with only 3% of Uganda’s land left under natural forest cover, this poses a great threat

• Little Big Africa is a small charity based in Uganda.

• It works with British and American University volunteers to improve sanitation and promote the use of natural resources in the Eastern region of the country.

• This is the fifth year that SVA will be working with LBA

Project Information

• We are looking for 12 volunteers to go out to Uganda

• The project will run for 7 weeks, with the first 8 days spent training with LBA

• You will meet with the NGO two or three times during placement to ensure that the project is going well

• After debrief with LBA, volunteers will be given the opportunity to go white water rafting on the River Nile and go on a three day safari!

Project Aims

1. Build a water tank2. Protect a water source3. Teach W.A.S.H in the local primary school and

in the local community4. Promote and train the community in building

fuel efficient stoves

1. Build a water tank!

2. Protect a water source!

3. Promote W.A.S.H in the local primary school and in the local community

4. Promote and train the community in building fuel efficient stoves

2014 Project

• Seven volunteers were sent out to Uganda from Glasgow University

• We did our training for eight days in Mbale and then went out to placement in a village in Manafwa

• The group chose to travel round Uganda for a week after finishing project, visiting Jinja and going rafting in the Nile, Murchison falls and Kamplala

Project costs • For a group of 12 approximately £9200 will need to be raised• Half of this will be done individually meaning each volunteer will be expected to

raise approximately £380• The other half will be raised as a group • This will include your food and accommodation whilst in training and on placement

and some of your transport • Volunteers must fund their own flights, insurance, vaccinations and visas. • An approximation of what volunteers spent last year:• Visa - $50• Flights – approx. £500/£600• Insurance – approx. £100• Vaccinations – between £250 and £300• Safari and rafting after project – approx. £300• Spending money, this will depend on you as a person and what you want to spend

last year between approx. £300 and £600

Catherine Forde & Steph [email protected]