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Page 1: U_G Methods Comparison

Engineering ConsiderationsIn mining, a method of extraction is employed which will yield the largest net return. The method employed must be safe and must also permit optimum extraction under the particular geological conditions encountered. The best method of stoping depends on the geological characteristics that determine the area of back or walls that will be self-supporting during the removal of ore, the nature and size of supports required, and the support required for permanent openings to prevent subsidence.

The physical characteristics which dictate the choice of a stoping method might also be grouped as follows:

strength of ore and wall rocks, shape, horizontal area, volume of ore body thickness, dip, and pitch of the deposit continuity of the ore depth below surface and nature of overburden position of ore body to drainage/openings

The history of the development of underground openings in mining and other types of underground excavations serves as a guide in the appraisal of rock structure stability.

Although mine openings which are left with natural pillars are often classed as belonging to support stoping methods, the geology and general character of rock masses in which room and pillar methods of mining are adaptable are the types which may be most stable. The complexity of geologic structure usually increases the complexity of the mining method used.

Geological ConsiderationsOre occurs in many forms and is associated with mant types of geologic structures. The geologic conditions and ore occurrence are major factors in determining the type of mining method. Knowledge of the geology of a deposit will help the mine operators in the actual mining and may help to discover new ore deposits.

A magma may be considered as a hot, fluid, subterranean mass that contains the common rock-forming elements, different gases, such as water vapour, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, chlorine, fluorine, boron, and the various metals. During cooling, a magma differentiates or splits into mineral components that give rise to BASIC and ACIDIC phases of igneous rocks and to a residual mother liquor which is the principal source of ore minera

Page 2: U_G Methods Comparison

Deposit Conditions favourable to U/G Methods


FactorRoom and Pillar Stope and Pillar Shrinkage Sublevel

Ore Strength Weak / Mod Mod / Strong Strong Mod / Strong

Rock Strength Mod / Strong Mod / Strong Strong Fairly Strong

Deposit Shape Tabular Tabular/Lenticular Tabular/Lenticular Tabular/Lenticular

Deposit Dip Low / Flat Low / Mod Fairly Steep Fairly Steep

Deposit Size Large / Thin Any Thin / Mod Thick / Mod

Ore Grade Moderate Low / Mod Fairly High Mod

Ore Uniformity Uniform Variable Uniform Uniform

Depth Shallow/Mod Shallow/ Mod Shallow / Mod Mod




Factor Cut & Fill Stull Square Set 

Ore Strength Mod / Strong Strong Weak  

Rock Strength Weak Mod Weak  

Deposit Shape Tab/Irregular Tab/Irregular Any  

Deposit Dip Fairly Steep Mod/ Steep Any  

Deposit Size Thin / Mod Thin/Mod Usually small  

Ore Grade Fairly High Fairly High High  

Ore Uniformity Variable Variable Variable  

Depth Mod / Deep Mod/Deep Deep  




Factor Longwall Sublevel Caving Block Caving 

Ore Strength Any Mod/Strong Weak/Mod  

Rock Strength Weak/Mod Weak Weak/Mod  

Deposit Shape Tabular Tabular/Massive Massive/Thick  

Deposit Dip Low / Flat Fairly Steep Fairly Steep  

Deposit Size Thin/ Wide Large Thick Very Thick  

Ore Grade Mod Mod Low  

Ore Uniformity Uniform Mod Uniform  

Depth Mod / Deep Mod Mod  

Page 3: U_G Methods Comparison

Comparison of U/G Methods



FactorRoom and Pillar Stope and Pillar Shrinkage Sublevel

Mining Cost 30% 30% 50% 40%

Production Large Large Moderate Large

Productivity High High Low High

Investment High Moderate Low Moderate

Development Rapid Rapid Rapid Moderate

Depth Limited Limited Limited Moderate

Selectivity Low High Moderate Low

Recovery Moderate Moderate High Moderate

Dilution Moderate Low Low Moderate

Flexibility Moderate High Moderate Low

Stability Moderate High High High

Subsidence Moderate Low Low Low

Health/Safety Good Good Good Good

Other Good Ventilation Fair Ventilation Labour Intensive Good Ventilation




Factor Cut & Fill Stull Square Set 

Mining Costs 80% 70% 100%  

Production Moderate Small Small  

Productivity Moderate Low Low  

Investment Moderate Low Low  

Development Moderate Rapid Slow  

Depth Moderate Limited Unlimited  

Selectivity High High High  

Recovery High High Highest  

Dilution Low Low Lowest  

Flexibility Moderate High High  

Stability High Moderate High  

Subsidence Low Moderate Low  

Health/Safety Moderate Moderate Poor  

Other Requires Backfill Labour Intensive Timber cost  

Page 4: U_G Methods Comparison




Factor Longwall Sublevel Caving Block Caving 

Mining Cost 20% 50% 20%  

Production Large Large Large  

Productivity High Moderate High  

Investment High Moderate High  

Development Moderate Moderate Slow  

Depth Moderate Moderate Moderate  

Selectivity Low Low Low  

Recovery High High High  

Dilution Low Low High  

Flexibility Low Low Low  

Stability High High Moderate  

Subsidence High High High  

Health/Safety Good Good Good  

Other Expensive moves Expensive moves Draw control critical  

Selection Chart for U/G Methods

Deposit Shape

Deposit Geometry

Deposit Thickness

Ore StrengthRock


Tabular Flat Thin Strong Strong Room & Pillar

      Weak Weak Longwall

    Thick Strong Strong Pillar

  Steep Thin Strong Strong Shrinkage, Sublevel

      Strong WeakCut & fill, Square-set, Stull

    Thick Weak Strong Square-set

      Weak Weak Square-set

      Strong Strong Shrinkage, Sublevel

      Strong WeakCut & Fill, Sublevel, Square-set

      Weak StrongSublevel, Block, Square-set