Download - UFO Research (NSW) Inc Newsletters 2009 - Vol. 4


    The Facts And Not Just The Truth Is Out There

    Our website address is

    June Public Meeting

    The main focus of the June Public Meeting held on 06 June was on the recent trip to the township of

    BARRABA (north of Tamworth) by the committee members of UFO Research NSW.

    Upon the invitation by the local residents UFO enthusiast, several of our committee members visited

    Barraba between 22 & 25 May 2009.

    It has been many years since we lasted visited Barraba, and it was a great opportunity to meet up with

    some news faces as well as old ones.

    During our stay there, Rex GILROY made a presentation on the ORBS phenomenon and one of his recent

    sky watch trip; while yours truly made a presentation on the 21 Dec 2012 scenario. Some of our members

    and the locals partake a meditation session, and an enjoyable sky watch was had by all on our last evening


    A 3.5 hour DVD, compiled by Hugh Mulgrew, of this trip can be obtained through Hugh. If you are

    interested in obtaining this DVD please contact Hugh.

    The next social meeting at the Catholic Club will be held on Saturday 04 July 2009.

    The next public meeting at the Masonic Club will be held on Saturday 01 August 2009.

    Our guest speaker for the August Public Meeting will be presenting a talk on the Crop Circles / Formation


  • Dates Of 2009 Public & Social Meetings

    Public Meetings Masonic Club, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 1pm to 5pm

    07 February (AGM) 4 April 6 June 1 August 3 October

    Social Meetings Catholic Club, 199 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 5pm onwards

    7 March 2 May 4 July 5 September 7 November

    Christmas Party Saturday 05 December 2009 Venue to be advised

    These dates may be subjected to change. Please visit our website or future edition of the newsletter close

    to these dates for confirmation.

    A Reminder to Everyone at the Public Meeting

    This is a reminder to everyone members and visitors - present at our public meeting/s that there shall be

    no photography or recording of any kind without first obtain permission from our president Ms Wendy

    BURNHAM or from the guest speaker/s.

    The following link was forwarded by Ms Mary RODWELL of ACERN.

    This video is simply amazing made by Jake Gould son of Neil Gould. It is simple but clear. It is Exopolitics!

    The following link to an article from the Northern Territory News was forwarded by our media liaison Mr

    Doug MOFFETT

    Hi All

    Seems like the NT is still the number one tourist spot for ET's




    1 Morning show 4/6 11 am approx

    Hi all

    I will be on the morning show chan 7 approx 11am tomorrow, discussing new you tube footage of

    astronauts home vids of UFO's. There will be a Peter Bowditch from the skeptics on also, so should be a

    bumpy ride.


    2 Response to article "Watch this space" May 09

    Hi All

    Have been in contact with Greg Callaghan, he is too busy to talk today, so I've sent these points for him to

    ponder. Will let you know further correspondence.


    Hi Greg

    After talking with you this Morning, I realised next Monday is a public holiday, so I'll send some thoughts. I

    would still like to chat sometime, to make sure you are clear from my perspective.

    Firstly, let me explain the position I take on the subject of ET visitation. I believe there is a mystery. Nobody

    who has looked at the best data on this subject, without prejudice, can come to any other conclusion. A

    mystery requires a working hypothesis. The "Cometa Report", published July 1999 arrived to this


    "In its conclusion, COMETA claims that the physical reality of UFOs, under control of intelligent beings, is

    "quasi-certain." Only one hypothesis takes into account the available data: the hypothesis of

    extraterrestrial visitors. This hypothesis is of course unproven, but has far-reaching consequences. The

    goals of these alleged visitors remain unknown but must be the subject of speculations and prospective


    This report was tabled before the French government and the committee was not made up of "UFO nuts"

    as you can see below:

    "The report is prefaced by General Bernard Norlain of the Air Force, former Director of IHEDN, and it

    begins with a preamble by Andr Lebeau, former President of the National Center for Space Studies

    (Centre National Dtudes Spatiales), or CNES, the French equivalent of NASA. The group itself, collective

    author of the report, is an association of experts, many of whom are or have been auditors of IHEDN, and it

    is presided over by General Denis Letty of the Air Force, former auditor (FA) of IHEDN.

    Its name "COMETA" stands for "Committee for in-depth studies." A non-exhaustive list of members is given

    at the beginning which is quite impressive.

  • It includes:

    General Bruno Lemoine, of the Air Force (FA of IHEDN)

    Admiral Marc Merlo, (FA of IHEDN)

    Michel Algrin, Doctor in Political Sciences, attorney at law (FA of IHEDN)

    General Pierre Bescond, engineer for armaments (FA of IHEDN)

    Denis Blancher, Chief National Police superintendent at the Ministry of the Interior

    Christian Marchal, chief engineer of the national Corps des Mines and Research Director at the National

    Office of Aeronautical Research (ONERA)

    General Alain Orszag, Ph.D. in physics, armaments engineer

    The committee also expresses its gratitude to outside contributors including Jean-Jacques Vlasco, head of

    SEPRA at CNES, Franois Louange, President of Fleximage, specialist in photo analysis, and General Joseph

    Domange, of the Air Force, general delegate of the Association of Auditors at IHEDN."

    I am of the same opinion. There is a mystery and that the ET hypothesis is the best fit, given our current

    understanding of the available data.

    It is generally accepted, that we are unlikely to be the only advanced technological civilisation in the

    Universe. The sticking point appears to be the traversing of the immense distances involved, within a

    practical time frame. Let us look therefore, at some universally accepted mainstream data. Assuming the

    universe began with the "Big Bang" 13.73 million years ago, certain facts are known. The Universe may

    have had the same starting point but did not cool from gaseous to solid matter at the same rate. In fact,

    approx 70% of the Universe cooled into solid matter before our Solar System did. We are, in comparison, a

    very new suburb. Research from the Uni of NSW by Prof Charly Lineweaver suggests that the age of other

    "Goldilocks Suns" that may support Earth like planets, is on average 1.8 Billion years older that our Sun. Is

    is therefore not logical to assume that other technological civilisations elsewhere in the Universe, are likely

    to be many thousands of years in advance of our own planet.

    Let us now view this information from an historical viewpoint. Look at the technology surrounding you,

    that you use every day, one hundred years ago, all of it was impossible. The laws of physics have not

    changed in one hundred years, only our understanding of these laws. If we are dealing with technological

    civilisations many thousands of years in advance of our own, as is likely, then our inability to understand

    the "How" is historical fact.

    I have a simple formula: time relative to distance = relative technology. When giving presentations to View

    clubs and alike, I offer this question to elaborate. Can you go to Rome for holidays and return to Australia

    in seven days? The answer of course is yes, using the technology of 2009. Now, let me ask the same

    question, using the technology of 1909, the answer of course is no. Once again I ask the same question but

    this time I supply no relative technology, the answer now is unknown. We are in this same situation of not

    knowing the relative technology we are dealing with. The answer to the probability of ET visitation is

    unknown, not a negative nor a positive.

    It is frustrating for all concerned to have a possibility without probability but alas that is where we all

    stand, until further data regarding levels of technology throughout the Universe is known. It is like one

    having a lottery ticket, but having no idea as the whether 100,000 tickets have been sold or just 10. One

    knows they have a possibility but the probability is impossible to determine without more data being


  • As Mr Bhathal said:

    "It is risky to judge everything by our own technology,"

    And as Arthur C Clarke once wrote:

    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"

    Would love to talk further on this issue, I will send a link to the "Cometa Report" also.

    Food for thought.

    Doug Moffett

    Media Spokesperson

    UFO Research NSW Inc

    Report of a Strange Creature - 1975

    The following is an experience sent to us by a member of the public. The writer wishes to remain

    anonymous and certain details below are therefore deleted.

    Hi, I've recently become interested in the UFO activities that are generating more coverage just recently

    and my coming into a new field of work has brought me renewed interest into to workings of UFO's and

    how they fly. As a result, some memories have flooded back of my encounter with a creature I'll never

    forget, even though I tried too. This occurred some months after some UFO Crop Circles where found in

    the wheat belt near town and lights in formation in the sky were often seen. I must say I did not believe in

    such stuff until I saw this thing.

    I have been subject to a sighting face to face of a creature back in 1975 in March or April in a western town

    of (deleted). It was about 9:15 PM and I was heading back to my room behind my fathers shop after

    having dinner at their house in (deleted) Street. I came up to the (deleted) Road where the (deleted) was

    on the corner with it's steps to front door right on the boundary of council footpath and the side yard that

    had tall whispy trees in those Cement Circles jutted down the side yard on the corner under the Street

    Light positioned there.

    As I came to the School fencing just past the front door, I noticed movement to my left and stopped and

    turned to see a creature that had "Green Tree Frog Skin" but stood erect like a humanoid, had a skeletal

    structure like a human but a head of what I can only describe as a Staffordshire bull terrier with very small

    black eyes, a slit for where the mouth should be and no ears that I could see. I looked and could not see a

    zipper flap as I imagined it in some sort of a green suit but it looked like skin from a tree frog to me. When I

    first saw it, it was crouched down with its head up against the brick wall as if to listen inside the (deleted).

    It noticed me and stood up, about 5 foot tall as I was 6 foot then. We looked at each other for what

    seemed like 5 minutes or so, (which turned out to be something like 1 & 1/2hours as it was near 11 pm

    when I got back to my room. It had 3 stumpy fingers and 3 chicken type toes on each foot but was funny

    shaped, like a reptile.

  • The thing then walked into the bush closest to us both, about 6 foot away and disappeared into it. I was

    surprised at this as I could see right through this bush and it did not go through it, just into it and then


    Some weeks after that, I had some very realistic dreams that were like I was awake, but could not open my

    eyes. As if some force was on me to keep them closed no matter how much I wanted to open them.

    (Deleted) so please understand I'd like this whole thing to be confidential as most people think we are

    kooks or crazy when discussing these things. I know what I felt and did not have a drinking or drug

    influence then either so hallucination is not an answer. I also had some marks on my arms that won't heal

    and still to this day they are still there like indentations in my skin.

    I have only recently had flashes of what I can only describe as being probed and prodded by something

    back 34 yrs ago. Also, ever since then, I've had extra sensory abilities now and then which defies logic. I

    knew of the Asteroid a few yrs ago that nearly hit earth two weeks before it was mentioned by anyone on

    the news or elsewhere. I pick up things from people and have had the ability to see aura's since seeing this

    thing. I think I need to be hypnotised to recount the actual and factual account of what happened that

    night to explain the missing time and other things that I may have been subjected to.

    'European Exopolitics Summit' - Barcelona, Spain

    25th & 26th of July, 2009

    The European Exopolitics Summit promises to launch in Europe a powerful new way of understanding data

    concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Public policy issues will feature high on the agenda and mark a

    radical departure from more traditional UFO conferences. The European Exopolitics Summit will be held in

    Barcelona Spain on 25th & 26th of July, 2009. It features leading witnesses and experts of the

    extraterrestrial phenomenon, and the new field of exopolitics. The event is a milestone in Spain and will

    set a precedent in Europe which has long been at the leading edge of the UFO phenomenon due to the

    Cold War confrontation between the nuclear superpowers.

    The conference features Command Sgt Major Bob Dean (ret.) who worked at NATO headquarters from

    1963-1967 and witnessed a Cosmic Top Secret document on the threat posed by UFOs. Dean's testimony

    reveals how Cold War tensions were of great interest to UFOs, and how allied powers were aware of

    different extraterrestrial civilizations. Nick Pope worked for three years as the head of the UFO desk for the

    United Kingdom. He discusses the latest developments in the ongoing staged release of UK government

    UFO files. Dr Brian O'Leary, a former astronaut for NASA's aborted Mars Program, will discuss emergent

    new energy technologies and how these related to the extraterrestrial phenomenon. Stephen Bassett will

    discuss his lobbying efforts on behalf of UFO/ET disclosure including his historic Million Fax on Washington

    which begins its second phase on June 1. Dr Steven Greer will discuss his extraterrestrial disclosure efforts

    and experiences with leading government and military authorities on the issue.

    Other speakers include Alfred Webre, Paola Harris and the author, who will discuss the new field of

    exopolitics and how it marks a new disclipinary approach to UFO data. Finally, the organizers of national

    exopolitics organizations in Europe will be speaking in a panel and will reveal the implications of the

    expanding international exopolitics movement.

    For more information, please visit the event's web -

  • Upcoming Events In 2009

    The Centre for Galactic Diplomacy James Gilliland will be coming to Australia to speak at a conference in

    South Australia

    1. On the week-end of the 19th & 20th September.

    2. This is the link to the group who will be hosting it.


    2012 The WAR for SOULS

    Story follows an academic researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe and makes contact with

    his double in order to stop an apocalypse foreseen by the ancient Mayans.

    Premiere 12 November 2009 starring John CUSACK & Woody HARRELSON


    We have previously stated the Hong Kong UFO conference featuring Ms Mary RODWELL as one of the

    speakers will take place in November 2009. However, to date we have not received any further

    information regarding this. Will keep you posted once further information is obtained.

    Presentation from Members

    Do any of our members have a story to tell? Do you have an experience you want to share with everyone?

    Do you have a discovery that will expand our knowledge? Would you like to share your story / experience

    / discovery in an upcoming public meeting? If yes, please let me know and you can take center stage in

    one of the upcoming public meetings.

    Extra (- terrestrial) Things

    If you have something to share with our members, such as a book or a DVD you like to recommend, a

    website to visit, or if you see/ hear an interesting story / article. Please contact me (William JOHNSON) by

    email me [email protected] and it will be placed in the next issue of the newsletter.

    Check out the archive of the UFO Research (NSW) web site at: Just

    insert our web site address in the search field.

    Compiled by William Johnson 22 June 2009

    And May The Force Be With You Always