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Page 1: Udgam Matters - August 2014

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Another Independence Day came and

went amidst the yearly celebration

that serves to remind us that we are a

free country. Yes, we are free from the

subjugation of the British and we no

longer have to fight for the liberty of

our motherland. We are free from the

shackles of a foreign country which ruled

us for more than two centuries. However,

this served to bring us together and unite

India despite their ‘divide and rule policy’.

So some good did come out of it!

Today when we look back at our 68 years

of freedom, I find myself pondering – are

we ‘free’ in the true sense of the term?

Apart from political freedom are we

‘free’ economically and emotionally? Let

us begin with our country’s economy

which depends so heavily on imports

of oil and gold. And what about the

employment scenario? More jobs have

been created but they cannot keep up

with the burgeoning population and its

needs. So we find qualified people doing

odd jobs to make the ends meet on one

hand and incapable people rising on the

ranks due to corruption of ethics on the

other. Our children have the advantage

of technology which brings the world to

their screens but have forgotten what it

is like to lie on the grass and gaze at the

stars. There is more money to spend now

and we are using it to either buy things

for our children to keep them occupied or

spending it to buy stuff we don’t need to

impress people we don’t like.

So how can we say we are truly ‘free’?

To me freedom means choices. A person

having choices for doing the things he

likes and being careful not to hurt anybody

while enjoying his right to freedom. It

means enjoying the natural resources

available today and using it judiciously to

leave enough for the future. And above

all to keep his head high by not giving in

to actions that would deprive him of the

liberty to look people in the eyes. An

economically free person would do things

which are good for him, not just what he

can afford. An emotionally free person

can do things what he deems right, not to

please others.

Complementary to choices is knowledge.

Without the knowledge of right and wrong

the person cannot make the right choice.

This is where parenting and education comes

into foray. We have to build citizens who can

make correct choices in the free world!

Indeed I am thankful to the founding

fathers of our freedom, some well-known

and some unrecognised, and proud of the

fact that my grandfather was a part of

the freedom struggle. But what I make

of my freedom is upto me. I am free to

be ‘free’ or free to be in the bondage of

my self-created world while living in an

independent country.

Children, do not take your freedom for

granted. Make the most of your education

today and be responsible citizens of

tomorrow. The important part of life you

spend at Udgam School should be used

for gaining knowledge to be a responsible

citizen. Enjoy these carefree days

without being careless. Be happy while

ensuring not to be the cause of another’s



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August 2014 VOLUME 2 ISSUE 4


W H E R E T H E M I N D I S W I T H O U T F E A R . . .

Where words come out from the depth of truth...

Page 2: Udgam Matters - August 2014


Mrs. Deepa heMnaniAcademic Coordinator

The birth anniversary of Mother Teresa was observed this month. Her life, work and words are inspirational. Here are some of her memorable quotes that we

can all learn from.

Mother Teresa – The epitome of love,peace and sacrifice

“If you judge people,you have no time to love them.”

“I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish

he didn’t trust me so much.”

“God doesn’t require us to succeed, he only requires that you try.”

“Not all of us can do great things.But we can do small things

with great love.”

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that

person, a beautiful thing.”

“Live simply so others may simply live.”

“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God,

at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together

we can do great things.”

Life is beauty, admire it.Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.Life is a tragedy, confront it.Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.”

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Mrs. Deepa heMnaniAcademic Coordinator

August- synonymous with festive season arrived and children were found

dipped in the fervour of festive season enjoying school and holidays.


The Sanskrit Day was observed and celebrated . The students enjoyed a

programme consisting of Chanting Competition, quiz and word game.

Entire programme was anchored in Sanskrit language which brought to

light the importance of this language. Students shared their views in the

form of speeches in Sanskrit.


Yoga is an integral part of the school’s curriculum for children. To

promote regular Yog habits in them, yoga week was observed.

Children performed different asanas and enjoyed participating in a

competition of excelling in postures.


As a part of the weeklong Independence Day celebrations in Udgam

School, students of different classes were involved in several unique

activities related to our Freedom and Independence.

Class 4 had a computer activity – My Flag. Children designed the flag of

India using Tuxpaint software.

Classes 1 & 2 had speech activity on Freedom fighters, which updated

them about the sacrifice of our leaders and how they led our country to

the path of freedom.

Children of preprimary section happily wore tri colour clothes and made

formations of map of India which was fascinating.


Ms. pratiMa patellDirector – Primary School

TEACH EVERYDAY SKILLSEveryday household skills like laundry, shopping, paying bills and

cleaning are important skills that a child needs to learn. They teach

a child to be independent. When the child is alone, goes out or to

hostel, these skills help him to be on his own. With these skills he

will feel more confident and you can also be free from worries.

Next time when you go grocery shopping take your child along.

Walk around the store together pointing out to her where to find

what, where to look for to find the price, or the best before date

and how to pick out the good stuff. On your next trip give her a

separate list of items and ask her to collect and bring back to you.

Respect her choice and try to be positive of her shopping and


If you have old checks then ask your child to practice filling them.

Show him a bill and ask him to arrive at the total. Take him along

to the bank and ATM machine. Let him learn how to do banking.

Involve your child in the laundry sorting process at home. Show

him how to operate the washing machine and segregate the

colours into light and dark. You can even encourage him to do his

own laundry. But do supervise and be available.

Safe and simple cooking can also be taught to the child. Look up

easy to prepare recipes and make the dishes together. Time spent

in the kitchen can be fun when you are teaching and learning new

things. You can even assign a particular day when she can prepare

lunch for all. Keep your expectations minimal and help out if gas

usage or cutting with a knife is involved.



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An Interclass debate competition was conducted for Class 8 in order

to provide students with a platform to voice their views in a discerning


The topics were ‘Planning for the future is better than living for the

moment’ and ‘Intelligence depends upon environmental factors not

genetic factors’.

Students exhibited their oratory and thinking skills and of course their

stage presentation was commendable. The students deserved a pat on

their back for the variety of thoughts and vocabulary they expressed. They

represented a generation that has wide exposure and for them sky is the



An activity was held in Class I to establish an understanding of the

importance of the right food in our diet.

Children were made aware of the need to eat a balanced diet which

consisted of all nutrients.

Children were showed videos on ‘Say no to junk food’ and the ‘Concept of

Balanced Diet’.

Also lessons on table etiquettes were included in the activity, which helped

the students understand the activity better.


A seminar on law awareness was held for the students of Class 11. Various

issues pertaining to lack of awareness in the common people about the

available resources and laws to provide them with the basic amenities

like healthcare were discussed with real life examples. The aim of the

seminar was to familiarise the students about the various aspects of law

and motivate them to spread awareness among the deprived section of

the society. Law as a career was also discussed and the students were

counseled about the different law colleges and types of legal careers.


The students of Class IX were taken to Andh Kanya Mandal, a school for

blind children as a part of their school project. The Udgam students were

simply amazed by the resilience of the blind students. Apart from regular

studies, the children are given training in various vocations.. The Udgam

students interacted with the Andh Kanya students and came back with

lessons on positivity and self reliance. The visit taught them true meaning

of the phrase “where there is a will there is a way”.


As a part of Social Science project, students of Class X visited Sardar

Vallabhbhai Patel Museum. The students were enamoured by the visuals

and detailed description of the story of the Iron Man of India -Sardar

Vallabhbhai Patel. His pivotal role in the freedom struggle of the country

and his undying efforts in unifying his motherland are showcased

beautifully in the museum with meticulous details.

Really it was an immensely enriching experience for the students.

When they came back to school, their faces beamed with satiation and



Udgam School Playgroup children observed Red Day.

Not only were children dressed in the said colour also the classroom

emanated this colour.

The entire exercise was to foster the identification of basic

colours while having fun.


The maiden trip of Play group students was a visit to Sundervan with their

friends and teachers.

The aim was to acquaint them with our beautiful nature. The little ones

loved the greenery and were awestruck to see the ducks regally swimming

in the pond.

The values of Indian culture are inculcated at Udgam School right from

a tender age.


The festival that binds together brothers and sisters was celebrated in our

Preprimary Section.

This helped to nurture friendship among the children while establishing the

significance of this day on the young minds.

The kids enjoyed the festivities and happily tied the strings of love.


Janmashtami - The birth anniversary of Sri Krishna was celebrated with

pomp and show in our preprimary section. The children came decked in

colourful traditional clothes. They participated in dances commemorating

Lord Krishna’s favourite past time replete with the ‘murali’. The halls were

decked with glittering drawings of Bal Krishna’s favourite food - butter

in a pot! The school wore a festive air as Little Krishnas and Little Radhas

romped around.

Appreciation for udgam school and its donors

Recently a blood donation camp was held at our school premises. The

organisers Prathma held such camps in several places among which our

school collected the highest number of units.

As a token of appreciation Udgam School was awarded a trophy and a

certificate for the support.

Charity begins at home and this spirit was rightly expressed by our

Executive Director Mr. Manan Choksi who was among the blood donors.

Appreciation certificates were also given to school staff Mrs. Jaksha Dikshit

and Mrs. Sejal Mehta for their whole-hearted support.

We would like to thank all those who were associated with the event

especially the donors.

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Appreciation Balanced diet Debate

Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day

Independence Day Law Awareness Sanskrit

Sardar Patel Museum Visit To School For Blind Girls Yoga Week

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If knowledge is the life of education then a good library acts

as a custodian of that vast knowledge available for academic


Someone rightly said, “What a school thinks about its library is a

measure of what it feels about education.”

A school library is located within the school premises where

students, staff and often parents have access to a variety of

study resources. A school library is different from public libraries

as they serve specific s c h o o l

curriculum. It serves as the

centre & co-ordinating a g e n c y

for all material used in

the school.

Children and their

teachers need

library resources &

the expertise of a

librarian(s) to succeed.

School libraries

help teachers teach

children. Library

also supports school

programs as well

as the teaching &

learning process.

A library offers a w e a l t h

of study resources, space to study and a world of books to

discover and borrow. Where else can someone borrow an item

of value with only a card with the promise to return it, for free?

They are also places that encourage scholarship and offer a

quiet, peaceful place of study. Which is tough to find sometimes

particularly in urban areas.

Library is a sanctuary. Nobody bothers you and there are polite

& helpful librarians there to help you if you need help. You feel

you could find almost anything you wanted for entertainment

or enlightenment. You feel that you could make wonderful

discoveries of books that will change your life and of authors who

will become your friends.

The importance of a good school library for students, academics

achievement is profound & indisputable. The library should

provide adequate recreational & information materials to

encourage students.

United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization,

‘UNESCO’, school library Manifesto has an important mission


“The school library provides information and idea that are

fundamental to functioning successfully in today’s information

and knowledge

based society. The

school library equips

students with

life-long learning

skill and develops

the imagination,

enabling them to

live as responsible


A school librarian

functions as the

library map to

the resources and

materials found within the library.

Although, the world is currently going through a wave of changes

from physical books to e-books accessibility to mass is always

going to be great concern in tech savvy world of education.

Not everyone can afford or has a need or convenience to cling to

these changes. Physical books are still the best, safe, popular and

favourable options for school.

Children should invest lot of their time and make the best use

of the library books provided by the school increase, their

opportunities to learn and develop.

There is no substitute for books in the life of a child.

Ms. MaMta Bhatt, Librarian, Preprimary Section



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The sun set in India, wishing it ‘Good Night’.But blame to the Invaders who didn’t let it be good.

They provoked the Golden Bird and swept away its beauty.Force was laid upon the Indians and they shed away their lives.

The night separated Indians and brought them together too.God knows why they came here to make the night so blue.

They slaved the Indians and brought a lot of anxiety.Prayed the Indians becoming one, Oh! Almighty.

Then the night flashed a ray of light.A sign of the positive morning.

The rays of land warmed the land again.The sun rose in India, wishing it ‘Good Morning’.

From the deep dark woodA noise follows meNot aware if good or badBut it haunts meThe more I try to forget itThe more it makes me recollect I can’t comprehend if I’m for itOr it’s for meThe rustling of leavesThe gurgling of waterThe buzzing of bees

The chirping of birds

Through the bush

All the weird sounds

Towards me rush

Seeming no bounds

Though I abode with aristocracy

But my soul resides

Beneath the canopy

In the marvellous nature’s ride

parthvi MoDi, 9 D


kashish ChaDha 9 e




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Caterpillar in my cocoon, I am gonna be a butterfly soon.

I am a little butterfly, Spreading my colourful wings

Even though I am small and frail, I can do anything.

I am a little butterfly, I can soar through the sky.

So glad I ended up like this,

Thank goodness for Metamorphosis!

Diya Mehta, 5 C


aashritha raMesh – 8 e


yashvi DoCtor, 5 D


The tall high cliff, The morning breeze stiff,

The orangish sun rising behind Soothing the tense mind

“Dawn has arrived!”

The rustling leaves cries, The chirping of little birds

The mooing cows grazing in herds, The cool grass covered with dew

And the sleepy cat mews, The sweet morning air

Fanning your hair, “Dawn has arrived!”

Your awake mind cries.

I dreamt I looked like a fairy, Looking pretty made me merry.

I flew higher and higher in the sky, Touching the clouds and rainbow up so high.

Played ‘sa re ga ma’ on the colours of rainbow, A fairy mother came and I gave a big bow.

She lifted us to lovely fairy land, Cute little fairies welcomed with bands.

In the beautiful palace I met Queen Fairy, She gave us all lovely gifts to carry.

It was heavenly to sit on a swing of stars, With every swing we got a chocolate bar.

I enjoyed rolling on the rainbow slide, Sitting in the bubbles we loved to collide.

I fill in the silver gushing stream,

Popping up was a balloon of ice cream.

Soon it was time to leave Fairyland,

The Queen Fairy gave me a crystal wand.

I promised to use it to care for others,

My lovely dream was broken by my mother.

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Delhi is Majesty, Assam is Beauty.

Bengal for Writing, Punjab for Fighting.

Naga for Hills, Gujarat for Mills.

Madras for Cooking, Kashmir for Looking.

Karnataka for Wealth, Madhya Pradesh for Health.

Kerala for Education, Uttar Pradesh for Population.

Bihar for Mining, Himachal Pradesh for Praying.

Maharashtra for Acting, Andhra Pradesh for Working.

This is my India, Unity in Diversity!

It was dinner time, everything seemed normal. Big brother was scolding me, the dog was barking, mom and dad were having a fight. It was daily routine. Suddenly our crazy dog appeared agitated and some time later , lights went out. For around 10 minutes there was deathly silence. After that whole society came out. ‘Earthquake, Earthquake’ was the only thing needed to start chaos and was provided thanks to my Intelligent Big brother.

Incidentally all the dogs in the society were agitated. My father took it as a positive sign of earthquake. Father, brother and our dog were the hero of the situation. Father started preparations. Mother started praying. Brother was being thanked by everyone. His kite was soaring high in the sky. Our stupid dog was being praised.

All were waiting for the disaster. I was sleepy and wanted to go home and sleep only my father wouldn’t allow it.”You want to die?”he shouted at me. An hour went by.

A small boy suddenly came and started laughing. “What’s the matter?” asked the people of my complex.The small boy could hardly stop laughing as he told everyone that the fuse was out. Everyone was stupidly waiting for a non-existent earthquake. When the fuse burned, the smell of burning metal agitated the dog. Still all were waiting thinking that before earthquakes animals are the first ones to be agitated.

The fuse was replaced, lights came back. My father went straight to his laptop for some research, probably on earthquake. Mother was disturbing God (again)to say sorry for an useless disturbance. Brother was taking a bath(probably to remove the red colour of embarrassment from his face).I was happy to get my sleep. As for the dog, he was not given food for the night.

kathan parekh 10 B


rutva Joshi, 8 B

DhananJay kaJla, 10 D



Four Pizzas and Two Burgers please.More is the left overThan what we eat!Do you see that boy,Crying all day; he swallowsAll time nothing more than spit?

We always shout ‘Supplementary please.’The space we have wastedAbout a few square feet!That place you now see,Once a green forest, I stillHear the trees ‘We are cut! We are cut!’Murders there are of the mosquitoes

And the free flies, O Yes we score,One on the window, one on your nose!‘No less we are’, They claimUs to be terrorists, someUse ‘Hit’, some happy with ‘Mortein’!

This is about a daily routine.Some left hungry all night,Some slashed from between!The ‘Tiny’ies are torturedTo persecution; Oh God,It’s such a cruel Domination!

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The students of our class visited the Andh Jan Kanya Mandal

on 26th August. The Kanchangauri Mangaldas Andhkanya

Ashram was started in June 1954 with only 4 girls, but now it

houses 180 girls. The basic aim of this institution is to make

these blind girls self-reliant and also to impart education

of primary, secondary, higher secondary and university

levels. This institution is reputed to be one of the best and

girls from our state as well across the country come here

to study.

Students from classes 1 to 8 are taught in the campus while

classes 9 to 12 are sent to mainstream

schools. According to the rules of the

institution six girls share a room. Each

has a separate bed and a cupboard. It is

a relatively huge campus with a garden

in the centre and an area where all the

girls can play. The institution organizes

special programmes each year on Helen

Keller’s birthday anniversary and other

festivals. To make the girls self-reliant

they are taught how to weave so that

they can get a job and earn money.

Also the rachis and chikkis made by

the blind girls are very popular and in

heavy demand. But the diyas mde by

them are most popular and even we at Udgam School buy

these items from them.

The girls here receive the same education as us but the only

point of difference is that they understand and express

it through Braille. Every Saturday they study about birds

and animals by touching the big models which are present

in the garden. With the help of their sense of touch they

learn Geography by touching a humungous globe and even

Science is taught in a similar manner. Maths is taught by

using a special board called tailor board. In this fast moving

times, the need to operate a computer is appreciated by all,

including th girls of this school. There is a fully functional

here the girls operate the computer on their own. They are

taught how to use MS Office, create a webpage using HTML

and other such applications. Due to their visual imparity a

special software is installed in the computers which reads

aloud whatever is typed. Other than the main curriculum,

the girls are also taught the traffic rules and vocal as well as

instrumental music.

Krishna, one of the brightest and most

communicative students in the institute,

explained their daily routine. After waking

up they say their prayer which is followed

by taking a bath and cleaning their rooms

by themselves. Then they attend school

from 11 am to 5 pm. After 5 pm they are

free to do what they like. Usually they play

sports like cricket and volley ball and also

watch TV shows. Later they study and eat

dinner and go to bed by 10:30 pm.

It is very difficult for them when they first

joined this institution but gradually and

eventually they got used to the routine and can recognize

by touching. Everyday is a challenge for these girls but they

work their way through it. And the best part is they are not

sorry at their plight. They happily go about doing the day’s

task with smiles.

The girls of the blind school have taught me to be strong

and not to turn our smile upside down even when things do

not go right. We have learnt to value our sight ever since

our visit. We understand the true beauty of anything only

when it is taken away.

A Day Among God’s Own People

vasunDhara sinGh, 9 D

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Lawn Tennis

Table Tennis


Football 2


Table TennisSkating

Glimpses of After School Activities - Sports

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BOOKMARK THISMs. pallavi sriDhar


“All the world’s a stage, all the men and women merely

players,” wrote a bearded guy in dull coveralls some four

hundred years ago, probably sitting in a warm armchair

before a crackling fire, never imagining in his wildest dreams

what his works would unleash centuries later. William

Shakespeare. An unparalleled dramatist, a master of human

psychology and a true chronicler of human foibles, suffering

and agony. Regarded as the

greatest writer in the English

language, he wrote close to 38

plays, 154 sonnets, two long

narrative poems and a variety

of other verses. He is the most

translated author ever.

Apart from writing stellar plays

and bequeathing to us a treasure

trove of delicious characters,

he also contributed extensively

to the building of the English

language. He coined almost

3000 words and many phrases,

which were added to the Oxford

English Dictionary. Examples

include- assassination, addiction,

advertising, circumstantial,

dishearten, equivocal, obsequiously, premeditated et al.

Shakespearean plays can be divided into Comedies, Tragedies

and Historical plays. All’s Well That Ends Well, As You Like It,

The Comedy of Errors, Love’s Labour Lost etc. are classed as

comedies, as almost all of them have a happy ending. Plays

like Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet,

Titus Andronicus are categorized as tragedies, for obvious

reasons. Others, like Henry, King John and Richard are

known as historical plays. He also wrote sonnets and poems,

the most popular being A Lover’s Complaint, The Phonenix

and the Turtle, The Passionate Pilgrim, Venus and Adonis and

a Funeral Elegy.

Why does Shakespeare ring

true even in the 21st century?

It’s simply because human

nature has not changed much

in the past hundreds of years

and is unlikely to change in the

years to come. Basic human

tendencies, emotions and

feelings will never undergo any

dramatic changes. Love, anger,

jealousy, revenge, betrayal,

one-upmanship, happiness are

feelings which will never go out

of fashion. Shakespeare used

them to optimum advantage in

his stories. He had the uncanny

knack for writing flawed

characters, with real emotions,

fallacies and frailties, and this is why he curries favor even in

today’s era.

So, to be or not to be, that is the question, but which

Shakespearean work to read first is the biggest question of

them all.

The Legend of the Bearded Bard

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He was a noted actor himself.

All of Uranus’s satellites are named after Shakespearean characters.

‘William Shakespeare’ is an anagram of ‘I am a weakish speller’.

Two of his plays (Hamlet and Much Ado About Nothing)

have been translated into Klingon, the language invented for Star Wars.

He never attended any university.

Many people in his hometown, Stratford,

thought that he was a successful businessman.

Nobody really knows his Vreal birthday.

A Google search on Shakespeare will yield more than 44 million hits.

Independence Day Colours

HET ROHAN PATEL Jr Kg FKevalya Bavishi 1st-E

Meha Lahar Patel V A


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School is a place where we make friends for life.Post school reunions still brings out the child in us and keeps

alive memories of another day.Here is a picture of the batch of 1996 who got together on

Friendship Day to relive the old school days.


2014 1996

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When I was in Primary School I had to make a chart for 15th August celebrations and as luck would have it got the spelling of the main word ‘Independence’ wrong! It was next to sacrilege which my teacher did not fail to remind me of each time that I volunteered to do something (and this on top of making me write the long word 100 times). I have never got the spelling wrong again...but today I wonder why my sketches of our motherland and her worthy sons and daughters who won us our freedom did not

get so much as a ‘dekko’ by her. Her eyes were glued to the error (Indpendence!!!) and anything good about it or the occasion was forgotten by her and by me. Much later another mentor in the form of my school’s Principal made me realise that ‘Independence’ is not just a nice long word. He spoke a few words to wind up the Independence Day celebrations and one line he said about our freedom fighters has always remained with me.

“When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today.”

These lines got me thinking. Reflection on sacrifices that cannot be measured - long spells spent in jail, living in austerity, lives laid down to free the country – became a part of Independence Day for me. On this day at least I spend some time in reverence for the freedom that did not come cheap...the culmination of a long and righteous struggle, a singular tryst with destiny that made India free.Our Director’s take on freedom is sure to make the young minds think twice about what being free actually means to them. As will the thought provoking quotes by Mother Teresa whose birth anniversary we celebrated this month. We have published beautiful poems by our students in this issue along with a first person account about a visit to a school for blind girls. Read and enjoy Udgam Matters August issue and if you wish to encourage the children then write to [email protected] Teacher’s Day issue coming up next month!!!



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Udgam School For Children

Opp. Sardar Patel Institute, Thaltej, Ahmedabad- 380 054 Gujarat.Phone No: 26850339 99251 53153 | Email Id : [email protected]

Pre-Primary SectionNear IOC Petrol Pomp, Jodhpur Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahmedabad - 380 015 Gujarat.Phone No: 26769595, 90999 02221 | Email Id: [email protected]

Mrs. saGarika sahanaContent Manager