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UCC1: New Course Transmittal FormDepartment Name and Number

Recommended SCNS Course Identi�cation

Transcript Title (please limit to 21 characters)

Pre�x Level Course Number Lab Code

Amount of Credit

Repeatable Credit

Contact Hour: Base or Headcount

Course Description (50 words or less)

Prerequisites Co-requisites

Degree Type (mark all that apply) Baccalaureate Graduate Other

Introductory Intermediate Advanced

Department Contact

College Contact


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Rev. 10/10

Rationale and place in curriculum

Category of Instruction

E�ective Term and Year Rotating Topic yes no

S/U Only yes no

yes no If yes, total repeatable credit allowed

Variable Credit yes no If yes, minimum and maximum credits per semester


Full Course Title

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Arts  in  Medicine  in  Practice  HUM  XXXX,  Section  XXXX    Spring  2013  Meeting  Times  and  Location:  Online  Credit  Hours:  3  

 Instructor:  Jill  Sonke  Instructor  Office  Location:  McGuire  Theatre  and  Dance  Pavilion,  Room  234  Office  Hours:  Monday,  Wednesday,  Friday  10:00  am  –  noon  Instructor  Contact  Information:  E-­‐mail:  [email protected]  Phone:  352.273.1488  

 Co-­‐Instructor:  Jenny  Lee  Instructor  Office  Location:  McGuire  Theatre  and  Dance  Pavilion,  Room  234  Office  Hours:  Monday,  Wednesday  2:30  –  4:00  pm  Instructor  Contact  Information:  E-­‐mail:  [email protected]  Phone:  352.273.1488  

 Course  Location:  

 Course  Description  

 This  online  course  explores  the  practice  of  the  arts  in  medicine  in  the  fields  of  health  and  human  services.    The  course  provides  a  dynamic,  interdisciplinary  overview  of  diverse  practices  and  methodologies  in  the  field  of  arts  in  medicine  in  community  and  healthcare  settings.  Learning  methods  include  reading,  video  lecture,  online  weekly  discussion,  research,  writing,  and  creative  practice.  Students  will  engage  in  individual  creative  practice  in  a  primary  artistic  discipline  as  a  research  and  learning  method.    

 This  course  is  appropriate  for  graduate  students  and  professionals  of  the  arts,  humanities,  sciences,  human  services,  and  health  related  professions.      

 Course  Objectives  

 • Introduce  clinical  and  community  care  environments  such  as  hospitals,  outpatient  clinics,  

long  term  care,  hospice,  home  care,  community  health  clinics,  health  departments,  schools  and  communities-­‐at-­‐large  

• Develop  an  understanding  of  healthcare  cultures  and  environments  • Develop  an  understanding  of  the  knowledge  and  skills  necessary  to  navigate  care  

environments  to  ensure  patient  safety  • Develop  an  understanding  of  the  professional  competencies  in  arts  in  medicine  practice  • Explore  the  experience  of  illness  from  the  patient  perspective    • Think  critically  about  practice  methods  in  arts  in  medicine  for  diverse  populations  • Explore  and  innovate  program  models  in  the  arts  in  medicine  

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• Create  a  professional  development  plan  in  response  to  course  learning  and  practicum  experience    

• Develop  a  basic  understanding  of  needs  assessment,  resource  mapping  and  program  planning  and  assessment  

• Understand  the  role  of  the  arts  in  promoting  health  education,  health  literacy  and  disease  prevention  in  community  settings  

 Required  Texts    Kettner,  P.M.,  Moroney,  R.M.,  Martin,  L.L.  (2013).  Designing  and  managing  programs:  An  effectiveness-­‐based  approach.  Los  Angeles,  Sage.    

 Kottler,  J.  (2000).  Doing  Good:  Passion  and  commitment  for  helping  others.  New  York,  Routledge.  

 Sadler,  B  and  Ridenour,  A.  (2009).  Transforming  the  Healthcare  Experience  Through  the  Arts.  California,  Aesthetics,  Inc.  

 Patient  Perspective  Readings  (please  select  one):  

 • Wilber,  Ken.  (2001).  Grace  and  Grit.  MA:  Shambhala  Publications.    • Housden,  Maria.  (2002).  Hannah’s  Gift.  NY:  Bantam  Books.    • Schmitt,  Eric-­‐Emmanuel.  (2005).  Oscar  and  the  Pink  Lady.  Atlantic  Books.    • Bauby,  J-­‐D.  (1998).The  Diving  Bell  and  the  Butterfly.  NY:  Vintage  Books.  • Berg,  E.  (2006).  Talk  BeforeSleep.    Ballantine  Books. • Edson,  M.,  (1999).    Wit  (play).    Faber  and  Faber. • Stoller,  P.  (2005).  Stranger  in  the  Village  of  the  Sick:  A  Memoir  of  Cancer,  Sorcery  and  

Healing.  Beacon  Press.    Additional  readings  will  be  posted  on  the  course  website  within  the  weekly  course  modules    Critical  Dates    

Weekly  Posting  Deadlines  • Discussion  Board  Posts  

o Discussion  Topic  Posts  are  due  on  Wednesdays  by  11:59  pm  EST  o Discussion  Response  Posts  are  due  on  Saturdays  by  11:59  pm  EST  o Discussion  Summary  are  due  on  Mondays  by  11:59  pm  EST  

• Creative  Practice  Blog  Posts  o Blog  posts  are  due  on  Mondays  by  11:59  pm  EST  

 Major  Assignment  Deadlines  

• Site  Visits  and  Essay  1  are  due  on  Monday,  1/14,  by  11:59  pm  EST  • Patient  Safety  Analysis  is  due  on  Monday,  1/21,  by  11:59  pm  EST  • Patient  Perspective  Reflective  Essay  2  is  due  by  Monday,  2/4,  by  11:59  pm  EST  • Program  Model  is  due  on  Monday,  2/18,  by  11:59  pm  EST  • Mini  Needs  Assessment  is  due  on  Monday,  2/25,  by  11:59  pm  EST  • Professional  Development  Plan  is  due  on  Monday,  3/1,  by  11:59  pm  EST    

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 Arts  in  Medicine  Practice  

Course  Outline    

Week   Lecture  Topic   Readings  and  Other  Media   Assignment     Due  Dates  Week  1  Course  Objectives  

• Introduce  clinical  and  community  care  environments  such  as  hospitals,  outpatient  clinics,  long  term  care,  hospice,  home  care,  community  health  clinics,  health  departments,  schools  and  communities-­‐at-­‐large  

• Develop  an  understanding  of  healthcare  cultures  and  environments  1   Course  Overview  and  

Welcome  and  Introductions  

  1.  Introduce  Yourself     1.  1/9  

Introduction  to  Healthcare  and  Community  Care  Environments  

• SAH,  State  of  the  Field  Report  

• Christensen,  Why  the  Arts  in  Medicine  

• Sadler  and  Ridenour,  Part  I  • Sternberg,  The  Science  of  

Healing  Places  

1.  Discussion  Post:  Environment  of  Care  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  3.  Site  Visits  and  Essay  1  

1.  Post  1/11          Respond  1/12          Summarize  1/14  2.  1/14  3.  1/14    

Week  2  Course  Objective  Develop  an  understanding  of  the  knowledge  and  skills  necessary  to  navigate  care  environments  to  ensure  patient  safety  2   Navigating  the  Care  


• UF  HIPAA  Training    • Review  Shands  Policies  

and  Procedures  Manual  • Review  Shands  Volunteer  

Handbook  • Patient  Safety  –  OSHA  and  

Joint  Commission  • Infection  Control  


1.  Discussion  Post:  Patient  Safety    2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  3.  Complete  UF  HIPAA  Training  and  submit  certificate  in  Assignments    4.  Patient  Safety  Analysis  

1.  Post  1/16          Respond  1/19          Summarize  1/21  2.  1/21  3.  1/21  4.  1/21    

Week  3  Course  Objective  Develop  a  basic  understanding  of  the  professional  competencies  in  arts  in  medicine  practice  

3   Introduction  to  Professional  Competencies  Artistic  Excellence  Facilitation  Skills  Scope  of  practice  

• Kreutz,  et  al,  Choir  Study  • Four  Bridges  Chapter  • Kottler,  Doing  Good  • Audio  piece  on  facilitation  

from  rounds    

1.  Discussion  Post:  Core  Competencies  and  artistic  excellence  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog    

1.  Post  1/23          Respond  1/26          Summarize  1/28  2.  1/28    

Week  4  Course  Objectives  • Explore  the  experience  of  illness  from  the  patient  perspective  • Develop  a  basic  understanding  of  the  professional  competencies  in  arts  in  medicine  practice  

4   Understanding  the  Experience  of  Illness  Empathy  and  Compassion  Self-­‐Care        

• TedTalks:  -­‐  Brown,  Vulnerability  -­‐  Shepherd,  A  Broken  Body  Isn’t  a  Broken  Person  • Borysenko,  Descent  and  

Renewal  • *Patient  Perspective  


1.  Discussion  Post  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  3.  Patient  Perspective  Reflective  Essay  2    

1.  Post  1/30          Respond  2/2          Summarize  2/4  2.  2/4  3.  2/4  

Week  5  Course  Objective  Think  critically  about  practice  methods  in  arts  in  medicine  for  diverse  populations  

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Weekly  Postings    

• Discussion  Board  (10  points  each  for  total  of  80  points):    Students  will  participate  in  eight  online  discussion  posts  (weeks  1  –  8)  using  the  Sakai  Discussion  Board.    A  topic  or  discussion  question  relating  directly  to  required  reading  or  other  activities  will  be  posted  and  each  student  will  post  an  initial  response  in  short  essay  form  and  also  respond  to  at  least  two  

5   Communication  and  Cultural  Competency    

• Cultural  Competency  Slides  

• Defining  Cultural  Competence  Article:  A  Practical  Framework  for  Addressing  Racial/Ethnic  Disparities    

1.  Discussion  Post:  Patient  Diversity  and  Cultural  Competency  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  

1.  Post  2/6          Respond  2/9          Summarize  2/11  2.  2/11    

Week  6  Course  Objectives  • Explore  and  innovate  program  models  in  the  arts  in  medicine  • Understand  the  role  of  the  arts  in  promoting  health  education,  health  literacy  and  disease  prevention  in  

community  settings  • Develop  a  basic  understanding  of  program  planning,  implementation  and  assessment  

6   Arts  in  Medicine  Program  Models  

• Sadler  and  Ridenour,  Part  II  

• Program  Planning  Models  Presentation    

1.  Discussion  Post  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  3.  Program  Model    

1.  Post  2/13          Respond  2/16          Summarize  2/18  2.  2/18  3.  2/18  Arts  in  Community  Settings   • Yeh,  Warrior  Angel  and  

Barefoot  Artist  Film  • Arts  in  Healthcare  for  

Rural  Communities  Slides  and  Toolkit  

Week  7  Course  Objective  Develop  a  basic  understanding  of  needs  assessment,  resource  mapping  and  program  planning  and  assessment  

7   Needs  Assessment  in  Arts  in  Medicine  

• Kettner,  Martin,  and  Moroney,  Part  I  &  II    

• Needs  Assessment  Slides    

1.  Discussion  Post  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  3.  Mini  Needs  Assessment      

1.  Post  2/20          Respond  2/23          Summarize  2/25  2.  2/25  3.  2/25  

  Resource  Mapping  in  Arts  in  Medicine  

Resource  Mapping  Slides        

Week  8  Course  Objective  Create  a  professional  development  plan  in  response  to  course  learning  and  practicum  experience  

8   Introduction  to  Program  Implementation  and  Assessment    

Kettner,  Moroney,  and  Martin,  Ch.  6-­‐8  Sadler  and  Ridenour,  Part  III  

1.  Discussion  Post  2.  Creative  Practice  Blog  3.    Professional  Development  Plan  due  

1.  Final  Post  2/27  2.  2/27  3.  3/1    

*See  Reading  List  for  Selections  of  Patient  Perspective  Readings  

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other  posts.    Each  week,  one  designated  student  will  serve  as  the  discussion  facilitator  and  will  submit  one  succinct  post  articulating  a  collective  viewpoint,  or  lack  thereof  with  reasoning,  in  response  to  the  prompt.      See  assignment  guide  for  assignment  details  and  grading  rubric.    

• Creative  Practice  Blog  (5  points  each  for  total  of  40  points)  Students  will  engage  in  a  creative  practice  of  your  choice  to  reflect  on  and  integrate  course  content  such  as  required  reading,  discussion  and  blog  content,  and  course  topics.  Each  student  will  participate  in  a  personal  creative  practice  in  an  art  form  of  choice  throughout  the  course.  Suggested  practices  include  reflective  journaling,  drawing,  painting,  sculpture,  poetry,  dance,  and/or  theatre.  Students  will  post  a  weekly  reflective  paragraph  (6-­‐8  sentences  in  length)  and  post  current  photographs  or  audio/video  of  their  artistic  process  or  product  in  the  class  blog.    See  assignment  guide  for  assignment  details  and  grading  rubric.  

 Major  Assignments      

• Site  Visit  and  Culture  of  Care  Essay  (15  points):  Students  will  visit  three  healthcare  sites  in  their  home  communities  which  may  include  hospitals,  long  term  care  settings,  hospice,  community  centers,  programs  for  people  with  disabilities,  outpatient  care  settings,  health  departments,  etc.  During  the  site  visits,  students  will  observe  cultures  of  care,  aspects  of  the  healing  environment,  and  nuances  within  healthcare  settings.  Students  will  write  a  1,000-­‐word  essay  exploring  and  articulating  the  cultures  of  care  that  they  observed.  See  assignment  guide  for  assignment  details  and  grading  rubric.  

 • Patient  Safety  Analysis  (10  points)  Conduct  a  patient  safety  analysis  on  a  current  safety  issue  

in  response  to  a  news  article.  Provide  class  members  with  a  link  and  summary  of  the  article  and  well-­‐developed  response  to  the  patient  safety  concern  and  how  the  arts  could  be  utilized  to  address  it.  As  you  find  the  article,  post  an  APA-­‐formatted  citation  in  Sakai  so  others  can  determine  if  a  particular  article  has  already  been  selected  for  presentation.    

 • Reflective  Essay  on  Patient  Perspective  Reading  (10  points)  Write  a  1,000-­‐word  reflective  

essay  on  the  selected  Patient  Perspective  Reading  and  post  under  Patient  Perspective  Reading  Forum  in  the  Discussions  on  Sakai.  Consider  the  role  of  empathy  and  compassion  in  the  practice  of  arts  in  medicine.  See  assignment  guide  for  details  and  grading  criteria.  

 • Program  Model  Part  I  (10  points)  Develop  a  one  to  two  page  proposal  of  a  program  model  

for  a  targeted  health  concern  or  population  and  post  to  Sakai.  Program  model  will  include  the  vision,  mission,  goals,  objectives,  and  anticipated  outcomes  of  the  program.  See  assignment  guide  for  assignment  details  and  grading  rubric.  

 • Mini  Needs  Assessment  (5  points)  Select  two  needs  assessment  methods  to  conduct  a  mini  

needs  assessment  in  your  community.  Post  the  top  three  needs  in  your  community  and  a  summative  paragraph  describing  how  you  identified  these  three  needs.  

 • Professional  Development  Plan  (20  points)  Write  a  professional  development  plan.  See  

assignment  guide  for  details  and  grading  criteria.    

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Evaluations  and  Grades    40%  (80  points)  of  the  final  grade  comes  from  the  major  assignments  

• Site  Visits  and  Healthcare  Culture  Essay  1  (15  points)  • Patient  Safety  Analysis  (10  points)  • Patient  Perspective  Reflective  Essay  2  (10  points)  • Program  Model  (20  points)  • Mini  Needs  Assessment  (5  points)  • Professional  Development  Plan  (20  points)  

40%  (80  points)  of  the  final  grade  comes  from  Discussion  Board  Postings  (8  posts,  10  points  each)  20%  (40  points)  of  the  final  grade  comes  from  Creative  Practice  Blog  (8  posts,  5  points  each)    Grading  Scale    

Letter  Grade   %  Equivalency   GPA  Equivalency  A   95-­‐100%   4.0  A-­‐   92-­‐94%   3.67  B+   89-­‐91%   3.33  B   85-­‐88%   3.00  B-­‐   82-­‐84%   2.67  C+   79-­‐81%   2.33  C   75-­‐78%   2.00  C-­‐  *   72-­‐74%   1.67  D+   69-­‐71%   1.33  D   65-­‐68%   1.00  D-­‐   62-­‐64%   .67  E,  I,  NG,  S-­‐U,  WF     0.00  

 Please  note  that  a  C-­‐  is  no  longer  an  acceptable  grade  for  any  course  in  which  a  2.0  GPA  is  required,  for  example,  any  course  in  the  major.  UF  grading  policy  website:    


Course  Procedures  and  Policies  

Naming  Your  Documents  

When  naming  your  assignment  document,  it  will  be  helpful  if  you  name  them  by  the  title  of  the  assignment,  i.e.  IndResPres_yourlastnamefirstinitial,  for  me  this  would  be  IndResPres_Lee.  If  you  abbreviate  in  this  manner,  Jill  and  I  will  have  a  clear  and  easy  time  finding  the  assignment  and  accounting  for  it.  

Formatting  Documents    All  work  submitted  include  discussion  board  posts  and  major  assignments  must  use  APA  formatting.  We  recommend  that  you  use  the  online  APA  Style  Guide  at  the  Purdue  Online  Writing  Lab  (OWL).  

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 You  must  use  APA  formatting  for  document  formatting,  in  text  citations,  and  reference  lists.  Be  sure  to  properly  cite  all  sources  that  you  quote  or  paraphrase.  

Completing  and  Submitting  an  Assignment  

Your  instructor  or  project  leader  may  set  up  assignments  for  you  to  complete  and  submit  online.  To  work  on  an  assignment:  

• Open  the  appropriate  site.  • In  the  menubar,  click  Assignments.  • Click  the  name  of  the  assignment  to  open  it.  • To  work  on  the  assignment,  follow  the  instructions  from  your  instructor  or  project  leader.  You  

may  need  to  type  within  the  text  box,  or  add  an  attachment,  or  both.  • To  add  an  attachment,  click  Browse  to  find  and  select  the  file  on  your  computer  (maximum  5  

attachments  by  this  method),  or  click  or  select  files  from  workspace  or  site;  see  Options  for  adding  attachments.  

• To  see  how  your  assignment  will  look  to  your  instructor  or  project  leader,  click  Preview.  • To  save  your  assignment  to  complete  later,  click  Save  Draft  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.  When  

you  want  to  reopen  it,  you'll  find  it  listed  in  the  assignment  list  with  a  status  of  "In  progress".    o Note:  While  your  assignment  is  saved  as  a  draft,  your  instructor  cannot  see  it.  For  your  

instructor  to  see  it,  you  must  submit  the  assignment.  • When  you  have  finished,  click  Submit  at  the  bottom  of  the  screen.    

o Note:  Don't  click  Submit  until  you're  certain  you're  finished  with  an  assignment.  Once  you  click  Submit,  you'll  no  longer  be  able  to  access  the  assignment  (e.g.,  to  add  more  text  or  attachments)  unless  your  instructor  returns  it  to  you.  

You  will  receive  an  email  message  confirming  your  submission.  If  you  do  not  receive  a  confirmation,  check  to  see  if  you've  successfully  submitted  the  assignment.  

Late  Assignment  Submission  Policy      

Major  assignments  will  be  accepted  no  later  than  six  days  after  the  due  date.  Points  will  be  reduced  from  late  assignments  at  a  rate  of  5%  per  day.  This  policy  does  not  apply  to  Discussion  Board  or  creative  practice  blog.  Late  work  will  not  be  accepted  on  the  Discussion  Board  or  Creative  Practice  Blog.  Instructors  will  not  accept  work  submitted  later  than  six  days  following  the  deadline  except  in  extenuating  circumstances  and  with  prior  approval  by  the  instructor.  

 Course  Communications  

 It  is  the  student’s  responsibility  to  communicate  with  the  instructor  promptly  concerning  any  circumstances  that  might  affect  his  or  her  participation  in  the  course.  Please  do  not  let  any  questions  or  concerns  go  unattended.  It  is  the  instructor’s  intention  to  respond  to  all  e-­‐mail  communication  within  48  hours,  excluding  weekends.      

 General  Course  Questions  


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There  are  two  ways  in  which  you  can  ask  general  questions  of  the  instructors.  If  you  have  a  general  question  related  to  an  assignment,  reading  or  other  course  material  that  may  be  relevant  to  other  class  members,  you  may  post  it  under  Course  Questions  on  the  Discussion  Board.  If  your  question  is  specific  to  your  own  work,  progress,  circumstances,  grade,  or  is  personal  in  nature,  please  email  the  instructors  privately  using  the  Mail  function  in  Sakai.  

Technical  Assistance  

If  you  have  difficulty  accessing  online  course  reading  or  materials,  please  reference  the  citation  or  document  name  and  author  in  a  Google  Search  to  locate  the  document  before  contacting  the  instructor  or  the  Help  Desk.  

If  you  have  computer  difficulties  submitting  assignments  or  navigating  Sakai,  notify  UF  Computer  Help  Desk  at  [email protected]  or  352-­‐392-­‐4357.  Please  include  the  case  number  provided  to  you  by  the  UF  Help  Desk  documenting  your  request  for  assistance.  

Class  Participation/Demeanor  Policy      

Participation  in  all  aspects  of  this  course  is  essential  to  your  success.    Every  reading,  assignment,  and  interaction  within  the  course  is  integral  to  your  learning,  and  full  participation  is  required.    It  is  expected  that  you  will  log  on  to  the  course  website  and  contribute  to  discussions  and  blog  forums  at  least  three  times  per  week.      

Written  communication  and  electronic  interaction  are  central  to  online  learning.    Please  see  the  Online  Etiquette  section  of  the  assignment  guide  for  expectations  for  written  and  electronic  interactions.      

Students  with  disabilities    

Students  requesting  accommodation  must  first  register  with  the  Dean  of  Students  Office.  The  Dean  of  Students  Office  will  provide  documentation  to  the  student  who  must  then  provide  this  documentation  to  the  Instructor  when  requesting  accommodation.  

 Academic  Honesty  

 All  students  sign  the  following  statement  upon  registration  at  the  University  of  Florida:  “I  understand  that  the  University  of  Florida  expects  its  students  to  be  honest  in  all  their  academic  work.    I  agree  to  adhere  to  this  commitment  to  academic  honesty  and  understand  that  my  failure  to  comply  with  this  commitment  may  result  in  disciplinary  action  up  to  and  including  expulsion  from  the  University.”    As  instructor  for  this  course,  I  fully  support  the  intent  of  the  above  statement  and  will  not  tolerate  academic  dishonesty.    The  university’s  policies  regarding  academic  honesty,  the  honor  code,  and  student  conduct  related  to  the  honor  code  will  be  strictly  enforced.    Full  information  regarding  these  policies  is  available  at  the  following  link:  

 University  Counseling  Services  


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Counseling  Center    3190  Radio  Rd.      P.O.  Box  112662,  University  of  Florida    Gainesville,  FL  32611-­‐2662    Phone:    352-­‐392-­‐1575    Web:    

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College of Fine Arts PO Box 115800 Office of the Dean Gainesville, FL 32611 Telephone: (352) 392-0207 Fax: (352) 392-3802



Course Proposal: Arts in Medicine in Practice I. Justification. In the space below, please write a statement of no more than 150 words describing the following:

(1) the need for the course (2) the enrollments expected, including the basis for prediction (3) the effect, if any, that the addition of the course will have on the curriculum in a broader

sense (4) a brief explanation of the relation of the course to the curriculum of which it will be an

immediate part This course is a requirement of the new online Arts in Medicine Graduate Certificate program, and provides students with essential practical knowledge at the graduate level for professional practice in the field of Arts in Medicine. Based on the number of inquiries we currently receive and an assessment of overall demand in the field, we expect enrollment of 6-15 people per section. This course will be the practical cornerstone of the Certificate curriculum as well as of the MA in Arts in Medicine, which is in development. We anticipate that the course will also serve a desirable elective course for students of the arts and health professions from throughout the U.S. and beyond. II. Support In the space below please provide:

(1) an account of the availability of faculty, library resources, and any equipment required to teach the course effectively

(2) the availability of funds for setting up and continuing the course. Our new faculty lecturer, Jenny Lee, and Jill Sonke will be available to teach the course on a rotating basis. Both of these individuals have the technology necessary for teaching the online course. We are submitting a request for off-book designation for this course. Direct revenues, along with assistance from the UF Distance Learning program, will support the set-up and continuation of the course. III. Graduate Student Requirements All proposals for undergraduate courses to which a graduate course number is also assigned must list the additional requirements expected of graduate students over and above all requirements expected of undergraduate students enrolled in the course. This is a graduate level course.

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IV. Planned Frequency Here, write the schedule for offering the course (i.e., every semester, once yearly, biennially) and the semester in which the course is to be offered first. Twice annually. V. Explanation of any duplications or overlapping of course content with any other course currently offered in the University catalog Proposals that might infringe on offerings in other schools within the college and university should be accompanied by letters from directors of the affected schools, stating their reactions to the proposed changes, additions, etc. Proposals which might conflict with other CFA school offerings should be accompanied by a statement from the faculty of the area affected indicating their support of the proposal. (This would be included as “other useful documentation” in the submission. See the curricular submission-change checklist.) N/A – there are currently no graduate level course offerings pertaining to Arts in Medicine at UF. VI. Other Appropriate Information