Download - UBS - Core Affluent Convention (2006)

  • WMI - Core Affluent Convention 2006Spirit, Pride and Joy



  • Introduction

  • Core Affluent Spirit, Pride and Joy

    Raoul WeilHead Wealth Management International

  • CorA HNWI KC




    You work in the most profitable segment in WMI

    Segment comparison RoA (bps)

  • Distribution of IA in CHF

    CorA HNWI KC




    You work in the most profitable segment in WMI

    We can grow and we will grow with the Core Affluent segment in WMI.

    Segment comparison RoA (bps)

    WMI World






    773 bn 46'117 bn

    + = up to CHF 2.5 bn revenue potential

  • WMI Think client, grow commercially

    Client focus UBS Client Experience Lead Offering per Segment Client defection


    Growth Best shift Prospecting Share of wallet

    Talent Using Best Practice Recruiting and Integration CA Certification per

    segment Desk Head Training Program

    Efficiency Sales Management Process Using Best Practice Tool Usage


  • Client Experience drives growth!

    The Spirit, Pride and Joy of WMI Core Affluent

  • Client Focus

  • Client Focus Think client

    Jrg ZeltnerCEO Germany Domestic

  • Think client, grow commercially.

    Raoul Weil

  • Client focus in our lead offering:

    Our offering is always integrated into the UBS Client Experience

    Mandate and Advisory Solutions

    Liability Management

    Life Cycle Management

  • Client Retention Index: help the CA identify clients at risk of defecting.

  • Gary Wai Bong Chang, Tokyo

  • Client Focus

  • The special spirit of our segment:

    The most profitable segment within WMI

    The highest RoA in our segment

    We generate substantial revenues

    Our client base forms the major part of WMI clients

  • Spirit, Pride and Joy!

  • Client Focus

  • Client Focus Living the Value Proposition

    Karl SchwarzSegment Head Core Affluent BU BGC

  • Our job, a source of pride and joy!

  • Because we do not focus on us, but on our clients.

  • The WMI Core Affluent Value Proposition

    Bank Client Advisor Client

    Bank's perspective- ideal positioning of segment- maximizes revenues- information delivery streamlined

  • Bank Client Advisor Client

    Client Advisor's perspective- allow excellence at job,- fulfill high ambitions, and- deliver top quality solutions to their clients

    The WMI Core Affluent Value Proposition

  • Bank Client Advisor Client

    Client's perspective- segment specific benefits of UBS Client

    Experience- image of strong and trustworthy partner- providing security and peace of mind

    The WMI Core Affluent Value Proposition

  • Client Advisor Work BenchProducts and ServicesProspect/Pipeline ManagementReportingCommunicationTraining

    The WMI Core Affluent Value Proposition

  • It's not only about tools, processes and training...

  •'s a new philosophy!

  • Double client time.

  • Make sure we will be there at the right moment.

  • The Value Proposition is US ...

  • ... WE are the Value Proposition!

  • Proud of working in the most successful, most challenging segment.

  • Focus on clients, and watch the revenues rise.

  • WMI - Core Affluent Convention 2006Spirit, Pride and Joy

    Coffee Break


  • Growth

  • Growth Where are the millionaires?

    Michel GuignardRMM North America

  • If you are looking for small potatoes ...... you will get small potatoes.

  • Vision and Ambitions Millionaires BU Americas

    Team Millionaires LATAM- Vision: Our goal is to rank among the top 3 banks for Millionaires in each market by the end of 2008

    - We want to grow and develop our clients and build up a stable source of money inflow by improving client satisfaction and increasing contact intensity

    Team Millionaires NAM- Growth of invested assets of 1% p.a. (Mio NAM)- Stabilize client base and increase efficiency in service and acquisition- Foster innovation where the skills and diversity of our employees are fully leveraged and where creative ideas are pursued

  • 50




    NNM RoA





    NNM and RoA Ambition





    NNM RoA



    NAM US Intl. MillionairesLATAM Millionaires


    RoA: -6%NNM: +38%



    RoA: 0%NNM: -54%

  • 0.5






    JAN 06 FEB 06 MAR 06 APR 06






    JAN 06 FEB 06 MAR 06 APR 06







    JAN 06 FEB 06 MAR 06 APR 06







    JAN 06 FEB 06 MAR 06 APR 06

    NNM/CA and RoA

    NAM US Intl. MillionairesLATAM Millionaires













    65% of CA are NNM-positive 40% of CA are NNM-positive

  • 500







    JAN 06 FEB 06 MAR 06 APR 06









    JAN 06 FEB 06 MAR 06 APR 06


    Mandate Count

    NAM US Intl. MillionairesLATAM Millionaires

    Avg Monthly Growth Rate 06

    absolute: +124 relative: +5%Discretionary Share: 23%


    Avg Monthly Growth Rate 06

    absolute: +52 relative: +2%Discretionary Share: 58%

  • Initiatives and projects for growth

    Referrals (Roland Eduah)

    Segment-Mover Concept (Marcel Tschanz)

    Potential Project (Michel Guignard)

    Regionalization (MS MAP-point)

    Telephone Campaigns (UBP)

    Video Training (UBP, Role Play)

    Multi-Channel Direct Marketing

  • Potential project

    In search of the big potatoes

  • Potential project: the concept

    search contact refer

    KYC Center Team

    - analyze- assess- assign

    Client Relationship Facilitator

    - one call- one chance- one shot


  • Thorough organization and structured processes

    US KYC Profiler

    - 2-3 full time researchers- high diversity background

    Talented Profiler Search Team

    Structured Processes Access to internal and external databases

  • KYC Center and Client Relationship Facilitator

    KYC Center (Kick-off: April 2005)

    Scope of activities to date:- 21'725 name accounts to be reviewed- 12'600 named accounts assessed:

    - 210 high potential prospects- 2'500 interesting potential prospects

    Client Relationship Facilitator (Kick-off: April 2005)

    - 170 files transferred- 115 successful client contacts (68% hit ratio)- 73 appointments (61% hit ratio)- 15% of contacts not interested to pursue

  • Recent success stories

    Client Relationship Facilitator (one HC since 3 months) CHF 5 m NNM (MFP) Referral to WM US with potential of USD 5 m RFP for CHF 5 m fixed income mandate (high probability)

    12 accounts referred to KC-Advisor 37 accounts referred to HNW-Advisors

    USD 500 m IPO with potential KC-business of Swiss based US oil and gas bunkering company

  • Go for big potatoes!

    We are dealing with millionaires!

  • Growth

  • Growth Team up with your partners

    Marcel TschanzSegment Head Latin America

  • Partners to success

    Client development and prospect allocation are not independent from each other but based on the same understanding of a segmented value proposition

    Partners A

    broadBooking Center

    Affluent Core Affluent HNW KC


    Prospect Allocation

    Client Development

    Clear rules and guidelines Consistent target setting

  • Client potential development

    Growth by identification and development of client potential in a true partnership approach

    CorA CA

    Service Intensity

    Identification Development

    Development Take OverHNWI

    up to 6 months 12 months

    DistinctService Level

    teaming up between CorA and HNWI CA

  • The Desk Head moulds the way

    One identical message from all levels of management The segment mover approach as a clear and measurable part of the PMM Complete the segment specific sales set-up with platforms to exchange

    across segments Important: establish plans and continuously coach and manage the

    personal development of all client advisors and assistants

    and foremost: Walk the Talk team up and frequently exchange with DHs of the other segments

    foster the built-up of teams amongst the client advisors

    Pro-actively manage the segment mover approach

  • Growth

  • Growth Living the referral culture

    Roland EduahSegment Head US

  • Referral culture needs team approach

    Microsoft Corporation 1978 Would you have invested in this team?

  • The prerequisite

    CorA HNWI 1 & 2 - Key Clients - FIM



    Percentage of WMI assets


    Percentage of WMI clients



    Percentage of WMI revenues

  • Leveraging the client base: types of referrall

    86% of clients would have referred relatives would they have been asked

    Question requires diplomacy and sen-sitivity (selling the whole organization)

    Find the right partner to refer the client to

    Referral agreements

    The external referral The internal referral

  • Think about the way you contribute to growth...

    The external referral- Do I know how to identify which client I could ask for a referral ?- Do I know how to ask for it ?- Do I know where and whom a prospect can be referred to ?

    The internal referral- Do I know where and whom in the organization a client can be referred to ?- What's in for me if I play as a team player ?- Do I know what needs to be ensured for me to be allowed to refer a client across organizational boundaries ?

    - Do I ensure a smooth transition whenever the client grows over my head ?

  • The dynamics of CorA


    Happy Client Referral

    New Client ServiceExcellenceHappy Client Referral New Client

    Service Excellence

    Happy Client Referral New Client

    Service Excellence

    Happy Client

    Service Excellence

    Happy Client Referral New Client

    Happy Client

    Service ExcellenceReferral New Client

    Service ExcellenceReferral New Client

    Happy Client Referral

    New Client

  • Growth

  • Workshop on Growth in Assets

  • ab

    Establishing a platform of constant exchange of UBPs

    Set up:- One prominent moderator per group- Eight to nine participants- Group members come from same location/ region- Symbol on the Badge shows ones group

    Time Line:- 45 minutes workshop- 15 minutes presentation of results (3 presenting groups chosen at random)

    Ambition:- Identify Key Success Factors- Set clear actions/ action plans within each group

    Exchange of best practices and think tank for fresh ideas across BUs

    Groups stay together and meet on a regular basis in their locations

  • WMI - Core Affluent Convention 2006Spirit, Pride and Joy

    Lunch Break


  • Efficiency

  • Efficiency You & Us

    Dieter KieferBU Head Western Europe

  • Improve Client Focus

    Trigger Growth


  • Double Client Time

    Spend more time with clients

    Focus beyond current client book: Pipeline management

  • Efficiency generates growth

    UBS Client Experience: understand better what clients really want

    Lead Offering: Strong offering that can be easily adapted

  • Efficiency:

    Achieve individual growth ambitions

    Achieve bank's target to grow

    Improve individual work-life balance

  • More time spent on and with clients: increase the joy felt in our work.

  • Challenged to continuosly look for ways to improve.

  • Efficiency is a process, an evolution, in which your input is absolutely necessary!

  • Our vision: relationships on muliple levels:

    Over the phone

    Over the internet

    Through meetings, both in our offices and on location

  • From CorA Line to UBS Access Line

    Serve whole Core Affluent client base by the end of 2007

    To become a Client Book Management Centre

    Take care of standardised tasks to free CA time for personalised contacts

  • Three future developments

    Centre for incoming and outbound calls on your behalf

    Access Line as a training ground for Client Advisors

    High-end connection from CAWB to clients: e-mail, video, voice over IP

  • We are looking at a future in which spending less time on administrative work and more on our clients will be a reality.

  • Efficiency

  • Efficiency You & Us

    Daniel LippSegment Head Western Europe

  • Initiatives of our CorA segment:



    CorA Line/UBS Access Line

  • UBS Access Line WMI

    Pilot start April 2005

    Main objective when pilot started- facilitate client contact with bank through an alternative channel- relieve CA of non-productive inbound calls- provide top quality telephone service

    Main results- positive impact on client time x 2- better KPIs (NNM, DMS, AMS, client retention)- client satisfaction

  • Efficiency

  • UBS Access Line WMI

    Where we are going from here:- CorA Line becoming UBS Access Line WMI

    - from pilot to business entity

    - from 17 to 60 CAs hooked up

    - from 7000 to > 20'000 clients

    - from 5 to 15 call agents

    - rollout: Starting 2006

  • UBS Access Line WMI

    ConsequencesMajor implications in terms of:- security- logistics- HR & Education- service

    UBS Access Line: front runner for new technology

  • Efficiency

  • Efficiency Triple Jump 2006

    CorA Competition Q3/Q4 2006

  • Overall Objective

    Introduce new CorA philosophy Spirit, Pride & Joy and boost Growth in Revenues & Growth in Assets

    Foster segment specific community spirit Entrepreneurial spirit and teamwork will characterize

    the best teams

    An exclusive CorA competition creates pride

    Live this new dynamic philosophy Prizes for the whole desk Team Spirit and Joy at work




    Growth- in revenues- in assets

  • Structure and its objective

    Be growth oriented and keep everybody on board until the end

    3 July 2006: Kick-off One common Kick-off, three different endings

    Jump 1

    Jump 2

    Jump 3

    Investment Funds and A&Q

    Mandate Solutions

    Net New Money (market adjusted)

    July August September October November December January

  • Prizes - CorA Triple Jump

    Be growth oriented and keep everybody on board until the end

    Jump 1 Investment Funds and A&Q

    Aim Increase activity in the quiet summer months

    Focus Lead Offering Funds and A&Q

    Why IF Best Shift, Introduction of the WMI Investment

    Fund Lead Offering and new NTAC Offering

    Duration 2 months (July and August)

    Reward 3 days Alinghi Sailing Academy in Valencia for the winning team IF

    and 3 top-performers A&Q

  • Prizes - CorA Triple Jump

    Be growth oriented and keep everybody on board until the end

    Aim Best shift, higher RoA and increased efficiency in CorA

    Why Focus on the most important CorA products

    Duration 4 months (July to October)

    Reward will be announced in September

    Jump 2 Mandate Solutions (Mandates, AAF & ARF)

  • Prizes - CorA Triple Jump

    Be growth oriented and keep everybody on board until the end

    Aim Effective client book management and reduction of client defections

    Why medium and long term goal of UBS

    Duration 6 months (July to December)

    Reward will be announced in November

    Jump 3 Net New Money (market adjusted)

  • Measurement Investment Funds

    Team performance brings the whole desk to Valencia

    For investment funds campaign Funds ex AAF & ARF % MMF will be measuredThe current penetration plus increase in penetration will be measured

  • Measurement A&Q

    Individual top-performance will also be rewarded

    Three A&Q top sellers (Syros subscriptions)

    Ticket to Valencia

    The three CAs with the highest A&Q volume until 1 September 2006 win

  • Measurement Mandate Solutions

    Fair, transparent, on a monthly basis

    Tracking tool: White Spot Analysis

    For mandate solutions campaign Total Mandates and AAF & ARF will be measuredTeams can follow their own performance based on White Spot

  • Fairness

    Based on the successful Triathlon competition (BC Germany) we grant:

    10 points for every 1% of existing penetration + 100 points for every 1% increase in penetration

    The team with the most points at the end of each Jump wins!

    Measurement investment funds and mandate solutions

    Fairness and transparency, the core of the competition


    Ranking is updated monthly together with the White Spot Report

    15 Top teams displayed on the CorA page (monthly)

    Rankings and results of the remaining teams will be given on the request of the DH

  • Measurement NNM

    Fair, transparent, on a monthly basis

    NNM figures will be adjusted regarding to market clusters: Established, Growth (Europe), Growth (rest of the world), Start-up

    Cluster multiplierNNM figures team

    Adjusted points for NNM

  • WMI - Core Affluent Convention 2006Spirit, Pride and Joy

    Coffee Break


  • Talent

  • Talent The Italian Experience

    Francesco MorraBU Head Italy

  • CorA Italy: large, growing market of 1.7 m HHs, 460 bn assets


    Segment Clients (Households)

    CorA ~1'700'000



    Mass Affluent/Retail

    Onshore assets ( bn)


    ~50% of relevant wealth

    Growth (05-08 CAGR)


    Solid growth

  • Lead Offering

    Talent development key for successful business in Italy



    Wealth Accumulationand Preservation

    Wealth Protectionand Transfer

  • Required Skills Set

    Talent development key for successful business in Italy

    Client Screening Capability

    - Existing Clients

    Direct Calling Capability

    - Prospects

    Cooperation Capability with Multipliers

    - Prospects

  • Talent development key for successful business in Italy

    Planned locations

    Current locations

    Planned locations

    Current locations

    Jump to attractive new areasExpand around big centersand current locations

  • (1) 2 additional locations to be added in 2011 to reach the 20 branches target

    Contribution of CorA business always positive

    2005 2010 2005-10

    Number of branches 9 18 2x

    IA 2.6 7.4 2.8x

    Number of CAs (average) 53 162 3.1x

    NNM per CA ( mio.) 5.4 9.3 1.7xRoA (bps) 113 146 1.3x

    Net revenues ( mio.) 24.4 103.4 4.2x


  • Guiding principles

    CorA a natural entry point

    CorA CA career path attractive

    Support and professional development of CorA CAs

    - Teaming - Training

    Certifications- WM Diploma - TSR

    CorA leadership culture

    TeamingModel Training


    Development path

    CorA CA career model



    UBS CorA CA career and talent model

  • CorA CAs with clear development path at UBS

    Prerequisite skills

    - HNW HNW / Market Mgmt. / Functions(1)

    HNW / KC /Functions(1)

    HNW / KC Career options:Change to

    Ready to team with and coach junior CAs

    Experience Large client


    Lead a team/desk None/very limited

    Ability to acquire clients autonomously

    CA WM 1('Junior CA')

    Senior CA WM 1DH

    For 1 - 2 yrs

    After 6 8 yrsAfter 6 8 yrs

    For 2 4 yrsFor 2 4 yrs

    CA WM 2CA WM 3

    UBS CorA development plan

    (1) e.g. P&S, Operations, Sales Management

  • Teaming Model: Objectives and planned approach

    CA teaming within desk

    Experienced Junior

    CoachSupports junior CA for success

    New CALearns from experienced CA's, but is not his/her assistant

  • CA training program aligned with career step first outline

    Mandatory training Need based ad-hoc training

    Banking skills

    Leadership skills

    Training element Training offering per career step

    New joinersprogram

    Individualized training (ad-hoc)

    New product introduction / IT tool training

    CA WM 1('Junior CA') Senior CA WM 1 DHCA WM 2 CA WM 3

    New DH programCoach/mentor program




    Client service and acquisition proficiency

    Client service/ acquisition skills


  • UBS views all its employees as its talent.

  • We want to grow as an organisation and to do this we need to have the best talent.

    Raoul Weil

  • Attract, develop and retain the best and brightest people for CorA.

  • Attract



  • Talent

  • Talent You & Us

    Nicla PedrazzettiSegment Head Italy

  • It all begins with my own people, my colleagues - with us.

  • We have to be convinced of what we do and why we are doing it.

  • The basis of CorA from my point of view:


    Openness to new ideas



  • It all begins with YOU.

  • Carry the pride you feel to your people.

  • Not every CA is an entrepreneur, but it's our job to coach them to become one!

  • How can we make our CAs live Spirit, Pride and Joy in their daily work, in front of their clients and in their private lives?

  • Workshop on Talent

  • Italy CorA: No Performing CAs (evolution)











    M c




    10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

  • Talent Attraction: Workshop TemplateMain Issues Key Success Factors Actions

    How can we improve our entrepreneurial spirit

    How can we bring pride to our CorA sales force?

    What can we do to have our sales force

    having joy in daily business?





  • Conclusion

  • Conclusions

    Raoul WeilHead Wealth Management International

  • WMI - Core Affluent Convention 2006Spirit, Pride and Joy

    Good Bye!
