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The Cold War: East v. WestModern World History

Greg Hurley

The Cold War is the name given to the tensions that existed between the “East” and the “West” during the second half of the 20 th century. Though much of this unit focuses on the rivalry of the major superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, it also has the students examine how this rivalry impacted

allies of these countries and those countries who were not aligned with either superpower. This unit aims to give students a complete and thorough examination of the major events of the Cold War from beginning to end, and around the world. Each lesson brings to light specific events of the Cold War as well as bringing up the running themes of competing political systems and just how much is morality maintained or degraded in order to defeat a major


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Table of Contents

Unit Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………….… p. 3

Stage 1………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p. 3

Stage 2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p. 7

Stage 3………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. p. 8

CEPA Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………… p. 13

CEPA Teacher Instructions …………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….… p. 13

CEPA Student Instructions …………………………………….……………………………………………………………..………………….… p. 14

CEPA Rubric …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...… p. 16

CEPA Resources ………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………….… p. 17

Stage 1 Desired ResultsMassachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

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ESTABLISHED GOALS GThe Cold War Abroad, 1945-1980

WHII.7 Describe the rise of unions and socialism, including the ideas and influence of Robert Owen and Karl Marx. (H, E)

WHII.28 Explain the consequences of World War II. (H, E)

A. physical and economic destruction

B. the enormous loss of life, including millions of civilians through the bombing of population centers and the slaughter of political opponents and ethnic minorities

C. support in Europe for political reform and decolonization

D. the emergence of the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the world’s two superpowers

WHII.29 Describe reasons for the

TransferStudents will be able to independently use their learning to…

1. Understand how recurring patterns in history can inform judgments about current events and other issues.

2. Apply knowledge of political and social systems to participate actively as an informed citizen of a democracy.


UNDERSTANDINGSStudents will understand that

1. Intervention was a primary policy of superpowers in the Cold War.

2. Governments have engaged in unethical behavior in order to preserve their way of life.

3. People tend to be drawn to either communism or capitalism and often will judge the other negatively.

4. Patriotism takes many forms; it can be construed as evil by those from an opposing viewpoint.


1. Does one nation have the right to intervene in the affairs of another nation?

2. Why do some people choose violence in an attempt to bring about change?

3. Do the ends justify the means?

AcquisitionStudents will know… K Students will be skilled at… S

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establishment of the United Nations in 1945 and summarize the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (H)

WHII.30 Summarize the factors that contributed to the Cold War, including Soviet expansion in Eastern Europe and the differences between democracy and communism. (H, C)

WHII.31 Describe the policy of containment, including the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO, as America’s response to Soviet expansionist policies. (H)

WHII.32 Describe the development of the arms race and the key events of the Cold War era. (H)

A. the Korean War

B. the emergence of the People’s Republic of China as a major power

Key Vocabulary:Tier 2:Patriotism, Global Community, “east,” “west”

Tier 3:Arms Race, Cold War, Hot War, atomic weapon, nuclear weapon, Soviet Union, East Germany, West Germany, Communism, Capitalism, Proxy War, Korean War, Vietnam War, United Nations General Assembly, Politburo, NATO, Warsaw Pact

1. The history of communist expansion around the world.

2. Superpowers often view undeveloped allies as disposable

3. After WWII, Soviet and US tension became evident, particularly in war-torn Germany where both sides sought to prove superiority to the other.

4. The Soviet Union sought to protect itself by expanding communism and giving itself a cushion of protection from the West.

5. The US sought to protect capitalism around the world by containing communism and not allowing it to grow.

6. Leaders of the Soviet Union and

1. Interpreting ideas from primary and secondary sources through reading, listening, and observation

2. Identifying and validating multiple perspectives on the same event.

3. Identifying sequences of events

4. Interpreting and analyzing maps and graphs

5. Analyzing cause and effect

6. Identifying change over time

7. Independent research for understanding of specific topics

8. Presenting research findings orally in an engaging manner.

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C. the 1956 uprising in Hungary

D. Soviet-U.S. competition in the Middle East

E. conflicts involving Cuba and Berlin

F. the Vietnam War

G. the “Prague Spring”

H. arms control agreements (including the ABM and SALT treaties) and détente under Nixon

I. the Soviet war in Afghanistan

WHII.35 Describe the global surge in economic productivity during the Cold War and describe its consequences. (H, E)

A. the rise in living standards

B. the economic recovery and development of Germany and Japan

WHII.36 Explain the various factors that

United States have both threatened world peace and worked towards achieving that same peace.

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contributed to post-World War II economic and population growth. (H, E)

A. the long post-war peace between democratic nations

B. the policies of international economic organizations

C. scientific, technological, and medical advances

WHII.38 Describe the development and goals of nationalist movements in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, including the ideas and importance of nationalist leaders. (H)

A. Fidel Castro (Cuba)

C. Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)

D. Gamal Abdel Nasser (Egypt)

E. Jawaharlal Nehru (India)

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F. Juan Peron (Argentina)

Stage 2 - EvidenceEvaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence


Overview: Students will work in pairs and will be assigned a country. They will research this country to determine which of the two superpowers most negatively affected the assigned country and identify details which support this point of view. They then will write a report (which they will read aloud) in order to persuade the UN General Assembly (who will be made up of their classmates) to award them reparations due to the damage they suffered during the Cold War.

Goal: To exhibit through presentation of research how a developing nation was impacted by the Cold WarRole: Ambassador of that country to the UNAudience: the United States and Russian governmentsSituation: You need to convince the UN to force either the US or Russian government to pay reparations for damages done during the Cold War to your country. You must decide which government you are demanding payment from.Product: a 2-3 minute oral presentation laying out the history of the country was damaged by the Cold War and how that damage still impacts the world today.(Model UN Skill: how to collaboratively research a country and identify how that country’s perspective is different from the perspective of a US resident)

Countries: Cuba, Vietnam, Myanmar (Cambodia), Afghanistan, Iran, Argentina, Nicaragua, North Korea, South Korea, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Germany

UN Provided Country Research Links:

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For Cold War history of European Nations, go here:

For all countries go here:

Other websites with brief cold war histories for students to use:

The student should research that country’s government website, the US State Department website (,

the CIA World Factbook (, and to identify the following:

1) The role of this country in the Cold War and how the superpowers intervened in that country2) What form of government does it have today? Has that changed since the Cold War ended?3) What influence remains in that country of either the US or USSR?4) Describe daily life for the average person in this country using info like: Per capita income, GDP,

Dependency Factor, Religion, transnational issues5) How Americans view this country in comparison to those countries’ views of themselves.

The research is done in pairs, and the analysis of this research should be done together. The reports are done individually and can be either presented orally or recorded for the class to view.

OE Quizzes and Tests on different sections

Stage 3 – Learning PlanStage 3 – Learning Plan

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Cold War and its’ Foundations: Identify what is meant by the Cold War Analyze the political foundations by reviewing Cold War policies at the end of World War II. Summarize why the Cold War was a global conflict between the US and USSR Create a timeline of the beginning of the Cold War (1945-1955)

Begin with a Cold War Pre-assessmentReview effects of WWII – End of WWII, how Europe and Asia were effected

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-Death Rates, Yalta, Potsdam – Textbook/2 column notes of these“1945 This is what life is like in the US, and then this is what life was like in the USSR (use Soviet Union National Anthem in this)”US: between Stalin and Western democracies, Truman Doctrine, containment, Forming NATO and Warsaw Pact - also good sources at: a Cold War timeline.

Intro students to EQ’s and CEPA

Lesson 2: Communism and Capitalism Identify what is meant by Communism and Capitalism Analyze the pros and cons of both systems Compare and contrast the systems using a Double Bubble or similar organizer

Give students a basic introduction to the concepts of Communism and CapitalismKhan Academy Videos on both types of government:



As students watch they should make content response notes identifying main ideas and details.

Compare and Contrast the two systems using a double bubble organizer.Respond to prompt: Why do you think Communism has been less successful than Capitalism in the 20 th-21st centuries?

Lesson 3: Korea Divided Identify the causes and effects of the Korean War Analyze why the US intervened in the Korean Conflict

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Evaluate US policy towards communism in Korea Respond to the EQ: Does one nation have the right to intervene in the affairs of another nation? Propose a policy to keep the United States out of the Korean War.

Watch the following Khan Academy Video: the following: on Truman’s Speech Announcing US Troops Being Sent to Korea: the document, The Truth about Korea: on “Orders to the Chinese People’s Volunteers”: %20TEMPLATE.doc

Persuasive Writing Assignment: As an advisor to President Truman, write a policy brief (persuasive essay) which convinces him that Korea is not a threat to the United States, refuting what is said in the document above.

More documents on Korean War:

Lesson 4 – Failed interventions by both superpowers: Vietnam and Afghanistan Identify reasons why superpowers intervened in Vietnam and Afghanistan Summarize outcomes and impact of superpower intervention in Vietnam and Afghanistan EQ: Did the ends justify the means in both of these case studies?

Case Study 1: Vietnam and the Domino Theory Read Watch: Use the following resource from the National Archives to teach about Vietnam using pictures: Comparative Assignment: create a graphic organizer which compares and contrasts the politics of the Vietnam and Korean conflicts News story: You’re an embedded reporter with US troops at the My Lai Massacre – film a 3 minute news story explaining what happened and

explain the US soldiers’ point of view

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Case Study 2: Afghanistan and the Soviet Union Look at this website for a brief overview Good resource for teachers: Was the US responsible for sparking Al Qaeda and the Taliban? Compare the real life Charlie Wilson: with the Hollywood version starring Tom Hanks Does the film version do the real man credit?o In retrospect was his desire to help the Afghans foolish in that it taught the Afghans how to oppose foreign forces?

Students then respond to both EQ’s based upon their understanding of these case studies.

Lesson 5 – Unconventional Battlefields Examine how the Cold War was fought beyond politics and traditional military build-ups. Analyze the effectiveness of the propaganda on both sides of the conflict Create an effective response piece of propaganda which refutes any of the examples studied Summarize: How does propaganda help win wars? How does a propaganda war damage societies?

Potential content to consider: Moscow Olympics boycott, Miracle on Ice, Space Race, “Star Wars”, Metallica plays Moscow, Rocky IVTeacher may choose other content as well.

-Kennedy begins the race to the moon “We choose to go to the moon”: athlete’s story of missing the 1980 Olympics of the Miracle on Ice: trains in the basement while drago trains in the complex: (Background – the US is the underdog who doesn’t have the fancy equipment but will surely be triumphant as he is the “good” guy)-Alternate (Soviet) ending of Rocky: plays Moscow and the beatings of the audience begin (note interaction between government forces and the crowd): (Background – first western style concert allowed in Soviet Union, free festival “Monsters of Rock,” officially crowd estimated between 150,000 and 500,000, unofficial estimates put it at 1.6 million. Crowd control was provided by uniformed members of the KGB, who did not understand how kids reacted to western music and 53 people were killed during the day. Video shows those interactions (though not necessarily the beatings). Fascinating watching Soviet military helicopters fly patrol over western musicians.-Star Wars:

Students create a piece of propaganda to refute one of the examples they viewed in class.

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Lesson 6 – The end of the Cold War –

Identify the role of Reagan and Gorbachev in bringing about the end of the Cold War Summarize how the collapse of the Berlin Wall began a chain of events leading to the end of the Cold War. Assess the Cold War as a whole by responding to both Essential Questions:

o Does one nation have the right to intervene in the affairs of another nation?o Why do some people choose violence in an attempt to bring about change?o Do the ends justify the means?

Reagan / Gorbachev relationship and their goals/ desires: of the Berlin Wall - watch Tom Brokaw at the Brandenburg Gate: dissolves itself and Yeltsin takes power - movements among the Warsaw Pact -

Follow up video on Capitalism today:

Lesson 7 - CEPA

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Curriculum Embedded Performance Assessment

Persuasive Presentation to the United Nations General Assembly

Overview: Students will work in pairs and will be assigned a country. They will research this country to determine which of the two superpowers most negatively affected the assigned country and identify details which support this point of view. They then will write a report (which they will read aloud) in order to persuade the UN General Assembly (who will be made up of their classmates) to award them reparations due to the damage they suffered during the Cold War.

Teacher Instructions

GRASPSGoal: To exhibit through presentation of research how a developing nation was impacted by the Cold WarRole: Ambassador of that country to the UNAudience: the United States and Russian governmentsSituation: You need to convince the UN to force either the US or Russian government to pay reparations for damages done during the Cold War to your country. You must decide which government you are demanding payment from.Product: a 2-3 minute oral presentation laying out the history of the country was damaged by the Cold War and how that damage still impacts the world today.(Model UN Skill: collaboratively researching a country and identify how that country’s perspective is different from the perspective of a US resident)

Countries: Cuba, Vietnam, Myanmar (Cambodia), Afghanistan, Iran, Argentina, Nicaragua, North Korea, South Korea, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Germany

For Cold War history of European Nations, go here:

For all countries go here:

Other websites with brief cold war histories for students to use:

The student should research that country’s government website, the US State Department website (, the CIA World Factbook

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(, and to identify the following:

1) The role of this country in the Cold War and how the superpowers intervened in that country2) What form of government does it have today? Has that changed since the Cold War ended?3) What influence remains in that country of either the US or USSR?4) Describe daily life for the average person in this country using info like: Per capita income, GDP, Dependency Factor, Religion, transnational issues5) How Americans view this country in comparison to those countries’ views of themselves.

The research is done in pairs, and the analysis of this research should be done together. The reports are done individually and can be either presented orally or recorded for the class to view.

Student Instructions:

Welcome to the United Nations!

You and your partner have been assigned a country. You are now the representatives of this country to the United Nations. For this project you will be taking on the perspective of this country and how that country views the superpowers of the Cold War.

Your job will be to write a persuasive essay in which you determine which of the two major superpowers (the United States and the Soviet Union) caused your country the most damage during the Cold War and has left the most lasting negative impact on your country today.

In order to do this you will need to research your country today, and its history during the Cold War. Particularly you need to pay attention to how your country was hurt by the superpowers during the Cold War and how that has directly impacted your country today.

Your research should include a summary of information from the CIA World Factbook. You should also make use of the links which describe the history of your country during the Cold War.

Finally each group member will be responsible for writing a persuasive report on which superpower should pay reparations to your country. In proving this point you will lay out specific details about how that superpower damaged your country specifically and how that damage is still hurting your country today.

One of these reports will be presented to the General Assembly (the rest of the class) aloud and then you will submit to questions by the other nations. Your goal is to convince your classmates of the validity of your argument.

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Criteria 4 Advanced 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Limited 0



t and



CLAIM: precise and knowledgeable argument is exceptionally clearTOPIC KNOWLEDGE: demonstrates exceptionally accurate, sophisticated and thorough knowledge of the topic within a greater contextOPPOSING CLAIM: highly effective distinction between claim and alternative or opposing claimAUDIENCE: Shows clear awareness of audience, purpose, values and bias

CLAIM: argument is generally clear TOPIC KNOWLEDGE: demonstrates generally accurate, somewhat sophisticated knowledge of the topic, within a greater contextOPPOSING CLAIM: generally effective distinction between claim and alternative claim; does not elaborate on how the claims differAUDIENCE: Shows general awareness of audience and purpose

CLAIM: suggests, but does not explicitly state an argument or claim.TOPIC KNOWLEDGE: demonstrates simple knowledge of the topic; greater context lacks clarityOPPOSING CLAIM: somewhat effective distinction between claim and alternative or opposing claimAUDIENCE: Shows limited awareness of audience and purpose

CLAIM: argument is unclear or not includedTOPIC KNOWLEDGE: does not demonstrate knowledge of the topic nor of the greater contextOPPOSING CLAIM: ineffective distinction between claim and alternative or opposing claimAUDIENCE: Shows no awareness of audience and purpose

Student Provides No Answ





PARAGRAPHS: exceptionally clear use of distinct paragraphs which sequence claim, supporting evidence, conclusion.TRANSITIONS: Highly effective words, phrases, clauses and varied syntax to link major portions of the text and create cohesion between claims and evidenceINTEGRATION OF EVIDENCE: Highly effective paraphrasing and integration of relevant information within each body paragraph.CONCLUSION: concluding paragraph shows how the evidence follows from or supports the argument or claim.

PARAGRAPHS: generally clear use of distinct paragraphs with some organized progression of ideas.TRANSITIONS: Generally effective use of words, phrases and clauses to signal transition and clarify relationships between claims and evidenceINTEGRATION OF EVIDENCE: Generally effective paraphrasing and integration of relevant information within each body paragraph.CONCLUSION: concluding paragraph shows substantial understanding of how the evidence follows from and supports the claim.

PARAGRAPHS: lacks clarity with use of distinct paragraphs for claim, supporting evidence, conclusion. TRANSITIONS: Somewhat effective use of words, phrases and clauses to signal transition and clarify relationships between claims and evidenceINTEGRATION OF EVIDENCE: Somewhat effective paraphrasing and integration of relevant information within each body paragraph.CONCLUSION: concluding paragraph shows moderate understanding of how the evidence follows from and supports the claim.

PARAGRAPHS: unclear use or no use of distinct paragraphs for claim, supporting evidence, conclusion.TRANSITIONS: Ineffective use of words, phrases and clauses to link major portions of the text and create cohesion between claims and evidenceINTEGRATION OF EVIDENCE: Ineffective paraphrasing and integration of relevant information within each body paragraph.CONCLUSION: no concluding paragraph; or concluding paragraph shows serious misunderstandings in how the evidence supports, follows from and relates to the claim.

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Persuasive Writing – Grades 11 & 12

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PERSUASION: highly effective use of most significant relevant, accurate, credible evidence that demonstrates an expertise in the topicCOUNTER-CLAIM: Is highly effective at integrating and using evidence to point out limitations of counterclaims

PERSUASION: generally effective use of relevant, accurate, credible evidence that demonstrates a general understanding of the topicCOUNTER-CLAIM: Is generally effective at using evidence to point out limitations of counterclaims

PERSUASION: attempts effective use of relevant, accurate, credible evidence that demonstrates a partial understanding of the topicCOUNTER-CLAIM: attempts to effectively use evidence to point out limitations of counterclaims

PERSUASION: ineffective use or lack of relevant, accurate, credible evidence that demonstrates a misunderstanding of the topicCOUNTER-CLAIM: Uses no evidence to point out limitations of counterclaims


d Ch


WRITING FOR A PURPOSE: highly effective use of content specific, academically appropriate vocabulary and writing techniquesTONE: Precise language creates a powerfully convincing tone which speaks to the expertise of the reader

WRITING FOR A PURPOSE: generally effective use of content specific, academically appropriate language and vocabularyTONE: generally effective word choice to create a formal, moderately persuasive tone

WRITING FOR A PURPOSE: attempts effective use of content specific, academically appropriate language and vocabularyTONE: attempts effective word choice to create a formal, persuasive tone

WRITING FOR A PURPOSE: ineffective, content specific, academically appropriate language and vocabularyTONE: ineffective word choice to create a formal, persuasive tone




Not Applicable for exams only CONVENTIONS: generally accurate writing mechanics with mostly correct spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph structure that do not interfere with understanding.

CONVENTIONS: moderately accurate writing mechanics with major errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph structure that interfere with understanding.

CONVENTIONS: highly inaccurate writing mechanics with major errors in spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph structure that severely interfere with understanding.



Resources:It is suggested that instructors utilize the following website made by Carol Mastromauro and adapt much of the resources to meet the needs of the students in

the CEPA:

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