Download - Types of photography -Jordyn Gibb




By Jordyn Gibb


These are examples of successful portrait photographers work

To the left Is an image from Nikola Borissov.

I liked this image as it caught my eye because of the black and

white quality to the image. The black and white work well

together especially with the crimson red lipstick. It gives

emphasis to her lips and with the shadows created by the angles

of the lighting, it gives her pale face more definition. Makes her

cheekbones prominent and gives her face a certain look it it. The

picture is almost haunting.

This image was taken by the photographer Victor Wagner and again It was the

black and white tone of the image that caught my attention. Although this image is

lighter than the other one. The young man being more noticeable with his features. I

think that image has a very powerful message being portrayed through the art of

the design. The image in my opinion is trying to show that he once lived in a world

full of black and white. Good and evil. But something had happened that some how

opened his eyes and allowed him to see reality as it is and not how he was being

forced to. The strip of natural coloring over his gives me that message of freedom.

Because if you can see it…It’s real.

What is Portrait photography?

Portrait photography is the capture of images revolving around a singular person and/or

group of people that are displaying expressions, mood and personality. The images

normally only consist of the subjects face, but can also include their entire body and the


With that certain style of photography in mind I went and tried to take a

few of my own in that style.

I wasn’t sure where I wanted to take the photographs, because I wasn’t

too keen on the sunlight. I thought that the finishing effect to the image

using natural light would be faulty and create shadows in places I

wouldn’t like them. The small room that her photograph was taken in

had a darker lighting, although I’m sure it’s not noticeable from the


I had noticed from the amount of portrait images I had examined that

they like to use black and white every now and then. The black and

white images, in my opinion have a larger effect on the viewer so,

because of that I edited Lauren on Photoshop and changed the black

and white tone of the image.The image changed drastically when altered. The image

almost became something else. Her lips had become a vibrant

white and her hair and darkened.

Although I found that changing the color tone it tampered with

the quality of the image. Lauren’s skin was not grainy and

blotchy compared to that in the image above.

How has this area of photography changed in the past 100years?

This form of photography has changed drastically in the past 100years mainly because of

technology that has evolved over that time. It’s changed with the time and it now allows

photographers to expand on what they were doing before hand. The images are clearer now

and the amount of detail that can be caught from a quick snapshot is impressive.


PHOTOGRAPHYWhat is Landscape Photography?

Landscape photography is the capture of wide spaces that never seem to end or that have something

beautiful within it. This form of photography tend to focus on large landscapes but does capture

microscopic images as well. Nature is a key park of this, although man-made objects and locations can

be photographed as well.Landscape photography is a beautiful portrayal of the earth without problems

to bring it down. It captures magnificent moments that would be almost

impossible to re-create to perfection.

The photographer of this image is Chris Maddock. This image was the first

one that caught my eye when I was scrolling through. I couldn’t seem to pull

away from it. I think that the image is a perfect example of beauty. The pale

colors contrasting well together to create a darker tone. There isn’t much to

the image if you look closely, mainly just the coloring, but even with the

simplistic layout of the land far in the background and the boat, it works

beautifully. The blackened shadows of the inanimate boat works to separate

the sky from the water. With out that boat it would be hard to distinguish the

difference between the two because of the color tone.Another example of Landscape photography is by a photographer called

Peter Eastway.

His photograph is a complete opposite to the one situated above, in almost

everyway. His color captured within his image is in my opinion giving of a

cold vibe, compared to the warmer one above. The greys and blue variety

contribute to that and give it a slightly unwelcoming feel to it. Another

difference between the two would have to be the amount of detail

photographed. Eastway seemed to be focused on the land rather then the

sky or the lake. The tree seemed to be his focal point.

I had a go at taking my own Landscape

Photograph and in my opinion it turned out


A found a secluded area and managed to

lean up a small him to capture an image of

what was hiding behind the hedge.

Going by the description of what Landscape

photography is, I would say that this is a

good first attempt. The tree’s in the

background –if looked at closely can seem

like that are going on forever. It gives you a

sense of distance between where I was

standing and where my camera was aiming.

The darkened area’s I think contrast against

the bright middle of the image well and give

an effect of being surrounded by the

woodlands, when in actuality, that wasn’t

the case.

How has this area of photography has changed in the last 100 years?

This area of photography has changed again because of technology. The technology has

advanced incredibly over the past and that alone is the cause for the improvements with the

quality of the image and the amount of detail that is ale to be captures.


This is an a good example of a nature based image, taken by

the photographer Alex Saberi. This image is beautiful,

especially with the way that he had captured the image. The

lighting that surrounded the animal just added to the effect it

was creating. He’s managed to capture an image of the animal

without it seemingly noticing. It was completely natural in the

way it was acting.

This is another image from the photographer Alex Saberi. I chose to include

just two of his images because I liked his style and I thought that he was good

at what he was trying to accomplish. I prefer this image over the one above,

only slightly. The reason being because I love the contrast between the two

colors. The water-y yellow used for the background and the black of the

animals. The colors work well together, in my opinion they compliment each

other. The harshness of the black doesn’t seem as ‘harsh’ as it would with a

darker background. The yellow softens it.

What is nature photography?

Nature photography is the capture of nature, that could include trees, plants, followers, ponds,

rivers, lakes and animals. Anything that is natural.

I had a go at taking my own nature photos and this is the

best outcome in my opinion. I likes the way that the grass

and leaves seem level with the cameral and that you can see

all the separate strands of grass because of the camera

angle and closeness. I like the difference between the green-

ness of the grass and the brown color of the leaves. They

blend together well in the image.

This is another sample of my attempt at a nature photograph, I don’t

think that it turned out very well and could easily be improved –by

either taking another image or editing it in Photoshop. The image’s

quality wasn’t the best, it was slightly blurred and the detail of the

trees are hard to make out. I Believe this could be changed and

edited to improve it.

How has it changed over the past 10 years?

The quality of the image has changed a lot over the last 100 years for many reasons. One,

being technology. It more advanced than it used to be. The images can be capture in color now

unlike back then. That’s a very key aspect to nature photography because the camera can now

focus in on the vibrancy of the flowers. Another fact being that there are more Nature

photographer around now than there used to be.


Documentary photography is the capture of real life events. It’s used to document significant and

historical events in our everyday society. It’s normally covered by professional photojournalists,

although there are some certain pursuer’s that use this form of photography for Amateur, artistic

and academic reasoning.

This is an image captured by the photographer Robin Hammond. I like this

image, I think that its portraying across a very strong message, although I

suppose what I see might not necessarily be what someone else see’s.

I believe that the image is working to express the magnitude of poverty. Its

showing us in one simple image how these people are living. I think that it’s

showing how certain countries haven’t managed to update facilities. ‘Mental

Hospital,' is hand painted In the background on a wall. It shows that these

people cant go for help without being criticized and shouted out. I think the

black and white effect of the image adds to the feeling the image impresses

into us. The Black and white takes out any colors that could draw the attention

away from what it’s trying to say.

This one is taken by the same photographer –Robin Hammond- but it’s

different from the image above, the main standout-ish aspect being the color

used because tis one is in color. I think using a contrasting difference in colour

gives his work a move understanding. Because it’s not just the image that has

to appeal to the viewer, colour Is what draws our attention in. The color usage

of this image is beautiful, I like how the orange of the flames stands out

slightly more than the young boy does.

This is my attempt at a Documentary

photograph, I feel it could have been taken

with more precision that it did and maybe of

had the focus straightened out, but I though

this was a good example. I thought this

because it’s something that happens daily,

and is literally taken in the moment. I didn’t

get the permission to take a photograph of

these people, so I made sure that their faces

were un-noticeable. It’s hard to make out

any of the peoples facial expressions. I was

going to convert this image into black and

white tone, but I liked the contrast that the

green carpet had against the white walls

and the blurred clothing of the people.

How has it changed over the past 100 years?It’s again changed because of technology, that is the main attribute to most

of the photography improvements over the past 100 years.

FASHIONWhat is fashion photography?

Fashion photography is the capture of clothing items, being it shoes, clothes,

jewelry. They use this to advertise and sell. To let people know what is out


This is an image taken by photographer Franz Christian

Gundlach. I like this image, it’s different from the other usual

photography revolving around Fashion. When you look at it,

it’s almost impossible to be able to see any clothing, it just

looks like someone has thrown a bucket full of pale pinks

and darker pink powders at her from behind…And for all we

know that could have actually been done here, but I really

like the effect it gives the image. She almost blends in with

the back ground completely as the ‘powder’ and the actual

back ground are a peach color I like the dark pinks that have

been thrown in as well, it gives the image a bit of definition

in certain areas.

This is my attempt at a fashion photograph. At first

I wasn’t sure how to go about taking my own

photography revolving around Fashion –It’s not

really my strong point- But when I was scrolling

through the images found on Google, I noticed that

the images were taking obscurely and unusual.

Some from un explainable angles and some that you

just cant comment on, so I decided to do something

different with mine. I thought that having an

slightly off angle would give it a more advanced

sense. So I took an image of myself from when my

head would be, so it looks like it’s just looking

down at myself. In my opinion it give the image a

more personal feel to it.

How has it changed over the past 100 years?

Technology had a big impact on the changed made within pictures over

the past 100 years, but it would also have to be material have changed

as well. What people are able t get their hands on nowadays has

changed drastically. So clothing it’s self has change along with the way

that the images are taken in this era.

ADVERTISING PHOTOGRAPHYWhat is Advertising Photography?

This is when the photographer focus’ mainly on advertising certain products, for companies.

This is an image taken by photographer David


This image isn’t very clear when it come down to the

advertising area of it. I mean it’s a beautiful image,

but what’s it really advertising? It could be a number

of different things.

Adopting a dog? Dog food? Something about a

dog?Animal abuse?

I think that, that one is the most likely out of those,

only because looking at the image, I can pick out a

few things that can suggest abuse. First thing, could

be the color scheme use: black and white. Normally

this doesn’t effect the meaning, but here it could. It

could show sadness or some kind of emotion, but then

again it could be based on the fact that apparently

more dogs are color blind.

I think that the water could also be symbolic in this

image as well.

I didn’t think this image through very much

when I took it. I thought it would be simple

enough –Just capture an image of

something being advertised. And that’s what

I did. But I felt like it could have been more.

I could have done something more when I

took this, and the fact that I’m in the image

doesn’t help very much either. I didn’t notice

that until I had finished the task and had not

time to correct it. But I think over all I have

managed to take an appropriate image

connecting well to what I was supposed to

do, because I have indeed taken an image of

something being advertised.

How has it changed within the last 100 years.

Technology has changed drastically over the past 100 years but also the

advertising it’s self has changed. Things are more complex now and advertising

had as business/ category has changed, it’s grown.