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Page 1: Types of briefs

Lauren Mawer

Contractual: (original definition) A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a media company is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which is set to specific guidelines which the media company must follow. It will be very important for the media company to follow these guidelines and do exactly what the client states within the brief, if they fail to do so this can result in a breach of contract and the company could face legal actions.

(my definition) A contractual brief is a type of brief or contract where a company that specialises in media is employed by the client in order to complete a project within the brief which has specific guidelines that the media company must abide by and follow.

If I was to carry out a contractual brief for a music video shoot, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: I think this task would greatly improve my communication skills because you must abide by the specific guidelines set by the client and in order to make sure you will be abiding by them, you must keep in good contact with the client so you don’t do anything wrong or do anything which the client didn’t want to be done. You can do this by using e-mails, telephone calls and one to one conversations. Also, if communication isn’t up to a good standard, and the company goes ahead with what they want without consulting the client, then legal action could be taken against them.

Time management: This brief would improve my time management skills because a contractual brief requires sticking to a strict time limit and good punctuality. Due to this task being a music video shoot, I need to make sure that all the scenes that need to be shot are done within the time limit that is set for me unless told otherwise, as well as all the editing of the scenes. A good way to make sure everyone who is taking part arrives at the shoot on time is to send out reminder emails and even make a schedule so the shoot is organised and doesn’t become messy, rushed and confusing.

Technical skills: My technical skills would be improved by using software such as photo shop, premier pro and other computer editing software. Camera’s and other equipment might also be used which means you will become more familiar with the workings of that type of equipment.

Career progression: This would progress my career because I would have developed more experience in dealing with this particular type of brief, I would have improved my skills in areas such as technology and project management which will be a good advertisement for myself to get other companies to employ me for their projects. If the music video shoot was a success, I would also then have more people approach me to help create their music video shoots too.

Negotiated: (original definition)This type of brief will be brought up if the co-operative brief given to the two of more media companies that are competing the project have any issues between themselves about the brief or anything they would like to clear up with the client. Through the negotiations the brief can then be changed in order to suite every party taking part in the production. This could be anything from changing the appearance of the product to changing the products content as well as keeping it to the guidelines set in the brief.

(my definition) A negotiated brief is used when the co-operative brief given to media companies that are completing a project if they are having issues either between themselves or about the project in hand or anything which they feel they need to clear up with the client. The brief can then be changed in order to suit everyone taking part in the project.

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Lauren Mawer

If I was to carry out a negotiated brief for a photo shoot, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: Communication in a negotiated brief is vital. This is because if the two companies have any issues between themselves or with the project which they need to clear up with the client, the communication must be good on both halves to get a good understanding and to suit everyone who is taking part in the project. Negotiation is all about communication and in order for things to be completed to the best they can and to the client’s requirements, they must keep in constant contact with the other company and client in order to resolve any conflict or so they can get in contact easily to resolve any issues or problems that might be occurring. My communication in this brief would be mostly telephone calls or face to face talks as things can get sorted easier that way. This would improve my social skills and allow me to develop them social skills for any future projects. For example, if a model was not prepared to do a shoot, didn’t turn up or something went wrong, it is important that the client is informed immediately so they can decide what they want to be done as it is their project.

Time management: In order to maintain good time management in a negotiated brief, a schedule would have to be agreed upon which would consist of what tasks should be done at what time, who would do them tasks and the deadline for each tasks. This would make the project more organised and easy to work on.

Technical skills: Using different software from edexcel to create a task schedule to using editing software such as photo shop for the projects to improve them and make them look better would be used, therefore increasing knowledge of the software and becoming more experienced in using this type of software too.

Career progression: If communication is kept up to a good standard between myself, the other client and possible other companies, then it would look good on my behalf for any future job opportunities.

Formal: (original definition) This this where a media company is given a brief by the client which outlines the product which they are wanting to be made. This brief is very open and only gives enough information to be able to produce the product, any issues or information that the media company would like to go over can be discussed during the negotiations with the client. Both the client and the company employed by them will formally agree on the project and the brief but it can not always be legally binding.

(my definition) A formal brief is where a media company is given a brief by the client which outlines the product that is required to made. It is very open and gives enough information and insight for the product to be produced. Both the client and the company they have employed can formally agree on the project and the brief, however, it cannot always be legally binding.

If I was to carry out a formal brief for a radio show, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: Once I have received the brief for the radio show that outlines what the client requires to be done, I would discuss with the client any issues that there might be with the brief as legal action can be taken against both the client and company if the show isn’t produced correctly. I could do this by either meeting with the client face to face, exchanging e-mails or having telephone

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calls if a face to face meeting couldn’t be done. It is important to consider all forms of communication if something is an issue and needs to be resolved as soon as possible and cannot be sorted by one way of communication which means an alternative must be used.

Time management: A schedule and script will be one of the most important things that will be needed for a radio show because this is what the radio show will go by and what everyone needs to pay attention too in order for things to be clearer and for things to be carried out easier. This is also the cue for when people will be needed on the radio show and what things will be going on during that time. A radio studio will be needed which means I will have to book out somewhere for a period of time and ensure everyone is aware of that by sending out emails to the people involved.

Technical skills: In this task, I will have to use my previous experience of using equipment in a radio studio and apply it to the new equipment. This will enhance my skills in using different technical equipment.

Career progression: This task will help further progress my career because it means more companies will be made aware of the skills I have developed during this radio show therefore promoting myself to them and get more business.

Informal: (original definition) An informal brief is not documented and is usually of the verbal kind. It is where the client and the company which they have employed simply discuss the requirements for the product they will be making and ultimately agree upon the project.

(my definition) An informal brief isn’t usually documented and is mostly carried out verbally. This is where the client and the company talk about what is required for the product that is going to be made and agree upon it.

If I was to carry out an informal brief for a magazine, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: The brief for this project will be discussed with the client and notes will be taken so that I am aware of what the client wants included in the magazine. If later on, something needs to be verified or an issue arises that isn’t too difficult to sort, a telephone call would be the simplest way to communicate with the client and get it sorted, however, if the issue is too complex for just a telephone call or an e-mail, then a one to one meeting will be the best way to resolve whatever the issue is.

Time management: Deadlines for magazines are important and not often delayed for release, which means the client will be depending on the company to meet the deadline without any excuses. The best way to ensure this will be done is to create a rota and schedule so everyone knows what to do at what time and when it needs to be completed by so the magazine can be released. It is also important that everyone who is taking part in the project is punctual to any meetings or tasks so they know what to do and nothing will be delayed.

Technical skills: Previous skills and knowledge developed by using software such as photo shop and other editing software .

Career progression: Creating a magazine would help further my career because it means I would have been able to use my skills from editing photo shoots and adapt them to editing a magazine and

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Lauren Mawer

the photos within the magazine. It also means that I will become more of an expert in dealing with certain software and would have also gained new experience working within a different form of media.

Commission: (original definition) This brief is where a large media company will employ an other independent media company to create and produce the product for them, and after the product has been made the larger company may go on to be use the product for an external client who will pay the independent media company for making the product and they could even get a cut of the royalties too. The brief is not negotiated between the company and the client, however is negotiated between the two media companies.

(my definition) A commission brief is when a large media company will take on an independent media company to create and produce products for them. After this has been done, the larger media company can go on to use the product for another client who will pay the independent media company for creating it.

If I was to carry out a commission brief for a radio advertisement, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: The most common form of communication that will be needed for this task is e-mails and telephone calls. Towards the beginning of the project, a meeting would be held to get a greater idea of the kind of radio advertisement the client wants and any other extra things that they require during this project.

Time management: This project would not take as long as the others so less time would be needed, however, this still means that the same amount of care and interest in making the advert would be needed. The advert wouldn’t necessarily mean working through the weekends except for when finalising things before the deadline and the advert is broadcast on the radio.

Technical skills: Due to my understanding of radio shows and being familiar with the equipment I had to use when completing that brief, I would be able to utilise them skills and adapt them to this project, therefore allowing me to be more aware of what I am doing in the advert and being more of an expert in the process, therefore allowing me to take charge and be more in control of the project.

Career progression: Having experienced all forms of communication, I would be able to successfully express my thoughts and ideas during projects in a confident and formal manner. The time management for this project would test me into seeing the quality that I can produce within a shorter amount of time, which would help other clients be more impressed with what I have done and see the potential I have which could lead to more business.

Tender: (original definition) This is where a client will advertise their brief and a production company will bring together a proposal that they will pitch to the client, there could be multiple pitches to the client from many different companies, so the client will then get the chance to choose the proposal that they think best suits their brief and offer the job to that production company.

(my definition) A tender brief is where a client will advertise their brief and then a production company will decide to take on the project, bring together a proposal and pitch it to the client. Many

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Lauren Mawer

companies will take on this project, therefore the client will get the opportunity to choose whichever company they feel would be most successful in carrying the project out and best suits the brief.

If I was to carry out a tender brief for a music festival, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: To organise a music festival, I must ensure all forms of communication are available as this is a big event that requires a lot of organisation and communication between company and client. In order to maintain good communication, anything from fax machines, e-mails, telephone calls, and texts and one to one meetings will need to be used. A lot of people will also have to be involved and lots of forms of communication will ensure this happens. Also, if on sight at the music festival when arranging where things will be placed and areas will be allocated for specific things, walkie talkies will also be a quick way of communication between the client, company and any other team members working on the project.

Time management: With music festivals, there is always a clear deadline in which everything needs to be completed by in order for the festival to go ahead, as people will be buying tickets for it so you can’t suddenly change the deadline if something is left unfinished. An idea to make sure this doesn’t happen, a schedule should be put in place so everyone is aware of when things need to be done and meetings should be held often to check on the progress of the music festival so further action can be taken if there are any possible issues or problems.

Technical skills: I would use my previous knowledge and experience of using sound equipment to help set up the main stage as I have used similar equipment before when working on a radio show. This would also help me gain more understanding of sound equipment and other electronic equipment for future reference.

Career progression: Such organisation will look good on my behalf and future clients will be able to recognise many abilities which I possess within organising, such as delegating tasks, leading a big team and ensuring everything is exactly where it is required to be. The communication with the client would also be impressive to other on lookers as it would mean I am professional and keep a good, business relationship with the client and do not go off the guidelines and ideas which have been given to me. Also, being part of such a big team will show how good I am at communicating with a number of people from a variety of companies and the quality of the finished project will contribute to pushing myself into getting noticed more so I can get more business. Co-operative: (original definition) Within this type of brief there are usually two or more companies that are hired by the client to work to the brief they have written for the specific project they re wanting to be completed. After both companies have received the brief they can then proceed to work together to produce the product. If there is a disagreement or conflict in ideas there can be a negotiated brief in order to resolve these issues.

(my definition) A co-operative brief is when there are two or more companies that have been hired by the client to work on the project and the brief that the client has made. Once both companies have got the brief, they work together to further develop and create the product. Any conflict or disagreements in ideas between the two companies can be negotiated so that the issues can be sorted and developments on the project can continue.

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Lauren Mawer

If I was to carry out a co-operative brief for a television advertisement, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: A television advertisement would require a bit more time than a radio advert as a radio advert doesn’t require filming people and writing a more detailed script for it. Communication with the client for casting of the actors would have to be done face to face to discuss what the client is looking for, the same with the rest of the ideas generation for things such as the setting and overall idea of the advert. E-mails and phone calls would have to be exchanged in between production in case there are any issues, the client wants anything changed or something needs to be verified by the client before the company goes ahead with the plans.

Time management: For this project, I feel a schedule would be vital to put in place with sub-deadlines for each task, such as the script, casting of the actors, booking of the location and so on and the days for rehearsals and the final filming.

Technical skills: As I have used camera’s before during the music video shoot, I will be able to take all the experience I got from there and use combine it with this task because I know long certain tasks would take to do, what specific equipment would be needed and how it would be used.

Career progression: This would help progress my career further because I have now experienced taking part in many different media projects and being able to use more equipment will help me become more familiar with it which means I could be hired to do many other projects regarding that specific equipment and similar projects.

Competition: (original definition) This is where a client can put their brief out so it can be accessed by all of the different production companies that are participating. It can sometimes been seen as a free competition as each production company will complete the brief and the client can then judge which company has the best project and as an award they have it published.

(my definition) A competition brief is where a client can hand out their brief so all production companies that are involved can access it. It is also known as free competition as all of the companies will complete the brief and then the client can make a judgement on which company they think has created the best project and then an award will be produced once it has been published.

If I was to carry out a competition brief for a film festival, the following things would be important to help develop my skills and use them in the project.

Communication: Similar to a music festival, a film festival requires a big team of people who keep up to date with communication and organisation. In order to make sure no wires are crossed, meetings would be held at the beginning of the project to establish what is to be included at the film festival and then meetings with different teams such as sound control, lighting, management etc would be held before another big meeting with everyone so we can get updates on the progress that is being made between everyone. Meanwhile, other ways to communicate with other people would be through walkie talkies on site, e-mails and phone calls.

Time management: A strict deadline would need to be met for a film festival as tickets would be available for purchase and the dates could not be changed if a deadline wasn’t met on time. If this was to happen, it could also damage my career reputation which would mean business could

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deteriorate, especially because this is such a major project, I need to be able to have a variety of things that I can do. To make sure this doesn’t happen, a time table would be created for individual teams such as sound, lighting, management etc so they know what they have to do each day, then things need to be finalised and when the final deadline is which means they can refer to that to help them keep on top of their work. Check-ups on equipment would be delegated to specialists so if anything is wrong with the equipment, then they can get it replaced as soon as possible before the final deadline.

Technical skills: I will utilise skills previously gained and developed in things such as handling of equipment, positioning and use of equipment to this task. Regular and final check-ups on vital equipment like cameras, sound and lighting would need to be made to make sure there won’t be any last minute mishaps, battery drainages or anything else which could slow the project down.

Career progression:

(Source: for definitions )

Here I have found a brief relating to a short film festival which I have looked at and annotated to point out the most important parts of the brief.

The client is Fourwalls Short Film Production.

The client requires a 3 minute short film to be made consisting of life experiences and perspectives either made into a documentary or animation.

The intended target audience are people from the ages of 25+, people who have their own houses and have housing experience.

The films can’t be longer than 3 minutes.

No negative perceptions to a specific area or group, no misuse of words that could offend others.

Not using material that is copy writed.

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Lauren Mawer

The deadline for the project is the 31st December 2014.

No late submissions will be accepted, even minutes after the deadline.The client

is the BFI holding their annual film festival.

The client requires a documentary short film to be made.

The project must be 10 minutes or less.

The target audience for this project is 16-25 years old.

The film already needs to have been made and within the last two years.

Must be an original idea and with it already having to be filmed, there is no risk of copyright.