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Page 2: Typefaces for poster

Typefaces introduction When creating my horror poster, it is important that an effective typeface is

chosen in order to attract the reader. A Typeface is the visual representation of how the text is displayed, therefore a typeface has to be chosen carefully with the genre in mind. As my poster is horror the typefaces I will be looking at will be following conventions that I have noticed when analysing existing posters. The typeface conventions I have noticed is that the typefaces are usually distorted in order to create enigma and appear scary, they are usually dark colours in order to represent the genre more effectively and they are presented big in order to make it more eye catching and noticeable to the passing audience. I have looked at many typefaces on the website “dafont”, this is done to allow me to explore the different styles in more detail and help me decide what typeface is more appealing. When trying to create a horror poster, typefaces are one of the key conventions in order to make the poster noticeable and popular, if the typeface is unique and original I will allow a buzz to be created, therefore distributing the acknowledgement of the poster and creating an audience.

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Masterhead typefaces

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The masterhead is the main title, my masterhead for my poster will be “Rosie Black”. I have included a selection of masterhead’s that I think would work well with my poster and link with my genre of horror

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This is an example of a typeface I could use for my main heading, I chose this typeface as I think it relates to the main character. Rosie Black sketches throughout the film, therefore the typeface I chose to consider using has a sketchy look towards it, therefore portraying Rosie. By using this font for my poster it creates a direct emotional link from the poster to the main character. The “sketchy” look this typeface has adds enigma as it isn't a normal simple font, it looks like someone wrote it themselves therefore adding mystery to the film and the poster. Adding mystery and enigma to the poster supports the horror genre that the film tries to gain, as not to much is revealed through the poster, the horror must be portrayed through visual images such as text.

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This is another font that I am considering using, this font portrays distortion as the letters are cut and burnt into , this creates enigma and mystery as the text isn't as a whole. The typeface is very narrow and straight, this is a common convention for horror posters, the narrowness of the text could connotate the enigma the film has, the secrets it hides. The name of the text “nightmare” allows me to understand that the genre for this text is mainly horror, therefore it is a good typeface to consider using. The layout of the letters are on a slope, this could connotate that the film has an edge to it, that it isn't the same as normal horror films. The length of the letters are very long and thin, this makes it creepy and disturbing, therefore this is an effective typeface to use.

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This is an example of another typeface I have explored, this typeface could be used for the main title for my horror poster, this is because the typeface portrays distortion effectively. The letters are scratched in to, this shows the “animalistic” side to the film and could portray the antagonistic side of Rosie “trying to escape” from herself. The scratching effect could also show the state of mind Rosie is in, she is confused and angry which is shown by the “ripping” of the text. This typeface is effective as it creates a link between the poster and the film and allows the audience to imagine and think for themselves about the storyline of the film. The text is bold and masculine, this is effective as it makes the typeface easy to read and makes the poster more noticeable for the passing audience.

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This is an another example of a typeface, it is similar to the previous one as it looked like a sketch effective, this typeface shows that I have explored the sketch effect in more detail as I think it could be an effective style to use for the main title. This typeface is effective to use as it creates a link with the audience as allows them to make their own conclusions as to what the film is about, this typeface could also allow the reader to think that is In written in blood, blood is a common conventions within horror films, therefore using this font will allow the audience to understand the genre of the film. The fact that it is written in the style of blood, it creates a disturbing feelings and a sense of unease, therefore making the audience connect more to the poster, engaging them to see the film.

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This is an effective typeface because the style represents Rosie, the sketchy drawing effect represents the side of Rosie, throughout the trailer Rosie sketches, therefore this typeface portrays that effectively. The fact that the “R” is backwards could represent Rosie, the fact that she isn't normal, half of her is disturbed and abnormal, this could be represented by the “R”.

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This is a typeface I thought would be good to use each letter is uneven, not the same and distorted, this effect could portray the state of mind of Rosie Black, she is confused and different, therefore this typeface represents her and her attitudes. The letters are black and white, the black letters could connotate her evil “bad” side as Black is a conventional colour to portray horror. The white letters could connoate the “good”, protagonist Rosie as white symbolises purity and innocence.

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The chosen typeface

For my poster this was my chosen masterhead font, this is because out of all the other options I considered this one as it relates more to my genre of horror

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I have included a selection of different typefaces that I would use to present text in my poster. The chosen typeface will be used for the tagline, the main star involved and all the other added information such as the website address and “coming soon”. I have included a range of typefaces to show my opinion, each typeface is different yet I have kept to the idea of having a simple easy to read font, this is because for the passing eye, the audience will be able to see the poster and read it. Each typeface has a sharp edges, this is done to link with the genre of horror, it makes the typeface more dominant and masculine.

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Copperplate Gothic bold

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Footlight MT Light

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Microsoft Sans Serif

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Chosen Text typeface

This is the typeface that I have chosen, the typeface is bold and think therefore making it stand out and obvious, the letters are all in capitals making it easier to read and more dominant. The style of the font Is edgy as each corner is pointed, this creates a scary effect

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• Credits are where all added information is shown, from analysing other posters I have noticed that the credits are normally at the bottom of the poster. The typeface chosen for them is usually a skinny long text, this is done as the credits are not the main important focus on the poster. I have included a range of typefaces that I think would demonstrate my understanding of typefaces. Each typeface is different yet follow the convention of the typeface being skinny and long.

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Felix Titling

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Birch Std

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Gill Sans MT Condensed

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Chosen Credits typeface

This is the typeface I have chosen, this is because is it simple and easy to read. The typeface is thin and narrow, therefore following existing conventions