Download - Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Page 1: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.
Page 2: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.





Page 3: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Two Life Forces:


Page 4: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

“I can tell you who I am, what I think, feel, believe, want to do, and have done, without getting

anxious or worrying about what you may think about what I have told you, even if I believe you

disagree with me and disapprove.”

Page 5: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

“I can listen to you and not feel the need to change you to be more like how I want you

to be.”

Page 6: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Differentiation means not needing to change the other person to meet our

expectations, or change ourselves to meet the other’s, in order to be close.

Page 7: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Differentiation deals with the effort to define oneself, to control oneself, to

become a more responsible person, and to permit others to be themselves as well.”

Page 8: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

There is a difference between telling people what I think and telling them what they should think.

Defining self means that we consistently and calmly tell others what we think and feel, without

demanding that they think and feel the same way.

Page 9: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Lower Levels of Differentiation

• Impulsive behavior – their behavior is not well thought through

• An excessive amount of worry about what other people think

• High expectations of others• More demands of others• More anxiety• Relationship problems

Page 10: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Lower Levels of Differentiation

Taking things personally and focusing on what other people are doing rather than taking responsibility for self

Some people do not say what they think, they give in too easily when conflict arises, and they discount their own feelings & beliefs.

Page 11: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Lower Levels of Differentiation

• View disagreement as disloyalty, get angry when others express a divergent view, and persistently argue to persuade others to change their mind. They demand that others comply to their expectations.

• “The more anxious, frustrated, judgmental, angry, overly sympathetic, or omnipotent one feels about the problems of others, the more it says about unresolved problems in self.” Omnipotence in this case means, “I know what your problem is and what you need to do about it.” Michael Kerr in Family Evaluations

Page 12: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Two Seemingly Opposing Life Forces

A search for individuality – autonomy – self-expression

Page 13: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Two Seemingly Opposing Life Forces

A search for community – relationships - togetherness

Page 14: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Two Extremes of Low Differentiation

• At one extreme there is a pressure to conform in order to stay together: I give up some of myself in order to keep the peace. I discount my own feelings and beliefs, I give in too easily, & I give up leadership and ultimately choose peace over progress. I’m emotionally needy and demanding.

Page 15: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Two Extremes of Low Differentiation

• At the other extreme, in order to feel secure and maintain my individuality – I demand compliance, I bully. I’m willing to give up community in order to get my way. Disagreement is seen as disloyalty. I end up arguing and debating.

Page 16: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Both extremes represent the same level of emotional maturity.

Page 17: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Highly differentiated people show, above all else, two prominent attributes: Well-

defined self boundaries and a well-developed thinking inner guidance

system. People at higher levels of differentiation

are comfortable with their own well-thought-out beliefs, standards, values, and


Page 18: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Clear self-boundaries. This is who I am – this is where I stand – this is what

I will do and this is what I won’t do. I take responsibility for my own ideas and decisions. I can say no and set limits. I don’t demand that others conform to my way of thinking. I Don’t

take responsibility for the feelings or decisions of others. I Don’t try to control others.

Page 19: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Clear thinking, inner guidance system. Beliefs, values, life goals, purpose & priorities. Well

thought through principles. My beliefs & values are examined & in my

awareness. Who do you want to be in this relationship or in life?

What are your core values?

Page 20: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

When a person can’t separate themselves from another person. They take responsibility for how another person feels or they expect the other to take responsibility for how they feel.

Interpersonal Fusion

Page 21: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.


When anxiety rises, we become rather predictable. Our thinking becomes less clear

and more reactive. We begin to see ourselves as the victim of other’s actions. We assign motives to others’ behavior, or we take it

personally. Demand for conformity in thinking and behavior increases. We look for a quick fix to the symptoms that develop. The least mature members among us begin to attract

most of our attention.”

Page 22: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Fused individuals “have a deep-seated need to be loved, accepted, approved of, and guided by others; or conversely, to provide this for



Page 23: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Interpersonal Fusion

1. I give up being myself in order to keep the peace and make others happy. I give up being who I am so that I can get rid of my own anxiety and to ease the anxiety in others.

2. I take on self from others by demanding that they comply with my wishes and give in to me.

Page 24: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Fuses Individuals

• Are on guard for any sign of interpersonal threat, always watching for any minor slight as well as overt attacks.

• Tend to think others are responsible for their experience or they are responsible for others. They blame a lot.

• Have a sensitivity to criticism – so they live their lives to avoid criticism. They also resent or fear those who are critical.

Page 25: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Fused Individuals

• Seek approval & praise.• Work hard to please others.• Seek peace over progress.• Dissent is discouraged.• Feelings are more important than ideas.

Page 26: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Edwin Friedman on Leadership

Page 27: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

A Well Differentiated Person I am autonomous, I am my own person, and I have

clear boundaries & a clear thinking, inner guidance system.

I take responsibility for myself and only for myself. I don’t take on the anxiety of others. I am not responsible for someone else’s emotional well-being. I am only responsible to them to love them.

I express love through sacrifice, giving, and compromise out of my own freedom to choose. I don’t do these things out of a reaction to my own anxiety or a need to keep the other person happy.

Page 28: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

A Well Differentiated Person I am able to rely less on the other person for

support or to “complete” something that is lacking in me.

I have the ability to be less emotionally reactive. I have the ability to remain calm in the face of others anxiety. I am aware of my typical defensive routines.

I can distinguish and choose between feelings and thinking.

Each person makes thoughtful & constructive contributions to the relationship.

Page 29: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Let Go of Expectations

Lowering expectations of others is what makes closeness and connection possible. Raising your expectations of others will create defensiveness and distancing. Let go of your need for them to

be different than they are. If we want to get people to distance from us, we need only to raise

our expectations of them.

Page 30: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Lower Reactivity

We have to find a way to manage our anxiety and our sense of threat. I learn to calm myself when I am anxious. A good place to start is to

recognize when we are anxious. Ask the question what am I threatened by here?

Buttons – Vow - Lies

Page 31: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Develop More Objectivity

Learn to stand apart from what’s going on and observe the process. Develop curiosity. – Don’t take on the anxiety of others– Don’t’ take things personally– Don’t get caught up in the emotional fray

Page 32: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Focus on Yourself

The only person you can change is you. Take responsibility for yourself. What is my part in keeping this problem in place? Am I being the person I want to be in this situation, according to my best beliefs, values, and intentions? I’m I

fully self-expressed in this situation?Pay more attention to what you are doing and

what’s happening to you physiologically.

Page 33: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

Why should I be the one that has to change?

“Taking responsibility for our own part in the emotional process of the family is the way to

emotional maturity. Denying responsibility for ourselves gives the system power over us. As long as we keep seeing “them” as responsible

for our difficulties or unhappiness in life, we will stay stuck”.

Page 34: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

The effort required to do this work can be emotionally demanding and

takes a significant amount of personal courage.

Page 35: Two Life Forces: Conformity Conformity – I give up being myself in order to get along, keep the peace, make others happy, or reduce anxiety.

A lack of differentiation will cost us intimacy, satisfaction, and
