Download - Twitter’s New Package Twitter Web Analytics

Page 1: Twitter’s New Package Twitter Web Analytics

Our five year Twitter remains true to our friendship. We are steel tweeting to stay updated and

for many other reasons. And we are still thinking how to get more followers on twitter.

Twitter’s logo “What’s happening?” has really worked. Here you will find the latest and

exclusive news about your favorite model, actress, band, singer and politician.

The website has already 200 million registered users. Some are the followers and some are just

being followed which is mostly the case with celebs. The others both follow and are being


However, there are still countries like Iran, for instance,

that have limited reach to the social networking websites

like Twitter, Facebook and all the rest. Well, these

people don’t have access not only to the social

networking websites but also to the Internet in general.

Maybe they don’t know that it is the age of technology.

Yes, people differ in their views and beliefs. Some are

progressive and some are retro progressive. But, as they

say don’t judge in order not to be judged.

This social networking website can be a lifetime communication between the rescuers and those

who need to be rescued. One of the bright examples can serve the earthquakes of Haiti, Chile and

Japan. During this period many people kept in touch via Twitter.

Twitter goes on launching its features among which are the latest updates “Promoted Tweets”

and “User Galleries.”

Twitter’s new service is the “Twitter Web Analytics.”

It will comprise a powerful suite of tools due to which the Twitter users will be able to measure

how much traffic their sites receive. Via Twitter Web Analytics the users can check the

effectiveness of the website’s integrations on their sites.

The package offers the users the following insight. First of all to understand how much the user’s

site content is being shared through Twitter. Then it enables you to see the amount of the traffic

that is sent to your website and measure how much success the user’s Twitter button integration

has. This great package remains still in private beta for some time but it is considered to be

launched to the public pretty soon.

According to TechCrunc this is how the service will work. When the user logs in to his/her account

he/she will see a number of metrics, Tweets of all kind. The user is also given the chance of seeing the

number of clicks: the daily clicks, the weekly and the monthly number of clicks. And all this is done with

the help of a Tweet button. This is clean data which is free of bots and spam that might come from


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Via this service the Twitterer will be able to see the

Tweets that he/she has sent from the Tweet button and

the Tweets sent to your website with an inbound link.

The user is also given the opportunity to retweet these

very tweets.

Yes, twitter advertising really enjoys popularity.

I wonder what is going to be Twitter’s next service.

Definitely, it will be something very cool.

P.S. It is not a secret that alongside with the good social

network causes evil too. Scientists say that its overuse

may bring to indifference. Heavy social networkers become indifferent to the feelings like admiration

and compassion which engage the basic systems of our physiology. In short, the absence of these

feelings speeds blunting of moral sense. So, dear social network users let’s not overuse the Internet and

find time to meet our friends in person and not via the device called computer.