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The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Why use Twitter Advertising?

With 271 million1 monthly Twitter users and Twitter Ads generating leads at one-third the cost of other paid channels2, Twitter’s advertising platform is now seen as an essential marketing channel by marketing, digital and social media professionals across all industries.

Allow us to get you acquainted. Twitter Ads can accelerate your growth and put your brand in front of potential customers by enabling you to target prospects on Twitter with pinpoint accuracy. Not bad!

You may have already incorporated paid social media activities into your marketing strategy, perhaps with Facebook ads, but did you know that click-through rates on Twitter Ads are 8 to 24 times higher than the average advertising on Facebook3?

In fact, Twitter advertising can project your Tweets into the timeline of hundreds, thousands, even MILLIONS of users - yet you’ll only be charged per engagement.

Twitter Ads will not only enable you to reach a wider audience, but also generate more leads and drive more sales at a lower cost.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

‘Twitter Ads drive leads at one-third the cost of other paid channels.’4

Social media content management company Hootsuite

Although, knowing where to start when you’re looking to build ad campaigns with optimum performance can be challenging. This guide will teach you how to target prospects on Twitter with pinpoint precision, generate leads with Twitter cards, create ad campaigns that sell, and measure and evaluate your Twitter Ad success.


Outline Your Twitter Marketing Objectives

Pick A Promotion: What Works Best For You?

Promotion Type: Tweets, Accounts, and Trends

Targeting: Know Your Audience

Tailored Audiences

Craft Perfect Content

The 8 Wonders Of Twitter Cards

Measure And Evaluate Your Success

Appendix: How To Create More Targeted Twitter Ad

Campaigns With Tailored Audiences & SocialBro

Appendix: Our Top 10 Twitter Ad Campaigns of 2014











The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising


● Competitor tracking● Find your best time to Tweet● Mass follow/unfollow users

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The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

What do you want to achieve with Twitter Ads?

Behind every great business is an excellent marketing strategy that not only maps out the core tactics and messaging for the next few weeks, but also months and sometimes, even years ahead.

Your social media strategy should form a key component in this plan and receive the same attention to detail as your overall marketing strategy. A clear end goal for your social media is vital and you should consider how your social media strategy will deliver real ROI, rather than being a fluffy side project to your marketing strategy that only exists ‘because everyone else is on social’. Twitter Ads provides your campaigns with the fuel needed to reach your goals.

Before diving straight into Twitter advertising, define your objectives. What is it you’re looking to achieve; Do you want more followers? More traffic to your website? More people sharing your content? Twitter Ads can vastly extend the reach of your campaigns, and clearly defined campaign objectives will ensures your copy, images and CTAs are effective and directly appeal to the target audience for the ultimate campaign performance.


Twitter Cards are a key component of Twitter Ads, and when building a custom Twitter Ad campaign you’ll be offered a selection of Cards that are designed to meet particular goals. This is why it’s so important to know what you want from your campaigns and overall strategy. Don’t worry, we’ll go into more detail about this shortly.


Increase brand awareness

Drive traffic to your website

Generate leads

Generate sales (i.e with exclusive promotions such as flash sales)

Grow your follower base and leverage for upcoming campaigns

Launch a product or an app

Spread awareness of an important message (i.e important charity or government body messages)

Expand your market by reaching new customers in new locations.

A few example Twitter Marketing objectives:

*Twitter Ads is available to users of all budgets, however the view of the portal may differ slightly depending on if you have a Twitter account manager to guide you or if you navigate through alone. Overall the features discussed throughout this eBook are based on the features and tools you will see if you have a self service Twitter Ads account without a dedicated Twitter Account Manager.5

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Promotion Type: Tweets, Accounts, and Trends2

Promoted Tweets

A Promoted Tweet, is similar to an organic Tweet, with the main difference being that you can push it out to a specific target audience. The Tweet will appear in your target users’ timelines. Compared to organic Tweets, Promoted Tweets have the opportunity to be seen by a much wider audience as you can target both current followers and potential followers (i.e all potential customers). With different types of Twitter Cards available, promoted Tweets allow you to create highly customized Twitter ad campaigns (full details of Twitter cards available in section 4a).

Promoted Tweets are proven to drive stronger message association for your brand, with an average 22% increase7 in message association compared to Twitter users who weren’t exposed to the Promoted Tweets. Even if users don’t engage with your Tweet, the potential impression upon a wider audience can drastically improve your message association.

There are three different ways to promote your business with Twitter Ads, through promoting a Tweet, promoting your Twitter account or through a promoted trend. Every option aims to achieve a different objective so this section will make sure you know exactly what’s what, and how to you can use each one.

Promoted Tweet engagement leads

to higher brand favorability and

purchase intent. A survey of users

engaging with Promoted Tweets

showed they had 53% higher

purchase intent than those who didn’t

engage, and on average 30% higher

brand favorability8. A Tweet today

increases the likelihood of a

customer tomorrow.

Promoted Tweets and the different types of Twitter Cards available give you greater flexibility, by freeing up precious character space for text, hashtags, and whatever else you fancy. Combining Promoted Tweets with audience targeting puts your Tweets in front of a receptive audience and reaches out in the right place, at the right time. You can strike up a conversation with your current followers or spark the interest of a whole new audience.

UK-based charity The British Heart Foundation used Promoted Tweets to spread awareness about the effectiveness of hands-only CPR, to educate people who might not be comfortable with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in urgent situations, and to help save more lives! To achieve this, they created the ‘Hard And Fast’ campaign, with a video of Vinnie Jones showing off the technique to the tune of BeeGee’s ‘Stayin’ Alive’.

They chose Promoted Tweets to help drive views to the video and spread awareness. Overall, the video received 1.7 million views and organically started trending FIVE times with hashtags #VinnieJones,#hardandfast, #BritishHeartFoundation, #CPR and #StayinAlive. The #hardandfast hashtag helped guide conversation around the Promoted Tweet and it received plenty of positive feedback, with one person even saying the promotion of this technique helped her colleague save someone’s life. Impressive work for just one little Tweet.

Objective: Promote awareness of hands-only CPR and save more lives.Achieved? Yes and Yes!

Promoted Accounts

Promoted accounts are useful for organisations whose who want to rapidly gain relevant followers that have potential to be highly qualified leads. Promoted accounts appear under Twitter users ‘Who To Follow’ tab, and organically build your Twitter audience by expanding your reach into new target audiences. Better yet, the followers you acquire through using promoted accounts are all new people to engage over time, making this promotion a longer-term investment. Bonus: You will only pay when people follow your account.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Why choose Promoted Accounts?

72% of Twitter users were more likely to make a future purchase from brands

they follow or have engaged with on Twitter9. They’re also more likely to discuss you with friends and share your message with their own audience, building a strong base of brand advocates. Win win.

Confectionery giants Cadbury used Promoted Accounts to help build a strong, enthusiastic follower base for the return of their beloved Wispa Gold bar10, which had previously been discontinued much to the distress of its dedicated fans. They decided to relaunch the Gold bar in a spectacular fashion and used Promoted Accounts to get there. They used targeted interest keywords such as chocolate, confectionery, caramel, and Wispa to draw followers to their @Wispa account, followed by a series of promoted Tweets created in collaboration with DJ Paul Oakenfold remixing Spandau Ballet’s classic ‘Gold’!

The results:They saw an influx of followers and a 1,800% increase in positive mentions. On launch day, they saw a 116% increase in product mentions from their new, highly-engaged community. A campaign worth its weight in (Wispa) gold.

Objective: Build the foundation of a passionate Wispa Gold community, ready to chirp about the chocolate bars glorious comeback! Achieved? You betcha.

The promotion may only last 24 hours, but the conversation doesn’t end there.

One brand found that in two weeks after the promotion ended, there was a 22%

increase in conversations6 amongst Twitter users about the brand compared to

the week prior to the promotion.

Twitter users exposed to a Promoted Trend were 151% more likely to Tweet

about considering purchasing a product… with conversations about intent and

purchase leaping to 19% and 33%.11

Promoted Trends

Promoted Trends can boost your brand advocacy, increase purchase consideration

amongst users, and expand your reach. What a difference a hashtag makes! They

appear, funnily enough, in the Trends panel, and are top of the list for a maximum of

24 hours. Promoted Trends can be used to spark conversations, help raise awareness

during the launch of a new product, or run perfectly alongside a wider social media

campaign. With only one trend being promoted per metropolitan area, the premium

listing of the ‘Promoted Trend’ is projected in the prices averaging around $200,000

per day, however with that in mind the promoted trend does come with 100% share of


Airline company Virgin America paired up

with charity Stand Up To Cancer for ‘Fly

Forward, Give Back’, a Twitter-exclusive

flash sale offering reduced price airline

tickets, with $5 donated per each ticket

sold. They used Promoted Trends to

promote #FlyFwdGiveBack to a broader

audience on Twitter.12

Why choose Promoted Trends?

Virgin America raised $50,000 in total for Stand Up To Cancer, as well as

#FlyFwdGiveBack ranking as one of the top five most successful sales for the

airline and a 25% increase in sign-ups for their loyalty program. Virgin America’s first

voyage with Promoted Trends was a soaring success.

Objective: Promote their own sale whilst raising money for charity. Achieved? To the tune of $50,000

*To use Promoted Trends you’ll need a dedicated Twitter Ads account manager.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Twitter advertising tools are centred around building campaigns, and these campaigns run within the parameters of a timeframe or budget limit, set by you. Let’s say you want to create a week-long campaign promoting a clothing sale to Twitter users and you set a total budget of $100, you can select the pacing option to ensure that only $14.28 is spent per day over the course of 7 days. Or with no pacing if your campaign is super effective and attracts lots of engagement, it will run until your total budget is spent.

Pick A Promotion: What Works Best For You?2a

How does bidding work?

Now it’s less tricky than it sounds, but let us try and walk you through it. When creating Twitter Ad campaigns, you’ll be asked to enter a ‘bid’. This is how much you think a follow or an engagement is worth, and determines how often your ad will appear to your audience (Twitter will offer you a suggested bid range to give you an idea of what other people are paying). When there is a suitable opportunity for your ad to appear, an ‘auction’ takes place between you and other advertisers targeting a similar audience.

You are charged per engagement, which means you will have ‘bid’ a little more if you’re focusing on a specific engagement metric. The amount of money you spend per engagement is determined by bidding. You can extend it as you wish, and if there is money left at the end of you campaign, you can reallocate this budget for another campaign.

Your ‘bid’ is the maximum amount you’re willing to spend. If you win, you will only pay a penny more than the second-bid offered rather than the full bid each time. Think of it like Google AdWords keyword bidding.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising


Custom Twitter campaigns charge you on a pay-per-engagement basis. This means it won’t differentiate between clicks, retweets, replies and favourites. Fortunately, the pricing differs and bidding options are typically cheaper for custom campaigns. With this option you can tailor your Twitter campaign in whichever way you like, as all Twitter cards and Promotion options are open to you.


With objective-based campaigns, you only pay for engagements that work toward achieving the ‘objective’ you select. Choosing this style of campaign means Twitter will determine the best Promotion Type or Twitter Card to reach your goals during the campaign setup. For example if ‘Followers’ is your objective Twitter sets up a Promoted account campaign. You can pick from the following five objectives, this is where having a predefined strategy comes into play…


Website clicks or conversions

Tweet engagement

App installs or engagement

Leads on Twitter

The point of objective-based campaigns is to ensure that you are driving the right results with your Twitter Ads. They make use of the Twitter Cards, specially designed Tweets attachments that allow you to showcase rich media (photos, videos, infographics) and build strong CTA (call to action) buttons to encourage particular behaviors when users engage with your campaign. Want more website clicks? Add a ‘Go now!’ button!

Twitter Ads provides two options for designing your campaign, objective-based or custom:

Objective-based: You’ll only pay for specific engagements which help you achieve your Twitter marketing goal, such as clicks to your website.

Custom: You set and define the parameters of your campaign, and you’ll be charged for any type of engagement, ie. retweet, favorite, click through, but at a lower rate.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Targeting: Know Your Audience

Here’s where things get really clever. With over 271 million active users1 there’s

plenty of untapped potential in terms of who will be interested in your Tweets.

Twitter Ads can help you carefully select the right people. There are four main

ways of building your target audience for a Twitter Ads campaign. Bonus: now you

can also create a specific list of users to target (we’ll talk more about that in the

Tailored Audiences section below).


Keywords: Pinpoint users chatting about, searching for or engaging with particular keywords.

Interests and followers: Narrow down your audience to people with particular interests or find users who are similar to followers of specific accounts.

Television: Find people who are talking about TV shows or films.

Interests and followers allows you to enter a number of Twitter handles that you want

to target the followers of. You can also select ‘target your followers’ and ‘target users

like your followers’ to reach out to a new, similar, audience. Trying to promote your

snazzy new burrito place? Target users by location, keywords and create a list of

competitors handles to get an audience of real burrito lovers.

Website retargeting requires a little bit more than just your Twitter Ads account, you’ll

need an Ad Partner account. Don’t worry, Twitter has a number of specified Ad

partners for you to choose from13. Using cookie data from your website, an Ad

Partner can pinpoint Twitter users who have visited your site and left, or who filled

up a shopping cart with items and abandoned it before completing their purchase.

Tailored Audiences: Target Twitter users using your own specifically curated lists of emails, Twitter IDs and more

Website Retargeting: Target your existing customers and reconnect with prospects using 3rd partner applications.

Twitter’s Tailored Audiences option within the Ad platform allows you to target your

own unique lists of Twitter users. Even better, using SocialBro’s powerful Twitter

analytics and management platform, you can create tailored audience lists with

granular segmentation options (see Section 6 for more details). Create a list of

Twitter users to target based on keywords, gender, or even location, then filter and

segment using the filters available to make sure the audience list you’re creating is

extremely targeted and tailored for your specific campaign. SocialBro’s platform

allows you to simply export your lists so you can easily upload these contacts into the

Twitter Ads portal (see more info in Section 6).

Build tailored audience lists based on Twitter lists that you have created or subscribed to, such as a private list of influential users in your industry that you’d like to reach out to, or use SocialBro to create a list of your competitors followers to get the ultimate edge over them.

Do keep in mind that a high campaign budget requires a large Tailored Audience list. Why? Consider your potential impact. Your promotion is displayed to your audience in their Twitter feed or ‘Who to follow’ panel. So the more users you have in your target list the faster you will be able to reach your desired ad engagement rate for your campaign! In contrast, a small target audience size would result in your campaign running for longer and your ad being viewed multiple times by the same audience members. Talk about stale content!

TipTwitter Ads has built-in functionality to create tailored audience lists based on mobile phone numbers or email addresses, enabling you to import information you may already have about your customers to target your offline audience, online. Tailored audience lists pack a powerful punch when it comes to engaging a network of highly-targeted potential customers.

3a Tailored Audiences

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising


Once you’ve selected your promotion and defined your target audience, don’t take a backseat and make your content so-so. Grab your audience’s attention with appealing content that will make them want to engage with your promotion and drive results! A unique hashtag, a shareable Tweet, and a strong CTA that tells the user exactly what you want them to do - the copy maketh the Tweet, so better maketh a good one.

We 100% recommend trying a minimum of three variations of your Tweet in your campaign to see which one drives the most results. Like so....


TipIt is important to be clear about the purpose of your campaign and what you’re offering users. For example, if you’re driving traffic to a blog, you don’t want to promise the world but offer a peanut. Qualified clicks lead the way to significant ROI. In addition to this, peppering your Tweet with irrelevant hashtags can work against you if you’re trying to drive traffic to a landing page, as you’ll waste money on click throughs that go astray.

1. Check out our amazing sale on all animal socks! From pandas and crocodiles to seals, we have everything to keep your toes warm and fuzzy.

Twitter will determine the Tweet that is performing the best with your users and your goals and display it more often to your target audience. For best results, make sure there is a strong CTA in your Tweets, so that your audience have a clear engagement path. If they’ve clicked your promotion they’re clearly interested in what you’re offering, and you need to give them a helping hand to the next step.

Fantastic content in your Tweets will also increase the likelihood of your promotion appearing during the bidding process. Why? Well, effective content not only impacts the success of your campaign from the readers point of view, but Twitter will reward content that is fresh, engaging and relevant. A great Tweet getting lots of favorites, retweets and replies, that is relevant to your audience, and is brand new will be favored by the Twitter Ads deity and shown much more often.

2. ATTENTION: Our fluffy animal socks are now on sale. Choose two of your favorite critters and get one free. Paw-fect! #socksale.

3. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Get the bears for free with our 24-hour animal sock sale. Order whilst stock last. #socksforall

If you’ve decided to build a custom campaign, it’s important you know how each Twitter Card works, to ensure you create a soaring success of a Twitter Ad campaign with a Twitter Card that helps meet your objectives. Just like a pair of ill-fitting shoes will make your feet ache, choosing a card that doesn’t fit your campaign will leave you limping towards your overall goal. Twitter Cards are a feature that can only be accessed through the Twitter Ads portal, and are designed to give your Twitter marketing efforts a real boost. You have eight types of Twitter cards to choose from, let’s see how you can use each one.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

The 8 Wonders Of Twitter Cards4a

Lead Generation Card

- Lead generation cards are all about lead capturing and can be used to collect a database of highly qualified leads. These cards make it easy for users to express their interest and securely share their email address with a simple click of a button without leaving Twitter.

Photo Card

- Photo cards make images the heart of your Promoted Tweet and can be linked through to image sharing sites. Photos are automatically resized on this card to maintain the original aspect ratio but ensure it will be perfectly visible to Twitter users. These Cards are perfect for visual campaigns, by giving you ample space for amazing images to give your audience a rich photo experience in their feeds. Which is handy, as Tweets with images are 94% more likely to get retweets than those without14. Tip: If you want to use a GIF, you’ll need to use a Player card.

Gallery Card

- Gallery cards are similar to photo cards, except you’re able to attach up to four photos, which is perfect for providing a sneak preview to a gallery of photos hosted elsewhere. Or using photos as part of a larger social media campaign.

App Card

- App Cards are particularly good for brands wanting to encourage users to download their mobile applications. You can create a Promoted Tweet that drives users directly to the App Store to download.

Player Card

- Player cards are made for rich media such as videos, GIFs, music, and any other multimedia. It’s a match made in social media marketing heaven. Encourage users to watch, listen and click through if you want them to go to a particular landing page.

Product Card

- Product cards empower you to flash your products on Twitter in a beautifully crafted card. Showcase your wares with an image, a description of up to 200 characters, key details and space to add price and stock availability. With Twitter’s ‘Buy Now’ button in beta, Twitter is even more perfect for retailers.

Website Card

- These cards do exactly what they say on the tin. They exist solely to loyally direct Twitter users to a website, with a unique design to make sure they stand out amongst the flurry of Tweets. CTA buttons get the job done.

Summary Card

- Summary cards can be used for all kinds of web content and they’re designed to give users a sneak peek at the content before clicking through, right in their feed.

Tip You can attach Twitter Cards to any Tweet simply with a unique link, once you’ve sorted out the nitty gritty detail. Take this as an opportunity to shake up your content with several variations of a Tweet.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Player Card

Product Card

Summary Card

Evaluate Your Success

Why wait till the end of your campaign to make improvements? With Twitter’s analytics and an extra helping hand from analytics tools, such as SocialBro, you can track and monitor the progress of your campaign during, as well as after, to make sure they’re running at optimal level.

Throughout the campaign, Twitter allows you to track metrics and monitor campaign performance. For example, if you notice that your Tweets aren’t performing as well as you’d hoped, you can go back to the drawing board. If you’re paying for clicks but your CTA doesn’t seem to be provoking the response you wanted, reassess and redo. This is a great way for you to give your most innovative ideas a trial-run. Twitter Ads is without a doubt the perfect platform to test both messaging and strategy .

Before moving on to your next campaign, take time to assess how your Twitter Ad campaign performed to make sure you’ve highlighted any issues and take steps to improve them.

Were your CTAs strong enough?

Was the purpose of your promotion clear and easy to follow?

Overall, did your campaign drive the results you wanted or do you need to make adjustments?

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising


Use this feedback and evaluation to carry forward the next time you consider your Twitter Ads strategy.

SocialBro, greatly simplifies the process of creating and managing highly-

targeted audience lists. Want to find out how you can use SocialBro to create

customized target audience lists and seamlessly upload them to the Twitter Ads

platform to ensure your campaigns perform at optimum level? We’ve got the low


Why use Tailored Audiences for your Twitter Ad campaigns?

The more refined your segmentation is, the more relevant your Twitter Ads will be

to the audience. The more relevant your ad, the more likely you are to generate

leads and drive sales.

How SocialBro can create a tailored audience list for your Twitter Ad


SocialBro’s in-depth search, filter and segmentation tools can be used to create

extremely targeted tailored audience lists, that can be simply exported to a TXT

or CSV file and uploaded to the Twitter Ads tailored audience lists portal.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Appendix: How To Create More Targeted Twitter Ad Campaigns With Tailored Audiences & SocialBro


Not only can you use the segmentation and filtering tools to discover new Twitter

users to target, but you can also use SocialBro to create target lists based on

your competitors’ followers, existing Twitter lists, hashtag searches, and much


Create a tailored audience list with SocialBro’s Discover New

Twitter Users tool.

Let’s say you’re hosting a social media conference aimed at marketing

professionals in San Francisco. With SocialBro’s Discover New Twitter Users tool,

you can search for specific keywords in user bios to target specific people or

industry segments, then filter using the Advanced Search. You can filter and

segment as you please. SocialBro delivers a range of options for filtering such as:

Discover the digital, social media and marketing professionals on Twitter who might

have an interest in your social media conference. Filter your search results from

the range of options available and simply export this highly defined and

segmented list of Twitter users and upload to your Twitter Ads portal for a truly

tailored, targeted and effective campaign!

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Language, gender, or location

Ratio of followers to following

Frequency of Tweets and time since last Tweet

Length of time Twitter account has been active

Specific word(s) in users’ bios – so in this case, you’d want to search for ‘Marketing’

Other ways SocialBro can help you create a

tailored audience list!

You can also build tailored audiences lists

using additional sources that you may already

have set up in your SocialBro account. For

example, if you are monitoring your

competitors in SocialBro, you can view all

their followers, segment them according to

keywords, locations, languages and start

targeting them in a tailored audience Twitter

Ads campaign. You can use pre-existing

Twitter lists to create your audience or if you

have been monitoring a hashtag or keyword,

you build a tailored list of the users Tweeting

the particular word.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

7 Appendix: Our Top 10 Twitter Ad Campaigns of 2014

Wendys #PretzelLovesongs

Adidas #allin campaign in the lead up to the World Cup

Budweiser #FriendsAreWaiting Drink Responsible campaign

Campaign: Puma’s #ForeverFaster ‘Flock To Unlock’ Campaign.

Brief: Teaming up with Twitter, Puma created a unique Twitter card to attach to the promoted Tweets. Puma was able to use the Twitter card to entice users to participate by offering unique high anticipated exclusives in return for retweets.

Why we loved it: The customized Twitter card combined with the exclusive offer made the campaign highly shareable and talked about. Not to mention the great campaign results.

Campaign: Chanel’s #TheOneThatIWant Product Campaign.

Brief: The brand used a Twitter campaign with a unique hashtag to create buzz around their perfume.

Why we loved it: The exceptional use of visual content teamed with a unique hashtag that ties perfectly into the campaign makes for highly shareable content.

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Campaign: Wendys #PretzelLovesongs product relaunchBrief: Wendy’s used Twitter Ads to generate excitement around the return of their beloved Pretzel Burger Why we loved it: The whole campaign focused on their audience, the brand teamed up with Boyz II Men to create songs using the Pretzel lovers Tweets.

Campaign: Adidas #allin campaign in the lead up to the World Cup Brief: Teaming up with the biggest names in Football Adidas launched the campaign in the lead up to the World CupWhy we loved it: Consistent use of the hashtag within a campiagn that promotes a motivational message, we’re #allin!

Campaign: Wendy’s #PretzelLovesongs Product Re-Launch

Brief: Wendy’s used Twitter Ads to generate excitement around the return of their beloved Pretzel Burger.

Why we loved it: The whole campaign focused on their audience, the brand teamed up with Boyz II Men to create songs using the Pretzel lovers Tweets.

Campaign: Adidas #allin World Cup Sponsorship Campaign.

Brief: Teaming up with the biggest names in Football, Adidas launched the campaign in the lead up to the World Cup 2014.

Why we loved it: Consistent use of the hashtag within a campaign that promotes a motivational message, we’re #allin! The #allin campaign has achieved phenomenal reach and results for Adidas.

Appendix: Top 10 Twitter Ad Campaigns of 2014

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Campaign: Budweiser #FriendsAreWaiting Drink Responsible CampaignBrief: A campaign promoting responsible drinking rather than the physical product.Why we loved it: The use of puppies… and the overall message the campaign is able to promote without showing any ‘darkness’. (REWRITE)

Campaign: Philips #NotSoScary campaign to promote their lighting fixtures

Brief: Philips campaign encouraged users to get involved and share their child’s experiences with the brand by using the hashtag #NotSoScary. They then used the images as the main collateral for their campaign.Why we loved it: The innovative use of User Generated Content (UGC) and the idea behind helping kids overcome their fears.

Campaign: Budweiser #FriendsAreWaiting Drink Responsibly Campaign

Brief: A campaign promoting responsible drinking rather than a physical product.

Why we loved it: The use of puppies… and the overall message the campaign is able to promote without showing any of the negative implications. This is an excellent campaign by a brand who has to adhere to strict in industry advertising regulations.

Campaign: Philips #NotSoScary Product Campaign

Brief: Philips campaign encouraged users to get involved and share their child’s experiences with the brand by using the hashtag #NotSoScary. They then used the images as the main collateral for their campaign.

Why we loved it: The innovative use of User Generated Content (UGC) and the idea behind helping kids overcome their fears.

Appendix: Top 10 Twitter Ad Campaigns of 2014

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

Campaign: Lidl UKs #LidlSurprisesBrief: The brand's latest campaign to showcase the range and quality of the products they have on offer.Why we loved it: Lidl clearly display the hashtag #Lidlsurprises in the TV advertisement. We love the multi channel integration through the use of a hashtag.

Campaign: Heineken #OpenYourCity CampaignBrief: Using the hashtag #OpenYourCity Heineken promoted their latest initiative that aims to help Tweeters discover ‘Where’s Next’.Why we loved it: Heineken are always creative with their campaigns and this one is no exception.

General Electric’s #6SecondScience Campaign

Philips #NotSoScary campaign to promote their lighting fixturesChoose your fav Maria ;)

Lidl UKs #LidlSurprises

Heineken #OpenYourCity

PayPal Australia - Drive App downloads

Hunter - Used famous Comedian Dynamo to promote

Campaign: Lidl UKs #LidlSurprises Product Campaign.

Brief: The brand's latest campaign to showcase the range and quality of the products they have on offer.

Why we loved it: Lidl clearly displayed the hashtag #LidlSurprises in the TV advertisement. We love their multi-channel integration with the simple use of a hashtag.

Campaign: Heineken #OpenYourCity Campaign

Brief: Using the hashtag #OpenYourCity Heineken promoted their latest initiative that aims to help Tweeters discover ‘Where’s Next’ to experience in their city.

Why we loved it: Heineken are always creative with their campaigns and this one is no exception. The #OpenYourCity campaign has created a significant amount of buzz on and offline.

Appendix: Top 10 Twitter Ad Campaigns of 2014

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

General Electric’s #6SecondScience Campaign

Campaign: PayPal Australia - Drive App downloadsBrief: To promote the download of the app they targeted Tweeters talking about coffee with a freebie for every download.Why we loved it: Paypal’s audience come from all walks of life, honing in on a specific topic and appealing to their audience is a difficult talk but Paypal pulled it off.

Hunter - Used famous Comedian Dynamo to promote

Campaign: Hunter Boots - Live event campaignBrief: To promote their first ever runway event during London Fashion Week the iconic British brand promised exclusive behind the scenes action.Why we loved it: Enticing Twitter users with exclusive content, first person to see the latest boot trends? No need to say more.

Campaign: PayPal Australia’s Campaign To Promote App Downloads.

Brief: To promote the download of the app they targeted Tweeters talking about coffee with a freebie for every download.

Why we loved it: Paypal’s audience come from all walks of life, honing in on a specific topic and appealing to their audience is a difficult talk but Paypal pulled it off. This campaign was a great success.

Appendix: Top 10 Twitter Ad Campaigns of 2014

Campaign: Hunter’s Live Event Promotion.

Brief: To promote their first ever runway event during London Fashion Week the iconic British brand promised exclusive behind the scenes action.

Why we loved it: This campaign effectively enticed Twitter users with exclusive content.

Why not take the guesswork out of targeting the correct audience with Twitter Ads? With SocialBro’s Free Plan you can not only use granular segmentation filter to get a precision list for your Twitter Ad campaign, you can also find influencers, determine your optimal Tweeting times and compare your activity with the competition. Discover what strategies are working and what can be improved.

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did you know that 82% of social media leads come

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The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising

The Ultimate Handbook To Twitter Advertising



third-the-cost-of-other-paid-channels 3.


third-the-cost-of-other-paid-channels 5.



and-medium-sized-businesses10. 11. 12.
