Download - Twitter marketing for brands

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FOR BRANDS a game of 140 characters


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Twitter in India

Twitter users: 15,000,000 India accounts for 3%

twitter’s global total More than 80% twitter

users are male 29% netizens used

twitter in past 6 months

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So what we have today!

Join the conversation

Engage with audience

Measure an impact

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Learn twitter terminology


A hashtag is any word beginning with the # sign. People use

hashtags to organize conversations around a specific topic.

Clicking on a hashtag takes you to search results for that term.


Sometimes you want to bring a Tweet to someone’s attention,

but you still want all of your followers to see the message. So

instead of a reply, use a mention. Include the @username of

whomever you want to mention in your Tweet, and it will

appear in the Mentions section (in the Connect tab). All

@username mentions are clickable and link back to the

mentioned individual’s profile.


You can respond to a Tweet by hitting the reply button. When

you reply, your response is public, and will show up in your

home timeline and the timeline of the person to whom you are

responding. The reply will also be visible in the home timelines

of people who follow both you and the person to whom you sent

the reply. Meaning, someone not in the conversation has to

follow both of the people replying to be able to read both sides

of the conversation.


You can pass along someone’s Tweet by

retweeting it. Just hit the retweet button to

send the original message to all of your



Twitter’s link-shortening feature allows you to

paste a link of any length into the Tweet box

and it will automatically be shortened to 19

characters. This makes it easier to fit long URLs

into the 140 character limit.


You can favourite the tweet for future

reference. This is just like an archiving

something that’s really interesting to you.

7. DM (direct message)

You can send private messages to someone,

just like an email. For DM, sender and reciver

should be following each other.

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Brand profile set up: Let’s get started

Before you start creating Twitter

brand profile, keep the following

things/options ready with you;

- Email Address

- Display brand name

- Username

- Company info (about main section)

- Profile header photo (1252 X 626 px)

- Profile background (JPG, PNG, or

GIF file, up to 800kb)

- First tweet

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Customize your brand’s Twitter profile page

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Want to grow followers. Follow. Find. Browse.

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Pay and get followers.

Promote tweets, username, etc.!

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Pay and get followers.

Promote trends, as well!

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Content planning – build sharable content


Product/ Service

Question /Poll

Sale/ Discount/Offers

Fun & Festives

News/ Events







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Remember, you just have 140 characters to play


Compose your message within 120 characters or less and leave atleast 20

characters so that others can retweet (RT).

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Utilization of #hashtags. Tweets with hashtags get twice the engagement of those without.

Using one or even two

hashtags in a tweet is fine,

but if you add a third, you’ll

begin to see an average 17%

dropoff in engagement.

• Create a list of #hashtags relevant to your brand

• Build a campaign around those #hashtags and invite followers to retweet

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Use URL shortener to shorten your longer link

and track clicks on it.

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If you ask followers to “RT,” you’ll get a 12X

higher retweet rate than if you don’t.

But if you spell out the word

“retweet,” that figure jumps to 23X.

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Exclusive deals/offers drive sales.

• Launch special Twitter only promotions to your followers.

• Tweet an offer code that unlocks a discount on your website at checkout, or tweet a secret

word that customers can mention to get discount when they visit your website or store.

• Offer free downloads to your followers who retweeted or favourite your message,

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Scheduling and delivery of content

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Be responsive. It’s a customer service channel as well where followers expect

brand to respond.

1. Reply when people tweet about you.

2. Favorite and retweet positive messages, and thank those who are praising you.

3. Promptly address critical Tweets about your business. And take conversation offline.

4. Ask the follower to send you a direct message (DM) with contact information so you can

communicate further by email or phone.

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Use social media tools to know effectiveness

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Learn what works, what not works.

Analyze. Learn. Report. Action.

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Vinod Nagar,

Regional Social Media Manager Nokia - Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa Operations

Currently, he’s working with Nokia as a regional social media manager for APAC & MEA Regions

based out of Dubai. Previously worked in Ogilvy, Euro RSCG, etc. where he enjoyed working on IBM,

Dell, HP, BSNL and list goes on.

His entrepreneur skills drove him to build the foundation of a digital and social media company in

Dubai as well. He provides digital marketing consultancy to some of media & ad agencies in Dubai.

Some of the brands include Clarins, Levis, Lulu Hypermarket, Thierry Mugler, Azzaro, BITS Pilani,

MBC2, Samsung, Ford, Du, Parachute, Almarai, etc.

You can reach out to me at (@vinodnaagar)

Email: [email protected]