Download - Twitter for the HR Professional: How To Use It and Why You Should.


1. November 2014 2. 2 3. 3 Getting Started Understanding the Lingo Etiquette, Engagement and Best Practices Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Using Twitter on the Job 4. 4 5. Embracing Social Media isnt just a bit of fun, its a vital way to communicate, keep your ear to the ground and improve your business. ~ Sir Richard Branson 5 6. Twitter Stats You Should Know About 1 billion users 10th highest world population 500 million tweets per day 2.1 billion search queries per day Fastest growing demographic: 54 65 76% of active Twitter uses access via mobile device 6 7. So What Is Twitter? Community and Conversation A micro-blogging platform Limited to 140 characters 8 What we have to do is deliver to people the best and freshest most relevant information possible. We think of Twitter not as a social network, but it's an information network. It tells people what they care about as it is happening in the world. ~ Evan Williams, Co- Founder 8. Setting Up Your Account Step 1: Point your browser to Download the Twitter App on your phone Step 2: Click on Sign Up Step 3: Complete the four questions: Full Name: This is your real name and it is searchable and visible. Email: Is private but can also be searchable User Name: This is the name people will use to follow you. Keep it short. Password: Private and of your choosing. Step 4: Click on Sign Up 9 9. Your Profile Photo: Upload a professional looking headshot or avatar Logo for business owners Header: Similar to your Facebook header (background) Upload your own photo Websites with sized photos: 10 10. Your Profile Name: The full name you entered upon registration Can be anything youd like it to be Location: Helps to build a sense of localization and community Web: The primary non-Twitter destination of your choice Often includes websites, blogs, LinkedIn profiles, etc. 11 11. Your Profile Bio: You have 160 characters to include anything youd like. Think of this as your Twitter resume Protect Your Tweets: Not recommended No one can follow you without your approval and cant read your tweets without following you 12 12. Remember Its About Community, Conversation and Relationships Be Authentic There is only one you so let yourself shine Attempt to achieve a balance between the personal and professional Like email, tweets can be misinterpreted without context If you wouldnt say it to someones face, dont say it on Twitter Minimize automation automatic DMs and too much scheduling Followers Follow back is nice but not required Set a balance of following to follower ratio Dont be afraid to unfollow If someone follows you AND you follow them back thank them through Reply or DM. They will see everything you tweet (so keep that in mind) 14 13. Common Etiquette Retweets If one of your tweets is RTed, try and thank those people publicly Feel free to add color commentary to the RT Without comment this is your implied endorsement of that user and their thoughts or content Try and lift one another up to the benefit of the community 15 14. Common Etiquette Add Value Think about your audience Tweet more than just headlines, quotes and links Dont overuse #hashtags Take It Offline Remember your tweets are visible Use Direct Messages when it becomes a lengthy conversation Reach out to just one person a week and request a chat Locate fellow HR pros in your area 16 15. 17 Best Practices 16. Best Practices Time Management Focus Your Followers Favorites Use to mark tweets you want to go back to Lists Organize Followers by Criteria If clicked on, only shows the tweets for those users You can follow the lists of others others can follow yours 18 17. Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Grow your network follow HR Experts, Thought Leaders, Analysts and Trendsetters 20 18. 21 Leadtail Research - HR Executives on Twitter Q1 - 2013 19. Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Gain Credibility and Build Your HR Brand 22 20. Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Land Your Next HR Job Post messages about your search Search key words such as your title, profession, industry Follow/Engage with Companies you want to work for; follow their job tweets Use Twitter job boards Gather Information About Your New Company or Those You Want to Work For Twitter Search Culture, Products, Jobs 23 21. Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Land Your Next HR Job Cont. As with LinkedIn, be a thought leader: post articles, Favorite tweets, RT (Return Tweet), RT with or just comment on the twitter discussion/post. Link your Twitter Profile to Your LinkedIn Page for automatic tweets whenever you post on LinkedIn. Follow Hiring Managers and other KEY Staff at companies you want to work for and/or are applying to. Engage with them. Job Search Twitter Tips These are many of the same tactics used in traditional job searches only adapted for Social Media. Think of and utilize Twitter as you do LinkedIn. Be sure to Thank those who help via DM (Direct Message) 24 22. Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Reinforce Your Professional HR Image Create a focused, targeted profile Claim your twitter handle Upload a professional head shot & create a custom header Link your personal website or LinkedIn profile 25 23. Using Twitter to Enhance Your HR Career Stay Updated on HR Conferences Organizations like SHRM use twitter to provide updates If you cant attend use the conference #hashtag to follow the Live Tweeting: 26 24. Recruiting 28 25. Recruiting 29 26. Branding Build and Monitor 30 27. Stay Current on Government & Legislative Changes 31 28. 2.1 Billion Searches Per Day 32 29. Communities of Interest - Twitter Chats/Twitter Feeds #HireFriday 33 30. Communities of Interest - Twitter Chats/Twitter Feeds Your Own Company Chat/Twitter Feed Training Program Reinforcement Benefit Announcements Emergency notifications 34 31. 35 Monitor Vendors and Consultants 32. Additional Uses of Twitter on the Job Seek Peer Advice and Review Identify Local, National and Virtual Events Access Surveys, Research and Benchmarks Promote Corporate Social Responsibility/Philanthropy Enjoy Free [Everything]! 36 33. 37 Janet A. Hoffmann President, HR Aligned Design 917-756-9560 [email protected] @hraligneddesign Stuart Friedman HR Director, CW Publishing 917-208.4537 [email protected] @HR_STU