Download - TV Advertising: There will be blood

Page 1: TV Advertising: There will be blood

The future of TV Advertising

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Page 2: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

There will be blood.

Page 3: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

The Scream by Edvard Munch, 1983

Page 5: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Problem 1: interruptive

Source: flickr (grey shift)

Page 6: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Problem 2: TV advertising is not reallycontextual

Page 7: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Problem 3: boring

Page 8: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Problem 4:TV advertisingdoesn’t driveto action

Source: flickr (Julia Keller)

Page 9: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Problem 5: expensive

Source: Getty Images

Page 10: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Problem 6: limited

Source: flickr (desolate places)

Page 11: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

There’s good news

Page 12: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Solution 1: non-intrusive format

Page 13: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Solution 2: performance-based

Page 14: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Solution 3: plug & play

Page 15: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Solution 4: context related

Page 16: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Solution 5: two-way

Page 17: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Solution 6: interactive video

Page 18: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

Make more money with your video content.

Page 19: TV Advertising: There will be blood

Emi Gal | @emigal | [email protected]

3:19Joel“ whose land they shed innocent blood.”