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1. Naturally occurring chromium consists of four isotopes. It is 4.31% 2450Cr, mass = 49.946 amu, 83.76%

2452Cr, mass = 51.941 amu, 9.55% 24

53Cr, mass = 52.941 amu, and 2.38% 2454Cr, mass = 53.939 amu.

Calculate the atomic weight of chromium

2. Which electrons have the greatest influence on the properties of elements?

a. those electrons in s orbitalsb. those electrons in d orbitalsc. core electronsd. the outermost electronse. none of these

3. Of the following, which element does not match its designation?

(a) 38Sr representative metal(b) 49In representative nonmetal(c) 14Si metalloid(d) 42Mo d-transition metal(e) 90Th f-transition metal

4. Of the following, which periodic group(s) do not match their designation?

(a) d-transition metals IIIB - IIB(b) representative metals IA, IIA(c) noble gases VIIIB(d) alkaline earth metals IIA(e) halogens VIIA

5. ______ is a noble gas.

(a) 22Ti (b) 42Mo (c) 81Tl (d) 54Xe (e) 92U

6. ______ is an actinide.

(a) 22Ti (b) 42Mo (c) 81Tl (d) 36Kr (e) 93Np

7. What would be the outer electron configuration of group VIA (O, S, Se, . . .)?

(a) ns2np6 (b) ns2np2 (c) ns2np4 (d) np6 (e) ns0np6

8. Arrange in order of increasing atomic radiiAl, C, Si

9. Arrange in order of increasing ionization energy

Page 2: Tutorial Q

1. Ar, Se, S2. As, Br, Sb.

10. Using the periodic table only, arrange the following ions in order of increasing ionic radius:

Br−, Se2−, Sr2+.

11. Given the following information for element E, identify the element’s group in the periodic table: The electron affinity of E is positive (doesn’t form a stable negative ion). The first Ionisation Energy is less than the second, which is very much less than the third. The element is in Group IIA.

12. A certain element is a metalloid that forms an acidic oxide with the formula R2O5. Identify the element.

13. Draw the Born-Haber cycle for the complex RX and calculate the Hfo for RX using the Born Haber Cycle.

Sublimation Energy R = 200 kJ/mol

Ionization Energy R = 480 kj/mol

Electron Affinity of X = -300 kJ/mol

Heats of Dissociation of X2 = 122 kJ/mol Cl2

Lattice Energy of RX = 898 kJ/mol

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