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Concept of effective teaching in context with classroom management in a Malaysian school1. Know what we want and what we don't want.-Explain very clearly to the students what is our expectations and requirements. Ex: rules, what we like and we dont and many more.

2. Show and tell our students what we want.-Give examples and demonstrate to the students if they cant understand.

3. When you get what we want, acknowledge (not praise) it ; When you get something else, act quickly and appropriately.4. focusing on students sense of belonging - desire to learn and an increase in understanding, whereas a lack of belonging has been associated with negative academic outcomes such as truancy and withdrawal from school. 5. Granted a decision-making capacity regarding the direction of the class, which is also positively related to student autonomy 6. Set tasks that are challenging 7. Recognize that students have unique learning styles (Sadler-Smith, 1996). 8. Teacher plays an active role in the teaching and learning in the classroom9. Able to detect when students are learning or motivated to learn or are losing focus or interest in the topic presented on that dayHatties (2002) remark regarding classroom management that has made a significant impact on the scope chosen in this study. He concludes that learning outcomes are directly related to the learning environment within the classroom created by the teacher due to the fact that the processes of learning that they foster are by far the more powerful.

Strength and weaknesses of the classroom management that you had observed and relate it to the characteristics of an effective teacher1) Strengthsi) loving the profession; ii) going beyond the lesson timeiii) creating a suitable yet comfortable physical classroom environment; iv) practising the art of scaffolding v) weaving values, leadership and thinking skills into the lesson vi) creating class rules and boundaries through repetition and humour.vii) Did a lot of preparation, read a lot on the subject matter.

2) Weaknessesi) Spoon-feeding ii) Less communication iii) More teacher-centred iv) Students are not allowed to voice out their opinion v) They are just blindly following even they dont understand