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Table Binding

• Using table data binding, each record can be displayed in a different row of a table. The syntax is:

<table datasrc=“#id”> <tr> <td><span datafld=“field1”></span></td> <td><span datafld=“field2”></span></td> </tr> </table>

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Table Binding

• In the example, id is the name of the data island, field1, field2 are the fields from the recordset.

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Page Binding

• As you add more records to your XML document, a table can become long and unwieldy. One way to fix this is to give the user the option of limiting the number of records displayed at any one time.

• The user can then move forward of backward that number of records at a time. This is called paging.

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Page Binding

• To specify the page size, add the dataPageSize attribute to the <table> tag:


• number is the number of records you want displayed in a single page.

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Navigating a Table Page

• A unique identifier must be assigned to a table using the ID attribute before writing a command to navigate a table page. The syntax to do this is:

<table id=“id”>

• Here, id is the name you assign to the table object.• This is needed because the commands to navigate

the table pages act on the table itself not the recordset.

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Table Methods and Properties

These figures show some table methods and properties

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Table Methods and Properties

• To run these commands, add the command to the onClick event handler of a <button> tag. For example, to move to the last page in a data table named “StaffTable”, you enter the attribute:

onClick=“StaffTable.lastPage( )”

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Hierarchical Records

This figure shows the layout of the EMP2.XML document

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Hierarchical Records

• To bind the Employee fields in the previous slide to a table, you create a table as follows:

<table datasrc=“#Staff_Info” datafld=“Employee”> <tr> <td><span datafld=“Name”></span></td> <td><span datafld=“Position”></span></td> <td><span datafld=“Phone”></span></td> … </tr> </table>

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Draft of the Final Web Page

This figure shows the draft of the final Web page

employee information grouped by department

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The Final Web Page

This figure shows the final Web page