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  • 1. 24 August 1929 11 November 2004Mohammed Yasser Abdel Rahman AbdelRaouf Arafat al-Qudwa al-Husseini, popularly known as YasserArafat

2. Code name is Abu Ammar was aPalestinian leader. He was Chairmanof the Palestine LiberationOrganization (PLO), President of thePalestinia National Authority(PNA), and leader of the Fatahpolitical party and formerparamilitary group. 3. Oct 1994Yasser ArafatUltimate Peace Prize?TIMEForeffortsto makepeacein themiddleeast 4. H o m e l a n d 5. - Renounced acts of terror.- Sincere participant in atrue peace process.- Worked on peacefulways to resolve issues.Yasser Arafat at Ceremony for NobelPeace Prize 6. Arafat was born in Cairo toPalestinian parents. His father,Abdel Raouf al-Qudwa al-Husseini, was a Palestinian fromGaza. Arafat was the second-youngest of seven children andwas, along with his youngerbrother Fathi.Yasser Arafat as a youngboy in the 1940s. 7. - Mother: Zahwa AbulSaud was from aJerusalem family.- Yassers mother diedwhen he was only five- Yasser was moved tolive with his uncle- later on moved with hissisterZAHWA ABUL SAUDTombstone representing the death of YasserArafats mother. 8. Father: Abel Raouf al-Qudwa- His father was a merchant.- seven children- father was not involved inthe childrens life.The Father of YasserArafat 9. - tough childhood:- Responsibility- Courage- Hope- WisdomThe different stages of growth through outYasser Arafats life. 10. - Cairo University- In 1944, Arafat enrolled in theUniversity of King Fuad I andgraduated in 1950- He later claimed to have sought abetter understanding of Judaism andZionism by engaging in discussionswith Jews and reading publicationsby Theodor Herzl and otherprominent Zionists.- Cairo University; The first college ofwhich Yasser Arafat attended beforeleaving. 11. - Left school to join Arabforces- Leader in Palestinian effort- Returned to Cairo in 1949Yasser Arafat sitting in ameeting for his organization. 12. - In 1944, Arafat enrolled inthe University of King Fuad I- Studied engineering andgraduated in 1950- called to duty in 1956- served as 2nd lieutenantin Egyptian army.- public works- contracting firmThe Egyptian Army 13. - 1958 founded Al-Fatah- full- time revolutionary- Sought contributions forFatah- Fatah: 300 members/most powerful group- President of PLOAl- Fatah logo 14. - War has put Arafat in shapephysically & mentally- Gained Knowledge- SkillsYasser Arafat; 1956 graduatingwith BA in engineering 15. In 1990, Arafat married SuhaTawil, a Palestinian Christianwhen he was 61 andSuha, 27. On 24 July 1995. His wife Suha gave birth toa daughter inSorbonne, France. Shewas named Zahwa afterArafats deceased mother. 16. For centuries there wasno such conflict. In the19th century the land ofPalestine was takenover.Map of territories causing Arab-Israel conflict 17. - Attempted to fix Arab- Israelconflict (came closest)- Devoted to his people- Risked his life for his beliefs- Over looked his issues to fixa problemYasser Arafat at Nobel PrizeCeremony 18. Sat down withYasser Arafat andcame very closeto peace in themiddle east.Yitzhak Rabin 19. - Agreed to disregard differences- Heard both sides out.- Understood each othersopinionsYitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafatshake hands in public for the firsttime 20. Shimon PeresYitzhak RabinYasser ArafatAll three won Nobel Peace prizefor their outstanding efforts. 21. In late 2004, after effectively being confined within hisRamallah compound for over two years by the Israeliarmy, Arafat became ill, fell into a coma and died on 11November 2004 at the age of 75. The cause of his illness isdisputed. 22. Mausoleo Arafat (Muqata, Ramallah) 23. I come bearing an olive branch in onehand, and the freedom fighters gun in the other..