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Whitchurch and Ganarew

Rogation PraiseService from PennyWhen I looked at the readings for this the 4th

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Sunday of Easter and saw we are reading John 10 with its reference to the Good Shepherd and Psalm 23 and as I basked in sunshine and saw how spring had brought new life to our land I thought of Rogation.

The word "rogation" come from the Latin rogare, which means "to ask," and the Rogation Days are four days set apart to bless the fields, and ask for God's mercy on all of creation. In the past it was customary to ‘beat the bounds’ of the parish. This meant walking around the parish boundary which could easily take a whole day.Nowadays during a Rogation service we typically think about various issues associated with Creation. Services are often conducted outside so do feel free to go outside for this service.During the service we will concentrate on four issues

Our gathered community (church) and our village

Agriculture and wildlife For the saints who have gone before us Water.

Hymn 1: Morning has broken Morning has broken like the first morningBlackbird has spoken like the first birdPraise for the singingPraise for the morning

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Praise for them springing fresh from the world. Sweet the rain's new fall, Sunlit from heavenLike the first dewfall on the first grassPraise for the sweetness of the wet gardenSprung in completeness where his feet pass.Mine is the sunlightMine is the morningBorn of the one light Eden saw playPraise with elation, praise ev'ry morningGod's recreation of the new day. Morning has broken like the first morningBlackbird has spoken like the first birdPraise for the singingPraise for the morningPraise for them springing fresh from the world. Gathering PrayersLord God, creator and sustainer of the universe, glory to you.As it was in the beginning, is now and shall be for ever.At your command all things came to be: galaxies, stars, our sun and planet Earth, our precious home: glory to youAs it was in the beginning, is now and shall be for ever.In the fullness of time you made us in your image, you made us for your good purposes, and made us stewards of your creation. Glory to you.As it was in the beginning, is now and shall

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be for ever. Amen 1. Our gathered community (Church) and VillageGod whose Son was content to share in the life of his village at Nazareth, bless the life of this parish with your presence every day. Grant that in every family your Name may be honoured and your will be done. Bless the school our children attend that they may grow up understanding the faith which we have in Jesus Christ and that we may set a good example to them and be good neighbours to one another. Bless all who work in this village and increase the sense of community that binds us together. Father, keep me aware of the welfare of this community and help me act when I hear you call for my help.

Reading 1: Psalm 23 2. Agriculture and Wildlife.At this point we turn to the scriptures and remind ourselves of how Creation was entrusted to our care and given to us for our responsible use.We Pray:God of Creation, we thank you for the gift of the earth and for the life which teems upon the land, in the waters and in the air. Thank you for the wonder of life that you have entrusted to us in all its complexity. Help us to conserve it well, use it sustainably and endow it faithfully to our children’s children.Amen

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 (If you are with someone else then you might like to take it in turns to read out loud the following verses.) Reader 1:Throughout the Earth I give you all plants that bear seed and every tree that bears fruit with seed; they shall be yours for food. (Gen. 1: 29) Reader 2: Every creature that lives and moves will be food for you; I give them all to you, as I have given every green plant. (Gen 9: 3) Reader 1:When you reap the harvest in your land, do not reap right up to the edges of your field, or gather up the gleanings of your crop. Do not completely strip your orchard, leave some for the rest of Creation. (based on Leviticus 19: 9) Reader 2Do not keep back the wages of a person who is poor and needy. (Deuteronomy 24:14) Reader 1The aim is equality; as scripture has it, ‘Those who gathered more did not have too much and those who gathered less did not have too little’.(2 Corinthians 8: 14,15)


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God of justice and compassion, thank you for the abundance of nature. Make us generous in our use of your gifts. May farmers get a fair price and a fair profit for their labours. Make our trade fair; bless the Fair-Trade Foundation. Bless the growth of Farmers’ markets and make the dealings of all with whom this country trades fair and just. We pray especially at this difficult time for our local farmers as we think of milk going to waste, insufficient labour to pick crops and the need for farmers to remain healthy as they are often on their own and their animals so dependent on them. Amen. Hymn 2The King of love my shepherd is, whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am his, and he is mine for ever.

Where streams of living water flow, my ransomed soul he leadeth, and where the verdant pastures grow, with food celestial feedeth.Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, but yet in love He sought me, and on his shoulder gently laid, and home, rejoicing, brought me.

In death's dark vale I fear no ill with thee, dear Lord, beside me; thy rod and staff my comfort still, thy cross before to guide me.

Thou spread'st a table in my sight; thy unction grace bestoweth;

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and O what transport of delight from thy pure chalice floweth!

And so through all the length of days thy goodness faileth never: Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise within thy house for ever. Reading 2 : John 10. 1-10Reflection.Jesus so often used analogies when he was teaching. As any teacher will tell you, this is good practice when you want to get over a new idea. You present your students with something familiar, something to which they can relate and then encourage them to use their existing understanding to encompass something new. However, in the passage we have just read the people did not catch his drift and he had to take them through it again. My thought for today is, do we always catch ‘God’s drift’? Do we work hard enough to understand what is being said to us? Are we being deliberately deaf because we may find what God has to tell us quite unsettling?Back to Rogation. So far we have thought about Creation and our need to care for God’s world and we have though about our community, we now move on to those who went before us: some

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in the distant past whose names we do not know and some more recently who were dear to us and whom we still mourn.3. For the Saints who have gone before.We thank you for those who first lived in this place, planned the fields, marked out the farms, trod the roads and cleared the ditches. We give thanks and remember them.We thank you for those who worshipped here and brought the good news of the gospel to this place. We give thanks and remember them.We thank you for all those here who through the ages have worked hard in house and field and who trusted in you.We give thanks and remember them.We thank you for those who at the end of life help families and bring dignity to death. We give thanks and remember them.At this time when so many people are ill, let us pray for the NHS and all who work in Health and Social Care remembering particularly those looking after our loved ones. We give thanks for their bravery and ask God to look after them.We give thanks and remember them.We thank you for the hope of life eternal and for the joy of being reunited with those from whom we have been separated by death. We give thanks for this hope and remember those

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from whom we are presently separated.From the Comfortable Words in the BCP Communion service we recall the words of St. John, ‘So God loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, to the end that all that believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (Jn 3.16)Finally we think about WATER.We read:Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4 13,14)

Throughout this last winter we would not be blamed for saying that we had seen too much water. With two of our churches flooded and all cut off in some way or another we were witnesses to the power of nature. The floods brought out the best of our communities and we continue to see this as flood turned into pandemic.

Blessed be the Giver of WaterPraise him who sends the rain and the dew.Praise him who refreshes the land with streams and rivers.Praise him who divided the sea from the

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land.Praise him who taught people to find food in the rivers , lakes and seas.Praise him who gives water to quench the thirsty.Praise him who gives us living water for our souls.Blessed be the Giver of water.Heavenly Father we commit to you all those who work to supply us with water. Help them to find satisfaction in their work. Look down on all those who work in fisheries and shipping. Keep them safe during storms. Help those who work with dangerous cargoes to have a sense of responsibility and avoid polluting your beautiful Earth by their carelessness or greed. As we look at the waters of the River Wye let us give thanks for its beauty, for the life that it sustains and remember that you were baptised in the River Jordan. We ask you to bless all who are about to be baptised and ask you to wash away our sins. AmenConfessionBearing in mind all the thoughts we have just had we confess in the following words:God our Father, we are sorry for the times we have used your gifts carelessly and acted ungratefully. Forgive us and help us.

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We enjoy the fruits of the harvest but sometimes forget that you have given them to us. Forgive us and help us.We belong to a people who are full and satisfied but ignore the cry of the hungry. Forgive us and help us.We are thoughtless and do not care for the world you have made. Forgive us and help us.We store up goods for ourselves as if there were no God and no heaven. Forgive us and help us. Absolution . If we are truly sorry for the things we have done wrong, then we are forgiven.Grant we beseech thee merciful Lord to thy faithful people, pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from their sins and serve you with a quiet mind. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

We say the Lord’s Prayer

Final Hymn All creatures of our God and King.

All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voice and with us sing alleluia, alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, thou silver moon with softer gleam, O praise him, O praise him, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!  

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Thou rushing wind that art so strong, ye clouds that sail in heav'n along, O praise him, alleluia! Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice, ye lights of evening, find a voice.O praise him etc

 Thou flowing water, pure and clear, make music for thy Lord to hear, alleluia, alleluia!Thou fire so masterful and bright, that givest man both warmth and light, O praise him etc 

And all ye men of tender heart,forgiving others, take your part, O sing ye, alleluia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear,praise God and on him cast your care,O praise him  Let all things their Creator bless,and worship him in humbleness,O praise him, alleluia!Praise, praise the Father, praise the Son,and praise the Spirit, three in oneO praise him


May God’s blessing rest upon you and all whom you love now and for evermore. Amen 

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The Beatitudes for a global pandemic.Blessed are those who stay indoors for they have protected others.Blessed are the unemployed and the self-employed, for their need of God is great.Blessed are the corner shopkeepers, for they are the purveyors of scarce things.Blessed are the delivery drivers and the postal workers, for they are the bringers of essential things.Blessed are the hospital workers; the ambulance crews, the doctors, the nurses, the care assistants, and the cleaners, for they stand between us and the grave, and the Kingdom of Heaven is surely theirs.Blessed are the checkout workers, for they have patience and fortitude in the face of overwork and frustration.Blessed are the refuse collectors, for they will see God despite the mountains of waste.Blessed are the teachers, for they remain steadfast and constant in disturbing times.Blessed are the church workers; the deacons, priests and bishops, for they are a comforting presence in a hurting world as they continue to signpost towards God.Blessed are the single parents, for they are coping alone with their responsibilities and there is no respite.Blessed are those who are alone, for they are children of God and with Him they will never be lonely.Blessed are the bereaved, for whom the worst has already happened. They shall be comforted.Blessed are those who are isolated with their abusers, for one day – we pray - they will know safety.Blessed are all during this time who have pure hearts; all who still hunger and thirst for justice; all who work for peace and who model mercy. May you know comfort. May you know

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LOCAL NEWSGeoff has had a further meeting with Richfordsand we have now received the deposit for the organ. This was quickly paid to Organ World to secure the quote and get the organ manufactured. which should be around 8-10 weeks. Do you know this gentleman?

We are grateful to Janet for sending us news from the great metropolis of Ross on Wye:“The news has been circulating that Maurice was attempting to grow a beard during the lock down, it is with regret that we have to announce the demise of this project

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During the first three weeks, all progressed well and he was encouraged to continue after receiving complimentary comments during video links with close family. The final straw came when our young granddaughter visited us, to chat through the window, she had not seen him whilst the beard was growing, but her immediate response was "that it resembled her pet guinea-pig." Thereafter, the beard was hastily removed and he is back to somewhere near normal😕😕😕.

The first couple of weeks we had a purge on cleaning;  painting (inside and out); lawn scarifing; seed sowing and general DIY. Following on from this, we have had more leisure time, whereby we could spend time relaxing in the sun, playing badminton and pitch and putt on our crisp,  green weed- free lawn.

We certainly had a very unusual wedding anniversary celebration, as due to our restricted shopping activities, we were treated to a superb meal, prepared and cooked by the family and delivered to the doorstep. All we had to provide were hot plates and a suitably laid out table. It really was a memorable occasion”

We asked Glynis for news from the country!She says “ I have been to Whitchurch on the odd occasion to go to collect deliveries from Woods but it does seem really busy around the shop. We are in

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splendid isolation here . The bluebells are out on Coppett Hill and this spring has been truly beautiful” .

Most people know Carol Cranch who has lived in Grange Park for a few years. She did live on The Doward for a long time before that. However, her health has become a little too much for her to cope with, and she has gone to live at Gibraltar House in Monmouth. Carol has been a faithful member of St Swithin’s, Ganarew and also St Dubricius. We all wish her well in her new home and hope that some of us will be able to visit her when the lockdown has ended

This week we include two articles about how the lockdown is affecting others:First one of our granddaughters sent us her thoughts on her return from Spain. We were all very relieved when she eventually arrived home.“I experienced first-hand the COVID-19 situation in Spain. I had been studying in Zaragoza since January and then returned to the UK on the 18th of March after being given permission from the Year Abroad Team at my University. I saw how quickly the disease spread, and how quickly it

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overwhelmed Spain. It was at that time, the most badly affected European country. A state of alarm was announced on the 13th of March and lockdown was imposed on the 15th. In La Rioja, which is the smallest and least populated region, a whole town was placed into quarantine on the 7th of March because people from the town had attended a funeral in neighbouring Basque country. This turned out to be the source of 60 cases, which then propagated and became more.

When our Prime Minister announced that the UK would be going into a lockdown a few weeks ago I was not surprised. In fact, I was surprised that the UK had not introduced more restrictive measures before the 23rd of March, especially seeing as the government should have been able to observe the severity of the virus in other European countries like Italy, Spain and France. By the time the Prime Minister of Spain had imposed the state of alarm (the 15th) the UK already had 2,670 cases confirmed, and by the 23rd of March we had around 11,000 cases. In comparison, Spain had close to 37,000 cases on the 23rd despite the lockdown having been in place for almost two weeks.

Portugal is a shining example of a country that put in place sufficient measurements rapidly to save lives. It recognised how important it was to act fast. Shortly after the WHO named COVID-19 as a pandemic Portugal declared a state of emergency.

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In my eyes, the UK should have done the same as soon as COVID moved from being an epidemic to a pandemic”.

From New Zealand a friend writes:“Our lockdown changes from level 4 down to level 3 last Tuesday.  A little bit of a change for us – everyone is allowed back to work – under strict conditions – 2 m spacing.   Most retail stores are not allowed to open, so they are resorted to electronic orders from their customers and a ‘click and collect’ pickup.  Must be credit card – no cash as this may pass on Covid Back to work means- First up we have to have an induction course and check our health.   This will probably take at least the first hour of work while we go through ‘contact tracing’ (who have you had contact with so people can be tracked if Covid finds its way to us). Then H&S -people and building  -  what has to be wiped down, how often and the register it has to go in.  Contractor sign in and procedures – All must be contactless. Couriers are now delivering and not getting signatures as they don’t want people touching their screens, Morning tea and lunch must see people sitting 2 m apart.   No sharing of utensils. No passing a phone around unless it has been wiped before being passed on!   Don’t use someone else’s keyboard or mouse without wiping it first. All very challenging for everyone!”


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From Joy- “I’ve managed to see all my 6 gorgeous grandchildren, on their doorsteps at a safe distance, delivering them cakes after a baking session. So, so difficult not to hug. I hope they’re saving up lots for me for when we can meet. Carly sent me a video - Brody is walking now!! He looked so very pleased with himself. Hudson is ‘chatting’ in toddler language lots and loves being outside running around and falling over! Raife is also walking and loves being outside too especially at their allotment. Jude said he likes picking up worms - none gone in his mouth yet! Take care everyone and stay safe. Hopefully we’ll soon be back together enjoying Jim’s lovely cups of tea!!”

The Archbishop of Canterbury has launched a free telephone line, Daily Hope, to give more people access to worship, prayer, and reflections while churches are closed. Daily Hope has been available since Sunday and runs for 24 hours a day. It provides Church of England prayers, hymns, and reflections for those who dial in. The number is 0800 8048044. There have been 6,000 calls in the first 48 hours- do try it!

You are invited to join our virtual Family meal

Sunday 10th May

This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by This Photo by Unknown Author is

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To celebrate Norman’s Birthday in your own home

Menu- so you know what to prepare.Cottage/Shepherd’s Pie/ Cheese and Potato Pie

Fruit Crumble + Custard/ Cream or Fruit SaladServed with Cordon Rosada or Fruit Juice

More details in Tulip Tree 8, but we hope as many people will join in as possible to celebrate the birthday of our very own “ elder statesman”.

It would be wonderful if you could take “a selfie” and send it to us


Hurrah for Lucy who continues to expand the range of things available. Now vegan options and spices on offer but we are pleased that the Scotch Egg beat the scones in this week’s ballot!Lucy is supporting the Ross food bank, donations can be left in the van outside the shop when it is open. You can also select a delivery date for your online orders. Free on orders over £40.Deliveries are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The delivery area is Monmouth, Ross on Wye and nearby villages.

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21 01600 891021

Whitchurch Spice Tandoori (The Crown), is taking orders and delivering.  It doesn’t have a website but has a Facebook page of the same name.  Tel. 01600 890808.  Mobile: 0742240477