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Tugas FaalOleh: Jenadi BinartoNPM 160121140001

1. Answer: D. AortaBlood from lungs which rich of oxygen enters the left atrium and then goes to left ventricle. The rich-oxygen blood is needed for the body, so the blood from the left ventricle will be pumped to the entire body through the aorta.

2. Answer: B. LungsBlood originated from the entire body which low on oxygen concentration enters the right atrium and then goes to right ventricle. The low-oxygen blood need to be transported for oxygen concentration exchange in lungs. So, blood leaves from the right ventricle and enters lungs to do the exchange of oxygen concentration.

3. Answer: A. EpicardiumVisceral layer means the outer layer. Heart has 3 layers, which are epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. The outer layer of heart is the epicardium.

4. Answer: B. Left atrium and left ventricleHeart has valves to regulate the flow of the blood so that it does not go on reverse way. The valves separate atrium and ventricles. The left valve is a bicuspid valves and usually called as the mitral valve.

5. Answer: B. ThreeHeart has 3 protecting layers, these are the pericardium, myocardium and endocardium.

6. Answer: D. Collect BloodAtrium is the receiver of blood originating from the whole body or from the lungs. The blood then pumped to the ventricles. So, the function of atrium is to collect blood and to pump blood to the ventricle.

7. Answer: C. LungsThere are two arteries which left from the heart, these are the pulmonary arteries and aorta. The aorta leads the blood to flow to the entire body, and the pulmonary arteries lead the blood to the lungs.

8. Answer: A. SA NodeThe actual structure that serves as the hearts primary pacemaker is called the Sinoatrial node (SA Node). The SA Node is a little bundle of cells located in the wall of the right atrium that tells the heart when to beat.

9. Answer: C. Pulmonary veinThe blood flows to lungs through pulmonary arteries, and after oxygen exchange the blood the flows back to heart through pulmonary vein.

10. Answer: A. Increased Parasympathetic stimulationThere are 2 autonomous nerve system, these are sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. Sympathetic nerves will increase heart rate and cardiac output, in the contrary, parasympathetic nerves will decrease heart rate, and cardiac output.

11. Answer: A. A pulsePulse pressure is the difference between the systolic and diastolic readings. It is measured in mmHg. Pulse pressure represents the force that the heart generates each time it contracts.

12. Answer: B. Internal Jugular VeinThe internal jugular vein is a paired vein collecting blood from the brain, the superficial parts of the face, and the neck.

13. Answer: D. Left subclavian and left common carotid arteriesThere are 3 arteries which originate along the aortic arch, these are: brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery, and the left subclavian artery.

14. Answer: B. Hepatic portal veinThe hepatic portal vein is a blood vessel that conducts blood from the gastrointestinal tract and spleen to the liver. This blood is rich in nutrients that have been extracted from food.

15. Answer: C. Saphenous veinThe great Saphenous vein previously also called the long Saphenous vein, is a large, subcutaneous, superficial vein of the leg. It is the longest vein in the body running along the length of the leg.