Download - Tufts 2017


“If I had a time ma-chine, I would go back and

give my mom and 1st violin teacher a high-five for not letting me quit. Violin

is something I’ll never be the best at, but something I hope will always

be a part of my life...Learning an instrument is an incredible

experience. You walk away with so much more than

being able to deci-pher a bunch

of notes.”

all aboutheyun

What Would you say is your life motto?“Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomor-row.” is definitely a favorite. I’m a huge optimist and I absolutely hate dwelling in the past. Learn from it, and move on to greater things!Where is the most interesting place you have visited? This summer, I attended a summer camp/tour group for Korean Americans to travel around Korea--it was my first time outside of Seoul on the Korean Peninsula....The most memorable place we visited was hands down the DMZ. We visited underground tunnels and looked over the border with binoculars. We also visited Dorasan station, which connects Seoul and

Pyongyang. It’s obviously closed down, but the phrase “Not the last station from the South, but the first station toward the North,” really stuck with me. North Korea fasci-nates me; I’ve actually consid-ered studying Asian Studies because I would love to work in that field.

Would you identify yourself an introvert or an extravert?Ambivert/introvert.! We live in an extravert-biased world and introverts are put down as meek and shy. I think that’s why I spent so long trying to tell myself I wasn’t an introvert. But, introversion doesn’t auto-matically mean being extreme-ly quiet. Well, I think I’m pretty outgoing--it’s just I’m not as outspoken all the time. Introverts simply take more time think and are more independent. I mean, President Obama is and Albert Einstein was an introvert!expectations for 2013?I love the feeling of having a fresh, new start. Maybe that’s why I’ve gotten to be so good at adapting when moving...I’ll be graduating, which means I’ll be leaving Taiwan. I’ve really developed an affinity for this island these past 3 years, so I hope to create some more good and final memories with my family and friends. And the second half? Who knows where I’ll be headed, but I am beyond excited to move on to college.


\hay-yün jung\정혜윤鄭惠允

05.02.1995Taipei, Taiwan

San joSe, California


“Whenever I’m feeling particularly unmotivated or

lazy, I turn to TEDTalks be-cause all of the speakers are so inspirational...Watching a

TED Talk live is definitely on my bucket list!”


“One of my proudest high school achievements

has got to be helping revive Key

Club at our school as an officer...It’s an amazing

feeling to look back and see

how much it’s expanded.”

ROLEMODELS“Michelle Kwan was my

childhood role model and it wasn’t only be-cause she was an Asian-American figureskater. I respect her persistence i n overcoming so much to achieve

her dreams...On the other hand, Ander-son Cooper’s passion and genunity

has inspired me to pursue journal-ism, maybe as a foreign cor-


we make a living by

what we get, but

we make a life by

what we give.

Winston ChurChill{ }