Download - Tuesday, September 3, 1996 - Surrey City of · Tuesday, September 3, 1996 Council Chamber City Hall 14245 - 56 Avenue Surrey, B.C. Tuesday, September 3, 1996 ... Baldev Singh Kahlon

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Tuesday, September 3, 1996

Council ChamberCity Hall14245 - 56 AvenueSurrey, B.C.Tuesday, September 3, 1996Time: 7:01 p.m.

Present: Absent: Staff Present: Chairperson - Mayor Bose City Manager Councillor McCallum Councillors Entering Meeting Deputy Clerk Councillor Watkins During Progress: W. Hyndman, Administrative Assistant Councillor Higginbotham Councillor Huot Councillor Robinson Councillor Villeneuve Councillor Lewin Councillor McKinnon


1. Regular Council - July 29, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor Watkins Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on July 29, 1996, be adopted.

RES.96-2570 Carried

2. Reconvened Regular Council (Land Use) - July 30, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor Huot Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That the minutes of the Reconvened Regular Council (Land Use) meeting held on July 30, 1996, beadopted.

RES.96-2571 Carried

Councillor Lewin joined the meeting at 7:01 p.m.

3. Regular Council - July 30, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor Huot Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on July 30, 1996, be adopted.

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RES.96-2572 Carried

4. Reconvened Council-in-Committee - July 30, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McCallum That the minutes of the Reconvened Council-in-Committee meeting held on July 30, 1996, bereceived.

RES.96-2573 Carried

Note: The recommendations from these minutes were ratified by Council at the July 30, 1996, RegularCouncil meeting.

5. Regular Council Minutes - June 24, 1996 Item G - Corporate Report R950 - Storm Water Pond - Anderson Creek Subdivision (4895-601)

Council is requested to amend Resolution 96-1880A by deleting "R882" and inserting "R950".

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor Lewin That the Regular Council minutes of June 24, 1996, Resolution 96-1880A, be amended by deleting"R882" and inserting "R950".

RES.96-2574 Carried

6. Council-in-Committee Minutes- July 23, 1996Corporate Report Item No. C312

Official Community Plan - Public Hearing and Revisions(56/6993-0421-00)

Council is requested to amend the July 23, 1996 Council-in-Committee minutes, Item A.1, CorporateReport C312, in the paragraph beginning with the words "Councillor Villeneuve expressed the opinionthat", by deleting the word "suburban" and inserting the word "rural" in its place.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor Lewin That the Council-in-Committee minutes of July 23, 1996, Item A.1, Corporate Report C312 beamended in the paragraph beginning with the words "Councillor Villeneuve expressed the opinion that",by deleting the word "suburban" and inserting the word "rural" in its place.

RES.96-2575 Carried

7. Regular Council Minutes- July 29, 1996

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Item No. R981 - Revision of Sanitary Sewer Charge - 13A Avenue: 13400 Block to 136 Street(4789-919)

Council is requested to amend Resolution No. 96-2307 in recommendation #2 by deleting "By-lawNo. 12713" and inserting "By-law No. 10719" in its place.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McCallum That the Regular Council minutes of July 29, 1996, Resolution No. 96-2307 inrecommendation #2, be amended by deleting "By-law No. 12713" and inserting "By-law No. 10719" inits place.

RES.96-2576 Carried

8. Regular Council Minutes- July 22, 1996 Item J.8 - Letter from Michael Roche, Director Policy and Programs, Federation of Canadian Municipalities

(0034-001; 0013-001)

Council is requested to amend Resolution No. 96-2200 by deleting the words "and referred to theadministration for handling".

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McCallum That the Regular Council minutes of July 22, 1996, Resolution No. 96-2200, be amended by deletingthe words "and referred to the administration for handling".

RES.96-2577 Carried


1. Youth Recognition Committee (0042-073)

Tony Kupiak and Gavin Leung were in attendance to apprise Council on the progress of the YouthRecognition Initiative, including plans for the Youth Recognition Awards ceremony scheduled for September 7,1996 at Bear Creek Park.

Mr. Kupiak thanked Council for making the youth recognition awards possible. It was noted that the awardsceremony will take place between 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 7, 1996 at Bear Creek Park. Aprogram of the ceremony was left for members of Council. As well, Mr. Kupiak described the criteria andcategories for which awards will be presented.

Mr. Leung urged Council to continue the Youth Recognition program to inspire Youth to do gooddeeds. He added that it is important to place emphasis on the positive contributions that young people

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make to the community.

Mayor Bose joined members of Council offered their appreciation to Committee members for theircontribution to the City. Mayor Bose advised that Councillor Villeneuve will officiate at the ceremonyas he is unable to attend.

It was Moved by Councillor Lewin Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That the Mayor send a letter of thanks be sent to all the young people who participated in theprogram as well as to staff for such a worthwhile project.

RES.96-2578 Carried

Councillor Robinson commented that as a courtesy to members of the viewing audience it would be useful tohave photographs of the properties subject to Section 936 Orders displayed on the overhead. He requested thatthis be the normal practice for future Section 936 Orders. Councillors expressed support for this idea.

2. Mr. Lal Singh Sarai Mrs. Rattan Kaur 8120 - 168 Street (08120-16800; 2152-16800; 0065-012)

Mr. Lal Singh Sarai and Mrs. Rattan Kaur were not in attendance to respond to a Section 936 Orderregarding a vacant building located at 8120 - 168 Street which is considered a nuisance and hazardous to thecommunity.

It was Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor Higginbotham That the Council of the City of Surrey hereby declares that the vacant building located on Lot 18,Section 30, Tp. 8, NWD, Plan 26642 being 8120 - 168 Street is a nuisance and hazardous to thecommunity. It is hereby ordered that the said vacant building be boarded up and, if necessary, all debrisremoved from the site by the owners or agent of the owners within thirty (30) days of service of thisorder upon them. It is also requested that the open septic tank be drained and filled with clean, granularfill. It is further ordered that, should the owners or agent of the owners fail to comply with the aforesaidorder within the said period of thirty (30) days, the City of Surrey, by our own workmen or contractors,may enter on the land and board up the vacant building and, if necessary, remove the debris from thesite at the expense of the owner and the charges for so doing, if unpaid by the owner on the 31st day ofDecember of any year, shall be added to and form part of the taxes payable in respect of that land astaxes in arrears.

RES.96-2579 Carried

3. Baldev Singh Kahlon Adesh Kahlon 12570 - 72 Avenue (12570-07200; 2152-07200; 0065-012)

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Baldev Singh Kahlon and Adesh Kahlon were not in attendance before Council to respond to a Section 936Order regarding the following:

(a) a fire damaged building and accessory building located at 12570 - 72 Avenue which areconsidered so dilapidated, to a state beyond repair, and uncleanly a condition as to be considered anuisance and offensive to the community.

(b) an open concrete tank located at 12570 - 72 Avenue which requires filling with clean granular fill.

Mayor Bose pointed out that staff have advised that this matter has now been concluded and requires nofurther action.

4. Pro Backhoe Services Ltd. 14954 - 102A Avenue (14954-10250; 2152-10250; 0065-012)

No one was in attendance before Council to respond to a Section 936 Order regarding a vacant buildinglocated at 14954 - 102A Avenue which is considered a nuisance and hazardous to the community.

The Planning & Development Department advises that an inspection carried out August 28, 1996 byBuilding Inspection revealed that the subject building is no longer considered to be a nuisance or ahazard. Therefore this file is considered concluded and no further Council action is required.


1. Public Art Policy Development Committee - July 18, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Watkins That the minutes of the Public Art Policy Development Committee meeting held on July 18, 1996, bereceived.

RES.96-2580 Carried

2. Public Art Policy Development Committee - July 31, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That the minutes of the Public Art Policy Development Committee meeting held on July 31, 1996, bereceived.

RES.96-2581 Carried

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1. Board of Variance - July 16, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That the minutes of the Board of Variance meeting held on July 16, 1996, be received.

RES.96-2582 Carried

2. Greater Vancouver Regional District (0046-001)

It was Moved by Councillor Lewin Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That the publication entitled "Board in Brief" be placed on Council agendas, as a regular agendaitem, in order to keep elected officials and members of the public informed of GVRD decisions andBoard activity.

RES.96-2583 Carried


1. Proclamations

Mayor Bose read the following proclamations:


September 2 to 8, 1996

WHEREAS organized labour has always endeavoured to maintain and improve good workingconditions and wage standards for Canadian Workers; and

WHEREAS labour's distinctive emblems of quality and service are union labels, shop cards, storecards and service buttons; and

WHEREAS the CLC Union Label Trades and Services Department is sponsoring a Union LabelWeek to salute these unique hallmarks and to promote Canadian Union Made Goods and Services;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Robert J. Bose, do hereby declare the week ofSeptember 2 - 8, 1996 as "UNION LABEL BUYING WEEK" in the City of Surrey, and call upon allcitizens to support the products and services identified by the union label, store card, shop card andservice button.

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Robert J. Bose Mayor


September 7 and 18, 1996

WHEREAS at this time there is no control or cure, despite advances in treatment that have prolongedthe lives of many people with cystic fibrosis and despite recent research breakthroughs; and

WHEREAS the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is supporting research, and teaching programsacross the country; and

WHEREAS over 60 universities and colleges representing 20,000 students have joined the fight againstCystic Fibrosis and will be holding a National Shinerama campaign in the month of September; and

WHEREAS the University of British Columbia and the British Columbia Institute of Technology, arepart of this campaign in the City of Surrey, will hold their Shinerama campaigns on September 7th and18th, 1996;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Robert J. Bose, do hereby declare September 7 and18, 1996 as "SHINERAMA DAYS" in the City of Surrey.

Robert J. Bose Mayor


September 8 - 14, 1996

WHEREAS many families throughout the Lower Mainland of British Columbia need the support to befound within a three-generation family; and

WHEREAS the number of extended families in the Lower Mainland is diminishing, resulting in a lackof family support; and

WHEREAS many seniors would like an opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to society; and

WHEREAS the Volunteer Grandparents Society of British Columbia is bringing together matureindividuals and young families in a self-help program to create a volunteer extended family which aremutually beneficial to all parties;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I, Robert J. Bose, do hereby declare the week ofSeptember 8 - 14, 1996 as "VOLUNTEER GRANDPARENTS WEEK" in the City of Surrey.

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Robert J. Bose Mayor

2. Stetson Bowl Inquiry

Councillor Watkins referenced a previous request from a citizen for an inquiry into the Stetson Bowl. He commented that he is being asked questions by citizens about the $114,000 which has not beenaccounted for. He advised that he would be raising this issue under Notice of Motion later in themeeting.

3. Queens International Institute on Social Policy

Mayor Bose circulated a memorandum to members of Council, requesting authorization of payment oftravel expenses he incurred while attending a conference at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.

It was Moved by Councillor Watkins Seconded by Councillor Lewin That the expenses incurred by Mayor Bose while attending a conference at Queen's University, beauthorized for payment in accordance with Council Policy.

RES.96-2584 Carried

Mayor Bose commented that the conference was attended by many notable speakers and added that itwas a privilege to be part of the program. Mayor Bose advised that the main topic was the shift inresponsibility from the National Government to local Governments and the associated costs tomunicipalities.


1. Greater Vancouver Open

Councillor Higginbotham commented on the Greater Vancouver Open and added that attendance was inexcess of 70,000. She discussed the benefits to the City in terms of tourism and profiling the City in apositive light. It was noted that 70 charities in the Lower Mainland will benefit from the proceeds of thetournament. Councillor Higginbotham expressed thanks to farmers in the area and to the PlanningDepartment who worked together to ensure adequate parking was provided.

Councillor Watkins requested that the final figures be made known to Council. He added that theManager of Sunrise suggested a slogan Surrey is Golf, would be appropriate because of the number ofgolf courses Surrey has to offer. Councillor Watkins commented that Economic Development Divisionmay be interested in this.

Councillor McCallum commented that people he spoke to were very positive about the tournament. Headded that many people visiting the golf course also attended the Street of Dreams, while others went

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shopping in local malls.

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That a letter of thanks be sent to Chick and Marilyn Stewart for building the Northridge Golf &Country Club, as well as a letter of congratulations to the organizers of the event.

RES.96-2585 Carried

2. Museum Mural

Councillor McCallum commented that the mural on the west side of the museum has been completedand will be enjoyed by citizens for many years to come.


1. Corporate Reports dated September 3, 1996, were considered and dealt with as follows:

Item No. R992 Scott Road Upgrading (96 Avenue to 103A Avenue) (2460-001; 2152-12006)

The General Manager, Engineering submitted a report, in response to a request by Council dated July 3,1996, concerning Scott Road upgrading (96 Avenue to 103A Avenue).

The General Manager, Engineering was recommending approval of the recommendations outlined in hisreport.

It was Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor Lewin That:

1. Council request that the Province commit to upgrade Scott Road from 96 Avenue to 103A Avenue tofinished four (4) lane standard as previously completed to either side of this section of Scott Road.

2. Delta Council be requested to pass a resolution supporting Surreys request that the Province proceed withthis project to complete the upgrading of Scott Road which the Province originally embarked on in 1986.

3. Lloyd Clark at #12329 - 91 Avenue be provided a copy of this report.

RES.96-2586 Carried

Item No. R993 Nordel Way/88 Avenue Alignment at Scott Road (4253-003; 1796-332)

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The General Manager, Engineering submitted a report in response to a request from Delta's Council thatSurrey support their request that the Province complete Nordel Way.

The General Manager, Engineering was recommending approval of the recommendations outlined in hisreport.

It was Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That:

1. Option 1, attached to Corporate Report R993, be approved, in principle, to connect Nordel Way with88 Avenue and that Surrey secure property for this route in conjunction with any redevelopment plans.

2. Delta Council be advised that Surrey supports their request that the Province complete Nordel Wayprovided the total project includes construction to connect with 88 Avenue in accord with Option 1.

3. Surrey agree to share in the overall project costs by acquiring the property needed for the new roadalignment within Surrey (construction by the Province).

4. Delta Council be asked to support Surreys request that the Province complete Scott Road upgrading from 96Avenue to 103A Avenue.

RES.96-2587 Carried

Item No. R994 Economic Development Association of Canada Awards (0032-061; 0288-001; 0815-001)

The General Manager, Planning & Development submitted a report concerning the EconomicDevelopment Association of Canada Awards. It was noted that the City will receive an award in the"Best of Category" Sector for the economic development flyer. A copy of the award-winning brochurewas provided to members of Council.

The General Manager, Planning & Development was recommending that the report be received forinformation.

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That Corporate Report R994 be received for information.

RES.96-2588 Carried

Item No. R995 Proposed Rezoning 24 Avenue and 150 Street - Four Sons Enterprises Ltd. (5694-0322-00)

The General Manager, Planning & Development submitted a report with respect to the proposed

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rezoning of 24 Avenue and 150 Street.

The General Manager, Planning & Development was recommending approval of the recommendationsoutlined in his report.

It was Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor McKinnonThat Corporate Report R995 be received for information.

RES.96-2589 Carried

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That Council give Third Reading to Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, 1983, No. 7600, TextNo. 190, Amendment By-law, 1996, No. 12871.

RES.96-2590 Carried with Councillor Robinson and the Mayor against.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That Council give Third Reading to Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law,1996, No. 12872.

RES.96-2591 Carried with Councillor Robinson and the Mayor against.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Robinson That the applicant undertake a study to ascertain whether a traffic signal and/or other improvementsat the intersection of 24 Avenue and 150 Street would be warranted.

RES.96-2592 Carried

Item No. R996 Proposed BC Hydro Substation - South Surrey (2350-007)

The General Manager, Planning & Development submitted a report updating Council on the status ofB.C. Hydro's attempts to secure a suitable site for its South Surrey/White Rock System ReinforcementProject (Substation) in South Surrey.

The General Manager, Planning & Development was recommending that the report be received and acopy forwarded to the Environmental Advisory Committee.

It was Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That:

1. Council receive Corporate Report R996 for information; and

2. the proposal by B.C. Hydro to develop a substation on "Site B" in South Surrey be referred toSurrey's Environmental Advisory Committee for review and comment.

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RES.96-2593 Carried

Item No. R997 Council-Initiated Rezoning of 10663 Scott Road - Proposed Rezoning from CG-2 toIL (7995-0121-00)

The General Manager, Planning & Development submitted a report concerning the Council-initiatedrezoning of 10663 Scott Road - proposed rezoning from CG-2 to IL.

The General Manager, Planning & Development was recommending approval of the recommendationsoutlined in his report.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Robinson That Council:

1. File By-law No. 12690 which rezones a portion of 10663 Scott Road from CG-2 to IL.

2. Authorize staff to bring forward a new By-law to rezone the subject property from CG-2 to IS.RES.96-2594 Carried

Item No. R998 Proposed Tandem Parking on Future Townhouse Development Site - DevelopmentVariance Permits - Mr. Les Craik (7995-0058-00; 7995-0058-01)

The General Manager, Planning & Development submitted a report to provide Council with informationon tandem parking on the subject development site.

The General Manager, Planning & Development was recommending approval of the recommendationsoutlined in his report.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That Council:

(a) Receive Corporate Report R998 as information; and

(b) Authorize Mayor and Clerk to execute Development Variance Permits No. 7995-0058-00 and7995-0058-01 (Appendix I).

RES.96-2595 Carried with Councillor Lewin against.


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Item No. R999 Groundwater Impact from Development at 160 Street and 30 Avenue (5693-0421-00)

The General Manager, Engineering submitted a report to inform Council of the feedback recentlyreceived from residents about possible groundwater problems in the area of 30 Avenue and 160 Streetand to outline a process whereby potential groundwater impacts from development will be addressed.

The General Manager, Engineering was recommending that the applicant complete a groundwater impactstudy, at their cost, with recommendations from the study to be implemented.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That prior to the development of the area defined on the figure attached to Corporate Report R999,and in addition to addressing and satisfying the requirements already set forth by the EngineeringDepartment, the applicant be required to:

1. Complete a groundwater impact study at their cost.

2. Implement recommendations from the groundwater study related to the development.

RES.96-2596 Carried

Item No. R1000 Park Dedication by Referendum (8350-002)

The General Manager, Parks & Recreation submitted a report concerning Park Dedication byReferendum.

The General Manager, Parks & Recreation was recommending that Council:

1. Receive this information.

2. Rescind its resolution of April 22, 1996, directing that the Detention Reserve be removed from the1988 Green Timbers Urban Forest Dedication By-law 9801.

It was Moved by Councillor Lewin Seconded by Councillor Watkins That consideration of Corporate Report R1000 be postponed to the next Regular Council meeting fora report from the City Solicitor.

RES.96-2597 Carried

Item No. R1001 RH-G Rezoning and Subdivision Application South of Rosemary Heights - JunePollan/Wills Brook Farm Ltd.

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The General Manager, Planning & Development submitted a report concerning RH-G Rezoning andSubdivision Application South of Rosemary Heights.

The General Manager, Planning & Development was recommending that Council:

1. Receive this report as information.

2. Instruct the Planning & Development Department and the applicant to implement the program of publicconsultation as outlined in this report to determine public facility needs, long term servicing needs and options,and an acceptable site layout and building scheme and report back to Council prior to Third Reading beingconsidered for the Rezoning By-law.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That Council:

1. Receive Corporate Report R1001 as information.

2. Instruct the Planning & Development Department and the applicant to implement the program of publicconsultation as outlined in this report to determine public facility needs, long term servicing needs and options,and an acceptable site layout and building scheme and report back to Council prior to Third Reading beingconsidered for the Rezoning By-law.

There was no Seconder to a motion by Councillor Higginbotham to amend the motion by replacing"Third Reading" with "Fourth Reading".

Before the motion was put:

It was Moved by Councillor Huot Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That any further action on By-law 12885, be postponed until further studies have been completedand a Public Information meeting has been held by the applicant.

RES.96-2598 Carried

Item No. R1002 Revenue & Expenditure Status to July 31, 1996 (0872-030)

The General Manager, Finance submitted a report concerning Revenue and Expenditure Status to July31, 1996.

The General Manager, Finance was recommending that the report be received for information.

It was Moved by Councillor Robinson Seconded by Councillor Huot

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That Corporate Report R1002 be received for information.RES.96-2599 Carried

Item No. R1003 Capital Spending Levels Versus Reserve Fund Levels File: 0270-096

The General Manager, Finance submitted a report, in response to Council's request at the RegularCouncil meeting of June 29, 1996, on Capital Spending Levels versus Reserve Fund Levels.

The General Manager, Finance was recommending that the report be received for information.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That Corporate Report R1003 be received for information.

RES.96-2600 Carried

The Regular Council meeting recessed at 9:30 p.m. and reconvened at 9:43 p.m. with Councillor Watkins, CouncillorHigginbotham, Councillor McKinnon, Councillor Villeneuve, and Mayor Bose in attendance. Councillor McCallumand Councillor Huot returned to the meeting as indicated in the minutes. Councillor Robinson did not return to themeeting.



1. "Surrey Zoning By-law, 1979, No. 5942, Amendment By-law, 1992, No. 11384"

5689-0534-00 - 2681323 Ltd.

RS to R-T(1) - 15962 - 82 Avenue - to permit a 64-unit townhouse development.

Approved by Council: June 30, 1992

* The Planning & Development Department (reference memorandum dated August 1, 1996 in by-law back-up) is requesting that Council file By-law No. 11384 as the applicant has not addressed the outstandingrequirements and has not responded to the registered letter sent on March 27, 1996 advising that unlessoutstanding requirements were addressed within 30 days, the file would be closed.

* Council is requested to file By-law No. 11384.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That "Surrey Zoning By-law, 1979, No. 5942, Amendment By-law, 1992, No. 11384" be filed.

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RES.96-2601 Carried


2. "Portion of Lane Between Grosvenor and Antrim Roads at Hansen Road Road Exchange By-law, 1996,No. 12881"

0023-12881/6093-0457 - Kum Won Kim

To authorize the closure of an approximate 89.7 square metre portion of Lane between Grosvenor andAntrim Roads at Hansen Road and its exchange for an approximate 182.9 square metre portion of13918 Grosvenor Road. This exchange will accommodate the future widening of Hansen Road.

Compensation: $1.00

Approved by Council: June 10, 1996Corporate Report Item S771

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor Watkins That "Portion of Lane Between Grosvenor and Antrim Roads at Hansen Road Road Exchange By-law, 1996, No. 12881" be finally adopted, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with theCorporate Seal.

RES.96-2602 Carried

3. "Portion of Lane Between King George Highway and 134 Street at 64 Avenue Road Closing By-law,1996, No. 12884"

0023-12884/1795-308/R-94-330 - Council Initiative

To authorize the closure of an approximate 57 square metre portion of Lane between King George Highwayand 134 Street at 64 Avenue.

Approved by Council: July 15, 1996Corporate Report Item No. S789

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Higginbotham That "Portion of Lane Between King George Highway and 134 Street at 64 Avenue Road ClosingBy-law, 1996, No. 12884" be finally adopted, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with theCorporate Seal.

RES.96-2603 Carried

4. "Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 1995, No. 12535"

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5692-0290-00 - Maximillian Mueller

C-H (BL 5942) to CD (BL 12000) - Portion of 7525 King George Highway - to allow for the followingadditional uses: banks, professional offices, government offices, finance offices, data processing centres,medical and dental offices, law offices, accountants offices, and general business offices.

Approved by Council: November 8, 1994

Note: The Public Hearing on this application was held on February 27, 1995.

* The Planning & Development Department advises (reference memorandum dated August 7, 1996 in by-law back-up) that the reason for the delay in bringing this application to Final Adoption was the difficulty inresolving outstanding servicing requirements triggered by the proposed addition of uses.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Watkins That "Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 1995, No. 12535" be finallyadopted, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with the Corporate Seal.

RES.96-2604 Carried

5. "Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, 1983, No. 7600, No. 207 Amendment By-law, 1994, No.12509"

2394-0015-00 - Mirada Developments

To authorize the redesignation of 2658, 2668, 2680, 2692, 2704 & 2716 King George Highway and2727 Parkway Drive from "Urban (URB)" to "Multiple Residential (RM)".

Approved by Council: November 22, 1994

* This By-law is proceeding in conjunction with By-laws 12510 & 12511.

* Note: A Development Permit (6794-0015-00) on the site is to be considered for Final Approval underItem I.2.(a).

* Note: The Public Hearing on this application was held on February 27, 1995.

* Planning & Development advise that the reason for the delay in bringing this application to FinalAdoption was due to the resolution of engineering servicing concerns and market conditions.

* Planning & Development further advise that it is now in order for Council to pass a resolution amendingthe Semiahmoo Peninsula Local Area Plan to redesignate the site from Urban Residential to MultipleResidential Townhouse.

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham

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Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That the Semiahmoo Peninsula Local Area Plan be amended to redesignate the site from UrbanResidential to Multiple Residential Townhouse.

RES.96-2605 Carried with Councillor Villeneuve and Mayor Bose against.

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor McCallum That "Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, 1983, No. 7600, No. 207 Amendment By-law, 1994,No. 12509" be finally adopted, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with the Corporate Seal.

RES.96-2606 Carried with Mayor Bose against.

6. "Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, 1983, No. 7600, Text No. 158 Amendment By-law, 1994, No.12510"

2394-0015-00 - Mirada Developments

To amend Chapter 4, Section C, to declare 2658, 2668, 2680, 2692, 2704 & 2716 King George Highwayand 2727 Parkway Drive as Development Permit Area LXX.

Approved by Council: November 22, 1994

* This By-law is proceeding in conjunction with By-laws 12509 & 12511.

* Note: A Development Permit (6794-0015-00) on the site is to be considered for Final Approval underItem I.2.(a).

* Note: The Public Hearing on this application was held on February 27, 1995.

* Planning & Development advise that the reason for the delay in bringing this application to FinalAdoption was due to the resolution of engineering servicing concerns and market conditions.

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That "Surrey Official Community Plan By-law, 1983, No. 7600, Text No. 158 Amendment By-law,1994, No. 12510" be finally adopted, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with the CorporateSeal.

RES.96-2607 Carried

7. Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 1994, No. 12511

5694-0015-00 - Mirada Developments

RM-D & RF (BL 12000) to RM-30 (BL 12000) - 2658, 2668, 2680, 2692, 2704 & 2716 KingGeorge Highway and 2727 Parkway Drive - to permit the development of 88 townhouse units.

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Approved by Council: November 22, 1994

* This By-law is proceeding in conjunction with By-laws 12509 & 12510.

* Note: A Development Permit (6794-0015-00) on the site is to be considered for Final Approval underItem I.2.(a).

* Note: The Public Hearing on this application was held on February 27, 1995.

* Planning & Development advise that the reason for the delay in bringing this application to FinalAdoption was the resolution of engineering servicing concerns and market conditions.

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Higginbotham That Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 1994, No. 12511 be finallyadopted, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and sealed with the Corporate Seal.

RES.96-2608 Carried with Councillor Villeneuve and Mayor Bose against.


8. "Surrey Notice of Public Hearings Mailing By-law, 1981, No. 6727, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12906"

0023-12906 - Regulatory Text Amendment

To amend "Surrey Notice of Public Hearings Mailing By-law, 1981, No. 6727," as amended by deletingreference to Section 720 of the "Municipal Act", as this section has been repealed, and inserting Section957 in its place; by adding the word "General" to the title "Manager, Legislative Services (City Clerk)";and by changing the mailing date for the Notice of Public Hearing to "not less than ten (10) days beforethe date of the hearing" in order to comply with Municipal Act Legislation.

Approved by Council: To be introduced on September 3, 1996

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That "Surrey Notice of Public Hearings Mailing By-law, 1981, No. 6727, Amendment By-law, 1996,No. 12906" pass its first reading.

RES.96-2609 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the second time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That "Surrey Notice of Public Hearings Mailing By-law, 1981, No. 6727, Amendment By-law, 1996,No. 12906" pass its second reading.

RES.96-2610 Carried

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The said By-law was then read for the third time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That "Surrey Notice of Public Hearings Mailing By-law, 1981, No. 6727, Amendment By-law, 1996,No. 12906" pass its third reading.

RES.96-2611 Carried

9. "Sewer Main Construction (4789-919) By-law, 1990, No. 10719, Amendment By-law, 1996, No. 12907"

0023-12709 - Council Initiative

To amend "Sewer Main Construction (4789-919) By-law, 1990, No. 10719" by deleting Section 8. (a)and inserting new Section 8. (a) in its place; by deleting the words "of $7,000" in Section 8. (c); and bydeleting Schedules "B" and "C" and appending new Schedules "B" and "C" in their place. Theseamendments which revise the owner's costs are required to incorporate the actual costs of theconstruction of the project, along 13A Avenue from approximately 13400 Block to 136 Street.

Approved by Council: June 29, 1996Corporate Report Item R981

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor McCallum That "Sewer Main Construction (4789-919) By-law, 1990, No. 10719, Amendment By-law, 1996,No. 12907" pass its first reading.

RES.96-2612 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the second time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Lewin That "Sewer Main Construction (4789-919) By-law, 1990, No. 10719, Amendment By-law, 1996,No. 12907" pass its second reading.

RES.96-2613 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the third time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That "Sewer Main Construction (4789-919) By-law, 1990, No. 10719, Amendment By-law, 1996,No. 12907" pass its third reading.

RES.96-2614 Carried

10. "Surrey Authorized Signatories By-law, 1994, No. 12507, Amendment By-law, 1996, No. 12908"

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0023-12908 - Regulatory Text Amendment

To amend "Surrey Authorized Signatories By-law, 1994, No. 12507" in Section 10. by deleting the date"January 18, 1993" and inserting the date "January 23, 1995" in its place, and by deleting Schedule "B"and appending new Schedule "B" in its place in order to reflect the revised City Policy No. G-3 datedJanuary 23, 1995 which outlines the City Manager's signing authority.

Approved by Council: To be introduced on September 3, 1996.

Councillor Huot returned to the meeting at 9:46 p.m.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Lewin That "Surrey Authorized Signatories By-law, 1994, No. 12507, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12908" pass its first reading.

RES.96-2615 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the second time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Lewin That "Surrey Authorized Signatories By-law, 1994, No. 12507, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12908" pass its second reading.

RES.96-2616 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the third time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Lewin That "Surrey Authorized Signatories By-law, 1994, No. 12507, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12908" pass its third reading.

RES.96-2617 Carried

11. "Local Improvements Cost Sharing By-law, 1970, No. 3250, Amendment By-law, 1996, No. 12909"

0023-12909/5003-001 - Council Initiative

"Local Improvements Cost Sharing By-law, 1970, No. 3250," is amended by revising the LocalImprovement Program owner's share frontage costs to reflect 1996 construction costs.

Approved by Council: July 22, 1996Corporate Report Item R968

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot

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That "Local Improvements Cost Sharing By-law, 1970, No. 3250, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12909" pass its first reading.

RES.96-2618 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the second time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That "Local Improvements Cost Sharing By-law, 1970, No. 3250, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12909" pass its second reading.

RES.96-2619 Carried

The said By-law was then read for the third time.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That "Local Improvements Cost Sharing By-law, 1970, No. 3250, Amendment By-law, 1996, No.12909" pass its third reading.

RES.96-2620 Carried


12. "Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment By-law, 1996, No. 12902"

6394-5021-00 - L. and L. Wegleitner

RA (BL 12000) to CD (BL 12000) - 19045 - 86 Avenue - to allow one secondary suite in anowner occupied suburban single family dwelling.

Approved by Council: July 30, 1996

* Note: At the July 30, 1996 Regular Council meeting Council passed First and Second Readings to By-law No. 12902 and set the Public Hearing date for Monday, September 9, 1996.

* The Planning & Development Department (reference memorandum dated August 16, 1996 in by-lawback-up) advises that a minor amendment to Section 2. E - Lot Coverage is required to read from "Notapplicable to this zone" to "The maximum lot coverage shall be 20%". This change will enhance Surrey'scontrol of future construction on the site under the CD zone guidelines. The change does not permit anexpansion of uses or relaxation of any of the other CD by-law requirements.

* Council is requested to amend By-law No. 12902 in Section 2. E - Lot Coverage by deleting the words"Not applicable to this zone" and inserting the words "The maximum lot coverage shall be 20%" in their place.

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor Watkins That Council amend By-law No. 12902 in Section 2. E - Lot Coverage by deleting the words "Not

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applicable to this zone" and inserting the words "The maximum lot coverage shall be 20%" in theirplace.

RES.96-2621 Carried


1. Formal Approval of Development Variance Permits

It is in order for Council to now pass resolutions authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the followingpermits:

(a) Development Variance Permit No. 6995-0269-00 Cambridge Business Centre 282783 B.C. Ltd. Rellim Management Ltd. 13030 - 76 Avenue

To relax the maximum road length for a cul-de-sac in an industrial zone from 110 metres to 242metres.

No concerns had been expressed by abutting property owners prior to printing of the Agenda.

It was Moved by Councillor Huot Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That Development Variance Permit No. 6995-0269-00 be approved; that the Mayor and Clerkbe authorized to sign the Development Variance Permit; and that Council authorize the transferof the Permit to the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the title of theland within the terms of the Permit.

RES.96-2622 Carried

(b) Development Variance Permit No. 7996-0121-00 Elizabeth A. Marini 2779 McBride Avenue

To relax the minimum building elevation of 3.3m (Geodetic Survey of Canada (GSC) Datum) tonot less than 0.3 metres above the fronting ground for Crescent Beach building permitapplications.

No concerns had been expressed by abutting property owners prior to printing of the Agenda.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That Development Variance Permit No. 7996-0121-00 be approved; that the Mayor and Clerkbe authorized to sign the Development Variance Permit; and that Council authorize the transferof the Permit to the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the title of the

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land within the terms of the Permit.RES.96-2623 Carried

(c) Development Variance Permit No. 7995-0168-00 Abby Downs Construction Ltd. 2422/26/34 King George Highway 2449 - 155 Street

To relax the southerly side yard setback from the required 7.5m to 0m along the front portion ofthe site adjacent to an existing commercial building, as per Drawing A, to accommodate acomprehensive retail/warehouse development comprised of four parcels.

No concerns had been expressed by abutting property owners prior to printing of the Agenda.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That Development Variance Permit No. 7995-0168-00 be approved; that the Mayor and Clerkbe authorized to sign the Development Variance Permit; and that Council authorize the transferof the Permit to the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the title of theland within the terms of the Permit.

RES.96-2624 Carried

(d) Development Variance Permit No. 7996-0146-00 Silver Park Holdings 10707 - 139 Street

To relax the front yard setback for balconies from 7.5 metres to 6.62 metres and the rear yardsetback for balconies from 7.5 metres to 7.49 metres to allow a 3-story, 54 unit apartmentbuilding.

No concerns had been expressed by abutting property owners prior to printing of the Agenda.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McCallum That Development Variance Permit No. 7996-0146-00 be approved; that the Mayor and Clerkbe authorized to sign the Development Variance Permit; and that Council authorize the transferof the Permit to the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the title of theland within the terms of the Permit.

RES.96-2625 Carried

2. Formal Approval of Development Permits

(a) Development Permit No. 6794-0015-00 Miranda Developments

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2658, 2668, 2680, 2692, 2704 & 2716 King George Highway 2727 Parkway Drive

Memo received from the Manager, Area Planning & Development Division, Planning &Development, requesting Council to pass the following resolution:

"That Development Permit No. 6794-0015-00 be approved; that the Mayor and Clerk beauthorized to sign the Development Permit; and that Council authorize the transer of the Permitto the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the title of the land within theterms of the Permit."

NOTE: See by-law Nos. 12509, 12510 and 12511 of this agenda under Item Nos. H.5.6.and 7.

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Huot That Development Permit No. 6794-0015-00 be approved; that the Mayor and Clerkbe authorized to sign the Development Permit; and that Council authorize the transer of thePermit to the heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the title of the landwithin the terms of the Permit

RES.96-2626 Carried

3. Application/By-laws/Permits to be Filed

(a) Official Community Plan Amendment Larry Ellis 6023, 49, 71, 83, 95 - 126 Street 6119 - 126 Street; 12503 - 60 Avenue File: 2390-0245-00

Memo from the Manager, Central Surrey Section, Planning & Development, advising that thesubject properties were designated from Suburban to Urban at the November 7, 1994 RegularCouncil meeting. As a result, the above application is no longer required.

Planning & Development are recommending to Council that Official Community PanAmendment 2390-0245-00 be lifted from the table and filed.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor Lewin That Official Community Plan Amendment 2390-0245-00 be lifted from the table.

RES.96-2627 Carried

It was Moved by Councillor Huot Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That Official Community Plan Amendment 2390-0245-00 be filed.

RES.96-2628 Carried

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4. Delegation Requests

(a) Tai Nguyen (0065-012; 2152-10150)

Requesting to appear before Council to speak about the building permit application which does nothave a building permit due to differences regarding building guidelines.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That Tai Nguyen be heard as a delegation at Council-in-Committee.

RES.96-2629 Carried

(b) Greg Verhagen General Manager, Grower Services Money's Mushrooms (0065-012; 2152-19000)

Requesting to appear before Council to review the history of Money's Mushrooms and to set therecord straight as to what steps have and continue to be taken to resolve the issue with neighboursregarding their operation. Mr. Verhagen requests at least 30 minutes for his presentation.

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Huot That Mr. Verhagen be heard as a delegation at Council-in-Committee.

RES.96-2630 Carried

5. Tag Days

(a) Canadian Diabetes Association(0861-001)

Requesting permission to hold tag days in the City of Surrey and canvass door to door fromNovember 1 to 15, 1996.

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor Huot That the Canadian Diabetes Association be given permission to hold tag days in the City ofSurrey from November 1 to 15, 1996.

RES.96-2631 Carried

(b) Peace Arch Community Services

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Requesting permission to hold a tag day on November 16, 1996, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,to canvass the White Rock/South Surrey shopping area for the White Rock/South Surrey FoodBank.

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor Huot That the Peace Arch Community Services be given permission to hold a tag day onNovember 16, 1996.

RES.96-2632 Carried

6. Police Committee - Quarterly Report First Quarter - 1996

(0042-001; 8020-001)

Council is requested to pass the following resolution:

"That the Police Committee Quarterly Report for the First Quarter of 1996 be received."

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor McCallum That the Police Committee Quarterly Report for the First Quarter of 1996 be received.

RES.96-2633 Carried

7. How to Prevent and Resolve Public Controversy One-Day Strategic Workshop Victoria, BC - Wednesday, September 25, 1996


Council is requested to pass a resolution authorizing all members of Council to attend a one-dayworkshop entitled "How to Prevent and Resolve Public Controversy", to be held in Victoria BC,Wednesday, September 25, 1996, and that expenses be paid in accordance with Council policy.

It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor Villeneuve That all members of Council be authorized to attend a one-day workshop entitled "How to Preventand Resolve Public Controversy", to be held in Victoria BC, Wednesday, September 25, 1996, and thatexpenses be paid in accordance with Council policy.

RES.96-2634 Carried

8. 18th Annual Crime Prevention Training Symposium "Preventing Crime: Safe and Diverse Communities"

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Vancouver, BC - September 26 - 28, 1996(0053-001)

Council is requested to pass a resolution authorizing all members of Council to attend the 18th AnnualCrime Prevention Training Symposium, "Preventing Crime: Safe and Diverse Communities", to be heldin Vancouver, BC, September 26 to 28, 1996, and that expenses be paid in accordance with Councilpolicy.

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor Lewin That all members of Council be authorized to attend the 18th Annual Crime Prevention TrainingSymposium, "Preventing Crime: Safe and Diverse Communities", to be held in Vancouver, BC,September 26 to 28, 1996, and that expenses be paid in accordance with Council policy.

RES.96-2635 Carried



It was Moved by Councillor Higginbotham Seconded by Councillor Huot That the following correspondence Item 1 be received, the actions be approved and the appropriate personor agency be informed.

RES.96-2636 Carried

1. Letter, dated August 16, 1996, from Ruth Renwick, expressing concern with the noise emanating fromthe ice cream trucks that drive through their Newton suburb of cul-de-sacs off 125 Street every hour on thehour and suggesting that Council allow bidding and have only one company, or eliminate the loud music fromthe ice cream trucks. File: 0024-001; 2152-07750

COMMENT/ACTION: This letter was referred to By-law Enforcement who advises this type of business inthe City of Surrey is categorized as a Mobile Vendor and licensed pursuant to the Business License By-law No.4747.

By-law Enforcement further advises that the general regulations of the Noise By-law No. 7044 regulatenoise in the City. However, the regulation is very broad and subjective in its application, making it verydifficult to gather evidence and proceed with a charge. For this reason, among others, the Noise By-law iscurrently being reviewed by the City Solicitor and amendments will be forthcoming shortly. Amendments inthis case will tend to regulate noise while at the same time not prohibiting outright the operation of thiscategory of business.

The suggestion of Council establishing a bidding process to allow only one company to operate in the Citywould be too restrictive and would more likely be successfully challenged in court.

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2. Letter, dated August 5, 1996, from Pat Tierney, Chairperson (Canadian Committee), VeteransRecognition and Remembrance Services, seeking a donation of $120 to help sponsor their program ofvolunteer visits to the grave sites of young Canadian veterans on Remembrance Day. File: 0310-001

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That the letter from Pat Tierney, Chairperson (Canadian Committee) of the Veterans Recognitionand Remembrance Services seeking a donation of $120 to help sponsor their program of volunteer visitsto the grave sites of young Canadian veterans on Remembrance Day be referred to the GrantsCommittee.

RES.96-2637 Carried

3. Letter, dated July 23, 1996, from The Honourable Dan Miller, Minister of Municipal Affairs andHousing, advising that the provincial government has introduced legislation authorizing the Greater VancouverSewerage and Drainage District (the Corporation) to impose regional development cost charges by allowingthe Corporation and a member municipality to enter into an agreement under which the municipality does notimpose the development cost charges and, instead, collects an equivalent amount through general taxation andremits this to the Corporation. These amendments are part of Bill 8, the Municipal Affairs and HousingStatutes Amendment Act (copy attached to the backup). File: 0003-136; 0046-004

It was Moved by Councillor McCallum Seconded by Councillor Lewin That the letter from The Honourable Dan Miller, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, bereferred to staff for a report.

RES.96-2638 Carried

4. Letter, dated August 8, 1996, from Peter W. Sturkenboom, advising that a majority of 137 households inthe area oppose the Parks and Recreation proposal to a build a sports facility in Chimney Hill Park. Thecommunity has proposed alternatives and are asking for Council's support and help on this issue. File: 8350-001

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor Lewin That the letter from Peter W. Sturkenboom be received.

RES.96-2639 Carried

5. Letter, dated August 13, 1996, from Robert Madge, Director of Marketing, The Forest IndustryNetwork, advising that their organization is in the process of preparing a proposal to tender for Forest RenewalBC to take over and operate an existing service called the BC Wood Fibre Network which is a program thatwill assist putting unemployed forestry workers in the community back to work and are seeking Council'ssupport in the form of a letter.

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File: 0003-001; 0860-001

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That the letter from Robert Madge, Director of Marketing, The Forest Industry Network, seekingCouncil's support in the form of a letter, be received.

RES.96-2640 Carried

It was Moved by Councillor McKinnon Seconded by Councillor Watkins That the following Items 6 - 10 be received.

RES.96-2641 Carried

6. Letter, dated August 12, 1996, from Cheryl Ziola, Manager of Education Services, Forest EducationBritish Columbia, inviting Council to nominate the City of Surrey to become the Forestry Capital of BC for1997 and providing a nomination package. File: 0864-001; 0030-001

7. Letter , dated August 15, 1996, from The Honourable Paul Ramsey, Minister of Environment, Landsand Parks, enclosing a cheque in the amount of $77,250 which represents one-quarter of the combined capitaland promotional costs associated with the city's 1995 Backyard Compost Bin Distribution Program, andcommending the City of Surrey for working to reduce municipal solid waste in British Columbia. File: 0312-001

8. Letter, dated August 20, 1996, from Brenda Chamberlain, M.P., Guelph-Wellington, asking Council toa motion of support for Bill C-302, which proposes An Oath (or Pledge) of Allegiance to the Flag of Canada,and also asking that Council encourage participation of our constituents to send suggestions for the wording ofan Oath. File: 0021-001; 0003-009

9. Letter, dated August 23, 1996, from Dallas Cy Jenny providing Council with an information packagefrom Very Independent Television (VITV) for review and support. File: 1102-001

10. Letter, dated August 28, 1996, from Grace and Ron Morin, advising that at the July 30, 1996Reconvened Council-in-Committee meeting, Council defeated a motion regarding property at 1320 - 131 Streetto replace the existing pitched roof with a flat roof, enclosing a legal opinion from their lawyers, Bull, Housser& Tupper, and are requesting Council's reconsideration of this motion. File: 2152-13100

Note: At the July 30, 1996 Reconvened Council-in-Committee meeting (minutes adopted earlier on thisagenda), Council referred this matter to the Solicitor for review and opinion.

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Letter of Thanks - Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks

It was Moved by Councillor Villeneuve Seconded by Councillor Lewin That a letter of thanks be sent to The Honourable Paul Ramsey for the cheque in the amount of$77,250, representing one-quarter of the combined capital and promotional costs associated with theCity's 1995 Backyard Compost Bin Distribution Program.

RES.96-2642 Carried


1. 7995-0099-00 12726 - 64 Avenue 415997 B.C. Ltd. Development Permit to allow a 52-unit townhouse development for social housing.

At the July 29, 1996 Regular Council meeting, Councillor Lewin gave notice to bring back Resolution96-2222 of the July 23, 1996 Regular Council minutes, authorizing staff to draft a Development Permit.

Note: Planning and Development advises that plans are underway to conduct the Public Informationmeeting. Planning and Development will report to Council as to the results of that meeting.

In light of the above information, Councillor Lewin requested that this item remain on the Agenda untilsuch time as the Public Information Meeting has been held.

2. Stetson Bowl

Councillor Watkins submitted the following Notice of Motion:

"That Council institute an inquiry into the problems of Stetson Bowl, with particular emphasis on themissing $114,000 from capital funds."



It was Moved by Councillor Watkins Seconded by Councillor McKinnon That the Regular Council meeting do now adjourn and that the next Regular Council meeting be held on

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Tuesday, September 10, 1996, at 7:00 p.m.RES.96-2643 Carried

The Regular Council meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.