Download - Tuckmans' stages of team development Pecha Kucha

Page 1: Tuckmans' stages of team development Pecha Kucha

Letter to Santa

Pecha Kucha

20 slides by 20 seconds

Page 2: Tuckmans' stages of team development Pecha Kucha

Bruce Tuckman

Professor Emeritus of Educational Psychology at the Ohio State University

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Page 4: Tuckmans' stages of team development Pecha Kucha

Tuckman stages of team development

• Team follows the stages as gettingmature

• Not all team goestill the end

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• Initial contact

• Get to know your team (casual meetings)

• Members are treated as strangers

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Forming. Question to answer

• Who are these people?

• What is expected of me?

• Who is going to lead?

• What is supposed to happen?

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• We know each other. Let’s do some job!

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• Team confilics

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• Who is the lider?

• Why my opinion is not recognized?

• What is our goal?

• How we are going to achive it?

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• We do need a conflict!

• It could help us to move to the next stage

• Unfortunately, too many teams stop at thisstage.

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• What’s wrong?

• What’s wrong with our goal?

• What’s wrong with our roles?

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• Emerging trust

• Create cohesion in goals and they way of thereachivements

• Roles are differentiated

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• Expectations are identified

• Start to work as one unit

• Starting to think how

we can support other in

the team

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Performing• High performance

• Trust

• Everyone knows what they are doing and why

• More tolerance to others ideas, behaviour etc

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• The end of the project.

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Why does it matter?

• We know what to expect and how to movefurther (to high performance)

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Team work everywhere

• We all work in teams!

• „Free radicals” is a team

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Last year Marshmellow challenge

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Letter to Santa

• Groups of 4-6 people

• No lider

• Team pen

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Let’s have fun!





