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A Mustard Seed Ministry Production (2005)

Page 2: Tsunami

On December 26, 2004 an earthquake with a magnitude Of above 8.0 on the richter scale struck below The Indian Ocean. Two to three hours later a deadly wave hit The seashores of Africa and Asia, up to 30 or more feet high In some places. Persons frolicking on the beach were immediately Engulfed by the massive ripcurl. Persons inland for miles felt The force of the powerful tidal wave. Buildings were crushed In the path of the water. Cars were crumpled like tin foil. Walls were flattened. Boats were carried inland some of them Landing on top of houses. Corpses Were found everywhere. Day by day the death toll increased And is most recently up to 170,000. This was the most devastatingNatural disaster in living memory; beyond comparison.

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I arrived in Thailand shortly after New Years Day.Beyond solely disaster relief, I am an evangelistAnd used the opportunity to tell the Good NewsWhile doing so in a sensitive manner given theCircumstances. In fact, the circumstances providedThe context for giving comfort and prayer. This Was not a “be-happy” evangelical crusade, but A comforting, faith-driven, relational point-of-contact.I provided water and Bibles, prayer and comfort. NotI, but God through me. And I was given a look at a Country that is almost completely void of steeplesAnd crosses that you take for granted in a country likeThe U.S.A. There were virtually no Christian churches.This is a country of temples & mosques. The peopleAre peaceful, and seemingly content; but there is A void waiting to be filled.

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Below you will see some of what I saw; but for a closer look, see the video:

“Tsunami Relief for Christ!”

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A Mighty Duck

Music Heard on 102.25 FM Radio, Thailand

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One of the check-inGals at Korean Air

Thailand & BuddhistArchitecture

An Islamic ExceptionMusic Heard 90.75 fm inPrachuap Kirikan, Thailand Radio

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Some of the gods and goddessesOf Buddhism

Music Heard on 100 fm Near Chumphon, Thailand Radio

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I came upon this temple duringA ‘festival’ period (10 days ofWorship at 4:00 a.m. returningFrom tsunami relief. TheyWere actively worshipping at The temple. The temple leadersGave me a tour of this largeTemple complex (only a partOf which is shown here; it was Too dark to take clear pictures)And I witnessed to them uponDeparture handing the threeLeaders a New Testament Bible

Thailand & BuddhistArchitecture

See thePerson bowingDown to the golden image

Music Heard on 100.5 Fm, Near Ranong, Thailand Radio

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One of theMany Orange-Clad Monks

One of the WildMonkeys

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Music Heard on 106.75 fm, Thailand Radio

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More of the gods and goddessesOf Buddhism

Music Heard on 94.25 fm in Chumphon, Thailand Radio

Heard on 102.25 fm

At 243 pm

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Piles & PilesOf Coconuts

Music Heard on 107.25, Chumphon, Thailand Radio

Heard on 90.75 fm

As we approached Prachuap Kirikan,

Thailand at 11:55 am

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The missing

Corpse Photo

Some places right next toDestroyed areasdidn’t get touchedAt all. It seems to have somethingTo do with the shore bed

A Barely StandingBuilding

Heard on 100

fm Near Chumphon, Thailand

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News Heard on

Thailand Radio, 90.5 Fm Near Phuket

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Pile of Rubble

Destroyed Cars

Toppled Statue

A Kid Helping Out

A Destroyed Boat

Music Heard on 100.25 fm, Thailand Radio

Heard on 100.5

Fm as we approached

Ranong, Thailand at

3:40 a.m on 1/7/04

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Mattresses from aDestroyed Hotel at Patong Beach in Phuket (fooket)

Music Heard on 104.75 fm, Thailand Radio

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