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Emotional /Behavioral Disorders

Strategies to address behavioural problems in class and school.

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What is Emotional/Behavioural


EBD to refers to children/teenagers with severe behavioural problems that have strong underlying emotional causes.  There are many children with behaviour problems who do not have the types of severe traumatic experiences that require the behaviour intervention planning process.

EBD to refers to children/teenagers with severe behavioural problems that have strong underlying emotional causes.  There are many children with behaviour problems who do not have the types of severe traumatic experiences that require the behaviour intervention planning process.

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Common Behaviours of pupils with EBD

persistently disruptive (eg calling out in class, refusing to work, annoying other pupils, etc)

emotionally immature (eg being tearful, withdrawing from normal social situations or throwing tantrums)

physically and verbally aggressive and unable to form positive social relationships.

persistently disruptive (eg calling out in class, refusing to work, annoying other pupils, etc)

emotionally immature (eg being tearful, withdrawing from normal social situations or throwing tantrums)

physically and verbally aggressive and unable to form positive social relationships.

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Characteristics of pupils with EBD

behaviour which constantly violates social rules and the rights of others

physical aggression, usually initiated by the pupil, that can take the form of bullying or cruelty to animals

destruction of property, such as arson or vandalism Stealing, ranging from borrowing from other pupils

possessions to shoplifting, car theft and burglary truancy from school cheating in school work early use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco sexual experience at an early age. Frequent outbursts of anger(Taken from:

behaviour which constantly violates social rules and the rights of others

physical aggression, usually initiated by the pupil, that can take the form of bullying or cruelty to animals

destruction of property, such as arson or vandalism Stealing, ranging from borrowing from other pupils

possessions to shoplifting, car theft and burglary truancy from school cheating in school work early use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco sexual experience at an early age. Frequent outbursts of anger(Taken from:

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What are the root causes of EBD?

Learning difficulties that impact a child’s abilities

A different discipline style or lifestyle in two separate environments which may cause one to react aversely to one them.

Organic or psychiatric disorders eg. A pupil who has constant muscle spasms

Life experiences that have threatened a pupil’s personal survival and psychological integrity

(Taken from:

Learning difficulties that impact a child’s abilities

A different discipline style or lifestyle in two separate environments which may cause one to react aversely to one them.

Organic or psychiatric disorders eg. A pupil who has constant muscle spasms

Life experiences that have threatened a pupil’s personal survival and psychological integrity

(Taken from:

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Why we need to deal with EBD ?

There is a potential for disruption of lessons if students with EBD are left unattended to.

Every student is important. A teacher should try his or her best to provide the most conducive environment possible for the student to study in.

EBDs can continue to increase in intensity and variety if left unattended to.

There is a potential for disruption of lessons if students with EBD are left unattended to.

Every student is important. A teacher should try his or her best to provide the most conducive environment possible for the student to study in.

EBDs can continue to increase in intensity and variety if left unattended to.

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Common Misconceptions ……

Student has always been like that Nothing can be done to change the situation this student is in

This issue will blow over after the lesson is over

The student does not want to improve his own condition/he does not try hard enough.

Student has always been like that Nothing can be done to change the situation this student is in

This issue will blow over after the lesson is over

The student does not want to improve his own condition/he does not try hard enough.

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What can a teacher do to help pupils with


Be mindful of the pupil’s sitting position in the classroom arrangement.

Create opportunities for pupils with EBD to interact with their peers. Eg. Buddy system, allocation of a fixed group for group work.

Provide positive reinforcement for good behaviour eg edible reinforcers (

Provide an area for “time out” eg (a corner where the pupil can choose to “cool down” when agitated

Be mindful of the pupil’s sitting position in the classroom arrangement.

Create opportunities for pupils with EBD to interact with their peers. Eg. Buddy system, allocation of a fixed group for group work.

Provide positive reinforcement for good behaviour eg edible reinforcers (

Provide an area for “time out” eg (a corner where the pupil can choose to “cool down” when agitated

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What the school can and will do

Provide counselling for pupils who are caught in this repeated patterns of behavioural problems

Identify students who are at-risk for special programmes after curriculum time like “Wannabe” which is held in our school

Make available the contact numbers of form teachers for parents who may need to work with form teachers.

Provide counselling for pupils who are caught in this repeated patterns of behavioural problems

Identify students who are at-risk for special programmes after curriculum time like “Wannabe” which is held in our school

Make available the contact numbers of form teachers for parents who may need to work with form teachers.

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What the school can and will do…

List and go through the set of expected behaviors and actions that will be taken if these behaviours are not displayed.

To provide for Teacher-mentors for pupils where pupils will be allowed to choose the teacher they desire to be mentored by. These teachers will monitor pupil behavior and discuss with them if any help is required.

List and go through the set of expected behaviors and actions that will be taken if these behaviours are not displayed.

To provide for Teacher-mentors for pupils where pupils will be allowed to choose the teacher they desire to be mentored by. These teachers will monitor pupil behavior and discuss with them if any help is required.

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Resources to be tapped on for follow up….

Pupil Assessment Form - A form that will help you gather more information of the behaviour of the pupil in other classes (especially for Form Teachers)

Parent Interview Form - To help you note down points of discussion with the parents

APIE cycle

Pupil Assessment Form - A form that will help you gather more information of the behaviour of the pupil in other classes (especially for Form Teachers)

Parent Interview Form - To help you note down points of discussion with the parents

APIE cycle

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Sample forms….Annex 1

Chung Cheng High (Yishun)

Pupil Assessment Form

Name: ____________________________ Class: __________________

Stream: ___________ Name of Form Teach er: _______________________

Observed Behaviour/ Traits (to be filled in by Form Teacher):





Signature: _________________

Name of teacher: __________________ Subject: _____________





S ignature: _____ _____ _____ __

Name of teache r: ___ _____ _____ _____ Sub ject: ____ _____ ____

Comm ents:

______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ __________ _____ _____ _____ ____ _

______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ __________ _____ _____ _____ ____ _

______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____

Signature: _____ _____ _____ __

Annex 1

Chung Cheng High (Yishun)

Pupil Assessment Form

Name: ____________________________ Class: __________________

Stream: ___________ Name of Form Teach er: _______________________

Observed Behaviour/ Traits (to be filled in by Form Teacher):





Signature: _________________

Name of teacher: __________________ Subject: _____________





S ignature: _____ _____ _____ __

Name of teache r: ___ _____ _____ _____ Sub ject: ____ _____ ____

Comm ents:

______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ __________ _____ _____ _____ ____ _

______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ __________ _____ _____ _____ ____ _

______ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ __________ _____ _____ _____ _____

Signature: _____ _____ _____ __

Name: ____________________________ Class: __________________

Stream: ___________ Name of Form Teacher: _______________________

Phone Interview: Face to Face Interview:

Important observations/comments by parent/guardian of the child:













Recorded on _________________________ Recorded By ____________

Annex 2 Chung Cheng High (Yishun)

Interview Form

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Many behaviours arelearned, therefore, they

can be unlearned and changed.

(Taken from:Towards inclusion: Section I-Basic Principles and Framework of Behaviour, P5: ‘Understanding Behaviour’)

Many behaviours arelearned, therefore, they

can be unlearned and changed.

(Taken from:Towards inclusion: Section I-Basic Principles and Framework of Behaviour, P5: ‘Understanding Behaviour’)