Download - TSI PAD-TAD Presentation 1507


The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 1© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Presented by Al AdamsenTalent Strategy Instituteal.adamsen@talentstrategyinstitute.com415-652-2745LinkedIn: Al AdamsenTwitter: @aladamsen

Aligning Personal & Professional DevelopmentThe Role of the Talent Assessment & Development (TAD) Framework

July, 2015

And how it’s replacing “Performance Management”

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 2© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

“The beginning of wisdom is calling things by their right names.”

- Chinese proverb

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 3© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Talent Acquisition. Talent Management. Talent Development. Personal Development. Training. Coaching. Career Development. Total Rewards…

In most organizations these processes are disparate: different frameworks, different systems, different data, different definitions, different insights, different owners… Frankly, a complete mess.

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 4© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."”

- Albert Einstein

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 5© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

How do people develop themselves? How “should” they develop…?

How do organizations systematically assess and develop talent today?

How “should” organizations assess and develop talent moving forward?

What if personal development and talent development were aligned?

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 6© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

How are jobs designed? Under what framework?

How are existing employees sought out for new jobs? Are they?

How are external candidates screened, interviewed, & selected?

What if these three processes are aligned? What if they’re not?

March 4th, 2015 7© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

Right now, how do individuals develop themselves?

What do I want to do?

What am I good at?

How do I achieve it?

March 4th, 2015 8© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development




Right now, how are job descriptions created?

March 4th, 2015 9© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 10© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

Skills Behaviors

Experience Education/Knowledge

Contributions/Accomplishments Activities

Relationships Intentions/Passions

Compensation/Financial Benefits/Wellness

The Personal Assessment & Development (PAD) Framework

Used for personal visioning, developing a plan/roadmap, identifying one’s personal Board of Directors, how to spend time, etc.

© 2015 Talent Strategy Institute

March 4th, 2015 11© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

The Talent Assessment & Development (TAD) Framework

Used for creating job descriptions, assessing talent, developing talent, and rewarding individual, team, and/or organizational contribution

Skills Behaviors

Experience Education/Knowledge

Contributions/Accomplishments Activities

Relationships Intentions/Passions

Compensation/Financial Benefits/Wellness

© 2015 Talent Strategy Institute

March 4th, 2015 12© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

Personal Development & Talent Development

Two sides of the same coin…

March 4th, 2015 13© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

SkillsTechnical skills related to a specific role

BehaviorsBehavioral "skills" related to the role, team, and org

ExperienceWhat someone has done, where they've done it, and for how long: this is an "audit" not a grade of how someone did

Education/KnowledgeFormal education (certificates, degrees, etc.) and informal knowledge (books read, workshops taken, etc.)

Contributions/AccomplishmentsWhat someone actually achieved, or what someone is expected to achieve (their goals), over a time period

ActivitiesHow someone spent his/her time; and how time should be spent moving forward

RelationshipsWhat relationships someone have now; and what relationships can/should be developed

Intentions/PassionsWhat goals they have, and what one's energy and focus

Compensation/FinancialWhat the organization is willing to pay and what an individual wants/needs to live and generate wealth

Benefits/WellnessThe additional offerings of an organization in relation to the critical needs or desires of an individual

The Talent Assessment & Development (TAD) Framework

© 2015 Talent Strategy Institute

March 4th, 2015 14© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development



& D



Recruit & Assess


Assessing both Internal & External Talent with the Same Lens

New Role/Job Description

Internal Candidates

External Candidates

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 15© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Workforce Planning & Analytics Together

24 months

Forecasted Demand for Talent

Forecasted Internal Talent Supply


Quantityof Talent

Talent Gap:How to fill? Internally & Externally?

Workers Entering the Organization

Workers Exiting the Organization

> 1, growing organization< 1, shrinking organization

12 months

© 2015 Talent Strategy Institute

March 4th, 2015 16© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

Performance Management is going away

1 --------------------- 2 --------------------- 3 --------------------- 4 --------------------- 5

The OLD Way:

It was about • identifying the “high performers”• The “high potentials” and • The bottom 10% and/or• The one’s that needed to be “managed out”








March 4th, 2015 17© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

The Talent Assessment & Development (TAD) FrameworkN

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to b

e C



Assessment Scale for Skills & Behaviors:

It’s about Frequency… Habits…Ways of Being…Confidence……about identifying those who develop rapidly and competently

The NEW Way:


The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 18© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Important to Millennials



The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 19© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

( )Strategists

Analytics Change


Research Agenda,

Process Improvements,

System Decisions,

Measurement Strategy


“A measurement strategy works in conjunction with an analytics strategy.”

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 20© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Workforce Planning

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 21© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute


The 4 C’s of Workforce Planning

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 22© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Workforce Planning Process

Current Headcount Attrition Talent Demand Talent Gap

Internal Development


External Recruiting Strategy



External Help

100 -20 110 -30 ? ? ? ?

(a) Internal Supply:Who do we have now?What are the critical roles?What are the critical skills?Where are they?What are their intentions?From where are they coming?

(c) Forecasted Internal Supply

(b) Talent Demand: What will we need? (e) Gap Analysis:

(Δb + Δd = c)How big is the gap? What can/should be done to

fill it?Development strategiesRecruiting strategies

Current StateAssessment

Future StateVisioning


Execute andAdjust

(d) Forecasted External Supply

(f) Take Action & Adjust:ImplementDevelopment strategiesRecruiting strategies

Workforce Plan

© 2015 Talent Strategy Institute

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 23© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy InstituteExternal View

Internal ViewBusiness Strategy

& Budget


Forecast Applicant Pool


Forecast Internal Supply

Talent Capacity &Labor Modeling

Business & Financial PlanningTalent Planning

Org. Design, Contingent Labor,

FT-PT Mix, etc.


© 2015 Talent Strategy Institute

Workforce Planning Model

Attributes of Successful Employees


Audit InternalSupply

Audit Labor Pools

Talent Demand(Quantity of Capability)The TAD Framework

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 24© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Workforce Planning and Total People Spend

Long Term Cost



ve A



Time HorizonShort Long



Low High

Full-Time EmployeesConsultants

Contractors/Temps Outsourcers


$ $

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 25© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

How great would it be if we aligned personal intentions and development with organizational needs, measurements, and development investment?

Can we make this happen?


What does being awesome at this look like?

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 26© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

We are…

Explorers Creators

The Role of the TAD Framework in Enabling Workforce PlanningAligning Personal Development & Talent Development

March 4th, 2015 27© 2004-2015 Al Adamsen and The Talent Strategy Institute

Presented by Al AdamsenTalent Strategy Instituteal.adamsen@talentstrategyinstitute.com415-652-2745LinkedIn: Al AdamsenTwitter: @aladamsen

Thank you! To makin’ great things happen!

July, 2015

Aligning Personal & Professional DevelopmentThe Role of the Talent Assessment & Development (TAD) Framework