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 Russia Vocabulary

y  Autocrat -believed that God had made him Tsar and that he therefore had absolute authority to

rule Russia 

y  Tsar-Russian monarch

y  Landowners an owner or proprietor of land.

y  Civil Service administrative part of a government

y  crowds group of people united by a common characteristic

y  Bloody Sunday - very large gathering of workers that came to the Tsars palace in St Petersburg

to ask for his help in improving working conditions and pay. The crowds were attacked by troops. 

y Str


A work stoppage undertaken in support of a bargaining position or in protest of some aspect of a previous agreement or proposed agreement

between labor and management.

y  Peasant revolts  revolution of agricultural worker who generally works land owned or

rented by/from a noble,

y  Mutiny Open rebellion against constituted authority

y  October Manifesto -a document which promised the middle classes a Duma (parliament) which

would give them some say in how Russia was run. 

y  Duma parliament for the middle class 

y  Peter Stolypin -chief minister appointed by the tsar to bring more reforms to Russia. 

y  Lena goldf ields in 1912-most important Russian protest 

y  middle class The socioeconomic class between the working class and the upper class,

usually including professionals, highly skilled laborers, and lower and middle management.

y  peasant farmers  A member of the class constituted by small farmers and tenants,

sharecroppers, and laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture.

y  Socialist Revolutionaries-opposition grouping that represented the peasant farmers and also

opposed the Bolsheviks 

y  Bolsheviks - were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) which

split apart from the Menshevik faction 

at the Second Party Congress in 1903. Lenin's adherents wereknown as "Bolsheviks", from bol'shinstvo ("majority").

y  Mensheviks- were a faction of the Russian revolutionary movement that emerged in 1904 after a

dispute between Vladimir Lenin and Julius Martov, both members of the Russian Social-Democratic

Labour Party."Mensheviks", derived from the Russian word (men'shinstvo, "minority"),

y  Communist -includes those that advocate the application of the social principles

of communism through a communist form of government. The name originates from the 1848

tract Manif esto of the Communist Par ty by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

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y  Casualties- war deaths

y  Goods-sellable resources

y  West-Western world(Europe, U.S.A)

y  Putilov armaments in Petrograd-place where the January 1917 strike took place

y  bread queues- long lines of people hoping for bread

y  Riot-violent public manifestation

y  Soviets  worker councils 

y  Kerensky -important leader of the Duma

y  abdicate - give up power

y  Prince Lvov- head of the Provisional Government of 1917

y  Lenin -Leader of the Bolsheviks came back from exile in Germany.

y   April theses were a series of directives issued by the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin of 

utmost importance, upon his return to Petrograd (Saint Petersburg), Russia from

his exile in Switzerland 

y  Peace, Land and Bread slogan of the Bolshevik leaders in 1917 

y  Leon Trotsky was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and theorist, Soviet politician, and the founder

and first leader of the Red Army.

y  Red Guards- Russian army under the control of Leon Trotsky

y  Karl  Marx - was a German philosopher, sociologist, economic historian, journalist,

andrevolutionary socialist who developed the socio-political theory of Marxism. 

y  Dictatorship of the proletariat refers to a socialist state in which the proletariat, or industrial

working class, have control of political power.

y  Communist party includes those that advocate the application of the social principles

of communism through a communist form of government.y  THE CHEKA- secret police 

y  Slogan- short advertising message 

y  Treaty of Brest-Litovsk:  peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918, at Brest-Litovsk between

Russia and the Central Powers, headed by Germany, marking Russia's exit from World War I. 

y  wealthy landlords-rich landowners 

y  collective- cooperative 

y  Whites-opposing grou to the Bolshevik Reds 

y  natinalised -taken over by the state

y  Red Terror - Opposition was rooted out 

y  NEP- New Economic Policy

y  Surplus- exceeding in produce

y  Sell- change for money

y  Prof it-economical gain

y  Trade-interchange 

y  Politburo-: ruling committee of the Communist Party in 1927. 

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y  Five -year plans- incredibly ambitious targets fro industrial production that had to achieve five


y  Collectivization- was a policy pursued under Stalin between 1928 and 1940. The goal of this

policy was to consolidate individual land and labour into collective farms 

y  Gulags- labor camps 

y  Kulaks- Kulaks were peasants who had become prosperous under the NEP