Download - trovato's notes: 5&7th september (imperialism)

  • 8/14/2019 trovato's notes: 5&7th september (imperialism)



    American ExceptionalismAmerica holds gods chosen people

    1871: Darwin wrote about natural selection: the best immigrated doAmerica- Interna tional Darwinism

    Idle unemploym ent would lead to violence. Darwin believed thatUS had to imperialize.

    Unemployment affects everyone:1 person laid off -> Buy cheaper goods ->manufacturers lose money ->

    workers laid off ->buy cheaper goods.


    Justificat ion : others are inferior to AmericansSena tor Albert Beveridge: believed that US could exploit others-sense of duty because they are inferior. Missionaries extolled virtues

    of American civilization

    The US looked to Asia and South America for resources and market .Diplomat John A. Kassa n said that the US was using up land- they mustexpand.

    Production exceeded demand => must exportProduction exceeded demand => tight federal money policies -> less

    loans to banks => farmers get no profit-> borrow money -> sink into

    debt-> DEPRESSIO N -> hopelessness, anger -> REVOLUTIONThe Grange and the Populace movements (agricultural)

    Railroad strike in 1871

    Chicago riot in 1886

    Pollman strike 1894(Pollman owned everything => pay cut => no other expenses lowered => people couldnt

    afford anything)

    Johnsons secretary of state William Henr y Seward and GrantsHamilton Fish thought that China was the answer: a botto mles s

  • 8/14/2019 trovato's notes: 5&7th september (imperialism)


    market . They wanted to acquire Canada and Latin A merica . Theymade treaties with Hawa ii and Samoa:

    Rutherford B. Hayes secretary of state William Everett established

    com mercial USA Garfields secretary of state James Blaine- brought peace and

    cultivated friendly relations with American countries for trade

    Fred Frelinguysen: bilateral reciprocity- lower tariffs and stimula tetrade.mid 1880s

    congress reevaluated isolation policies

    navy was a joke- neede d stronger nav y to trade w ith china Chester Arthur (congress) passed act for 3 small cruisers and a

    dispatch boat (wh ite squadron) Under Grover Cleveland- squadron grew, personnel improved.

    Otto van Bismarck said that talking is not the answer- war wasnec essary .Benjamin Tracy wanted ships that could defend AND attack. Gooddefe nse is o ffen se (it shows strength- intimidation) He wanted todefe nd traders to improve trade. Wanted 2 fleets- atlantic and pacific.He was backed by Hale and Lodge (senators)

    1890: Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan wrote Influence of Sea Powerupon the Navy saying that naval power was the ke y the na tionalgreatne ss and without a powerful navy, they would never be a worldpower or have peace and prosperity.

    Public Opinion:

    When people hear something enough and start to believe it- they

    mentality. (Approved by politicians and media)

    Walter Q. Grisham (1893) said public opinion is made and controlled

    by thoughtful men of the country.