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I S S U E :


Readings for



Worship and

Pie Fest

Dine to

Donate at

Texas Roadhouse

Youth Activities

this Winter

Festival of

Nativities Details

Memorial and




Trinity Tidings N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 9

The Festival of the Reformation

Each year Reformation Day falls on October 31. The day commemorates Martin Luther

nailing the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Chapel in 1517. It is often celebrated

on the Sunday that falls before that day. This year that Sunday was October 27th.

Through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord describes the power and effectiveness of His word

with an analogy:

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it

without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields

seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from

my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire

and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11).

God’s word conveys God’s power. At creation, God spoke His word and the universe

came into being. Not by an accidental “big bang” but the designing, planning, powerful

word of God. “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, the starry host by the

breath of his mouth” (Psalm 33:6). At the end of this world, God’s word will be spoken

to raise the dead: “A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice

and come out” (John 5:28).

Paul confesses his confidence that the word of the Gospel is the very power of God for

salvation (Romans 1:16). It was the mighty word of the living God which brought the

monk, Martin Luther, to confess with St. Paul that we are “justified freely by His grace

through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). By God’s grace we

continue to rejoice in that powerful word today, knowing that our standing before God

has nothing to do with the quality of our life, but is based solely in the merit of Jesus

Christ alone.

God’s word works in unexpected ways. “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither

are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord” (Isaiah 55:8). Our enemies (the devil, the

world and our own sinful nature) would have us abandon the word of God, forget the

word, scorn the word, change the meaning of the word -- after all, they say, “Ours is a

(Continued on page 3)

Pastor’s Pen

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P A G E 2


Please join us after the

Thanksgiving Eve service for piece of pie and dollop of friendship! This is a wonder-

ful way to warm up the tummy with a piece of pie and share some fellowship with members

and visitors. Watch for the sign up sheet on the kiosk.


November 25th- Dine to Donate will be

held at Pizza Ranch from 5 pm-8 pm

From November 11—December 2 Texas

Roadhouse will give 10% of all gift card

sales to POP!

This Month:

Worship with us for Thanksgiving...

Wednesday evening at 6pm, Pie Fest to

follow, or Thursday morning at 9am both

with Holy Communion.

Let’s be Thankful!!

October 27

Monday 1 Chronicles 18-20

Tuesday 1 Chronicles 21

Wednesday 1 Chronicles 22

Thursday 1 Chronicles 23-27

Friday 1 Chronicles 28

Saturday 1 Chronicles 29

November 3

Monday 2 Chronicles 1-2

Tuesday 2 Chronicles 3-5

Wednesday 2 Chronicles 6-7

Thursday 2 Chronicles 8-9

Friday 2 Chronicles 10-11

Saturday 2 Chronicles 12

November 10

Monday 2 Chronicles 13-14

Tuesday 2 Chronicles 15-16

Wednesday 2 Chronicles 17-18

Thursday 2 Chronicles 19-20

Friday 2 Chronicles 21-22

Saturday 2 Chronicles 23-24

November 17

Monday 2 Chronicles 25-26

Tuesday 2 Chronicles 27-28

Wednesday 2 Chronicles 29

Thursday 2 Chronicles 30-31

Friday 2 Chronicles 32

Saturday 2 Chronicles 33

November 24

Monday 2 Chronicles 34-35

Tuesday 2 Chronicles 36

Wednesday Ezra 1-2

Thursday Ezra 3-4

Friday Ezra 5-6

Saturday Ezra 7-8

On Sunday Nov. 3rd at 4:00 pm Lutheran Island Camp will be

at Trinity to explain the “Building New Bridges”

Campaign. If you would like to take part, please speak to Pastor Hinz.

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P A G E 3


post-modern world and you cannot rely on that old book.” Yet God’s way is to use His word in

that old book to change lives. Our humble work is to speak the word of the cross and empty tomb.

In our speaking of that word, we take courage and comfort from the promise of God that His Word

will not return empty. Luther once remarked that while he drank his little glass of Wittenberg beer,

the Gospel did its work (Luther was a colorful writer!). It all depends upon God.

God grant you peace as you hear His Word—His Word that declares you justified by grace through

faith for Christ’s sake. God grant you joy and confidence as you speak His word to friends, family,

and neighbors ... in the sure confidence that the word of God works!

Your servant for the Gospel’s sake,

Pastor Beck



On Sunday, November 3rd, 10th and 17th we will have information and sign up sheets available in the narthex for opportunities to participate in

Festival of Nativities at Trinity. Do you have questions about the festival? Or would you like to help on Friday or Saturday? Please stop by the table and find an area where you can use your gifts to support this outreach opportunity.

In order to invite our neighbors to Festival of Nativities we need 20 volunteers to deliver the invitations. Each volunteer or family will get a specific list of homes (10-15) near Trini-ty. Invitations will be delivered on Sunday, November 24th after second service. A sub sandwich will be available before heading out if you wish.

Stop by the table in the narthex on Sundays during November to find out more information on Festival and how you might participate!

Festival of Nativities On Friday, December 6th we have set aside the time of 3-4 p.m. for guests from Good Shepherd and Country Manor to visit Festival of Nativities before we open to the public at 4 p.m. This will give them an opportunity to view the nativities in a less crowded setting. Do you know of someone residing at Good Shepherd or Country Manor that you would be willing to provide trans-portation for to allow them to participate in festival? Extend the invitation and share this celebration of our Savior’s birth with them.

(Continued from page 1)

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Thanksgivings, Endowments

and Memorials

Audrey Fleck

In memory of Darlene Gronau

Jaime Huinker

In memory of Sandy Duffy

P A G E 4

Youth Activities:

Sunday, November 17th:

Bowling at Great River Bowl from 1-3pm

Sunday, December 8: Horse-drawn Hayride from City Hall to Good Shepherd, 1pm to 5pm. We will sing for the residents there!

Hospitalized – is it a secret?

Our pastors are happy to visit and provide

spiritual care when you, but they can only do

so if they know. Current HIPAA regulations

do not allow hospitals to share this infor-

mation. Inform our pastors through the church

office, 320-252-3670, when you are admitted.

If you desire to have a prayer request included

at worship, please inform the pastors or

church office.

Baptized this month: Clara May Voigt—Oct. 13

James Johnson,

Madison DesMarais,

Aiden Kutzorik—Oct. 20

Attend. General Missions

Sept. 22 249 5248.23 110.00

Sept. 29 459 8845.16 690.00

Oct. 6 309 7911.55 460.00

Oct. 13 223 7,695.67 181.00

Oct. 20 246 6,987.24 56.00


You will not need to fight in this

battle. Stand firm, hold your

position, and see the salvation of

the Lord on your behalf .

2 Chronicles 20:17a

Our Response in Faith

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P A G E 5

Worship and Music Notes

He who sings, prays twice!

“He who sings,” said St. Augustine, “prays twice.” The holy Bishop of Hippo meant that singing adds to our praise and worship of God—that our voices are gifts, with which we can make music to the Lord. Sung prayer expresses the joy of the heart, the happiness resulting from one who has encountered Jesus Christ and experienced his love. Sung prayer reminds us of the choirs of heaven, with whom we are called to praise God eternally in heaven.

Sung prayer reaches its high point in the sacred liturgy, the public worship of the Church. The liturgy of our Divine Service is made more beautiful by the singing of every member, who is called to active participation—through sung prayer, especially—in the Liturgy.

Christians have sung in sacred liturgy since the Church’s earliest days. And the Jewish people have sung praise to God, in the context of holy worship, for thousands of years. The Psalms are the record of the liturgical song-prayers of the Jewish peo-ple. When we sing in the context of the Divine Service, we join a tradition of sacred wor-ship that goes back to at least the time of King David himself. “Let us come before him with a song of praise,” wrote King David, “joyfully sing out our psalms.”

When we sing, we experience God’s presence in a new way. It is our prayer that by ex-pressing our faith harmoniously and solemnly in song, will experience its richness ever more fully and will abide by the commitment to express its impulses in our daily lives.

St. Augustine was right—he who sings prays twice. May we sing together—in holy wor-ship, and our homes—in praise and thanksgiving for all that God has given us. (excerpts from an article by Bishop James Conley)

God’s blessings to you as you worship and sing our Lord’s praises,

Daniel Reineke, Traditional Music Director (320)248-7367 [email protected]

Find us on Facebook:

Trinity Lutheran Church - Sauk Rapids

LWML will meet on Thursday, November 14th at 1:00 pm in the Fellowship

Hall. Pastor Beck will have our study this month. Please join us!

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LCMS Stewardship Ministry

St. Paul wrote to the Church of Christ in Corinth: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 9:7). God loves a cheerful giver. But who is a cheerful giver?

Abel was. By faith, Abel gave the firstborn of his flock, and it was acceptable in God’s sight. Abraham was. By faith, Abraham prepared cakes and a tender choice calf for God and enter-tained angels unaware. So also were David and Solomon. By faith, David would not make a sacrifice to God that cost him nothing, so he paid Araunah his due. By faith, Solomon built a house for God, where his name would dwell and thereby where He would dwell to be Israel’s God and they His people.

So also our Lord, who for the joy set before Him, gave everything, yes, even His life, endur-ing the cross and scorning its shame. He gave to the shedding of His blood, willingly and resolutely setting His face toward Jerusalem to die for the life of the world.

So then, let us – like Abel and Abraham, like David and Solomon, and even like our Lord Je-sus Christ – give cheerfully to God for the work of His kingdom in our midst.


In a never-ending effort to reach the unchurched, some churches are translating their unfa-miliar terminology into familiar football phrases. It is hoped to help initiate football fans into the complexities of church life.

BLOCKING: Talking endlessly to the pastor at the church door and keeping everyone else from exiting.

DRAFT CHOICE: The decision to sit close to an air conditioning vent.

END ZONE: The pews.

EXTRA POINT: What you receive when you tell the preacher his sermon was too short.

ILLEGAL MOTION: Leaving before the bene-diction.

INTERFERENCE: Talking during the organ prelude.

TWO MINUTE WARNING: The pastor's wife looking at her watch in full view of the pastor.

QUARTERBACK SNEAK: Sunday School teacher entering the building five minutes after classes begin.

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Volunteer Opportunities Hearts and Hands Joined Together - Good Shep-

herd is privileged to be involved in the work de-

scribed in the Beatitudes. You can be involved too

with your youth, service group, or as an individu-

al: Sponsor one Sunday and assist/attend Sunday

worship at our Chapel. Residents need help get-

ting to and from the Chapel. They also need assis-

tance holding the book and finding the page.

Hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. The time of year to reach out and help others through the Angel Tree Program is upon us once again. Trinity is

pleased to continue to participate in Angel Tree, a Prison Fellowship program that provides a pathway for incarcerated parents to restore and strengthen relationships with their children. Volunteers like you help make this possible by giving Christmas gifts and the Good News of God’s love to children in the name of mother’s and father’s behind bars. Angle Tree Sunday will be on Sunday, December 1st, names of children and gift ideas will be available in the Narthex on the tree. Please be sure to sign your Gift tag name out at the desk that will be located next to the tree. Gifts will need to be returned wrapped and under the tree by Sunday, December 15th. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to deliver gifts please contact me, Jennifer Kranz @ 320-290-3498. Thank you for helping make this Christmas special for these children. Monetary donations is also another option to purchasing a gifts as at times there are children in need of more expensive items such as winter outerwear. Thank you again for making this pro-gram such a success.

P A G E 7

Leann Klimek and

Toni Kasella


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God’s Grub in November:

Nov. 6: Pizza

Nov. 13 Taco in a Bag

Nov. 20: Hotdogs and chips

No class Nov. 27—Thanksgiving!

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Additional Contact Information Admin. Assistant: Judy Rehwaldt

Traditional Music : Daniel Reineke 248-7367

Contemporary Music: Ruth Immerfall 291-9293

Prayer Chain: Delores Volkers

252-2101, Parish Nurse:

Jennifer Machula Prince of Peace School Office: 251-1477

Church Contact Information

Church Office: 252-3670 Church Fax: 202-1095

E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Pastoral Staff

Pastor David Hinz 320-815-2779

Pastor John Beck 320-249-4012

Pastor John Bakou 249-1691


Trinity Lutheran Church

Our Mission: “Sharing the Caring Christ with all People”

Trinity Lutheran Church Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

2163 Mayhew Lake Rd NE

Sauk Rapids, MN 56379-4554

Non-Profit Org.

U.S. Postage

PAID St. Cloud, MN

Permit No. 35

Contact Us


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Listening Post: Nov. 24th after 10:30am service- Fellowship Hall The Board of Lay Ministry will be hosting a listening and input session on November 24th after the 10:30 AM service in the fellowship hall. The LM’s are seeking input on several topics. First, summer worship times. This will be both a review of how the past summer went and discussion on summer 2020 service times. Second, discussion on Thanksgiving service times in 2020 and beyond. Third, we would like to discuss and gauge interest in a later service on Christmas Eve starting in 2020. Several years ago Trinity offered a 10:00 PM service and the LM’s would like to see if there is broad interest in offering something like that again. Our beloved Viking’s don’t play that day so we hope that it works for everyone. We will have a light lunch of pizza, similar to what is served at God’s Grub. We hope that you can make it to the session and help us as we plan for God’s Church here at Trinity. If you cannot make it and wish to provide some input LM’s emails can be obtained from the office. Or, just let one of the LM’s know when you see them. LM’s are Justin Hackett, Bob Koroll, Jon Lentz, Kyle Dusing and Jeff Snyder. Karen Petron-Broda is our ex-officio representative as well. The Lay Ministry Team

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Events at Trinity in November 2019

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 6:00pm Narcotics Anon (CM)

2 9:00am Altar Guild Set Clocks Back

3 All Saints Day Observed 8:00am Worship Z3 (HC) 9:15am SS and Bible Class 10:30am Worship Z4 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm Building New Bridges

Daylight Savings Ends


5 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

6 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm Bricks & Mortar 6:00pm Sanctuary Choir

7 9:00am Sewing and Crafts 5:00pm Girl Scouts 6:00pm Worship Team

8 6:00pm Narcotics Anon (CM)

9 9:00am Altar Guild

10 8:00am Worship Z5 9:15am SS and Bible Class 10:30am Worship Z1 (HC) 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm 4H Meeting 4:00pm Creative Crafts

11 6:00pm Bev's CC (CM)

12 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

13 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm Bricks & Mortar 6:00pm Sanctuary Choir

14 1:00pm LWML 6:00pm Worship Team

15 6:00pm Narcotics Anon (CM)

16 9:00am Altar Guild

17 POP Sunday - SCRIP 8:00am Worship Z2 (HC) 9:15am SS and Bible Class 10:30am Worship Z3 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 1:00-3:00pm Youth Bowling at Great River 3:00pm 4H


19 6:00pm Cub Scouts Mtg. 7:00pm Friends in Harmony

20 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 5:00pm God’s Grub 6:00pm Bricks & Mortar 6:00pm Celebration Ringers 6:45pm Sanctuary Choir

21 9:00am Sewing and Crafts 6:00pm Worship Team 5:00pm Girl Scouts 5:30pm Lay Ministry Mtg. 6:30pm Leadership Team Mtg.

NL Deadline

22 6:00pm Narcotics Anon (CM)

23 9:00am Altar Guild

24 8:00am Worship Z4 9:15am SS and Bible Class 10:30am Worship Z5 (HC) 11:45am Voter’s Meeting 12:00pm Anyuak Worship 4:00pm Creative Crafts

25 9:30am Parish Workers (NL) 5-8pm Dine to Donate at Pizza Ranch 6:00pm Bev's CC (CM)

26 7:00pm Friends in Harmony (W)

27 7:00am Men's Bible Study @ GS 6:00pm Thanksgiving Worship (HC) Z1 7:00pm Pie Fest

28 Thanksgiving Day 9:00am Thanksgiving Worship (HC) Z2

Office Closed

29 6:00pm Narcotics Anon (CM) Office Closed


Room R

Zeservation Key




Class Room




Conf Room








Class Room




Conf Room



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NOVEMBER Birthdays Name Bday

Bob Neumann 11/1

Jacob Ripka 11/2

Deb Mousky 11/3

Anni Omot 11/3

Evelyn Pingel 11/3

Betty Hiltel 11/4

Siri Becker 11/5

Becky Kurtz 11/5

Ojem Omot 11/5

Cheryl Reberg 11/6

Allan Johnson 11/7

Joann Kath 11/7

Koral Kampa 11/8

Jon Lentz 11/9

Connie Mooney 11/9

Don Murphy 11/9

Dorothy Torell 11/9

Doug Aagard 11/10

Mananyoth Abella 11/10

Corbin Jarnot 11/10

Trevor Jevne 11/10

John Alstrup 11/11

Melissa Freborg 11/11

Angela Roering 11/11

Tara Nelsen 11/12

Dub Ojullu 11/12

Sandy Austin 11/13

Wendy Leeb 11/13

Logan Ludwig 11/13

Debraha Omot 11/13

Jim Mooney 11/14

Kim Schwartz 11/14

Joanne Keck 11/15

Agwa Ojullu 11/15

Kianah Watson 11/15

Stephanie Collins 11/16

Althea Swenson 11/16

David Keske 11/17

Walter Wendt 11/17

Name Bday

Bob Nordquist 11/18

Cathy Smith 11/18

Carol Truenow 11/18

Dayne Morin 11/19

Angach Ojo 11/19

Kayden Reginek 11/19

Thomas Vogel 11/19

Dolores Rehder 11/20

Marla Storms-Lindquist 11/20

David Hinz 11/21

Andrew Figallo 11/22

Tim Jurek 11/22

Miranda Wurdelman 11/22

Taryn Anderson 11/23

Medho Balo 11/23

Earl Kothman 11/23

Corey Neils 11/23

Alyssa Behrendt 11/24

Kathryn Kranz 11/24

Gayleen Dierks 11/25

Sharon Eickhoff 11/26

Fred Joesting 11/26

Sandy Machula 11/26

Carol Kiekow 11/27

Isaiah Novak 11/27

Achan Obang 11/27

Apiew Obang 11/27

Amanda Stuart 11/27

Amber Welsh 11/27

Metech Gora 11/28

Rich Austin 11/29

Korey Keske 11/30

Sheena Kutzorik 11/30