Download - Trending in Talent Management eBook

  • 1The Truth About Workplace Fun and Productivity

    Employee Motivation Lessonsfrom Google

    Why Most Employee Engagement Programs Fail

    Five Reasons You Arent Getting Hired

    Misconceptions About Introverts in the Workplace

    High-Potential Posture:How Body Language Changes Everything

    The Top Ten Qualities of Great Leadership

    Five Steps to Becoming aCharismatic Leader

    Six Ways to Coach Your Sales Team to the Top





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    2014 has been an exceptional year, and as we look to the future, it is helpful to reflect back on what brought us here, which is why we decided to collect the most popular and trending topics from this year and put it together for you. In this eBook, youll read some of the hottest stories relative to talent management and HR, sourced from Profiles Internationals Workplace 101 Blog.

    The eBook uncovers trends in productivity, motivation, engagement, and sales coaching, as well as development ofand insight intothose you manage. Learn how Google keeps their star employees motivated, some reasons why youre not getting hired, how charisma can boost your leadership skills, plus much more!


  • As the saying goes, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. But, before companies like Google began the new trend of promoting fun in the workplace, the words fun and work didnt fit in the same sentence together. Today, the younger generations present a new set of challenges for employers, and organizations have been forced to find new, innovative ways to attract and retain them as employees. Promoting a fun work environment is quickly becoming one of the most widely-implemented recruiting and retention strategies in many of the worlds most successful organizations, and theres a good reason.

    How important is a fun work environment?Results from a PGI survey show that 88 percent of Millennials want a fun and social workplace environment. The Millennial Generation is striving to be happier and more passionate about every aspect of their lives than any generation that has come before them. It seems that Millennials place high value on their time with respect to quality of lifein other words, not wanting to spend time doing something they hate, in a place they dont want to

    be, surrounded by people they dont want to be around, regardless of the compensation. Granted, no one wants to be in this situation, but past generations have been much more tolerant of these predicaments than Millennials.

    When thinking about happiness in general, one might picture being passionate about whatever they are doing, having freedom, and being surrounded by people that truly care about them and want to see them succeed. Most Millennials agree, as 71 percent say they want their coworkers to be a second family to them. Socializing and having fun with coworkers creates a bond and fosters camaraderie, so these two factors directly correlate with one another. Considering this, it should come as no surprise that a study from Kansas State University found socializing to be rated the highest out of all fun-related activities throughout employees of all ages and generations. Organizations that cater to these desires will attract and retain the most talented candidates out there, and will experience a big boost in employee happiness, retention, and even productivity.



    Fun in the workplace can significantlyimprove retention, happiness, talent

    quality, and even productivity. TRUTH

    About Workplace Fun and Productivity

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    Does more fun equal less work?All work and no play might make Jack a dull boy, but the second and less popular part of the saying suggests that all play and no work makes Jack a mere toy. Put both phrases together, and we have a saying that accurately represents the two most prevalent opinions on combining work and play. There are many companies that remain closed off to the idea. One likely reason for this may be that the leaders of these organizations are Baby Boomers, and remain loyal to the traditional practice of keeping work and play separate, simply because its what theyve always done. Others may think they have too much on their plate to allow for play time and socializing. However, the most common objection to creating a fun work environment revolves around the issue of productivity.

    So, does more fun mean less work? The answer isnt simpleas several studies have reported conflicting resultsbut by comparing and analyzing results we can draw conclusions. Gallup research has shown that happy employees perform at a much higher level than those who are not happy; Millennials have indicated that a fun, social

    work environment is a crucial factor in job satisfaction. By considering the results of both studies as a whole, we can naturally infer that more fun equals higher productivity and performance. By contrast, Penn State University has found that fun in the workplace reduces productivity in young employees within the hospitality industry. Other findings from the University of Pennsylvaniaspecifically focused on managed and imposed funsuggest that it increases productivity, happiness, and retention, but only when employees have consented to the terms.

    What does it mean? From these studies, we can form a general idea of what fun means for productivity. Here are some key takeaways:

    Fun in the workplace can significantly improve retention, happiness, talent quality, and even productivity. Under the right circumstances, a fun work environment can benefit both your organization and employees in a number of ways. The rewards are great enough that each and every organization should be compelled to at least consider it as an option.

    Fun in the workplace can significantly improve retention, happiness, talent

    quality, and even productivity.

  • 5Employees should be well-trained and mature enough to handle autonomy, and must possess great time-management skills. Make sure to train younger employees on the purpose of fun in the workplace and teach them how to use it to their benefit, rather than letting it negatively affect their work.

    The matter of fun in the workplace is no differentboth opinions have valid points, but in the end, your results will all depend on how you implement fun. To their credit, Millennials happen to be very career-minded, so other than the occasional employee who loses track of time, productivity shouldnt be a huge issue with this group. Remember that Gen Y is looking to do something they are passionate about, so the trick is to make their work fun and collaborative, not to just throw them a party every day.

    Youll read more about Google later on in this eBook. Most of their perks are aimed at getting employees out of their office and socializing with each other, like rock walls,

    a fitness center, frequent breaks, and personal creative sessions, along with many other fun-related perks, all of which play a part in its overarching cultural theme of fun and collaboration. We can see how well a fun culture has worked for Google, not only by looking at their widely-known success, but by looking at what their employees say about them. On a well-known company review website, we see that out of more than 1,900 reviews, Google has an employee rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars, and 95 percent approve of their CEO, Larry Paige. If thats not clear enough, a statement just underneath the company rating says, Employees are Very Satisfied.

    Implementing fun into the workplace may sound like an excuse to slack off, but for Gen Y, it means much more than that: its a small but significant factor in overall quality of life, which this generation finds particularly valuable. Considering that a huge chunk of our lives is dedicated to our careers, placing value on fun in the workplace is something to consider, and will ultimately benefit organizations and the workforce as a whole.

    [Googles] perks are aimed at getting employees

    out of their office and socializing with each

    other, like rock walls, a fitness center, frequent

    breaks, and personal creative sessions.

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    Impactful motivation is easier than you think, and the sooner you launch a new employee into productivity, the better off you will be.

    Employees want management and leadership that they can look up to, not management that looks down on them. An honest respect for all and a genuine recognition that everyone has something to offer, is at the heart of a successful motivator. Without respect, so-called motivation becomes manipulation, and manipulation is never successful in the long term.

    Motivation is about giving your people a motive for action. By understanding what your people value, and implementing it in your direction, you can easily fulfill yourand theirgoals.

    Take an honest interest in every one of your people, and the means to motivate them will become readily apparent. Make it a goal to learn something new about at least one of your people every day.

    Take tech giant Google, for example. They havent just spent time and focus on new programs and inventions, they focused on people. Since their founding, they have grown their business from a two-man operation to over 37,000 employees in 40 countries.

    Here are some employee motivation tips to learn from Google:1. Make fun a regular part of work

    Have dress up days, pajama days, a costume party for Halloween; something small, fun, and regular. Every year for April Fools Day, Google allows their employees to plan and execute some major tricks and


  • 7 gags to the world. This year, they announced a new job role of Pokmon Master at Google.

    2. Make employee happiness a priorityGoogle has a team of people whose job is primarily to monitor and execute employee perks and benefits. Google employs Prasad Setty, VP of people analytics and compensation, who is responsible for not only managing this team, but identifying and establishingemployee desires.

    3. Inspire and encourage people Many of you are aware of the 80-20 rule at Google. This rule allows employees to spend 20 percent of their time on their own personal projects. Google engineer Chade-Ment Tan wanted to achieve world peace in his lifetime. Other companies might call himcrazy, but not Google. He went on to design a course about the increasingly popular topic of mindfulness, and is now a New York Times bestselling author, with his class being the most popular taught at Google.

    4. Offer trainingFind out what goals your employees have and see

    how you can help them get there. No matter how unrelated it may be to their work, if members of your team want to learn a new skill in your company, let them. How can educating your team possibly hurt?

    5. Offer perks you can affordYour company may not be the Google of your industry, but offer your employees perks and benefitsoutside of the norm. You may not be able to offer bowling alleys, free haircuts, and gym memberships like Google does, but small tokens will go a long way. Free breakfast, healthy snacks, movie tickets, etc. are some good ideas.

    The moral of the storyand lesson to be learned from Googleis this: put the same amount of effort into keep-ing your people happy as you do in your business process and products.

    Google truly lives by its company philosophy: To create the happiest, most productive workplace in the world.

    The moral of the story, and lesson to be learned from Google, is this: put the

    same amount of effort into keeping your people happy as you do in your

    business process and products.

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  • 9Every year, Gallup and other companies reveal their annual employee survey results, and while the numbers may shift by a point or two, the headline is still the samethe vast majority of employees are not engaged at work. Despite everyone being aware of the engagement crisis at hand, most organizations still fail in their efforts to increase the commitment of their workers.

    Based on my own journey from a bad boss to Best Place to Work award winner, and from working with dozens of companies on their own journeys to creating great cultures, these are the most common reasons engagement efforts fail:1. People mistakenly think engagement means making

    employees happy. Often, engagement initiatives craterin the C-suite because senior executives dont know what employee engagement is. They may confuse it with nice but soft efforts to make employees happy. While its nice to make employees happy, happy doesnt mean workers are necessarily hard at work focusing on the companys objectives. Engagement is the emotional commitment one feels to their organization and its goals. When engaged, employees give discretionary effortthe secret sauce to gains in productivity, quality, service, and sales, and ultimately profits and share price.

    2. Many smart people dont think engagement can actually be measured. Even some notable businessgurus were quoted recently as saying, Dont try to measure engagement or youll kill it. Or, You cant measure engagement, but you know it when you see it. HR consultancies around the world have found ways to measures proxies of engagement. While engagement mightbe a feeling that cant truly be measured, we can definitely use surveys to measure the likelihood of looking for another

    job, referring a friend to an open position, and being challenged and satisfied at work. Measurement is the first step in managing better outcomes.

    3. Companies measure engagement, but then dont share results. Typically, when an engagement survey iscompleted, the results are scrutinized by the C-level executives and HR professionals. Rarely are all the resultsshared throughout the company. Engagement improves from the grass roots. Each front-line manager needs to be given their own team scores and held accountable for improving them.

    4. All the ideas for improvement come from the top.Related to number three, senior execs often work as a council of wise men and women, brainstorming for betterbenefits or new award programs for the whole company. The secret to engagement is that it comes from the relationships front-line managers have with their direct reports. Only action planning at the individual team level will generate the ideas that will move the needle.

    5. They think its about picnics and parties.Unfortunately, C-suite top-down ideas typically include things like summer picnics, dress-down Fridays, Employee of the Month awards, or tweaks to the benefits package. Thetrue drivers of engagement are growth, recognition, trust, and communication. While people might feel happier during a party, its only a true change in their daily and weekly work experience that will make them feel emotionally connected to their organization.

    The employee engagement crisis has gone on long enough. We must strive for excellence and implement an annual survey, share the results with front-line managers, and insist on team- level action planning to move the scores in the right direction.

    WHY MOST Employee Engagement Programs Failby Kevin Kruse

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    REASONS Ive been in the talent acquisition and HR game going on 20 years. Ive interviewed and hired thousands of people in my career. Ive watched entry level hires turn into great leaders and executives. Ive watched employees Ive fired for poor performance become hugely successful after leaving our organization. Ive seen my best talent leave me, to only get fired from their next position, and come crawling back asking for a job.

    This hiring thing is a crazy business.

    In all of that, I can usually tell pretty quickly if someone is going to get hired or not. For all the science and data we now have, there are still some pretty simple, straightforward things that candidates screw up, so they dont get the offer they were hoping for.

    Heres my list of reasons you arent getting hired:1. You lack a personality. For some positions this is

    important, for many its not; but that doesnt matter, because hiring managers like to hire personality. Its reality. If you have a great personality, youll get hiredmore times than not, even when you have less skill.

    2. Youre not pleasant to look at. People hate thisone, but pretty people get more offers than ugly people. Its a fact. Hate science. Hate your parents. Im just telling you the truth. When you interview, do all that you can to make yourself the best-lookingversion of you that you can.

    3. You have strong beliefs. This can be a hugepositive or huge negative, but it usually ends up beingthe reason you dont get hired. People are scared of people who have strong convictions. Great, you

    hate the President and his policies; this just makes me think youre some political freak, even if I also dont like where the country is going. Tone it down, stay moderate, keep it vanilla on any topic that has a strong right and left belief (politics, religion, gay marriage, Coke vs. Pepsi, Auburn vs. Alabama, etc.).

    4. You dont have a good story. Most hiringmanagers hire the story, not the person. Lets face it, a one-hour interview isnt really enough to fall in love with a person, but its plenty of time to fall in lovewith a great story. Find and tell your story. We all have one. Make yours positive and uplifting, even when it is kind of crappy. I pulled myself out of the muck and made the best of it!

    5. You dont get common social cues. If Im tellingyou something that is funny, I expect youll at least give me a half-hearted chuckle. If you dont get Im saying something funny, thats odd. If Im being serious and you find it amusing, thats creepy. From my experience there is very little you can do about this. You might find a close friend or family member who can tell you this is your problem. That would be a gift, because at least then you might be able to control it and be self-aware.

    You didnt see anything on there about your skills and abilities did you? Thats because if you get an interview, those are really a non-issue. You and every other candidate basically have enough skills to do the job youre interviewing for. All the interview is for is to see if you will be a fit for the organization. If you dont get hired, the organization is basically saying in their best 8th grade friend kind of way they dont feel youre BFF material!

    You Arent Getting Hired by Tim Sackett5

  • 11

    I believe that introversion is my greatest strength. I have such a strong inner life that Im never bored and only occasionally lonely. No matter what mayhem is happening around me, I know I can always turn inward.

    Susan Cain (American writer and lecturer)

    Susan Cain recounts a story about her childhood summer camp in the TED Talk, The Power of Introverts:

    Camp was more like a keg party without any alcohol. And on the very first day our counselor gathered us all together and she taught us a cheer that she said we would be doing every day for the rest of the summer to instill camp spirit. And it went like this: R-O-W-D-I-E, thats the way we spell rowdie. Rowdie, rowdie, lets get rowdie. So I couldnt figure out for the life of me why we were supposed to be so rowdy, or why we had to spell this word incorrectly. But... I recited the cheer along with everybody else.

    The first time that I took my book out of my suitcase, the cool-est girl in the bunk came up to me and she asked me, Why are you being so mellow?mellow, of course, being the exact opposite of R-O-W-D-I-E. And thenthe counselor came up to me with a concerned expression on her face and she repeated the point about camp spirit and said we should all work very hard to be outgoing.

    Its not that introverts dont like people, and dont enjoy going out and having a good timethese are both huge misconceptions that introverts are labeled with, but they do enjoy being by themselves just as much. This is an extrovert- biased society, and thus introverts often find it difficult to excel in the workplace; not because they do poor work, but, as the saying goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Cain said, Our most important institutions, our schools, and our workplaces, they are designed mostly for extroverts and [their] need for lots of stimulation. And we have this belief

    MISCONCEPTIONSAbout Introverts in the Workplace

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    system right now that I call the new groupthink, which holds that all creativity and all productivity comes from a very oddly gregarious place.

    There are places where co-workers complain about their day and spend time being buddies with the manager, talking about their feelings. There are frat boys that go golfing with the boss every other weekend. These types of people tend to get ahead at the workplaceand theres nothing wrong with that, theyre very competent workersbut it can be frustrating for introverts who do work of similar quality.

    You may be an introvert and thinking to yourself (because you certainly wouldnt be saying it out loud) What can I do to be noticed in the workplace? First, there are misconceptions youll have to overcome; second, there are some practices and strategies you can implement. The biggest misconception about introverts is that they are shy. This is simply not true. Shyness is fear, apprehension, or awkwardness around people. Introverts arent afraid to interact with people, they simply prefer not to. Theres nothing wrong with enjoying ones own company.

    Youve probably heard that the biggest fear in America is public speaking, affecting 15 percent of the population. It would seem apparent that it is not only the extroverts that dont like standing up in front of a crowd and talking.

    If a fear of speaking up is bringing you down, you can overcome it. Jump right in, or join a Toastmasters club, and practice to become a better public speaker. Another thing that would probably benefit everyonenot just introvertsis learning how to network better. Remember, its not what you know, but who, that matters. Read the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People. Another misconception is that introverts are boring. Just because you choose to stay home

    and read a book, instead of going out on a Friday night, doesnt mean youre boring.

    So play to your strengths. Introverts are often strong-minded people who are good at listening, problem-solving, and exuding calmness and confidence in moments of crisis. These attributes are great, especially for people in a leadership role, and arguably make introverts betteri.e. more successful and productiveworkers.

    Cain said, The vast majority of teachers report believing that the ideal student is an extrovert as opposed to an introvert, even though [studies show] introverts actually get better grades and are more knowledgeable... And interesting research by Adam Grant at the Wharton School has found that introvert-ed leaders often deliver better outcomes than extroverts do, because when they are managing proactive employees, theyre much more likely to let those employees run with their ideas, whereas an extrovert can, quite unwittingly, get so excited about things that theyre putting their own stamp on things, and other peoples ideas might not as easily then bubble up to the surface.

    All in all, introverts are more comfortable in their own skin. They dont need the external stimulation that extroverts do, and take more time to recharge after a lot of interaction. Unfortunately, people these days favor the man of action to the man of contemplation. But where would Sherlock Holmes be without Dr. Watson (or more, where would Holmes be without Holmes)? The world needs introverts, but expects extroverts. So, if youre an introvert and want to get ahead in your work and social life, the best advice is to fake it. Be more assertive and take more action. This, like everything else, is all about perception.

    The biggest misconception about introverts is that they are shy. This is simply not true.

  • 13

    It takes approximately eleven one-hundredths of a second to recognize a face. When you walk into an interview for the first time, thats about how long it takes for the interviewer to make an assessment of you. There are tons of articles about optimizing sales, productivity, and your online presence, but what about optimizing yourself? Im not talking about spiritually, but superficiallyliterally nothing below the skin. Not only will improving your posture improve how people immediately perceive you, but you will begin to feel what you are presenting.

    How are you sitting while youre reading this right now? Are your legs or ankles crossed? Maybe your left hand is touching the side of your nose as you recline in your armchair, or lean on the desk in front of your computer. In the TED Talk, How Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, Amy Cuddy reveals how we can change other peoples perceptions, and even our own body chemistry, simply by changing body positions.

    A study by Alex Todorov at Princeton has proved that looking at pictures of political candidates faces for 100 milliseconds predict 70 percent of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes. The subjects had no idea who the candidates were, nor of their political standings;


    POSTURE:How Body LanguageChanges Everything

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    all they knew was if the candidate looked pleasant or trustworthy.

    When we are feeling confident and powerful, we spread outmake ourselves big. Recall any victory of a sports player. What did they do? They probably threw their arms up in the air, right? Now, what do we do when we feel powerless? We do the exact opposite. We close up, and make ourselves small. This will be perceived as unconfidentif you look weak, people will think youre weak, and vice versa. Nobody wants to interact with a feeble person (this applies to aspects outside of the workplace, too, like making friends and finding dates).

    Nonverbals effect how people see each other, but Cuddy elaborated in her TED Talk upon a hypothesis she and her colleague, Dana Carney, wanted to try: does changing our body language effect the way we see ourselves? Cuddy and Carney tried an experiment to answer this question. Turns out, it does. Cuddy said, We smile when we feel happy, but also, when were forced to smile by holding a pen in our teeth... When it comes to power, it goes both ways... when you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful.

    In the experiment, Cuddy brought people into a lab and told the people to adopt either high-power or low-power poses for two minutes. After two minutes had passed, the subjects were told to gamble, and guess what happened: the ones who assumed high-power poses were much more confidenti.e. took more risksin games of chance.How did this affect physiological (hormonal) conditions? Cuddy said, Heres what we find on testosterone: From their baseline when they come in, high-power people experience about a 20 percent increase, and low-power people experience about a 10 percent decrease. Heres what you get on cortisol: High-power people experience about a 25 percent decrease, and the low-power people experience about a 15 percent increase. So two minutes [of high- or low-power posing] lead to these hormonal changes that configure your brain to basically be either assertive, confident, and comfortable, or really stress-reactive, and... feeling sort of shut down... so it seems that our nonverbals do govern how we think and feel about ourselves. Applying this research to your everyday life will not only improve your next interview, but subsequently the rest of your work and personal life.

    So give it a try! Spend a couple minutes standing or sitting in a high-power pose. See if it affects the way you feel about yourself, and if it changes your overall outlook.

    Recall any victory of a sports player. What did they do? They probably

    threw their arms up in the air, right? Now, what do we do when we feel

    powerless? We do the exact opposite. We close up, and make ourselves small.

  • 15

    Your sales team is the lifeblood and backbone of your organization. Regular sales training is imperative to the success of your organization, as sales produces the revenue that supports many of your other essential business operations. 1. Know what you are coaching

    Before coaching begins, sales managers need to decidewhich areas to focus on, and how those areas will be measured. Remember, areas of focus should include strengths and weaknesses, skills and attributes, and personality and behavioral traits. Creating a benchmarkfor these areas will allow managers to measure how the sales reps naturally approach sales, and where thecoaching effort is needed most.

    2. Coach early and coach oftenEffective sales managers coach their sales reps from day one, and they coach and offer sales training on a regular basis. This allows managers to catch any potential prob-lems before they happen, and helps to increase perfor-mance by showing continued interest while providing feedback. Sales managers should work with each sales rep to set clear, realistic goals based on performance expectations.

    3. Coach each individualAlthough sales reps share certain characteristics and skills, they are individuals. It is important for sales managers to remember that one size does not fit all.Each rep possesses unique qualities. The better a

    manager understands the sales rep, the more effective the coaching and the results.

    4. Implement coaching-based performance managementGood performance rarely happens by accident. Coaching-based performance management provides key insights about each salesperson, and shows the rep how to leverage that knowledge to improve salesperformance. This methodology works because managers can use it continuously and proactively from the beginning of each sales reps career.

    5. Coach relationships and team dynamicsRelationships directly impact productivity, and understanding relationships improves team dynamics. Unhealthy relationships clearly undermine performance,while colleagues working together in harmony have the best chance of success. Potential conflicts need to be identified and dealt with early. Defining conflict points will enable leaders and sales team members to work together to avoid or solve issues.

    6. Coach to develop strategic workforce planningTaking time to develop and improve your sales team generates leadership, and ensures future business success. The coaching that sales managers provide should prepare reps for leadership positions, and shouldalign with the organizations mission, strategic plan, budgetary resources, and desired workforce competencies.


    To Coach Your Sales Team to the Top

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    Whether you have worked your way up the corporate ladder or have started your own business, the path to leadership isnt an easy one. There will be good times, stressful times, and terrible times, but a great leader is always able to lead a team to success, regardless of the situation at hand. Simply holding a position in leadership doesnt make someone a good leader. A truly great leader understands the many different factors that come with leading others and strives to help others reach their goals; they are always developing themselves, and act as a visionary for their organization.

    Leadership is one of the hottest topics in the business world, with millions of publications on the subject, from books, to blogs, to research. These are some of the leader-ship qualities that are possessed by many of the greatest.

    HonestyThe foundation of any relationship, both personal and professional, is honesty. People want to work for a leader they can trusta leader that has morals, values, and

    integrity. They want to work for a company that offers a great product or service they can believe in, and that has an honorable reputation. Honest Abe is said to have been one of the greatest Presidents to ever lead America, and he didnt achieve his success and earn that nickname by being dishonest. Your workers want to feel good about their jobsits important to establish core values for both the business and yourself as a leader, and to then live and lead by those values as an example to your employees.

    CommunicationWithout clear communication, your employees wont understand your mission, goals, and vision. Employees want to work toward something they believe in, so its important they understand and are working toward the same goals you are. Communication should also be consis-tent in establishing work expectations, giving constructive feedback, and in training new employees. With great communication, your employees will know exactly what they are working for, will rely on you, and will give their best effort for you.



    ToCoach YourSales Team to the Top

  • 17

    ConfidenceWhen things go wrong, employees look to you for the answers and judge the situation based upon your reaction. Even if the company is experiencing a major downturn, its important to always be confident, calm, and the best example you can be for your team. If you arent confident with the organization in a situation, then be confident in your own leadership skills. Your job is to maintain the happy work environment, and continue leading the team in their daily work.

    InspirationWhether youre starting a new business, or youre leading a team at an established business, its important to get employees invested in the vision and future of the company. You must be inspired and invested in the company in order to inspire others, like Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google. The product of their inspiration has inspired millions across the world, and has significantly impacted the world we live in today. Though inspiration often looks forward to the future, its also important for the present; it gives employees a reason to work, succeed, and do their best in everything they do. Make them feel invested in the company through inspiration, and theyll be loyal, hard-working employees.

    PositivityRegardless of the situation, always stay positive. Positivity is essential to productivity, employee happiness, and work environment. When mistakes are made, even if they are serious, its important to look at the bright side of things, though it would be easy to get upset and lash out. You are setting the tone for the work day, and your attitude directly affects those under your leadership. Bringing snacks, giving compliments, and even showing an interest in an employees personal life can have a significant impact on each and every workday.

    DelegationIf there is a highly-important project, it can be difficult to trust employees without micromanaging. Trusting them to do the best possible work is a sign of strength in your leadership, and will encourage them to live up to your expectations. When it comes to delegation, the idea is to decide what strengths each employee possesses, and to assign them tasks that best fit those strengths. The ability to delegate successfully will lead to higher quality work and higher productivity.

    CommitmentNothing shows commitment and humility like getting

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    your hands dirty with the rest of the workers. Showing your commitment sets the example for others to follow, and leads to greater loyalty and respect for you as a leader. Always be committed in whatever you do, whether it is a promise to have a holiday party, a day off, or a meeting time. You are in the spotlight as a leader, and you will be judged harder for your actions than others will be. Set the tone of commitment, and others will follow suit.

    HumorAlthough not a requirement, a sense of humor goes a long way in leadership. It helps create a positive work environment and enhances the feeling of camaraderie. For example, Warren Buffett once said ,I buy expensive suits. They just look cheap on me. Your unique personality and sense of humor shows your employees that you are more than a leader, and that you arent a machine, which encourages them to feel comfortable around you.

    CreativitySome decisions have to be made quickly, and can catch you by surprise. In times like these, its up to you to think outside the box to find a solution. Your team will be looking to you in this situation for guidance, so a quick decision must also be a good decision. Henry Ford faced

    a situation like this when demand for his vehicles was so high he couldnt possibly keep up. Instead of making the obvious decision to hire more people, he thought with creativity and developed the assembly line. You may even brainstorm with your team to build upon some of your ideas. When your employees are involved in a decision or idea, they often feel more invested, respected, and important. When you are in a situation where creativity is necessary, your creativity level and experience can either gain your employees loyalty and respect, or damage it.

    IntuitionSometimes leaders are presented with situations that arent in the textbooks, and for which you might not be prepared. The first decision isnt always the best one, and taking your time to come up with a unique solution can be in the best interest of your workers and organization. Sometimes, leaders have to draw upon their instincts, past experiences, and mentors for help in these complicated situations.

    The road to leadership is a hard one at times, but these qualities will make the destination more rewarding and effective.

    Nothing shows commitment and humility like getting your hands dirty

    with the rest of the workers. Showing your commitment sets the example for

    others to follow, and leads to greater loyalty and respect for you as a leader.

  • 19

    Charismatic leaders and managers create and maintain a work environment where people are emotionally and intellectually committed to the organizations goals. Not only does charisma foster a positive work environment, but it also plays a vital role in helping managers achieve a strong loyalty, respect, and even love from their employees.

    It has been said many times that charismatic leaders are born, not made. However, as Warren Bennis said, Thats nonsense. Charisma is in the eye of the beholder. The beholder is both yourself and those around you, so developing charisma is a two-fold process. It is crucial that you focus on getting to know and understand your people, so you can begin to develop a managerial style that is charismatic to each individual. Yet, if others are to perceive you as charismatic, you must first perceive yourself as such.

    There are many factors to becoming a charismatic leader andthough it takes time to achievethere are things you can do right now to begin developing charisma.1. Build a foundation for your charisma

    Research shows that, in order to be charismatic, you must first possess a high degree of self-confidence. This is the most foundational trait necessary in order

    to have the ability to effectively achieve every other factor in leadership charisma. Assess your self- confidence, and if it is lacking, be sure to work on it every day. This can largely be achieved by adhering to Step 3 (read further), but other helpful practices might include reading positive literature, a healthy diet, and a steady workout routine.

    2. Create goals for all aspects of your lifeSetting goals is crucial for business, but charismatic leadership doesnt end when you leave the officeits a lifestyle. For this reason, set goals for every partof your life. Write down your goals for the following:

    Career and business Relationships and family Finances Health Personal development

    Defining your goals is important for the sake of clarity. Its easy to lose sight of your vision, so writing a clear definition for your goals will serve to renew your vision when the going gets tough. After youve done this, post your goals somewhere you will see them every day. You might even consider making multiple copies and posting them in multiple places. Keeping


    To Becoming aCharismatic Leader

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    your goals in mind is a crucial factor in making them happen!

    3. Rid yourself of negativityNegative self-talk can easily become a habit, so its best to address it immediately. It reinforces a negative image of yourself and your performance, which ultimately reduces your self-confidencethe foundation of your charisma. Next time you find yourself thinking or saying something negative, replace the thought or statement with a positive one.Establish statements that describe what youd like to believe about yourself, and begin reciting them to yourself on a daily basis. The best time to start practicing positive affirmations is today, so here are some examples to get you started:

    I am a charismatic person. I am friendly, approachable, and genuinely interested in others. I am a great listener.

    Optimists are more successful. Optimism is necessary in developing leadership charisma because it is your source of motivation as you pursue your vision. There are many ways to become more optimistic, which include practicing positive self-talk, focusing on goals,

    avoiding sources of negativity, and giving yourself a pat on the back for your accomplishments.

    4. Act charismaticThe way they carry themselves, smile, and look at those theyre talking to are all physical behaviors that charismatic leaders share. Pay attention to yourphysical charisma at work today.

    Watch your posture. Review your physical presence; i.e. how you sit and stand. Correct, upright posture communicates self-confidence, energy, discipline, and strength. Poor posture communicates insecurity, negative self-image, and the lack of self-confidence. Start creating the habit of an upright posture now, as you continue reading. Check your expression. The expression one wears on ones face is far more important than the clothes one wears on ones back. Dale Carnegie, author and lecturer. Use your smile in the workplace; its contagious! As one person smiles, they set-off a chain reaction: that person is mimicked by those around them, and they, in turn, enjoy a boost in their mood. Then they smile, and so on and so on.

    The most dangerous leadership myth... asserts that people simply

    either have certain charismatic qualities or not. Thats nonsense;

    in fact the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.

    Warren Bennis, Leadership Scholar

  • 21

    Make eye contact in your next meeting. Eye contact is an important factor in being perceived as a charismatic leader. Those who maintain eye contact make a longer-lasting, more positive impression of self-confidence and honesty. Generally, you should break contact every three to five seconds, and keep eye contact as long as someone is speaking to you. Master the handshake. Its a simple gesture that seems easy enough, but its an important one, as it is a significant part of first impressions. Stand face to face with the other person with arms at your side, palms inward, and with a comforting stance. Dont forget to make eye contact and smile.

    5. Communication is key.Charisma is all about communicationone-on-one,or in small groups with those working for you. If you havent met with your team recently, get them together to discuss interdependencies and project goals. The next time you talk with your team:

    Keep your messages upbeat. Listen! Communicate one-on-one as much as possible. Solicit ideas, opinions, and suggestions from others. Display common courtesy to all.

    Ask for advice. In your next meeting with a team member, prepare a topic on which you specifically need advice. Dont just asklisten! Build a two-way bond that will foster your charismatic appeal in their eyes. Give praise where its due! Everyone does something noteworthy.

    Make it your business to be aware of notable achievements of your team members on a daily basis. Congratulate and thank them for their effort. Give frequent employee reviews. When was the last time you performed an employee review? Everyone wants to know how they are doing and that they are valuable and appreciated. Make it a point today to individually review your team members goals with them. Do this at least once a month, if not more often. Involve everyone. Though some employees share feedback in every meeting, there are others who rarely do so. When discussing your next big project, seek input from those who tend to remain silent. If necessary, designate time with them one-on-one to ask for their ideas Share your expertise. Brainstorm ideas to start your own blog and establish yourself online. Connect with industry experts on social networks, and share the expertise youve learned from reading new publications, along with your personal opinion. Start today!

    Remember that charismatic leadership is made, not inherent. You can become a walking testament to this fact by applying these tips to your leadership and management style.

    By developing your charisma, not only will you see a significant and positive change in yourself, but others around you will too!

    Dont just asklisten! Build a two-way bond that will foster your charismatic appeal.

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