Download - Trenchless Drilling Tender

  • 8/22/2019 Trenchless Drilling Tender


    BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED(A Government of India Enterprise)

    PART I


    Tender For Horizontal Directional Drilling

    and PLB Pipe Laying works

    TENDER No.AGMCP/ENK/100-1530/11-12/1 dtd at Ernakulam the 7th APRIL 2010

    O/o PGMT,Eranakulam


    SL. No Section No. Location

    1 HDD EKM 01/11 HDD works in various routes under the jurisdiction of

    Ernakulam SSA

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    Bidders Signature

    Part 1 Table of Contents Page i


    Section Content Page No.

    Table of contents i

    Sale details ii

    i Notice Inviting Tender 1-2

    ii Bid Form 3

    iii Tenderers Profile 4-7

    Appendix A Access Network Specifications 8-20

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    Bidders Signature

    Part 1 Sale details Page ii



    Telephone :AGM 2378005; SDE 2378005 Fax STD code - 04842377777

    Tender Schedule No :

    Tender Schedule for

    Horizontal Directional Drilling Works

    in Optical Fibre Cable Route

    Part I

    Name of the OFC Route : Section No :

    Issued to M/s

    Received Rs.563/- (Rupees Five hundred and sixty three only) towards the cost of Tender document as

    per the details given below:

    D.D.No. dated

    Name of the Bank:


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    Bidders Signature

    Section I:NIT Page 2


    (A Government of India Enterprise)



    Telephone :AGM 2378005; SDE 2378005 Fax STD code - 04842377744



    NIT No : AGMCP/EKM/100-1530/11-12/1 dated at Ernakulam the 7th

    APRIL, 2011

    On behalf of BSNL, sealed tenders are invited from reputed, reliab

    le and capab


    contractors for the work ofHorizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) and associated works, at various

    locations under the jurisdiction of Ernakulam SSA. The date of events is given below.

    Period of sale of Tender Document : From 07-05-2011 to 27-05-2011

    (During office hours: 09:30 to 05:00 Hrs)

    Last Date & time for submission of tender : Up to 14.30 Hrs of 28-05-2011

    Due Date for Opening of Bid : 15.00 Hrs of 28-05-2011

    Cost of Tender document : Rs 563/- (direct purchase) + Rs 100/- extra if required by post

    Interested tenderers may purchase the tender document from the office of AssistantGeneral Manager,Cable Planning ,O/o PGMT,Eranakulam[Tel: 0484-2378005, 2378100/ Fax: 0484-

    2377777], by submitting the DD for the required amount drawn in favour of Accounts

    Officer(Cash),O/o PGMT, BSNL, Ernakulam. If tender document is required by post, additional

    amount of Rs 100/-, is to be included. Non-MICR DDs will not be accepted. EMD is to be submitted

    in the same manner.

    The Tender document can also be downloaded from our website

    also. In such case, the cost of the Tender document in the form of DD has to be furnished along

    with the offer, failing which, the tender will be summarily rejected. Amendments if any to the

    Tender document will be notified in the above website as and when they are made. It is theresponsibility of the bidders to note these amendments and submit tenders accordingly. Tenderers

    who are downloading from the web site or purchasing the document may ensure the document is

    for the work they intend to quote.

    The work of HDD and associated works, includes the work of obtaining permissions from

    road, police, district authorities concerned. HDD machines deployed shall be powerful machines ,

    capable of drilling in very Hard Laterite, sandy, water logging terrains etc. Excuses of machine

    problem etc. will not be entertained. Progress shall be monitored on a daily basis, and proportional

    progress shall be given. If proportional progress is not achieved, the tender is liable to be

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    Bidders Signature

    Section I:NIT Page 2

    terminated without any notice. Contractors who are having the resources and capable of doing the

    work as per specifications and completing the work in the targeted time need only participate.

    Further information regarding the tender, venue & time of tender opening etc., can be had

    from the officer calling the tender or from this office on any working day between 10:00 Hrs and

    16:00 Hrs, till the close of sale of tender document.

    The Section details are as below:









    SDE Cable planning

    for AGM CP,Ernakulam



    Section No. Location HDD

    work in





    - nos



    Covers at

    Entry/ Exit

    Point in




    Cost (in Rs)


    Security (in





    HDD Works in various routes

    under the jurisdiction of

    Ernakulam SSA

    17000 17 55 5921000/- 148000/- 1YEAR

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    Bidders Signature

    Section II:Bid Form Page 3


    NIT No : AGMCP/EKM/100-1530/11-12/1 dated at Ernakulam the 7th

    APRIL, 2011


    The Assistant General Manager(CP)



    Dear Sir,

    Having examined the conditions of contract and specifications including addenda No.. the receipt of

    which is hereby duly acknowledged, we, undersigned, offer to execute the work of Trenching and pipe laying

    in Section No. of .route in conformity with said drawings, conditions of

    contract and specifications as may be ascertained in accordance with the schedule of prices attachedherewith and made part of this Bid.

    We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, we will execute the work in accordance with specifications, time limits

    & terms and conditions stipulated in the tender document. If our Bid is accepted, we shall submit the

    securities as per the conditions mentioned in the contract.

    We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 240 days from the date fixed for Bid opening and it shall remain

    binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that period. The contract shall be

    valid for a period of 1 year from the date of signing of Agreement, and the rates approved shall be firm and

    valid for all work orders including that for any extension of the same route or modification of the route or

    branching in case of spur routes that may be issued within the above period (1 year) and remain so until the

    completion of the work assigned under such a work order.

    Until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Bid together with your written acceptance thereof

    in your notification of award shall constitute a binding contract between us.

    Bid submitted by us is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any subsequent alteration and

    replacement. We have enclosed DD towards Bid Security (EMD), as per the details given below.

    EMD particulars D.D.No. dated

    Name of the Bank:


    Dated this of....(the year)

    Signature of Authorized Signatory.

    In capacity of..

    Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of.

    Witness.. Signature..


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    Bidders Signature

    Section III: Tenderers Profile Page 4


    General :

    1. Name of the tenderer/firm

    2. Name of the person submitting the

    tender whose photograph is affixed


    (In case of Proprietary/partnership firms, the tender has to be signed by Proprietor/Partner

    only, as the case may be)

    3. Address of the firm

    4. Telegraphic Address

    e-mail id :

    5. Telephone No. (With STD Code) (Off)




    6. Registration & Incorporation particulars of the firm :

    (Please attach attested copies of documents of registration/incorporation of your firm withthe competent authority as required by business law)

    i) Proprietorship

    ii) Partnership

    iii) Private Limited

    iv) Public Limited

    Passport sizephotograph of the


    signatory holdingpower of attorney

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    Bidders Signature

    Section III: Tenderers Profile Page 5

    7. Name of the


    8. Permanent Income Tax Number,

    Income Tax circle (Attach a copy of

    PAN card)

    9. Service Tax Registration No.

    10. EPF Registration No.

    11. VAT/ TIN Registration No,

    12. License No. issued by Labour officer

    13. Tenderers bank, its address and his

    current account number

    14. Infrastructural capabilities:

    a)Capacity of trenching per day (In Metres)

    b)Capacity of pipe laying per day (In Metres)

    c)Capacity of engaging mazdoors per day

    d)Particulars of vehicles available with thetenderer :

    Type of Vehicle(s) Registration Number

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    Section III: Tenderers Profile Page 6

    e)Particulars of other machines possessed by the contractor which can help in trenching, pipe


    15. Details of Technical and Supervisory

    Staff :



    I. S/o....hereby certify that none of my relative(s) as

    defined in the Tender document is/are employed in BSNL unit as per details given in tender

    document. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false/incorrect,

    BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit/without any priorintimation to me.

    I/We hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct.

    Place : Signature of tenderer/Authorized Signatory

    Date : Name of the Tenderer

    Seal of the Tenderer

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    Section III: Tenderers Profile Page 7



    I.(authorized signatory) hereby declare that the tender

    document submitted has been downloaded from the website no addition / deletion / correction has been made in the proforma downloaded. I also

    declare that I have enclosed a DD for Rs.towards the cost of tender

    document along with the EMD.

    Place : Signature of tenderer/Authorized Signatory

    Date : Name of the Tenderer

    Seal of the Tenderer


    (FOR EPF & Misc provisions Act 1952)

    I --------------------------------------------(name of the contractor/agency) hereby declare

    compliance towards conditions of the EPF and Misc provisions Act 1952 and authorize BSNL

    to recover any payment that arises due to failure to comply with any of the Labour

    legislations and statutory conditions viz., Labour, EPF,ESI etc., or any other acts dealing withthe same and all other acts mentioned in the tender document.

    Place : Signature of tenderer/Authorized Signatory

    Date : Name of the Tenderer

    Seal of the Tenderer

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    Bidders Signature

    Appendix A to Part I : Page 8

    APPENDIX A (to Part I)


    All construction and installation shall be performed in thorough and workman likemanner in accordance with approved standards and shall be subject to inspection and testingduring construction and also final acceptance testing before take over by BSNL. The Pipelaying for Access Network is similar to that for long distance, except for having multiple pipes,and some changes in laying/ protection; higher dimensions of protection pipes etc., Theterms and specifications given here supplement that given in Part II of the tender.


    i. Obtain way leave permission in the most cost effective manner, within the time allotted.

    ii The work which shall be carried out as per Construction Specification contained in Part II ofthe Tender. The work shall involve Conventional Trenching and Reinstatement (CTR);Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD); Related Allied Works (RAW). The various works can besummarised as below. The construction specification given below covers Conventionaltrenching and reinstatement and allied works. The specification for Horizontal directionaldrilling is specified in subsequent clauses.

    iii Open trenching at 165 cm depth & width of 48 cms at top and 40 cms at bottom. The width oftrench can be more if required to lay the requisite number of pipes. However no additionalpayment will be made for the extra width.

    iv Permanently lubricated HDPE pipes (PLB pipes) will be supplied by BSNL in coils of varyinglengths from 200 meter onwards. Spools should be decoiled using jack mechanism and

    bends removed by proper forming so that the pipes are straight. This will be part ofcontractors works and no extra payment will be paid . In addition to the laying of PLB pipes,there may be cases where PVC pipes of straight lengths may have also to be provided.

    v The pipes will be laid in a bunched form or layered structure as per the decision of Engineer-in-charge. Wherever necessary, the pipes should be laid in the trench in layered structure(nest formation) using spacers at intervals of 5 mts, as per the instructions of the site-in charge. In case of the layered structure, the nest formation will normally be (a) 4 pipes X 2layers of 40 mm pipes or (b)3 pipes x 2 layers of 40 mm pipes or (c) 5 pipes x 2 layers (5 X 2)of 40 mm over which two pipes of 75 mm pipe will be laid . The number of pipes to be laidand the structure to be followed could change as per the requirement of BSNL and this will bein the scope of the contract. In between every layer, 5 cm of soil should be laid to providecushion. The position of the pipes in the spacers once designated at the beginning of the

    trench should be followed till the end of duct. i.e., no crisscrossing of pipes in the layeredstructure is allowed unless a transition is required where the layered structure cannot be maintained like bridges, culverts etc., This transition will be done only with the concurrence ofEngineer-in-charge.

    vi 15 cm of soil should be refilled on the top layer of duct over which the cuddapah slab / RCCslabs should be laid through out the trench. However additional protective pipes GI / RCC orcement concreting, should be used in case of less than nominal depth as per the spec .

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    Appendix A to Part I : Page 9

    Where trench depth is between 120 cm to 90 cm, additional protection will be by way ofcement concrete 1:2:4 with 6mm jelly, 10cm thick on 3 sides except bottom, with wire meshas specified in Part II or it can be C type RCC slab. When trench depth is less than 90 cm,

    protection by GI pipe will be provided which will be embedded in 1:2:4 concrete.

    vii Chambering or concreting around the PLB pipes / GI pipes as additional protection onbridges, culverts and also stretches wherever required as decided by the Engineer-in-charge.

    viii Reinstatement of the excavated trench with proper compaction with sand filling as requiredby the local agencies including removal of excess mud. Asphalting is to be done whererequired as per the specification of the road authorities.

    ix Fixing of MS clamps for suspending GI pipes/ troughs at culverts and bridges, if necessary.

    x Construction of concrete chambers and manholes.

    xi Duct integrity Test : Testing of the pipe before and after laying for holding of pressure,detection of air leak etc.,

    xii Offering the completed work for acceptance testing for depth, quality, air leakage & allaspects of the constructions.

    xiii Preparation of 3 dimensional offset diagram showing depth, offset from Center line,edge ofroad, road boundary with cross- sectional views, details of all important buildings, landmarksetc., shall be incorporated.

    xiv While trenching, the contractor shall not cause damage to any underground installations. A

    minimum free clearance of 15 cms shall be maintained from any existing undergroundinstallations. Contractor shall be responsible for care and protection of existing services. If theservices are damaged during excavation or subsequent works, contractor shall pay thedamages claimed by the concerned authority, otherwise, the same shall be deducted frombills of contractor and paid to authorities concerned. In the limits of built up area along thehighways and across, the contractor shall ensure no damage is caused to any undergroundor surface installation belonging to other public utility services and / or private parties.

    xv The Contractor shall provide adequate precautionary measures to prevent caving in of thetrenches while excavation, due to soil condition. At such location width of the trenches shallbe kept sufficiently wide or necessary shuttering / propping shall be provided for the trenches,without any extra payment.

    xvi In order to prevent damage to PLB pipe over a period of time, due to the growth of trees,roots, bushes, etc., the contractor shall cut them if encountered in the path of alignment oftrench without any additional charges.

    xvii Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD): Wherever the trench has to be taken in major roads,

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    Appendix A to Part I : Page 10

    where, the local authorities insist for laying pipes, without conventional trenching, this methodhas to be adopted to. The work involves preparation of pit and making arrangement forhorizontal boring, Horizontal boring at a maximum diameter of 25 cm along and/or across theroad/rail/canal at a nominal depth of 300cm, Inserting multiple PLB HDPE pipes through the

    bore holes, and, Reinstatement of the pit taken for boring the hole.


    I The approved bidder shall obtain way leave permission (right of way) from the concernedroad authorities, including permission for working from police / District authorities. This willinclude the works of preparing the requisition for permission along with the necessarydrawings as required by the highway authorities, get the same duly signed by the DivisionalEngineer (Projects) in charge of the work, and submit the same to the road authorities. Theyshall peruse the case on a continuous basis and get the permission in the shortest time. Therate quoted for trenching/ HDD shall also include the charges for undertaking the work to getpermission. No separate rates will be applicable for getting permission.

    ii The permission shall be obtained within the time specified in the Part II and delay beyond thetime allotted for the work, will invite penalty as mentioned in Part II of the document. Furtherthe permission shall be obtained as per standard rates and for standard width for each pit/chamber location and as per actual berm/ BT. The permission should be obtained in the mostcost effective method for BSNL. The permission shall be applied under the supervision of theSDE-in-charge, and after satisfaction of the DE-in charge .

    iii The restoration charges shall be payable to the highways directly by BSNL on obtaining theestimate along with written permission; provided

    a) the rates are as per standard rates of the respective agency;b) the BT/ Berm claimed are not more than the actuals.

    A.3 Payment shall bea. 75% of running bills shall be paid for the work completed if RCC chambers,

    Manhole covers and DIT is completed for the stretch.b. 90% will be paid after completion of all associated works and cable blowing. c. Balance in the final bill.


    I After the trench is excavated to the specified depth, the bottom of the trench has to becleared of all stones and pieces of rock, which may damage ducts and leveled up properly tomaintain a proper gradient. In case the gradient cannot be maintained, the decision ofEngineer-in-charge shall be final.

    ii A layer of ordinary soil of not less than 5 cm is to be used for leveling the trench to ensurethat the PLB pipe when laid will follow a straight alignment and the same are not subjected toany damage or strain. The ducts shall be laid to a depth so that the distance from the top ofthe upper most duct pipe to the finished ground / road surface will be at least 1.3 m below thecarriage way, unless otherwise specified.

    iii Nest formation of the duct shall be maintained by the use of spacers at every 5.0m interval. Ifthe duct formation has to be re-arranged due to obstructions, the re- arrangement offormation shall be made in such a way that the pipes are to be bent minimum, nothing extrashall be payable on this account. The ducts so formed should be laid straight without anyundulations. In case of curves, the bending radius shall not be less than 2m for 75mm pipes

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    Appendix A to Part I : Page 14

    and 1m for 40 mm pipes.


    Sand filling is to be done to the specified width and depth (30 cm x 20 cm) . The rate for sandfilling shall be quoted per cu. Mtr. Decision w.r.t sand filling for stretches in a section, or forthe entire section will be decided at the time of execution based on the condition of theterrain, and as per instructions of the road authorities if any. Decision w.r.t sand filling is atthe discretion of the Engineer-in-charge. In case Engineer-in- charge decides that sand fillingis not required the same shall not be done, and in case it is decided that sand filling isrequired the quantum of sand filling will be as perthe decision of Engineer in charge.However normal quantum of sand filling will be 30cm width x 20 cm depth surrounding thePLB pipes laid, (exclude volume of PLB pipes in calculation) . In case additional sand has tobe filled, if insisted by the road authorities/ engineer in charge, the contractor is bound todo the sand filling at approved rates.

    When no sand filling is done, the amount payable shall be excluding the rate for sand filling. If

    sand filling is done, payment towards sand filling shall be as per the actual quantity filled.


    Manholes shall be constructed if desired by BSNL. The manholes shall be provided atintervals varying from 200 m to 1000m.NOTE : All iron items MS angles, channel, sheet, rods etc., which remain exposed afterconstruction, shall be hot dipped galvanized as per IS specifications for CC/RCC/Prefab chambers including the inside of angles where the slabs rest.

    I Manholes and Joint Chambers will be provided at intervals of about 200 metres for cableblowing and also for access points. The chambers will normally be provided in the footpath.However if required the same has to be provided in the road. Therefore two types of

    chambers are envisaged. a) CC Chambers : This walls will be built up of solid CC blocks. Thetop will be covered with removable CC slabs. This type of chamber will be used whenmanholes are provided in footpath b) RCC Chambers :Here the wall will be made by RCCcast at site. The roof will also be heavy duty RCC slabs.

    II The duct and manhole construction is to be proceeded and completed together in a particularstretch. Manhole concreting / construction can be achieved independent of the laying of duct.Manholes chambers of nominal internal dimension 1.6m x 1 m x 1.65 m (lxbxd) shall beprovided for the PLB pipes at an average interval of 200 metres or as instructed by the SiteEngineer, while laying the PLB pipes. In a similar manner, manholes chamber may also bekept at the bends that the pipe line may take, approaches to the bridges, road crossings, etc.,as instructed by the Site Engineer. The location of the manhole chamber and the length forwhich the PLB pipes are to be laid continuously will be decided by Site Engineer.

    A.7 Specification for RCC Chambers

    I Manhole/ Joint chambers, due to constraints of the location, may have to be constructed onthe road. In such cases, they should be constructed using RCC as specified below. Thesemay also be required at critical places where caving in due to the soil condition is possibleand such location where RCC construction is required will be decided by the Engineer-in-charge. The general construction practice & dimensions will be as for the CC chamber givenearlier. The wall, roof and floor thickness will be 15 cm, and the drawings for manhole may bereferred for reinforcement details.

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    Appendix A to Part I : Page 14

    NOTE : All iron items MS angles, channel, sheet, rods etc., which remain exposed afterconstruction, shall be hot dipped galvanized as per IS specifications.

    II The Manhole chamber with the said measurement should be constructed using reinforcedcement concrete (RCC) casting. The top of the manhole should be covered with RCC roofwith provision for two openings with cover. The RCC slabs so covered should be flush withthe level of the adjacent ground, footpath etc.,

    III All chambers shall be provided with a sump of size 300 x 300 x 300 mm (depth)placed atcenter of manhole / hand hole.

    iv After excavation, bottom of the pit shall be leveled and shall be free from stones and otherobjects and obstructions. Necessary space shall be prepared to accommodate sump. 75mmcement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mmnominal size) shall be laid in level as a base course. Over this 10 cm RCC with 1: 1 : 3 mix

    shall be laid with 6 mm rod and 10x 10 cm grid.

    v Curing of concrete: After the concrete hardens, it shall be protected from quick drying withmoist gunny bags, sand or any other materials approved by Engineer-in-charge. The curingshall be done for a minimum period of 5 days or as determined by the Engineer - in - charge.

    vi Finishing chambers/ pedestal : The internal faces of roof, walls and neck of chamber andexposed areas of pedestals shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3coarse sand) finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement.

    vii Finishing of outer surface of chambers : Finishing of outer face of the chamber shall be donewith 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 fine sand).

    viii Finishing of floor of chambers : The floor of manhole / hand hole including sump shall befinished with 40 mm thick (av) cement concrete flooring by providing adequate slope.

    ix Fixtures pulling - in eyelet : It shall be secured to the reinforcement bar in the manhole floorand embedded in such way that a pulling force of 3 Tones can be withstood. An eyelet shallalways be provided for each duct nest assembly and placed in the center line of the duct atthe opposite corner or rear corner in the base of the manhole / handhole.

    x Ladder hook: The ladder hook shall be secured to reinforcement bar in the manhole roof /collar. The direction of ladder hook should be such that it allows the vision of incoming trafficimmediately to the person coming out of the manhole using the ladder fixed to it.

    xi Holding bolts for pedestals: These shall be fixed during casting of pedestals. To maintaintheir position, templates shall be used after obtaining their approval from Engineer-in-charge.

    xii Covering plate for pedestal hole : The pedestal hole shall be covered with an SFRC coverplate 10mm thick carrying suitable holes to fit in the location of pedestal bolts. The pedestalplate shall be fixed in position with nuts of appropriate size and the number around the boltshall be sealed with plaster of pares for easy retrieval of the nuts at the time of opening.

    xiii Termination of ducts in the joint / manhole chambers : Concrete or mortar will not bond wellwith PLB duct forever. It is, therefore, advisable not to embed the PLB pipes directly into the

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    Appendix A to Part I : Page 14

    manhole walls. For this purpose, a sand end of the pipe to be terminated using solventcement. The surface is made rough by means of smooth file. Then a thin coat of solventcement, is applied all over about 15 minutes. When the wall is concreted the sand faced

    socket comes in contact with the concrete andtherefore, a water tight sealing is obtained atthe termination joint of manholes.

    xiv Vertical Racking : The arrangement for fixing channels can be done by providing and fixingholding bolts during concreting by providing and fixing stainless steel expander bolt assemblyby drilling only. The expander bolt assembly shall be able to withstand a load of 500 Kg. Thevertical racking shall be fixed with horizontal separation as specified by Engineer-in-charge.Arrangement or fixing horizontal racking to the vertical racking with welding or with nuts andbolts or both shall be done as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Galvanized verticalchannels shall be made from MS Channel ISMC 75 as per drawing. For fixing rackingsuitable holes shall be made in web of the channel. To allow vertical fixing of cable bearers,holes shall be made at intervals in flanges (both sides). Tie bolts for fixing the racking shall bedesigned to withstand a load of 500 Kg

    .xv Frame and cover assembly: The frame for the cover shall be fixed as per standard drawings.

    The top level of frame shall be flush with road level or footpath level as the case may be. TheRCC collar top 20 cm of the chamber shall be with double reinforcement as per thediagram.

    xvi Locking Arrangement For Manholes : It shall be fixed below the opening of manhole coverand frame. The angle iron shall be properly fixed in the walls. Alternatively, if fixed to theceiling, the fixing arrangement shall be able to withstand its self load in addition to load of 250kg on grill arrangement. The locking arrangement shall be provided as directed by theEngineer-in-charge. M.S. channel shall be embedded and fixed to manhole walls at least75mm inside without causing damaged to the reinforcement. The arrangement shall be fixedjust below top slab of manholes as per directions of Engineer-in-charge.

    xvii Loading : The manhole cover and frame shall be able to withstand heavy duty grade ofloading conforming to relevant IS Code, square type and shall be galvanized according toISO : 1460 R & R 1461 or IS4736 1968 unless otherwise specified.

    xviii Manufacture : Manhole cover and frame shall be MS Galvanized. Channels for cover andframes shall be folded with MS Galvanized sheet as per direction of the Engineer- in-charge.The inner cover shall be filled with cement concrete 1:1:2 (1 Cement : 1 coarse sand : 2graded stone aggregated of 12.5 mm nominal size). The inner cover consists of three blocksin each cover placed in the size of square of 1150mm outer frame.

    xix Key Holes And Key : Suitable keyholes or / and lifting arrangements shall be provided inmanhole cover to facilitate proper handling.

    xx Marking : Each manhole cover and frame shall have a permanent marking sunk cast on themproviding following information. Year of manufacture. Figure of BSNL emblem.

    xxi Sump : It shall be located at center of manhole or at location decided by the Engineer- in-charge. The space shall be made in the floor so that sump cover properly rests on it and doesnot rock. Sump cover assembly shall be fixed on the sump chamber. It shall be flush with thefloor level. The sump shall be covered with galvanized G.I Grating of size 330 x 330 mm(having weight not less than 10 Kg. each without frame) of standard pattern and as perdirection of Engineer-in-charge.

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    Appendix A to Part I : Page 14


    I The nominal dimension of concreting shall be instructed by Site Engineer during theexecution of work. Depending on the situation at site and number of the pipes to be laid /used, the cross sectional dimension may vary to ensure proper protection to the pipes as wellas uniformity with any existing structure base on which the GI pipes / GI troughs are placedas demanded by the road authorities.

    ii At both the ends of the Bridges / Culverts were the GI pipes / Troughs slope down and getburied, the concreting shall be carried out to ensure that no portion of GI Pipe / Trough isexposed and further down as required by the site Engineer to protect the Pipe / Trough fromany possible damage externally caused.

    iii Any damages caused to the existing structure such as Foot path or base of the parapet orKerb wall on which GI pipes / Troughs are placed shall be repaired and original condition

    restored to the satisfaction of Road Authorities.

    iv The Contractor shall provide all the material required for the cement concreting work at thesite. Cement Concrete Mixture used shall be of 1:2:4 composition i.e. 1 Cement, 2. CoarseSand , 4. graded Coarse Stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size. Smooth finishing ofexposed surface shall be done with a mixture of 1:3 i.e. 1. Cement 3. Fine Sand.

    v. Portions where cement concreting have been done shall be cured with sufficient amount ofwater for reasonable time to harden the surface. After curing, refilling of the balance depth ofthe trench has to be done with excavated soil. It may be noted that no extra payment isadmissible for arranging material, labour, tools and machine while carrying out the work.

    A.9 STORES :

    PLB / GI / RCC / Collars / end caps / Rope and other materials shall be collected by theContractor from the store dumps of BSNL. The basic rate quoted for the purpose of tendershall therefore take care of all expenses incidental to loading, transportation, unloading anddistribution at site of all materials.


    I All items except PLB pipes and related accessories will be procured by the contractor. Theitems to be procured by the contractor will include the following :

    a) River Sandb) Construction material steel, cement, jelly, sand etc., for Manholes and concreting

    worksc) Warning boards, warning tape, warning cones, flags, signals,barricades, electric

    warning lamps, and bands.d) Jacks, uncoiling mechanism. Etc.,

    ii All materials for use shall be new and duly tested as per approved standards and shallcomply the material specifications. Where no spec is specified, it shall conform to BIS/ ISI /CPWD standards.

    iii Construction of chambers (manhole) should be done as per the specification at places as

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    instructed by the Site Engineer. The cost shall be paid at, with count on basic unit. In casedimensional variation is required due to site condition, the payment will be proportional to the

    volume of material used for chamber (outer volume inner volume).

    iv The stores procured by the contractor will be tested for meeting standards prescribed andonly such material which meets the standards will be accepted and allowed to be utilized.This does not absolve the contractor from his responsibility to replace and redo the work incase of failure of the construction during 1 year from date of completion of construction.


    I Stone aggregate : Stone aggregate to be used in the work shall be hard broken stone andshall be conform to CPWD specification 1996 volume II.

    ii Coarse sand : Coarse sand to be used shall conform to CPWD specifications 1996,Volume II.

    iii Fine sand : Fine sand for finishing to be used in the work shall conform to CPWDspecifications 1996 volume II Note : Where only one variety of sand is available, the sand willbe sieved for use in finishing work as directed by the Engineer-in-charge in order to obtainsmooth surface and nothing extra will be paid on this account.

    A.12 SPACERS : The spacers shall be 2 way, 4 way or 5 way suitable for 40 mm and 70 mm asrequired. These shall be made of ABS thermos plastic material, in any shade other than blackas approved by Engineer-in-charge. Spacers shall be dimensionally stable and withstandextreme weather conditions/temperature variations and shall not break on twisting. Spacersshall give snug fitting to the pipes. They shall ensure 20mm gap between the pipes. Thespacers shall be 2.5 cm thick and as per the drawing with a tolerance of +5%. Length shall beas per number of duct ways. The spacers shall be placed at 5 mt intervals.

    A.13 WORK SPECIFICATIONS TRENCHLESS /Horizontal directional drilling

    I All the specifications mentioned in the Open Trench will hold good unless otherwisespecifically mentioned. The specification given here under is only for laying PLB pipes by NoDig also called as TRENCHLESS /Horizontal directional drilling method using Trench lessTechnology.

    ii Description of work : The work involves laying PLB duct using No Dig method with Trenchless Technology. The trench less method is to be used for laying PLB duct at road/rail/canalcrossings, low road margins, and also laying along road, at different places with varyinglengths . This method has also to be adopted where the Local and Highways authorities insistfor the trench less method.

    iii Underground Services: Ground Penetrating Radar Survey shall be done by the contractorto identify and prevent damage to Telephone Cables and other underground services. Thecontractor will be responsible for all damages to the underground utilities and thecompensation claimed by the service provider should be paid by the contractor failing whichthe same will be adjusted against any amounts due to the contractor including running/ finalbills of this work.

    iv The contractor should collect all available information regarding underground services andtake necessary care to protect them.He should also have sufficient arrangements to identifyand protect such underground services.

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    v The contractor shall carry out Ground Penetrating radar survey along the proposed cableroute at his own cost to identify the underground services and for setting out the rules asdirected by Construction Officer. The contractor shall prepare a route map to and plot theexisting utilities and set the route for horizontal drilling.

    vi The contractor shall take necessary insurance of atleast for Rs. 1 crore (Rs. 1crore peroccasion liability), for payment of compensation in case of any damages. The contractor isliable to pay damages to all third party damages whether these damages are as a directconsequence to the work or indirect consequence. The damages shall also be payable toBSNL in case of damages to BSNL property like cables, concrete ducts, pipes etc.,


    I Horizontal Boring and Insertion of PLB pipes: Horizontal Boring and Inserting PLB Pipe alongroad and under railway/road/canals/streams crossing in all type of soil, at prescribed depth,including all civil works. Supply of all tested lifting tools and tackles & other requiredequipment and consumable, labour etc., and making all such necessary arrangements will bethe contractors responsibility. Total job has to be completed within time schedule mentionedin work order.

    ii In this system of pipe laying, following job specifications should be maintained:

    a) Guided boring/drilling technology is to be usedb) Radio of any other detection system should be used for avoiding damage to

    existing underground utilitiesc) The depth of boring should be such as to clear any underground

    utilities/ obstacles. However, in no case the depth of boring be less than 2.5 m,from the road surface

    d) At the launching point, launching pit with depth of at least 2.0 mtr should be takenand the boring should be launched at minimum 1.65 mtr depth. The trench should

    be taken upto a minimum horizontal distance of 300 mtr.e) In Horizontal and Vertical boring, the system should be capable of going up to 10

    meter below the ground levelf)In a shift of 8 hours at least 300 meters of drilling longitudinal or 3 to 4 road

    crossings should be possibleg)As far as possible pipe should be laid in drum length and cutting of pipe should be

    avoided while laying along road

    iii The HDD location (entry and exit points of bore) marking shall be given by the site engineer.The contractor has to remove the interlocking blocks, foot path stones and / or the foot pathdividers (iron railings) in order to keep the HDD M/s. At the entry and exit points , pits have tobe taken to a depth of at least 2.0 m. As per the marking of the site engineer, the boring shallbe done. After the bore reaches the exit point on the remote pit, the site engineer, shallrecord in M.Book, the depths enroute, every 5 metres and the alignment (offset). If the siteengineer is satisfied with the depth, the pipes are inserted and the bore is pulled back. Thepipes are supplied in the coil form and they should be decoiled and laid parallel on theground. The pipes should be properly formed so that there is no coiling tendency for thepipes. The number of pipes to be laid will be instructed by the site engineer, and shall be

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    bundled and tied every 2 meters with a tie. The pipes shall be brought above surface in theentry pit and end plugs are fixed tightly. In the exit pit, the excess pipe is cut and the end

    plugs are tightly fixed. In case duct laying is completed on the other side, these pipes shall beconnected to the existing ducts through couplers. The coupling at all HDD pits, shall be donewith the pipes in horizontal level and not at an angle, for which necessary trench requiredshall be taken, and the pipes couples at sufficient depth. After the boring work is completed,the pit shall be closed and the foot path shall be restored to original form. The bore sizeshould be sufficient to take upto 4+2 pipes.

    iv At the time of completion of work, the records of actual depths of cable at which it is beinglaid is to be transferred to the Engineer - in charge along with other necessary documentsand drawing. The record of depth should be given at the interval of 5 meters.

    A.15 QUALITY

    The quality of items that are to be supplied shall be consistently of the highest quality, and asper specifications. This clause along with the clause Time is the essence of this contract isof prime importance, and any lapse on either of the clauses will imply immediate termination,blacklisting and invoking of other penalty clauses.

    The material supplied should be made as per specifications, and consistent quality should bemaintained throughout the period of supply.

    Failure to maintain quality will invoke stringent penalty clauses, including rejection of material,termination and forfeiture of EMD and SD, and blacklisting from future tenders.

    To ensure quality, quality evaluation will be a continuous process.

    W.r.t RCC items, the items shall be put up for inspection at least 1 month before the actualutilisation. BSNL officers may be present to verify reinforcement material used and concretemix and curing. Samples of cement, metal, sand, concrete will be collected and sent foranalysis. Sample concrete cube of size 15 cm/ as specified by standards, will be tested forstrength along with strength of item manufactured.

    Firm name, lot no, etc., will have to be embedded/ marked on the items.

    Random samples form each lot of material supplied will also be tested, and in case of failureto meet the specifications, the entire lot is liable to be rejected.

    Testing will also be done during use in the field, and sample test may be done after

    deployment in the network.

    W.r.t items other than RCC, quality evaluation will be done to ascertain the material suppliedis as per the specifications. Conditions of penalty as applicable will be imposed.

    W.r.t RCC items, if the purchaser desires that the items be made at the store godown or anyother place, for better quality monitoring, the tenderer is bound to manufacture the items atthe desired location. However, the contractor will make necessary arrangement for water,power etc., at his own cost.

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    No scrap or rusted iron etc., shall be used in the manufacture of these items.


    NOTE : The RCC manhole covers are to be provided at every entry and exit pit of HDD.If the number of manhole covers exceed 8 per Km, the cost of additional manholecovers (above 8) will be provided by the contractor at his own cost. This is to ensure aminimum shot length of at least 125mtr.

    a) RCC manhole covers consists of two parts (i) GI angle frame (ii) RCC manhole coverslabs.

    b) GI angle frame shall be made of mild steel 90 x 90 x 8 mm to the dimensions as per thedrawing. Vertical and Horizontal clamps as per the drawing should be provided. All joint

    shall be welded. The mild steel frame shall be hot dipped galvanized as per IS standards.

    C) RCC manhole cover slabs shall be made as per the drawing. A mild steel C channelframe shall be made in which the reinforcement as per the details welded. Cementconcrete of 1:1.5:3 shall be used (1 cement, 1.5 coarse sand, 3 Grade stone of 12.5 mmsize) for concreting. Lifting mechanism can be of two types. (a) GI pipe and hookarrangement or (b) Flattened C type handle . Lifting mechanism shall be provided as perthe requirement which will be indicated in the purchase order.

    d) Reinforced cement concrete slabs along with the GI frame shall be embedded on theroad surface at places where manholes / trench have been taken. The strength shouldconfirm to heavy duty, as vehicles will be passing over the same.

    e) All the materials used should be capable of withstanding the effect of water, mud & otherchemical & corrosive effects of the soil and atmosphere.

    f)The materials used shall be of the best quality of several kinds procurable. The materialsused should comply with the requirements given in IS spec.

    g) Mild steel bars used for the work shall be of specified quality mentioned in the IS.

    h) Sand used shall be of fine quality, river sand.

    i)Cement concrete proportion should be 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 sand : 3 Jelly of 12.5 mmsize). Cement used should be rapid hardening Portland cement. Concrete shall be mixed in amechanical mixer, and the mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform distribution of thematerials and the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. Water cement ratio shall be less

    than 0.5 .The concrete shall be consolidated by with vibrations. The concrete slabs shall bestraight and free from cracks. The outside surfaces shall be smooth, dense and hard. Forbetter bond, inner surface of the collar may be finished rough.

    k) Slabs manufactured in compliance with this standard shall be water cured for a period ofnot less than 2 weeks in case of slabs made from ordinary Portland cement, and not lessthan 1 week in case of pipes made from rapid hardening portland cement. Curing shouldbe carried out by immersing the slabs completely in water tank.

    l)Tests: All slabs and frames for testing purposes shall be selected at random from the stock.

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    The manufacturer shall supply, when required to do so by the purchaser or hisrepresentative, the results of compressive tests of concrete cubes and split tensile tests of

    concrete cylinders made from the concrete used for the slabs. A break test should beconducted after the curing of the item, and before acceptance of the same. When the item isdropped from a height of five feet, it should not break and should not develop any cracks.Other tests as mentions in the IS will be carried out.

    m) Quality should be consistently of the highest quality, and supply of poor quality materialwill lead BSNL to reject the material, and summarily terminate the contract without furthernotice. The C-channel welded should be shown to the Divisional Engineer or hisrepresentative, and concrete mixing and concreting should be done in front of the DivisionalEngineer or his representative if so desired.

    n) The following information should be clearly marked on each pipe. i) Name ofmanufacturer & his registered trade mark, ii) Date of manufacture iii) BSNL Southern

    Telecom Project Circle - Kerala.

    o) Compressive strength tests shall be conducted on 15 cm cubes in accordance with therelevant requirements of IS.

    p) The manufacturer shall give a certificate indicating the quantity of cement in the concretemix.

    q) The drawings may be referred for reinforcement details etc.,

    r) Payment shall be made as per the actual quantity supplied after deducting IT, otherlevies, SD etc., as envisaged in the tender.

    s) Warranty : Items should be warranted for a period of 2 years from the date of installation.Any items damaged or broken will be replaced by the contractor during the period ofwarranty free of cost, failing which the EMD/SD/performance bank guarantee will beforfeited to BSNL.


    a) The manhole frame as per the dimensions above shall be fixed at places where test pitfor horizontal drilling has been taken, where open trenching is taken etc., as per thedirections of Engineer-in-charge.

    b) The frame shall be placed on the surface and marking done. The road surface shall be

    chipped to the required depth, and the GI frame fixed after casting cement concrete (1:1.5:3)to a depth of 20 cm and width of 15 cm. Rapid hardening Portland cement shall only beused. The GI frame may be required to be projected above the road for a height of 5 to 15cm (approx) as per the requirement of road authorities.

    c) The top 90 cms of mud from the road surface should be removed from the pit and the pitshould be consolidated by ramming and then excavated mud shall be filled for 30 cm inlayers of 10 cm and properly rammed with water. After consolidation the top 60 cm shall befilled with river sand . The dimensions of the pit will be approx. 1mt x 1.5 mt x 0.90 mt.) Afterproper consolidation, the RCC slabs supplied should be fixed thoroughly and evenly.

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    e) The distance from the outer GI frame to the road surface will be concreted with proper

    slope using concrete of 1:1.5:3 and plastered neatly. The structure shall be cured for aminimum period of 7 days.

    f)Cement concrete proportion should be 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 sand : 3 Jelly of 12.5 mmsize). Cement used should be rapid hardening Portland cement. Concrete shall be mixed in amechanical mixer, and the mixing shall becontinued until there is a uniform distribution of thematerials and the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. Water cement ratio shall be lessthan 0.5.The concrete shall be consolidated by with vibrations.

    g) While doing the work and for the period curing is done, the sides should be barricadedand warning lights/ flags should be provided.

    h) Payment shall be made as per the actual quantity of work done after deducting IT, other

    levies, SD etc., as envisaged in the tender. W.r.t concrete, sand filling payment will be inproportion to the actual measurements.

    i)In case the terrain is sandy, some / full portion will have to be filled and consolidate withexisting sand, in which case no payment toward sand filling will be given. In case sand isbought, then only payment is applicable. Decision of Engineer in charge will be final.

    j)Warranty : Work done should be warranted for a period of 2 years from the date ofinstallation. Any damage or substandard work will have to be redone by the contractor duringthe period of warranty free of cost, failing which the EMD/SD/performance bank guaranteewill be forfeited to BSNL.