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Tree Representation in MapReduce World

IPL weekly-seminar

Yu Liu@NII


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Distributed File System of MapReduce

• A GFS/HDFS cluster consists of a single master (namenode) and multiple chunkservers (datanodes) and is accessed by multiple clients.

• The master maintains all filesystem metadata.

• Clients interact with the master for metadata operations, but all data-bearing communication goes directly to the datanodes

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Distributed File System of MapReduce

• Architecture of GFS/HDFS

– Files are divided into fixed-size chunks

– Each chunk is identified by an immutable and globally unique 64 bit integer (chunk handle)

– Each chunk is replicated on multiple chunkservers

– Chunks of a file are placed as balance as possablein the cluster.

(The Google File System, SOSP03)

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Apache HDFS:

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Inputs and Outputs of MapReduce

• The MapReduce framework operates exclusively on <key, value> pairs.

• Each pair is called a record.

• Applications specify the input/output locations and supply map and reduce functions and other job parameters, comprise the job configuration. The job client then submits the job to framework.

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Tree Data Structure inside MapReduce

• Currently, GFS/HDFS prefers flat data structures/ files, files such as xml is not supported.

• We already know how to represent a file which contains a large list in HDFS (EuroPar2011)

• Tree representation is still a problem.

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How to Represent a Tree in MapReduce

• If we can represent the tree by an list , and if :When this list is split into arbitrary continues sublists,

each split of the list represents a sub tree

After any tree contracting operations on each sub tree, concated sublists can still get a tree

Then such a list is what we want.

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Tree Representation: Balanced Parenthesis

• Balanced Parenthesis (BP) for a ordered tree (Munro and Raman, 2001)

BP: ( ( ( ) ( )( ) ) (( ) ( )) )


2 6

73 4 5 8


2 6

3 4 5 7 8 Outer-planar sequence

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BP Can Be A Solution

• A tree node can be represented by a pair of parentheses :

• node= ( ‘(’ , ‘)’ )

• We want to represent a list of nodes, the nodes should be sort-able

• data HalfNode = HalfNode{lr::Char, id::Int, index::Int}– E.g.: left1 : HalfNode {lr=‘L’, id=1 , index=0} ,

right1 : HalfNode {lr=‘R’, id=1 , index=16}

• data Node = Node { left::HalfNode, right::HalfNode}– E.g. : the root ① : Node {left =left1, right =right1 }

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Parenthesis / HalfNode

• For simple we define

data HalfNode = (Bool,Int,Int)

leftPar: (False, _,_)

rightPar: (True, _,_)

so that a node can be expressed by two HalfNodes,

E.g.: the root ① : { (False, 1 , 0) , (True, 1, 15) }

the node ②: {(False, 2 , 1) , (True, 2, 7) }

the node ⑦: {(False, 7 , 10) , (True, 7, 11) }

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Comparable HalfNode

• A set of HalfNode can be sorted by index to get a BP sequence– data HalfNode = (Bool,Int,Int) – We know each bracket is left or right

• { (False, 1 , 0) , (False, 2 , 1) , (False, 3, 2) (True, 3 , 3) , (False, 4 , 4) , (True, 4 , 5)

(False, 5 , 6) , (True, 5 , 7) , (True, 2 , 8) (False, 6 , 9) , (False, 7 , 10) , (True, 7 , 11) (False, 8 , 12), (True, 8 , 13) , (True, 6 , 14) (True, 1 , 15)}

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Sub Trees

• A sub sequence indicates the sub tree:

( ( ( ) ( ) ( ) | ) ( ( ) ( ) ) )

1 2 3 4 5


2 6

73 4 5 8

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Sub Trees

• A sub sequence indicates the sub tree:

( ( ( ) ( ) ( ) | ) ( ( ) ( ) ) ) ( (

1 2 3 4 5 1 2


2 d

d3 4 5


2 d


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Sub Trees

• A sub sequence indicates the sub tree:

( ( ( ) ( ) ( ) | ) ( ( ) ( ) ) )

1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8


2 6

73 4 5 8

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Sub Trees

• A sub sequence indicates the sub tree:

( ( ( ) ( ) ( ) | ) ( ( ) ( ) ) ) ) ( ) )

1 2 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 2 6



7 8



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Bottom-up Tree contraction

• When we concat two sublists

( ( ) ( ) )

1 2 2 6


2 d





2 6

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Sub Trees

• { (False, 1 , 0) , (False, 2 , 1) , (False, 3, 2)

(True, 3 , 3) , (False, 4 , 4) , (True, 4 , 5)

(False, 5 , 6) , (True, 5 , 7) , (True, 2 , 8)

(False, 6 , 9) , (False, 7 , 10) , (True, 7 , 11)

(False, 8 , 12), (True, 8 , 13) , (True, 6 , 14)

(True, 1 , 15)}

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Splitting and Grouping

• We can split a list and group the elements of each sub-list in MapReduce.

– We extend data HalfNode = (Bool,Int, (Int, Int) )

• Here (Int, Int) is the index /d and index

• For the BP-MR sequence, that means we can split a tree by number of brackets

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Practical Data

• Real data are associated to left-half-node

– data HalfNode = ((Int, Int), Bool, Int, Map)

– For right-half-nodes, let Map be always empty/null

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Bottom-up Build a Tree

• A list a items as input

• Make a sparse list of “leaf”:E.g.: [ ((0,100),False, 100, data1), ((0,101), True, 100,

null) , ( (0, 200), False, 200, data2), ( (0, 201), True, 200, data2) .. ]

( 100) (200) (300) (400) ….

• Insert parents ( ( 100) (200) ) ( (300) (400) )….

50 250

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– XML file is just a BP representation

An example of a xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?><note>

<to>Tove</to><from>Jani</from><heading>Reminder</heading><body>Don't forget </body>


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• XML file can be easily transformed to BP-MR

– Operation:

• query – by xpath

– By id / index

• Parallel parsing ?

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Hieratical Clustering

• This work is not finished

• Usually, clustering algorithms are related to two categories: hierarchical and partitioning

• The more popular hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) algorithms use a bottom-up approach to merge items into a hierarchy of clusters.

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Hieratical Clustering

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Hieratical Clustering

• The Average-link is one of the most popular algorithms for hieratical clustering

• Average link: The distance between any two clusters is the average distance between each pair of points such that each pair has a point in both clusters

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GTA Algorithm for Hieratical Clustering

Currently only for the first merge step• Initial data are a set of items• map makeNode items

where makeNode item= ((0,0), False, 1, item ) , ((0,0), True, 1, item )

• Input are a BP-MR sequence but only left-half• Generate: all possible bags• Test: only keep pairs• Aggregate : the minimum distance pair• Post-process : new HalfNode pair which is parent

of aggregate’s results

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• Hard to do insertion

– Appending to the tail is easy but insertion into other place is difficult

• Parallel generate BP-MR sequences

– Ideas: first generate skeletons of a tree

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Skeletons of a Tree

• For example

a = 1000, b = 2000, c= 3000 …

Index_a = 1000, index_b=2000, index_c = 3000 …

Index_a’ = 8000, index_b’ = 4000, index_c’ = 6000 …


a e

fb c d g

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• Thanks

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