Download - Treball vicent ferrer 4t b

Page 1: Treball vicent ferrer 4t b

Some Recipes

• Bread with tomato

• How to cook calçots

• Canelones

• Catalan Fabada beans

• Cake of ‘recapte’

• Our rice pudding

• Panellets

Page 2: Treball vicent ferrer 4t b

Bread with tomato

1.Take the bread.

2.Take the tomato and cut it for the half with a knife.

3. Spread the tomato to the bread, please start with a half of the tomato and if it is ended use other one.

4. Leave the bread on a clean plate.

5. Put salt and oil without abusing.

6. Put ham, cheese or another type of sausage on the bread on the part of the tomato.

Ingredients: · Bread · Tomato · Oil · Salt · Sausage (Cheese, ham, salami)

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“Calçots” with Romesco sauce -Romesco Sauce Ingredients for 4 people:

-12 toasted almonds.-10 hazelnuts.-1 head of garlic.-5 hot peppers or 2 peppers “romesco”.-2 ripe tomatoes.-1 cup olive oil.salt and pepper.-1 / 2 cup of vinegar (good quality).-1 slice of bread fried-1 slice of hot pepper (if desired)

-Cooked on the barbecue until they get inside, the “calçot” is like a green onion dip it in sauce that takes on a taste treat for the palate.

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Catalan Fava BeansINGREDIENTS

-1kg of beans-400gr of black Sausage -200gr of bacon-Salt-Pepper-A leaf of “laurel”-Twig of thyme-Broth of meat-1/2 teaspoonful of sugar -Virgin olive oil extra -2 garlic cloves -1/2 teaspoonful sweet paprika.-1 glass of anise or brandy.-1 big onion-3 mature tomatoes -1 twig of fresh mint.

1- Cut and puncture separately garlic, onion and tomatoes.

2- Cut the bacon in strips and cook it in olive oil. Once fried we put it in the casserole where the beans are going to be done.

3- In this oil the garlic and onions are sautéed, with slow fire. When they are fried, we add the tomatoes, and are sautéed together approximately 10 min more.

4- Everything is passed to the casserole, together with the bacon and the beans. They wrap up themselves and are sautéed during 5 minutes.

5- We add anis, all the grasses, the broth, the salt and pepper, the sugar and it is left to cook everything I join, to slow fire, during 10 minutes.

6- We put the black sausage, leaving it 20 more minutes.

7- Past this time, the sausage is extracted and is reserved. The rest continues being cooked softly until

they are tender.8- When they are ready,

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Catalans Cannelloni

Ingredients for Catalans Cannelloni:400 gr beef,1 / 2 chicken1 stem of celery,12 onions2 tomatoes,2 garlic cloves,1 bay leaf,Bechamel - 1: 1 onion, flour, nutmeg, butter, oil

Bechamel - 2: flour, butter, milk

How do Catalans Cannelloni step by step: 1 - Take a pan with oil and place the chicken and beef (cut into pieces) to brown. When it starts to brown add the chopped vegetables and cook over low heat. Then put a little water or broth and cook the meat. Once done, remove them and mash with a little of the broth and then set aside. 2 - Then prepare a bechamel chopping finely chopped onion and put it in a pan with some oil and butter to soften. When we'll add 2 tablespoons of flour and knead the flour to brown, but not burn, "then put the milk, but little by little, without stopping to think over the bechamel, until we find the right spot . You must have a body, a thick dot. When it is, put a pinch of nutmeg. Mix well together and add the meat, leaving the dough rest, better than one day to another. 3 - The second bechamel: In a pan, add a bit of butter and a little oil and when hot add 2 tablespoons of flour, mix well to take color, but not burn-and then the milk gradually, stirring continuously. Remove and set aside. 4 - Place in a baking tray sling-better-not flat and cover with the bechamel, then put cheese on top and some small pieces of butter, it helps them to brown.

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Cake of ‘recapte’IngredientsIngredientsFor the dough: 500 gr. flour, 30 gr. of yeast, salt, 1 cup water, 1 dl. of olive oil.For the garnish: 3 ripe tomatoes, 3 onions, 3 eggplant, bell peppers 3, 6 sardines (or sausage, or tuna, or herring), parsley, salt and olive oil.

PreparationWork the dough without oil until it is enough consistency. Let stand about three hours to ferment. Meanwhile, make the "aubergine", that consist in roast the peppers and eggplant in the oven or if you have them, in the embers of fire. Peel, seeds are cleaned and cut into strips. It gets to the batter and mix the oil. Again let stand about thirty minutes.

Finally, lay the dough on a baking tray arranged above the finely chopped onion, the tomato, the ‘aubergine’ and sardines, and sprinkle with parsley. It's only bake about thirty minutes at 180 º C.

The tastingThe tastingIt can be eaten hot, freshly made, but the traditional way of consumption is cold and overnight. Personally, I like it with the dough a little hard. If you go to Catalonia, don’t forget to try this specialty because you’ll like it for sure.

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Our Rice pudding

Put the rice in cold water and set it on fire until the boil, then drain it. In another saucepan, place milk, lemon peel, a piece of cannon cinnamon and sugar. Stir and wait until it starts to boil. Add the rice and cook, for 22 or 24 minutes and simmer. You can complete and submit this dish in 2 ways. Put it in two bowls and leave to cool in the fridge. Stir vigorously in a bowl to accelerate cooling. The first presentation is to sprinkle a little cinnamon over the rice. Io To introduce the second way, take the

rice has cooled more quickly, fill out a small circular mold, and accompanied it with a piece of lemon peel and a little cinnamon foam . To make this foam, place cream and cinnamon to boil, cool in the fridge for 24 hours, and mount it as a normal cream. Sprinkle some sugar over the rice, and burn it

with the burner.

• Ingredients :

-200 rice g -1 milk l

-200 sugar g -1 lemon peel-1 cinnamon

-dust cinnamon

• Preparation:

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Ingredients for 6 persons:• Butter: 80 grams• Lemon: 1 unit• Sugar: 100 grams• ground anise 1 pinchGals

• Sugar: 30 grams• Milk: 70 cl• candied fruit: 100 grams• Pine Nuts: 50 grams• Eggs: 4 units• Flour: 300 grams• Yeast Powder: 20 grams• Cinnamon powder: 1 pinch

Preparation:Estimated time: 30 minutes• Sift the flour and give it a volcano. In the center of the volcano are added sugar, milk, 3 eggs, anise, cinnamon and a pinch of the skin of the lemon previously scratched.• A sprinkle the table or kitchen and marble? While mixing these foods with your hands until you get a fine paste and uniform• Meanwhile, melt the butter and let cool a bit because it burns. Add the butter to the pasta along with the yeast and mix again. It must be elastic and malleable mass, if we have too hard, you can add a little milk• Once the dough is well mixed seeks to give an oval shape and put a tray previously greased with butter and sprinkled with flour. Leave the dough rest for about 15 minutes.• After this time, beat the remaining egg and brush the dough with the egg. Then spread the pieces of candied fruit and pine nuts on top and sprinkle with sugar Gauls.• Lastly put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees and

cook until it is of auradeta.

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PANELLETS• Panellets are typical sweet food that we eat in Chestnut which is a Catalonian

holiday • Ingredients

½ kilo of ground raw almonds, ½ kilo of sugar, 250 grams of boiled potatoes, 2 whole eggs, yolk and saffron. (You can also add scents such as lemon, coconut, etc.). For panellets varieties, this time we will take 150 grams of pine nuts, almonds 150 grams and 125 grams of grated coconut.

• Preparation Baked potato with skin, peel after cooking and let cool. Mash with a fork and mix well with sugar, then add the ground almonds and the essence, and mix well. (Do not add all the essences in the same mass, to mass groups for each different type of essence). Separate the yolks from the whites two eggs, reserve them and pour the yolks into the above mixture stirring to blend all ingredients. Place in separate bowls and chopped almonds, pine nuts and a third of the coconut. Start making balls and reserve a third of the dough to mix with the remaining coconut. Batter the panellets first passing them through the egg white and then by a pine nuts and almonds the other. Go panellets depositing on baking sheet covered with parchment paper or aluminium and a little flour. Preheat the grill to 170 º C for warms. Proceed with the preparation of panellets, form small balls of coconut and coconut batter with the dish, also. Toss the tray. To finish, brush the surface of panellets pine nuts and almonds with egg yolk mixed with saffron, and they are ready to bake for 10-12 minutes, checking to see removed when they are golden.

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4th B students

• We are the students of 4th B and on february we tasted the payasam.The food was very good. It made me think a lot to our rice pudding, but had a difference, taste. But the taste was good.

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4th level students singing and dancing

a song in the Day of Peace