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Cambodia is not widely known by travelers, but the Southeast Asian country is fascinating because of its beautiful beaches, magnificent temples, ancient culture and rich cuisine, which makes this destination an exciting travel option.

The country has over 180,000 square kilometers, but most all of it is composed of forest. The flora and fauna is a great attraction for nature lovers, because it is really diverse.

What people usually think about Cambodia is: civil war, poverty, and adoption of needy children, but the country is much more than that. Because Cambodia is not a very popular destination the prices are really low, the natural reserves are untouched and it is a whole new culture to be explored.

Cambodia is still going through a reconstruction process after the civil war that killed nearly

one third of the population. Any Cambodian citizen older than 35 years old was part of one of the bloodiest communist authoritarian polities of the twentieth century, either as victim or executioner. Visiting Cambodia is a real history class, an architectural delight and a survivor experience.

Millions of citizens were forced to leave their houses and were work in concentration camps, watching family members die from starvation, diseases or even be murder. In a few lines, the Khmer Rouge (Cambodian Communist Party) tried to kill all the people who had studied, such as intellectuals, artists, teachers, doctors, and others, the one that got away alive were the ‘pure’ and ‘non-corrupt’ peasants, and also those who got to trick the executioners.

In 1993 the UN was on a peacekeeping operation in Cambodia, organizing and running

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Besides being the capital, Phnom Penh is one of the most attractive cities in Southeast Asia. It is not a very big city and most of its attractions are downtown, their nicest neighborhood. You will see huge contrasts at the streets, such as Buddhist monks walking in their colorful robes through the chaos of the streets with motorbikes, tuk-tuks (motorized tricycles with a cabin for the transport of two, three or six passengers), bicycles and vehicles try to find a space in the crowded streets. And do not be alarmed if you are walking and an elephant pass you by.

an election and taking over the country’s Khmer Rougecommunist regime. In order to restore civilian rule, restore peace to a country destroyed by a civil war and conduct free and fair elections, this intervention led to a new constitution for the Cambodians.

Its official name is Kingdom of Cambodia or Royaume Du Cambodgeand the official language is Khmer, even though Vietnamese is also spoken. The population is mostly Buddhist and worships each and every temple of the country.

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The climate in Cambodia is mostly hot and humid with temperatures ranging between 10°C and 40°C. There are three well defined seasons: the cooler season occurs between November and February, the hottest is between March and June and the humid season is from June to October.

Another important climate characteristic are the tropical monsoons over the country. The Southeast monsoon winds blows toward the northeast between May and October, as the northeast monsoons blow from the countryside to the coast, providing the dry season between November and March.

Because of the climate, the best time to visit Cambodia is during the winter, between November and February, this way you can get away from the high temperatures. If you do not like rainy days, do not go to Cambodia between June and October, the southwest monsoon rains are really strong.

When it comes to holidays, Cambodians have a different schedule because of their culture and religion.

- Victory Day (Jan. 7): This national holiday celebrates the end of theKhmer Rouge regime in 1979.

- Meaker Boch (February) is a national holiday celebrates the spontaneous assembly of monks to hear the preaching of the Buddha.

- Khmer New Year (April 14-16), a national holiday that celebrates the New Year in Cambodia. The holiday lasts three days and is considered the most important festival of the calendar.

- Vishaka Boch (April or May): This national holiday was established as a Buddhist celebration of the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha.

- Royal Ploughing Ceremony (May) is a national holiday for the beginning of the planting season.

- Human Rights Day (December 10): This national holiday celebrates the UN General Assembly and the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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There are several options to get around this country. Regardless of where you are the best option is to rent a bike - available in many sizes - which is everywhere and are easy to get to most places. They are also called “tuk-tuks” and you can see entire families riding on top of one of these.

Renting a bike and using it as a means of transportation is also a great option for those who enjoy cycling.

Another option is to take a boat or even rent one. That way it is possible to sail on the Mekong river, that leads to the Gulf of Thailand and Tonle Sap lake (largest lake in Southeast Asia) and enjoy all the beauties of the coast, the Sanloem, Koun, Seh islands and many others.

Sihanoukville is one of the main river ports and it is located in the Gulf of Thailand, and there are other ports located in Phnom Penh.

Another option, but not very advisable, is to drive or take public transportation. The roads are not safe and well maintained, except for the main routes like the A3, which runs along the entire coast, A4 and A5 that are in the countryside.


You can enjoy the cultural, archaeological, natural beauty and every detail of this fascinating country.

- Phnom Penh, the capital of the country has a wide variety of entertainment options, monuments, nightclubs, great restaurants, theaters, museums, malls and many others.

- Angkor Wat, located 5.5 km from Siem Reap, it is the largest and best preserved temple in the Angkor region. It is the only one with religious significance, which got

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through the civil war in Cambodia. Today it is one of the most important archaeological treasures of the world.

- Royal Palace: located in the capital, the residence of King Norodom Sihamoni was built in the nineteenth century. The Royal Palace is actually a peace sanctuary in the bustling metropolis, there are art pavilions, lush gardens and numerous temples built in traditional Khmer architectural style. It is rich in golden detail sand is a famous sight in the country. Do not forget to wear clothing that covers legs and shoulders when visiting this palace. It is opened every day from 7:30am to 11am and from 2h30pm to 5pm. You need at least 2 hours to visit the whole place.

- Tuol Sleng, is an ancient center of torture and detention of the victims of the massacre in Cambodia. It is a freaky place, but part of the history of this country marked by violence. It is located in Phnom Penh.

- Choeung Ek, is another place marked by the difficult history of this country. It is a former death camp that now is a museum. You can see the graves and even a glass tower with human skulls. It is located 15 km from the capital. Opened every day and.

- Sihanoukville, is the country’s main beach resort with beautiful white sand beaches and tropical island. Even though there are technological advances, it is still possible to find a rustic atmosphere here. Serendipity Beach, the most crowded one in the city, has several tents with comfortable lounges and even wi-fi internet for free. It is often visited by European backpackers and there is a festive atmosphere all year long.

- Krong Koh Kong, southwest of the country, is a perfect place to enjoy a more countrified experience. You can find beaches with crystalline waters accessible only by boat, mangroves, mountains, forests and waterfalls almost deserted. At this small town there are many hotels and comfortable guesthouses and several restaurants. Krong Koh Kong is bordered by Thailand which is 10 km away. But do not forget that you must walk on marked trails, it is estimated that there were still about 4 million mines and unexploded buried throughout the country.

- Mekong River: one of the most interesting activities to do while you in Cambodia is to fish at the Mekong River, the largest in Southeast Asia. When boating, and fishing, you still have the opportunity to enjoy one of the most impressive landscapes with houses and villages on the riverbank.

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The capital Phnom Penh has a wide range of hotels at different prices. In Sisowhat Quay there are 4 star hotels, where a double room costs around $ 140. In Sras Chok there are many inns where the rooms cost between $3 and $12. In Siem Reap you can find hotel rooms from $6 to $1.200 per night. The hotels closer to the ruins are the most expensive one.


Put in a saucepan a bit of Vietnamese herbs, a few spoonfuls of Thai sauces, mix it all on a Chinese way, do not forget the Indian curry and you will have the Cambodian cuisine. The Khmer cuisine is a pleasant mix of everything that Asia has to offer, and is always made with fresh ingredients and usually cooked over charcoal.

The food in Cambodia is really cheap. For less than a dollar you can try a stir-fry, spring rolls,


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bagels and fresh fruit at the stands of street vendors. Another inexpensive option are the street markets, where several tents compose a kind of food court, each one of them with its own specialty.

In coastal cities like Sihanoukville, the seafood is plentiful and cheap, curry shrimp and a dish made of rice costs about three U.S. dollars in restaurants by the sea. Another typical dish of the region is the Fish Amok, a fish made with coconut milk and steamed in a banana leaf.

At the capital and Siem Reap there are many options of restaurants with international cuisine, they are exotic and very interesting. Cambodia was strongly influenced by the customs of China and India, so rice, fruits and hot spices have an important role in the local cuisine. The river crab, for example, is usually accompanied by sauces, condiments and spices, with a peculiar and remarkable touch of the Cambodian cuisine.

For dessert, tropical fruits are the most common option and, to drink, beer is widely consumed.


The best place to shop in Cambodia is in the capital Phnom Penh, where you can find shopping centers, fashion boutiques and even small and traditional markets. With a wide

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variety of products, from conventional to the exotic, everything can be found on the Combodian streets.

In other cities like Kep, Pailin, Sisopho or at coastal cities of Cambodia is also possible to find small shops and a large number of traditional outlets where you can shop while enjoy your vacation.

STREET MARKETSThe street markets are everywhere in the country, especially at Phnom Penh. Rich silks, souvenirs, local foods and many bargains, usually open at 6am. At these markets, you can drink beer at 50 cents.

CURRENCYThe local currency is the Riel (KHR), but the U.S. dollar is also accepted in most places of the country, except in non-tourist areas. The shops, even small ones, are prepared with two types of currency. One dollar costs about 4,000 riels.

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